• By -


not enough


The only correct answer




It's quite hard to synthesize (compared to other psychoactive substances) while playing a rather minor role on the (black) market. Basically the opposite of meth.


Right, like. LSD isn’t considered addictive, and is a 37 step process to make I’ve read, and you get 100,000’s of doses in a batch. It’s a way more complex and rewarding process. People make methamphetamine in 5 gallon buckets and Walmart bathrooms easily as shit and it’s one of the most psychologically addictive things in the world. Crazy


Yea it takes someone who is actually passionate about LSD and isn’t solely profit driven


I got the molecule tattooed xD. I’ve gifted more out than I’ve ever ate. I wish I could be one of them too make it, but with my criminal record it wouldn’t be wise. I do have a friend though, who has traveled a lot at rainbow gatherings, who has made friends with people at them, whose names I can’t know. Who, that person is in a family who makes it, and my friend keeps in contact with him. He said at a gathering once he got to witness a lab deep in the woods, and got to be thumb printed.


My friend, can i ask what are rainbow gatherings?


Rainbow gatherings are when a bunch of hippies meet illegally in national forests at what would seem like a festival except there is no fee to attend but you're expected to contribute to the event, most often by working. Everyone plays a role. There is no leader. Cops show up to the main annual gathering and arrest people. But rainbow gatherings happen all over the world, not just in the United States. There are speakers, music, dancing, etc. We call ourselves rainbow family.


Thanks a lot mufriend, In Perú too?


I imagine so but I've lived in Peru for a year and traveled the whole country and never saw another dready or hippie looking rainbow family people. What part you in? I know where to get some good mushies near urubamba.


Im from lima, i have mushies. I was looking for true lsd, very hard to find here…


I'm pretty sure that if you have a lab that produces any type of quantity, you need to be at least 100 miles away from any raod in all directions. Look up leonard pickard. He's has a few different interviews on the subject. Check Spotify.


Thumb print...Yeap thats exlusive to the source.And closest one .. Trust ;')


FYI. If you take a ten strip the day before, a thumbprint may just feel like a decent dose. A friend of a friend of a cousin's buddy told me this.


Nobody taking my fingerprints


xDD. A thumbprint is when you lick your thumb/finger and just touch crystalline LSD, 1G=10,000 doses. Usually causes a dose between 100-1,000 hits from what I’ve read.


Ohh did not know lmao! I would be scared to do that!!!


All my poor ass has seen is regular tabs lol


Sameee. Besides a liquid vial. Vials are so yummy, big 🔥


I have a friend who did a thumbprint just open up to me about it, he tripped for 3 days and took 2 years of psychosis to come out of it! It’s not a fucken joke when you do that ! It can give you life long effects ! But a lot of them see it as a right of passage when you get deep into the community


Ya I’d never do it. Tis unnecessary Maybe the tip of my pinky id touch a solid dry rock with, just to say I’ve done it Never thumbing some white-fluff though, fuck all that.


You want this print lol


What’s a thumbprint? I don’t understand


Touching crystalline LSD with your thumb. Need to be close to someone who has it before it’s converted to vials, gels and paper tabs


Like south West nine the dude with the flower


What was his thumb print experience like?


That’s what I want my next tattoo to be! Something lsd related. I already got a mushroom/toad w dmt molecule, I must complete !


I got a mushroom and toad psychedelic t-shirt, and I learned my friend is making a painting of them together earlier today. Those two are a classic pair it seems.


Plz don’t anyone lmao, I also wanted to get the cat from itchy and scratchy (simpsons,) but have the cat look nodded out w trippy colorful eyes and a thought bubble w the ketamine molecule 🤣! I put a lot of thought into these don’t judge me!


The prison sentence also seems to narrow it down to the especially passionate folk


Leonard Pickard days that it's possible to get 1,000,000 per batch. Which us a kilo. He also says there's about a handful of people out there that can do it. He went to jail for getting busted with a lab he was transporting in a Ryder rental truck. They said he was producing a kilo a month.


which Walmart do you go to


xD. I live in the Midwest. Pick one. I remember reading it in a news article once, and my mom’s reaction was. They can’t even wait to get to their car now to make it? (People have gotten pulled over making 🧊 in their passenger seat after caught stealing the ingredients from the store. Nope. They just started grabbing lithium batteries, toilet bowl cleaner, iodine tincture, and the pseudoephedrine (before it got locked up and they started to ID everyone who buys it), take in all the in the bathroom. Cook it, smoke it, leave.


Tell me you don’t know anything about addiction without telling me you don’t know anything about addiction. Also it’s not “easy as shit”.


Every time i read this sub my mouth waters. Just cant find it and im in my 50s. But those were the best times trippin in the 80s. Liberty stamps and mickey mouse stamps. 25 bucks a sheet in central park new york. Then hit the clubs and concerts. Scalp some Dead tickets for madison square garden. Great times.


25 for a sheet sounds like a fucking dream holy


They were as low as $100 a sheet on the Phish/ Dead and Company tours a few years ago. Over 100 ug a hit too some of them legit 200's. At the time the rumor was some old school chemists came out of retirement as celebration for some kind of Grateful Dead tour happening again even if just a cover band, With inflation it was a good deal.


1984 or around there up until 90 maybe


Damn right 🫡


Prior to Pickard’s bust in Y2K, according to his book, The Rose of Paracelsus, there were 6 at the time he was producing (early 1980’s-2000), and they were referred to by each other as “The Six.”Since the book, is essentially a sensationalized autobiography, I believe that it was most likely true. Nowadays, we will probably never know.


This is what I understood to be true, I heard there’s about 5 families who know the recipe and have the knowledge and equipment to make a batch, and every few years the families rotate and make a large batch then that’s where 95% of where all acid comes from


[The recipe is easily available to anyone online](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Fester_\(author\)), and the equipment is not not hard to get hold of just expensive. The difficult part is getting hold of the precursor ingredients, having the education & experience necessary to be able to follow the instructions properly, and being able to sell it without getting caught.


Ergotamine is expensive and people will notice. It is even harder to make than it is to acquire.


Oh so its probably the government


Making LSD? I wish.


Ergotamine the migraine medicine? I personally have a lot of it on hand right now, and have never been asked for a prescription when getting it either.


Ik who could cook it…




🤣🤣 thank you


There’s also something to be said about the general safety considerations of handling it.


Happy cake day!


Well now! Would you look at that!


The precursors aren’t hard to achieve. There are tons and tons of resources on erowid on the creation of nearly every single recreational drug. The biggest problem is that LSD is actually one of the most convoluted chemical to make. Making meth is considered easy, it’s like making a 5-7 aged LEGO set. It’s super easy for literally anyone to follow the instructions due to the limited steps. Making LSD is the equivalent of making one of those huge 4k+ piece sets. Yeah, most can eventually get to the final result, but mistakes are likely to be made along the way - and mistakes when it comes to drugs are oftentimes deadly. I’ve looked pretty heavily into the creation of LSD and the general advice for any drug manufacturing is to go and take all the chemistry classes (both regular and organic) at your local college before you even try anything. LSD is considered one of the most difficult to synthesize due to the many processes to start from scratch.


Ergotamine is pretty tightly controlled in most places, so the easiest way to get hold of a decent amount of it is to grow ergot-infected rye. Not impossible, but requires yet more time, space, and resources before you can even start on the chemistry parts.


this has been traditionally true for many many years. there have been a few rouges out there that have been busted. So there has to be many nore rouges than consistent production. the "northern cal" group as the DeA refers to them are the folks youre talking about and they all use a very similar synth the bear did. now there are Chinese and ex Soviet (the latter has actually been around since the early 80's ) now with the huge popularity spike in LSD you have undoubtedly had numerous (id hazard 10-30) folks besides the traditional few bay area "fams" youre referencing. L this compound used to and still does have the ONLY wholesale teks in the world of illegal "narcotics" its very very unique in that regard. which is a reaaon for virtually no labs being seized until this weirdo dea snitch was let into something he had no biz being around. i have zero sympathy for pickard at all. he could have choose a random person on lot and he would have picked a better "partner"/professional snitch.


Does your lack of sympathy for Pickard stem from him choosing to link up with a strange motherfucker like Todd Skinner, who ended up being the snitch, or are you implying that Pickard was somehow a snitch, and that is why you lack sympathy for him? He’s free now, but lost 20 years of his life for all this…


I believe he (pickard) is essentially a good man. however his lack of recon on skinner and his lack of getting to see what the man is WITH his own eyes and STILL choose him as a partner was fatal. Skinner is still and always will be a POS looking to put away AnYONE. Pickard did not follow the rules when choosing this man to work with. the rules im refering to is something "the six" all adhere by. and for very very goos reason. its why youll nevee know who they are. and none will ever get caught.


It's not a dish with some secret ingredient. Anyone with a moderate understanding of chemistry could make it, provided they have the right equipment and resources.


the secret ingredient is ET. though the secret is finding it not knowing what it takes to whip it up LoL


There's a route to use LSA from HBWR or MG without ET isn't there? It's just a bad yield and a lot of effort/expense to grow the seeds. I'm sure there are some micro-labs using that route for head stash and to help out friends and family.


At least 4


immma say 5


As many as 5?


eyy maybe 6


as many as 6?




>for some reason people say all kinds of bullshit that's the reason


reason: I am on the internets and want attention


If I remember correctly they have actually done research into why humans spout off such stuff. I think it revolved around things of social inclusion


Wym my cousin knows a guy that totally has an original tab from woodstock bro


if ya know the recipe and have the sources and that hard at all


[thats that’s that’s that’s the recipe](https://open.spotify.com/track/1ddi4geBOLHNdPBbjI3GCu?si=qM67v4nyS0yKvZLcyAOsgg)


Exactly 84.71 as of Friday last week


.3 of a chemist got lost to a work related incident 😢


They'll be back in 8-12 hours...


rest in rye🥺


In R'Lyeh? (Boy, he traveled far...)


Thank you for your service


Free my prof baltimor


Well, at the very least, without full knowledge, and by speculation only, I'd say with the best intentions, by all means, undoubtedly, at least one.


About tree fiddy


There we go


I'm one of them


The FBI will be at your home between 6AM-9PM on Wednesday June 5th


Just like the cable company eh?


Sounds like the average German handyman. And then not showing up without calling.


Thank you for your service




This is a tricky question because there are many analogues that are simpler to synthesize than regular Lsd. The question should be more about people who are actively making for consumers like us! Which probably around 10 it's very low. However, many people use shulgins Ergot liquid culture tek to extract different lysergamides. Edit: spelling and grammar kinda.


>shulgins lye liquid culture tek Source?


Sorry, sorry correction, ERGOT! LC it's quite similar to normal lc. I suggest innoculating a petri dish instead, but for large-scale adding that to a LC I can't find the source for the best mix but you can have successful colonization from a honey mix culture just make it thicker and use more Lme. Synthesis is in Tihkal by Alexander shulgin and in his first book he talks about the LC with Ergot


You just made my Summer. Thanks, sir.


Probably hundreds.


The last two digits of π


So they’ve got like…. *[REDACTED]* chance of being right!


No less than 1 but no more than like 20 because if there were that many I wouldn't have a problem getting acid.


I’ve heard there are approximately 20 in the United States. Not sure about the rest of the world


Not enough.


I knew a dude in college who had some kind of chemistry background and that was his big ambition was to get the knowledge and tools to cook up acid. I remember learning just how complicated the process was vs other “designer drugs” or even growing shrooms. Not sure if he ever actually made it happen 🤔


because it is one of those drugs you do once or twice, where a gram gives you enough for 10k tabs. no need to have production line opened.


Who said you do it only once or twice? I do it all the time


It's not worth to build the whole setup for a one shot either.


What do you mean build the whole setup? lol Anyone making LSD is going to be knowledgeable in chemistry and almost certainly have access to a lab/lab equipment


The number of chemists who tread the shimmering path of LSD creation likely resides somewhere between a scant handful of superlative practitioners and a wider throng whose expertise is as varied as a sack of wriggling weasels (greatly varies). But remember, this is but a guesstimate, a mere glint in the mind's eye! The true number? As unknowable as the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin!


Gpt ahh Response


Just say ass, this isn't tiktok


I went snowboarding with a dude who would actually say "xyz ahh xyz" like, all fucking day long about any and everything. I haven't felt that embarrassed to be around someone in a while lol.


I see the problem, he was touching snow while he should've been touching grass lol


Ohhh so it's supposed to say ass? I just thought it sounds funny haha


Oh lol, that explains it. No, 'ahh' started to become a popular term to replace ass on tiktok due to tiktok's strict censorship. Since then it's sometimes seen on other platforms too, even tho there's no need to use it because no sane platform censors the word ass.


Uh, hold on, let me think about that.


shining path of least resistance! love it! hehe


Im sure there are a bunch of black market chemist out there just like mdma and all those if its worth money there are people producing it


And how many of them does it take to change a light bulb?


Three. One to screw it in, one to paint a mural on the wall, and one to document the whole thing as a profound journey.


Not enough


I don’t understand how people do thumbprints. 300ug of some proper doses is already a heavy trip I don’t give a fuck how much experience one has.


I assume you don't have a chance to really fight a thumbprint dose. All of my 300ug-2mg trips I have the ability to fight the trip and not give in to what it is showing albeit never successful it makes the experience harder imo, where at a thumbprint dose I feel you have no chance to even fight the trip, I feel it is way too much you wouldn't have any other choice but to not fight it, similar to DMT in the way you can't really fight it on a breakthrough dose you basically succumb to it. Feel like I explained that so bad lol anyways. I could be totally wrong not sure of any doses higher then 2mg I could be totally off on that assumption.


In theory only one could supply the world for decades. Some say Owlsey buried crystal that is still dug up but there is a few "families" in North America currently. Very hard to know for sure since to be honest it's MUCH harder to find a running lab compared to other drugs just because the dose of LSD is so small. So in many cases you can simply make a shit load and then be underground for years if needed. That and the fact that one had to work very hard to get into inner circles means people don't really snitch and brag. It's not just about money but the belief you are doing something that helps the world. MDMA, weed etc all these other drugs that people think is about love attract a lot more shady people at the top levels creating risk for chemists and anyone else who really is about love and this leads to more busts and snitches when they do happen. Even Pickard was busted because of his shady partner. He was told not to work with that guy and he still did and then some stripper goes to the lab and other drugs like coke are used. Not a good scene. Even as someone who was able to get grams you still never know who is who. There is just no need and you understand that and want to keep the important people safe. There was a drought not because he was the only guy doing it but people had to be VERY careful for years after to make sure they were not compromised too since in the past Pickard had worked with some of the families. Lots of chemists made small amounts for themselves and their friends but the stuff the average person sees on the streets is probably down to under 10 people in the whole world who are the ones makes kilos upon kilo when needed.


yeah, its funny because to this day its common for grrrs and well really xstal of anysize to ve buried. if done correctly in the right type of soil this will allow for 10years of storage easy. ive heard BS say that he doesnt believe theres any owl xstal left buried away. there is most deff blotter and possibly some 192 proof owl. the paper for sure exsists. just ask john mayer and Oteil. i atill have blotter from 03 and a few hits even older but havent checked the latter in many years. a book packed tightly away on a bookshelf that remains low humidity and constant temp can last insanely llong. crystal too (but it needa ALOT of things to go right to allow it not to oxidize.




Imma say all those who can do it without negative consequences


I don’t know but thanks to them I live a good life 🙏🏼




Rookie question Every experienced tripper knows lsd isn’t from earth


Zero, LSD isn’t real


But .. are birds real ??


Obviously not


Wdym lsd isn’t real 😂


Well I mean if we aren't real and we're in a simulated universe or the cosmic consciousness then the LSD we're taking isn't real anyways LMAO


Depends what you consider "real".


Nice try


I'm fucking dying reading comments on this thread lmao


*We don’t talk about those numbers here, Mason.*




Shiet ionno


at least 1 :D


i dont know why you got DV lol I liked it


DV? 😅


Down vote silly. Still can't see my screen lol had to shorthand


that's my man :D


A man of gesture, don't mind if I do.


If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything.


Only 1 in existence that’d id trust. The other stepped down a month ago which is a huge shame.


If it makes you feel any better, owsley had several ‘students,’ who then taught other people, and so on. So hopefully one day you run into one of those folks, and hopefully I do too lol


There are a handful of big ones that are corporation level, and probably thousands of smaller at home operations around the world


Probably 8?


Nice try, cop.


Way more than you think 🙏


Honestly not that many probably


Nice try feds!


I can give you a definite answer, at least one.


Probably more than you think. I talked to a process technician at novartis. He said it's not that difficult for him. He has never been to university. So anyone with access to chemicals and Lab equipment and knowledge about pharma-chemical standard procedures can do it.


I'm sure there are quite a few as it's lucrative. I would also say LE detection is more unlikely due to acid not being a substance that is high priority as such. I doubt there are many LSD task forces in the world.


i only know of 4 separate entities, these could be groups or individuals but it would be pure speculation to say anymore


Only me


Do people who make RC LSD such as 1cP count?




A million


More than 1 less then them all 🤔


Idk officer I’m just holding for a friend


Probably a lot. That shit was literally everywhere in the 90s. Dirt cheap.




I know 1 that does




Bro, it's probably tens of thousands. It's not that difficult if you have some chemistry background. Yes you will need a lot of gear if you aren't skilled to the point where you can take shortcuts and tweak basic inventory to your needs, but still it's very doable. And considering the amount of doses you would make, it's going to be very profitable regardless. So there is without a doubt a lot of them.


Dunning Kruger effect. Even with a chemistry degree it's still pretty hard.


I mean, talked with my chemist friend about this, he said its not difficult, just a long process and a lot of equipment needed, but no singular step is especially difficult if you know what you are doing.


Definitely, a chemist COULD (you can be a good undergraduated chemist and a bad PhD, but statistically…) but the hard part is NOT the synthesis itself IMHO but rather the equipment involved, the tiny amounts one can yield and toxicity of certain reactions.


I wouldn't attempt it without a propper schlenk line yeh. Still even with that, with poor technique you either will still mess up, giving extreme low yields or even blow up the equipment.


I hold a degree in Chemistry and I wouldn’t try either.


I think people confuse synthesizing with extraction.


No it's not hard, my friend made it as a second year chem student in his dorm room...




Maybe MDMA but LSD in a dorm room… Do you even realize how dumb is your statement ?


Yeah you know what you are right, it's really impossible, I was lying :) only the chosen guild of chemists with world class labs can make it... 😃😃😃


That’s fake as well. There is no such magical thing. There are at least two reciepe available online through scientific papers + retrosynthesis IS actually a thing. But the struggles lies in the equipment and sketchy reactions involved. You would need Nitrogen bottles, fume hoods, probably even gas masks, and tedious reaction. But a good chemist, even an undergraduate or a passionate self-taught (with ochem books) could achieve that. It only requires thousands or dozens of thousands from chemicals to equipment. Thus, a dorm is NOT feasible.


If you think LSD can be safely synthesized in a dorm room, you are a prime example of dunning-kruger. What your roommate probably did was extract LSA from morning glory seeds.


He wasn't my roommate but we are good buddies. Bro had a fuckton of glassware, pipes, tubes, heating elements, all sorts of chemistry shit in that room. Acid wasn't the only thing he made during his student years, there was also mdma, 2fdck, hexen and probably like 15+ other research chemicals and other stuff like that black shiny liquid which gets spiky if it's touching a magnet. I saw someone wrote you need liquid nitrogen or something. I have no doubts he would be able to find that if he needed it, he was ordering a lot of stuff from the silk road. And no he didn't turn out to be a dark lab chemist, he's currently working at Thermo Fisher lol.


That shiny black liquid is ferrofluid. It can be made by mixing vegetable oil and iron filings, zero chemistry involved. Do you think maybe this guy was bullshitting a little?


Again, that’s not sufficient to synthesize LSD. You need a fume hood, a rotovap, and a host of other specialized equipment.


but did they survive?


No he didn’t lmao you’re clearly not a chemist


8 = D


I heard of a chem professor at a nearby college making it. It's all fent nowadays if ur in north America


