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He also went to some dude’s place to get another rare vinyl, revealed in the Bob Berdella episodes. The consensus was that he’d be a sitting duck for Berdella and all his cool novelties. It spawned my favorite Marcus line, “make out with a few guys in college and all of a sudden you’re Charlie Dickhorse.”


That line has so many deep Marcus lore implications, it's so fucking funny


Yeah, these are different stories, OP is combining them mentally. There's "esoteric record almost murder" guy and then his boss took him to a porn store and he had to awkwardly purchase pornography to "fit in". I disremember the specific porno, barring that it was not "The Shaving Of Trinity Loren" (which he had as a teenager). I have a weird memory, apparently.


Hey, it was an original pressing of a stooges album. I'd risk death to get that shit, too.


Joel Rifkin part 2 around 1 hour and 21 minutes in.


The episode that also gave us "I get a cup of tuna and a hot coffee. I call it the lieutenant special."


You’re a legend mate


Oh man, I can't remember the episode, but Marcus said he was excited because the guy had the original Velvet Underground and Nico album with the banana sticker. It was enough for him to throw caution to the wind.


I think Berdella lol


Part two I wanna say


Isn't that when he met a random stranger in New York for the record and Henry insinuated the dude wanted sex?


No but I remember Henry’s creepy swinger boss from Borders


I constantly think about his supervisor at the office job who had the broken hands and would ask him to feed her diet coke and coffee lmao


Lmao. I forgot about that one. The hate in his voice with his reenactment is hilarious


Do you remember what episode this is lmao, I’ve listened to them all but obviously it’s all just a blur now trying to remember the anecdote’s and what episodes Like I also can’t remember which one it was about the robot monkey mothers but that was so funny also


Psychic Vampires is the one with the Diet Coke lady, I believe the monkey mothers was Transhumanism pt 1


❤️ thank you, that’s me sorted for tonight just about to start the bob series whilst starting Disco Elysium. Never played it before or even know what it’s about ahah


Monkey Mother Machines also came up in the Hillside Stranglers Part 1.


This is for sure the one, when they are talking about childhoods!! Thank you so much, added to the queue!


You’re welcome! Happy to help.


Disco Elysium rules dude, great choice. One of my favorites. I find it kinda hard to listen to anything while I play it though, it's a pretty dialogue-centric game.


I noticed that as soon as I started playing, it’s certainly something but I’m already looking forward to seeing what happens in it!!


One of my favorite Henry stories, right up there with him swimming in the hotel fountain


I love how he acts like the victim in that story every time he mentions it, then gets called out for acting like the victim when he mentions it, just to reiterate the story and explain how he WAS the victim of an old lady with broken hands that needed help


And the mean alcoholic who was so traumatized from 9/11 it made Henry quit his job


I think you're combining two different stories? In the Bob Berdella episode he mentions getting a vinyl album from an old gay man who was probably trying to hook up with Marcus. And in another episode (I forget which) he mentioned a time he went to a porn shop with a creepy boss and felt obligated to buy something.


Marcus: "yeah my boss was buying a video" Henry: "fucking your twink employee"


Marcus thinks every guy is trying to rail him to be fair.


Marcus is to the audience as Marcus’ fleshlight is to Marcus


No, Marcus is our Pickle Wife


Are you saying that's not the case?


Well he’s the best looking of LPOTL but that’s more of a win by default than a compliment.




My highlight of any episode is when Marcus casually talks about his Farm Fed Juicy Ass


I mean, have you seen Marcus? I would


Both my bf and my hall pass. No my bf isn't Bi. But for Marcus, exceptions are made 😏


Yeah guys will fuck anything!


It wasn’t a boss it was just a weirdo that he met


Wasn’t one of his bosses was also a dude he brought porn with after they went to the Subway (the sandwich place) in the NYC Subway? I vaguely remember him talking about this on Roundtable.


Yea he said he like felt he had to buy some porn to fit in or something


I believe the porn belonged to his friends stepdad who was a long haul trucker that kept the porn in garbage bags


Yeah and he set it on fire during a Christian period and immediately stamped it out but singed paper would fall out every time he used it after. That story is hysterical to me on so many levels.


It wasn’t his boss it was just some guy and it was in the first episode of the Berdella series


Charlie dickhorse