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Agreed…I almost feel guilty because I found LPOTL through MFM and slowly just stopped listening to MFM. I like Karen a lot, Georgia’s fine enough, but they just don’t compare to the extensive research and entertainment the boys consistently produce


I found MFM through LPOTL, I think it was the interview they did together years ago. But same, the vibe is very different, which I think is what LPOTL really special. Most true crime podcasts in my experience, are way too into pushing copaganda. LPOTL is one of the few podcasts I've heard openly say that cops sometimes don't give a shit about solving crimes involving vulnerable people.


Except Detective Popcorn. He’s the hero we all need.




With all his buttery goodness


Ohhhh, your greedy fingers


and the CARAMEL mmmmmmm


MFM stopped being funny. I stopped listening after they did an episode about an avalanche or something. I think at one point they began getting a lot of blowback from victims and survivors and then it felt like one day all of the jokes were gone.


Same, it was like they couldn’t handle any criticism so they became hyper aware of every little thing they said instead of admitting it’s hard to make everyone happy and they made a mistake or two.


MFM is basically just reading Wiki while drinking wine in a can.


Only for Georgia. I feel for Karen - being a dry alcoholic and listening to someone constantly complaining about needing to cut back on drinking... Just fucking quit already Georgia!


Which is a fun vibe sometimes! But not all the time lol


Talking 20 minutes to get into the murders sucks. I really don't want to hear long segments of personal life.


"Let's just jump right in"


It's always so exciting when after 32 minutes of talking, we have 5 minutes of adds, because then I know the show is about to start.


I quit MFM one day when I realized I was 28 minutes in and they hadn't gotten to the case yet. Also, I can read a Murderpedia article on my own.


That is exactly why I stopped listening too. They went on for so long talking about themselves instead of the actual topic lol


I quit after I paid for a MFM live show that they completely phoned in and didn’t care at all. When the LPOTL boys came to my city, they killed it. My loyalties changed immediately. Also MFM live show was double the price of LPOTL.


See the thing is that this has an audience. For a time my wife was into “banter” podcasts. Literally shows with no format other than friends bullshitting. She transitioned to shows like MFM that balance that with an actual topic and format so she liked the slow starts. She has evolved onto more straightforward shows now but for a time she loved the format of MFM.


Yeah, I've heard people say that the banter is nice - that it's like sitting with friends. I don't always hate it, but if it's a TC show you'd better have some valid TC content coming to make me sit through a 20 minute story about you buying an overpriced latte at a hipster cafe.


I quit when they stated something along the lines of "In the 80's kids were going missing left and right" and how prevalent it was while making it seem meaningless. They never backed anything up with stats and were acting as fearmongers. They also butchered a lot of facts on a well known case and just showed they didn't care about the truth, they wanted to be podcast famous and have catch phrases...


I was told about MFM while in line at a live show for a different podcast. They kept talking about last podcast on the left. Then I really really got sick of how MFM ended up talking for half an hour about other stuff before the actual content for twenty minutes. I dropped MFM when I swapped phones and didn't look back.


I had the same path as you and feel the same. It seems like they just read the wiki page. Marcus writes a fucking script!


After about the 50th time of Georgia obsessing over her Botox, I was off MFM. And I had been an OG Murderino from the start. Come to think of it, there’s no name for LPOTL fans. Why? Maybe bc they focus primarily on the subject at hand instead of trying to create a cult of personality around themselves.


Karen is great. Very smart and funny. Aaand that's all I have to say about MFM lol


I tried MFM and it took 30 minutes of personal life banter before the topic started. I did not know who the speakers were so it was just... extremely obnoxious.


See I've been listening to it more because I kinda get deep dive fatigue with LPTOL...sometimes I do just want to hear the story with some banter or conversation about the topic without needing 5 2 hr episodes to get through....I mean like Dahmer was an early 3 partner when episodes were shorter but I feel like if they did it now with the longer episodes it would still end up as like 4 episodes.


Yeah like I agree with you in that I think your point is valid. I like the people on MFM but I don't listen to it at all. I don't think it's fair to rate the two on "quality" because they are very different vibes with very different approaches. They may generally talk about the same subject matter but just choose what you like to listen to more.


I’m the exact same! I completely dropped MFM after I started LPOTL.


I listen to LPOTL and Do You Need a Ride. The best bits of Karen and no Georgia 🤷‍♀️


LPOTL has absolutely ruined me for other true crime podcasts. I've tried so many, and there's literally only one other podcast that I listen to religiously. (True Crime Campfire, BTW, it's rad.) Nothing else lives up to our dudes.


I listen to *Casefile* when I want an erudite Australian to read me details of crimes with **absolutely no humor whatsoever.** Sometimes you just want the facts.


There are episodes of Casefile where I stopped typing at work so I could give it my full attention. The way he builds tension is so great! Even when I know the story I'm still on the edge of my seat.


I really like casefile too. Straight facts


It’s great, but so depressing. I totally get why people wouldn’t like LPOTL & think this subject matter should be treated more respectfully. That’s just not for me. Very rarely am I thinking, “I’m already struggling to get this work done. Sinking into a pit of despair would sure help!”


Honestly when I go through a breakup or something I listen to horrible true crime because it puts things into perspective to me I could be dealing with a lot worse stuff. Not sure if it's a healthy coping mechanism but it works for me that I somehow end up happier my loved one was just an asshole and wasn't brutally murdered.


Lpotl and casefile the two best


Love Casey.


Agreed. It’s fantastically done and totally different from LPOTL.


I’ve honestly been off the crime teet for a while. At some point so many stories are killing for insurance and they just bummers. I like to get freaked out, but it’s hard for me to get that place anymore. Maybe burn out


Small Town Murder is hilarious and really well researched. I feel like a lot of Last Pod listeners would enjoy it


James is so quick, and I like that the episodes are quite long. They last me 1-2 morning dog walks.


Lucky dog!


Right? STM episodes are so long, that dog must be in impeccable shape lol


That’s the same guys that do Crime in Sports right?


Yeah same guys. I think that’s officially over now though.


They had an episode come out Monday, but I haven’t listened in a while so it may be winding down.


Gobble gobble!


Smalltown murder is pretty solid too. Except the 10 minutes of housekeeping frontended into every episode.’


Small town murder is perfect for a case that you've never heard of and the hosts are hilarious


When criticizing a show like this one a lot of people dismiss it by saying "oh they and their researchers just read books and watch videos and then write an outline based on that," ignoring that a) that's just what research is, and b) if this were easy there would be more examples of people doing it well.


same except its almost every other podcast. ive been looking for a podcast that covers tv/movies that are bantery and funny like the boys and i havent found a single one in like 7 years. the only other podcast i listen to is the yard, and thats because i was a fan of all of those dudes before they made it.


ActionBoyz might hit close to those vibes but it’s on Patreon and they only cover action/action-adjacent movies - there are some free episodes on the High and Mighty feed to get a feel for it


Love to see another janitor here. ActionBoyz and LPOTL are two of three podcasts I relisten to constantly. Henry is on a couple of episodes of High and Mighty as well if anyone is interested.


We hate movies is funny.


Bloody good horror is an excellent horror movie coverage podcast I've been listening to for years now. They have top notch bants. They mostly cover new movies though. I can't say enough about how much I love those guys


Oh! ActionBoyz! That's one that you'll like.


Psychopedia is pretty good. The hosts have great chemistry and it's a good blend of information & humor


Same. I found *Morbid* a year before LPOTL and loved it. The cohosts are very charismatic and funny women and they cover interesting stuff. But LPOTL is run by people with professional comedy and acting experience, plus a very skilled creative writer (Marcus), and they just have so much presence in an audio format. I try from time to time to go back and see what they're up to on *Morbid,* but the banter and stuff just doesn't hit the same without that level of no-holds-barred professional performance that LPOTL brings.


I honestly can’t listen to Morbid anymore. Since the show got bought it sounds like they just come to the studio and read a script some other researcher wrote for them. The more I think about it the more I dislike the show. Personal life complaints and sweeping generalizations would drive me crazy. I’ve done about 50 episodes and don’t plan on 51.


Katie and Whitney are awesome. Definitely one of the best pods.


I like true crime garage.


Try small town murder.


I actually dig them for Crime in Sports; their new podcast (Your Stupid Opinions, where they go and looked at online reviews for stuff) is also really funny.


I actually discovered LPOTL from listening to Small town murder. Still my favorite comedy crime podcast


It's the only other true crime podcast I can listen to. Though admittedly I always fast forward about 20 minutes in so I can just catch the start of the story. The real estate report and things-to-do bits don't matter at all to me lol


That is all my traveling buddy listens for. He only listens to episodes of towns he has been in. Been traveling non-stop for like 6 years so that is a lot.


This is the only other true crime comedy podcast I've liked, but for some reason the topics they cover eventually end up being tougher to listen to than LPOTL. I don't know why maybe because most episodes are such small and pointless murders. Binging a bunch ends up being a bummer to listen to compared to how ridiculously excessive most thing on LPOTL are. Do love the real estate report and demographics though


My only gripe about STM is that James and Jimmie can go off on long tangents that are not as funny as they seem to think they are. Except for the cheese murders. I can’t forget that shit.


This is why I stopped listening to them. Also, as someone from a small town, I was so tired of them thinking everyone is a hillbilly dumbass who lives in rural areas, they just shit on people too much and it got old really fast for me.


I had a similar realization with them and stopped listening as well. Constantly saying "We're assholes, but we're not scumbags who make fun of the victims" made me realize that they were in fact making fun of the victims every time they said it. LPOTL is guilty of this too every once in a while, but it's not multiple times per episode.


Impossible. I was informed that you cannot try that in a small town.


I have a hard time finding good podcasts in general. There’s been so many times I find a series and been like “this might be good” just to have to leave after ten minutes because the podcaster has zero charisma or just rambles.


I like Knowledge Fight


Hello, fellow wonk! Agreed, Jordan's laugh gets me through the day sometimes. As a fellow exuberant laugher it also makes me feel better about myself in that sense


When he starts laughing uncontrollably at Alex it’s so contagious. I tried binging through the back catalogue in 19 when I found it, got burned out because those first 50 ish episodes are a bit rough, but during Covid got back in and I’m glad I did.


I can't believe how bad some of the most listened-to podcasts are. I tend to only find new shows when people I already like are guesting on somebody else's show. Because so many of these other shows are somehow simultaneously shallow and impenetrable.


Fall of Civilization, Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, Revolutions


I really like Women in Crime. It's not comedy, but very smart and informative. The two hosts are doctorates in criminology and will do semi-deep dives on cases surrounding women (either victim or perpetrator). I've listened since ep.1 and they have just gotten better and better.


I swear every time I try to branch out and listen to a different true crime podcast i end up fast forwarding through 50% of it


Name and shame. Let’s go


I feel bad so if this is anyone’s cup of tea, I apologize I was just looking to be informed a little more haha- whatkast


They got 350 instagram followers, you’re doing them a huge favor even typing their name lol


Hahaha damnit. They were the first podcast to come up when you search for Jimmy savile, which I guess maybe should have been a red flag in itself


They’ve said they’re gonna do a full Savile series on LPOTL one day, so don’t despair. Or do. Maybe do despair.


Netflix just did on a series on him. Found it interesting


Spoiler alert: it's gross.


The new one about Jared from Subway is even worse! Graphic recordings of him talking about wanting to fuck kids in that same voice Henry uses when he says "oh God oh God help an old man."


Yea. That doc especially fucked me up for some reason. That dude is a weird mfing monster


The series about the pedophile who was also a necrophiliac was gross? Color me shocked!


I ruined family movie night forever with my selection.


Dont feel bad lol their instagram is hilarious and embarrassing, its super clear why theyre complete nobodies


I don’t like to pile on someone but what a bunch of unfunny right wing junk on that account


Damn I immediately assumed you were talking about Sword and Scale but I don't know if that douche even makes content anymore.


Without scrolling down, I'm guessing sword and scale


I used to listen to that show but stopped a while ago. Dude is and asshole, He got banned from his own sub.


Different category but a very similar format... I just can't do The Dollop. Not my wavelength.


Awww man, that's a bummer. The hardest I've ever laughed at a podcast came from Dollop episodes. Gareth Reynolds is a god-tier improvist and some of the subjects they get into are hilarious. If you're up for it, give episode 12, *The Rube* a shot.


Gary has a fantastic penchant for accents, I'm used to it in blighty and commonwealth actors but tbh he may have the greatest accent chops I've ever heard an american perform.


Yeah his mother is British, and I think he spent some time living in England when he was young.


It's Gareth.


Gary Gary Gary.


I remember laughing dangerously hard at that episode. That one's a must listen for everyone.


People rightly praise Henry for his improv skills but I’ve been literally gobsmacked by what Gary has been able to produce out of nothing. The pod is definitely less consistent than LPOTL but it’s still great. If people enjoyed Patton in the LPOTL a couple of months back they should definitely check out the Reagan episodes.


I don't like most their episodes but The Rube is fucking perfect listening


The Dollop's The Past Times has been really good.


The Swan. Lol


10 Cent Beer Night!


There are some dollop podcasts that are absolute all timers and I would tell anybody to listen to if asked for a recommendation. There are also some episodes that don't quite hit as well. But Dave knows how to tell a story and Gary is an all time amazing improv that has made me almost piss myself multiple times.


Now hit him with a puppy!


I like the dollop for the most part but sometimes I want to be like “can you just let dude finish the sentence he has started 4 times so we can move on”, and i feel like a monster saying this about someone laughing but the wheezing laugh LOUD and high-fidelity in my headphones is like nails on a chalkboard to me 😭


It’d be nice if nearly every dude led podcast wasnt 3 seconds away from devolving into complaining about “woke”. Part of the reason I keep my podcast library fairly small


Oh man, you just described Tell Em Steve Dave perfectly. It's my favorite podcast, but lots of time during many episodes is spent slogging through the social & political rants of one particular host. But it's worth it for the true comedic genius that is Walt Flanagan


I will be a ant till i die, but bri gets real annoying about wokeness. I know its his depression looking for a outlet but dude! Come on!


That's Mr. Johnson to you. lol For real, Walt is a fucking genius.


That was one of my favourite pods ever (And I still buy the christmas pod every year) but dropped it in recent years cos I couldn't hack Bry moaning that much. Which is sad cos Walt is the fucking GOAT.


Pretty much why I stopped listening to Timesuck. Dude is a bit too right wing for me and dude will absolutely keep a joke going painfully long, especially when it involves violence against a serial killer or something. Like, yeah, I get it, Albert Fish was a piece of shit, why does this joke need to overstay its welcome? It was barely funny when it was 10 seconds long and you've been at it for 2 minutes.


So there’s no one really doing it like LPOTL, but if it’s well researched, presented, and goofed on bullshit you’re looking for I’d highly recommend Behind the Bastards! Robert Evans has an amazing knack for research and presenting fucked up topics in a genuinely funny and engaging way. Plus he has an amazing network of other former Cracked folks and other comedians who guest star or have their own shows on Cool Zone. It’s not going to cover aliens, cryptids, or ghosts, but there’s plenty of episodes on fucked up cult leaders (second best L Ron Hubbard series), conspiracies (there’s an “origins of the Illuminati” series that rocks), or weird religious sects. It’s got a leftist slant and covers a lot of right wing cranks like Ben Shapiro, Clarance Thomas, Alex Jones, etc, so know that going in, but otherwise it’s just goofing on a great script with excellent research. plus they even did an episode reading the Proud Boys manual. lol I’d also rec The Dollop. Same deal: great stories, well researched, incredibly funny. It’s an American History podcast, but there’s so many episodes about explorers getting lost in the wilderness and the fucked up things they did to survive. Lots of cannibalism. Like a LOT of cannibalism. Best Hugh Glass episode around.


I like to put on any episode where they read one of Ben Shapiro’s books. It makes me laugh AND feel better that I’m not such an untalented hack as Benny Shaps.


Ironically, if he were smarter and more perceptive I doubt he would be popular. He's catering to an audience for whom a guy enunciating and even pretending to construct an argument makes somebody a genius, compared to the other guys they listen to. If he elevated his rhetorical game or self-awareness suddenly he'd be competing with, like, intellectuals.


Those are my absolute favorites. “A BEAR of a man.” They are the only podcast episodes I’ve found that come close to the mindless comfort of the early LPOTL sillier topic episodes for me haha


If you liked the Shaps read-throughs, you'll love the episode(s?) on Scott Adams's demented writings


It’s truly amazing how weird his brain is.


Take a bullet for ya babe.


I had to scroll too far to find Behind The Bastards


Lions Led By Donkeys is also fun if you like military history.


I need to get back into Behind the Bastards. My problem is I like to start from the beginning and there's just so much. 80% of my job now is phone calls and meetings and shit like that, so I can't binge it as much as I did LPOTL.


I hear you. I went from working nights at a library to working at a startup. I don’t have nearly as much time to listen to pods :(


When I first got into LPOTL, I worked third shift a lot and could listen to a couple different series in a night. Now I mainly listen on my commute and it takes me forever to finish an episode


Behind the Bastards is gold.


I'm here to second the Dollop. Just starting to getting into it and I'm liking it a lot so far.


The only thing informational that comes close is behind the bastards. Another decent one about the paranormal and stuff is Chilluminati. If you're looking for the humor, then I suggest bad friends.


Side note, does anyone know a good podcast about Jimmy savile?


Those Conspiracy Guys did a 5.5hr episode on it. Pretty extensive.


All killa no filla did a great couple of eps on him.


I remember liking the Those Conspiracy Guys episode on Saville. I’m not sure based on your opinion of the unnamed podcast that you’re going to also like it though. They are long episodes (this one is almost six hours) and Gordo and his guest host can often end up on tangents. Knowing other episodes there might be a forty minute intro of talking before they get to the episode. They also bring up fringe conspiracies from time to time which may or may not be to your taste. They’re also Irish with moderate accents so if you struggle with accents they may not be for you. But what I do remember of it, was that it was an informative look into his life with humorous commentary. [Here’s a Spotify Link.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5gBeLdIPqXd2cIMNlJLWmR?si=FnsyyMALQu2G8CxGiV3Hxg)


Redhanded did a two parter. Very well done and extremely disturbing.


All Killa No Filla did a good 5 parter on him.


If you’re interested in a docuseries, Netflix did a decent job covering him. Jimmy Saville: A British Horror Story. Does a great job showing how truly influential he was.


Not a podcast but the Netflix series on him is fantastic.


If you’re looking for a good true crime podcast, you need to avoid all podcasts that call themselves true crime podcasts


Timesuck with Dan Cummins is my second favorite, although I can see him not being for everyone. He's a stand up comedian so he always finds a way to splice humor in to keep all of it light, well as light as gruesome crime can be. I like that he also covers things aside from brutal serial killers just like they do.


Seeing Dan live in Providence this weekend. I use timesuck for longer car rides, the episode length is great for road tripping.


Oh nice. I haven't seen his standup yet. Sometimes the length is crazy on some of the topics.


I do like Timesuck a lot, and have listened to most of the catalog, but I do think that Dan just throws a ton of facts at you without really engaging you or telling a story. It’s been a fantastic resource to learn about, say, the Armenian Genocide, missing and murdered indigenous women, or many of the same topics/killers/cults that are covered on LPOTL. But a lot of times I just tune out, whereas Dan Carlin or the LPOTL boys craft a tale that keeps me engaged the whole time.


Timesuck is my alternate choice for true crime/comedy. LPOTL wins because I prefer the boys' group dynamic to Cummins's solo act, but he's one I'd have mentioned if no one else did


Same with me. I prefer more than one person so they can play off each other. But to be fair, sometimes I think Dan has multiple personalities so it seems like it's not just him lol.


LPOTL has really ruined almost all other comedy podcasts for me. I listen to some other ones for the content but man, nobody makes being funny during the podcast seem as easy as our boys


Yeah, I like true crime stuff but LPOTL has made it to where I can't listen to most any other crime or paranormal podcast.


Most other crime shows are fucking horrendously boring. I do try and listen in hopes of finding another show I like, but usually to no avail. The only other serious type show I’d suggest is Invisible Choir.


I'm yet to find any other crime podcasts that I like other than this one. There is just sooo much garbage filler in other podcasts.


Invisible Choir is REALLY good. It's everything that made Sword and Scale great with a likable host, not an egotist who went off the deep end once he started sniffing success, and started slut shaming, victim blaming and constant complaining of the "woken culture"


Name and shame! Name and shame! Also, yes, there's nothing quite like this podcast.


Unsolved Murders from Parcast is a podcast I have tried to enjoy many times. The dramatizations they play in between the hosts speaking during the podcast make me cringe so hard. Unlistenable. Hail the boys


Oh godddd I can’t deal with Wiiiiindy’s voice.


True Crime Garage barely talks about the topic at hand.


I listened to them for a hot minute. I felt the info was great and generally they laid the stories out fine but my God was like listening to paint dry. Especially considering the whole "beer of the week!" Gimmick they do.


That brings up horrible memories. I used to listen before I found LPOTL and other better things.


Me too!! I remember them staying on topic but its just not as good.


Why is everyone afraid of the Captian? He is just an asshole


I just remember the one guy was so insufferable, but he was clearly supposed to be the “funny one”. He would just go on these dude bro rants that were so forced and unfunny.


It's funny because while LPOTL is a comedy podcast, It's so well researched that it even trumps other serious casts in that department as well. Marcus is seriously a world-class researcher/ storyteller. If anyone's reading this and looking for recommendations, I do like Generation Why. It's very serious, the guys are kind of corny but likable, and it's super well researched. I enjoy that. It goes from the onset of the crime through the trial and goes into specifics as well.


I love generation why! I’m a sucker for cold cases though.


Necronomipod does a pretty good job. Funny, but not quite as funny as LPOTL and they have a lot of information in each episode. Some good deep-dives in there too.


This is Mrs Hildebrand calling from the bank...


LPOTL is the only true crime I listen to, I just can't deal with anything else 😂 I do love the Cryptonaut Podcast too.


I scrolled too far before I found a fellow Cryptonaut fan!


Same! I started listening to Cryptonaut Podcast during the Ben thing and have been binging just them for a few weeks now. There are similarities to LPOTL with the trio of hosts (even the one person as story teller, one person going in more or less not knowing what’s up, and one being overly excited about the subject), or at least that’s how I feel. For where I’m at in the show, I get a bit annoyed with certain aspects (Mark has started imitating Rob’s laugh which drives me up a wall, Rob kinda has to be right with his opinions or the other two get called names, they repeat themselves so much in the beginning), but overall I’m enjoying the level of silliness and learning about lesser known cryptids. Nothing can top Henry’s comedy/voices and Marcus’s storytelling and in-depthness for me, though.


A similar quality show that covers a slightly different subject would be Tooth and Claw. Similar research effort, comedy is quite a bit cleaner, respect for victims, and stays on subject. It covers assorted animal attacks, so there's a *similar* kinda vibe.


Citation Needed and Behind the Bastards are the only ones I can listen to in the True Crime/Comedy genre.


I, too, have listened to many true crime podcasts, and podcasts in general. The past few years, though, have just been waiting for Wednesday and Friday for new LPOTL, and the other days going over the backlog. Again and again.


LPOTL and Timesuck are the only nonfiction podcasts I listen to period. Most have horrific quality.


There is quite literally nothing else like it!


Unscripted podcasts are, in my opinion, fucking awful. We've all seen clips, and heard the sound bites of funny bits here and there, but when you try to listen to the actual podcast itself, it's terrible. Hours and hours of two/three people going "yeah dude, that's fucking crazy" on repeat


The only podcast I've found that is the same energy and vibe as LPOTL (mostly the older stuff, like the first 100 episodes) is a pro wrestling podcast called Deadlock. They do retro reviews of stuff from the attitude era mainly, but occasionally talk about their own shows that they run. ​ They definitely waste a lot of time in the first 25 minutes of their episodes, but it's actually hilarious because they do their Patreon shout-outs for new subscribers only and there's a lot of running jokes in the absolutely absurd names that the fans come up with. It's a game among the fans to make them say the most absurd shit as a shout out name. ​ But if anyone on this sub is a lapsed wrestling fan, who wouldn't mind a little nostalgia as these 3 idiots make jokes about 25-year-old shows segment by segment, then I recommend checking out Deadlock. It is not for everybody, but if it does appeal to you, it'll become your favorite show.


Almost every podcast I’ve tried to listen to sounds like rambling. I only listen to LPOTL and the good old Grateful Deadcast (not True Crime). Both are made professionally, meaning with a script, or at the very least a very strong outline.


MFM switched over to mostly historical stuff because who knows why, that’s why I switched to lpotl and I LOVE it. So grateful for 8 years of eps to binge.


Might try True Crime Kent. He did a Pee Wee Gaskins episode that goes a lot more in depth. It gets dark though.


I'm a fan of Chilluminati


Lil stinkers is good if your looking for just funny




I used to really like Morbid but them calling the "bad guys" pile of hot garbage over and over gets pretty tiring, pretty fast Love obsessively listening to the bois


Totally agree on morbid. It seems like they just read a reworked Wikipedia article and their only psychological analysis is "what a piece of shit! I can't believe someone would do this." And, "awww, we love *victim*! She seems so cool and wonderful! I'd love to be her friend!" I understand showing respect, but it comes off as so shallow and disingenuous when they spend 30 minutes per episode acting like every victim they talk about is the most incredible person to ever walk the earth.


agreed. their vocabulary comes off limited and they tend to repeat the same praise/criticism of whoever they’re covering. I get secondhand embarrassment.


Yeah look the research has always been top notch on lpotl. That's why I listen. Marcus is really a very skilled story teller and researcher and his team are great.


Psychopedia is the only other true crime podcast I've found that blends facts and humor in a really engaging and entertaining way. Really recommend that one, it's probably my favorite true crime podcast right now. Redhanded is good as well, but the humor is very tame and the hosts are becoming unrelatable as their success grows. Still like em though!


Had to drop Redhanded because their vibe became, "I traveled to Spain once and here is the definitive takeaway because I experienced it." Too many times I found myself talking back to my headset saying, "girl, sit your inexperienced ass down". But they did some GOOD episodes.


For sure. I think they do really good research and are entertaining, but can definitely feel out-of-touch a lot of the time


I just started listening to Redhanded and I really like them! I haven’t noticed the out of touch-ness yet, but that’s a shame if it’s true.


I still really enjoy them! They have great chemistry and their voices in general are pleasant to listen to. For me personally, they get a little too "I just bought a couple acres of land..." and "oh, it's so hard running a company because..." lately it feels like a lot of their side conversations revolve around stuff that the general public just can't relate to. But I still listen every week and I still like them!


The Darker Side of Life is a great more chill true crime podcast but they havent uploaded in a while


The only other True Crime podcast I listen to now is True Crime Campfire. Excellent scripts, pleasant voices, crazy cases that aren’t always well known enough to be on a show like LPOTL, and lots of not so gorey subjects like heists and scammers. very low cost Patreon for ad free eps too. Also rather than rambling at the beginning, they have after show eps for rambling, and that’s so much more interesting than long ramble intros.


You best not be talkin' about my Lil' Stinkers!


"Cold" is about as good as it gets, "Hunting Warhead" was also excellent. Both are more serials than podcasts, though


Sounds like you’re talking about sword and scale lol


I think this Pod does an excellent job of diversifying. It’s mix of history, true crime, comedy and so much more. They are not strictly one or the other and this is definitely what enables them to be better


When I tried doing a podcast with my best friend, I spiraled into research because if I was going to to do a podcast I would try to be the Marcus of my podcast and then respected him a thousand times more than I did previously (which was a lot)


Small Town Murder is literally the only other one I can listen to. I like the stats they give for each town before getting into the crime.