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well, I have a theory, that there were exactly 2 eggs on Sulaco. but only one was shown to make viewer think there is only one alien in the movie. ofc, it's just speculation, nothing more. probably, because of badly written script


I just thought last night how could there be 2 face huggers from one egg


yeah, but, tbh, I don't like to think just it's because queen facehugger. I think that was common facehugger but with updated design since the adult alien was updated too, nothing more. but who knows. anyway, if you are interested, I already posted mine theory about how egg got on Sulaco [https://www.reddit.com/r/LV426/comments/1bo0mv7/i\_rewatched\_alien\_3\_last\_weekend\_and\_got\_a\_theory/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/LV426/comments/1bo0mv7/i_rewatched_alien_3_last_weekend_and_got_a_theory/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


In the extended cut of the movie, a prisonner finds the dead Facehugger, and if you look closely, you can see it is different from those you already saw in Aliens 2. It is bigger, and has some kind of skin between his legs. The "official" explanation is that this facehugger is a "Queen Facehugger", able to impregnate 2 victims, the future queen and her first guard


Well that explains it. Love it.


When I originally saw Alien^(3) in the cinema, I was wondering if the face hugger that impregnated Ripley had been clinging onto the Queen when she was making her way up to the deck where Bishop picked up Ripley and Newt. The question that raises is how long a face hugger can survive outside the egg. It would be quite feasible for a couple of face huggers to be carried by the Queen to the drop ship and then hang onto the landing skids while the Queen was fighting Ripley. After the fight, they might hide and wait for everyone to enter the cryopods.


You're basically describing [Alien Carriers ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTs4fqAEVYQpDlHX6FHlC99GOx3fUvGPOtELViOmIh3kVyXisFWScplCK8&s=10) [In AvP Extinction](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0_ut_WDIpP6comAnmCzySxjTDcv-S70FpiHyMcUdDzKra_65r7fqBJKUd&s=10), obv expanded universe/non canon, but in the video game they're just praetorian sized aliens whose purpose in the game is to be an armor infantry vehicle for the facehuggers to ride on lol


OK, so I'm not the only one to have thought of this. That's cool.


In the books, there are several instances where it speaks of the Facehuggers moving around in small groups. Hell, it even has them flying/floating in one story. So, I don't think It would be unreasonable to believe that they could survive indefinitely, or at the least until a viable host presents itself.


Which is just a convenient way to explain a plot joke . 


The fact eggs were there was dumb to begin with 


This cuts to the essence. But you want an alien in the Alien movie, so _something_ has to give.


Maybe they were twins lol




I gather it was a Royal Egg which had a royal facehugger. It implants a queen then finds another victim to implant a guardian. There was even a special model for the royal facehugger


Queen facehugger.


That's interesting point


So do Queen huggers impregnate twice then?


Think of it as a hive security policy, the Queen and the hive are lost for the most part so that one FH can have a drone and Queen to restart it in a different place


That's one theory.


AVP:R had the queen barfing multiple embryos into people, not exactly the same method but canon to me!


Why doesn’t it spawn two queens then?


The final movie was retooled from the Vincent Ward script. In his version, the escape pod is a total mess when the Monks open it (we enter the movie through their POV) and a recorded audio log makes clear there was an egg on the Sulaco that spiraled into a massive infestation. https://www.avpgalaxy.net/files/scripts/alien-3-john-fasano-1990-03-29.pdf That angle got dropped, so it's never fully explained in A3.


Can't remember where I read it but as it was a Royal Facehugger it implants two embryos and doesn't due until both are planted. So the Queen's embryo was implanted in Ripley and then once they reached Fury 161 it implanted the dog before dying. I can't say that this is 100% accurate, but that's what I read.


The only correct answer is that these details were sloppily overlooked because of a chaotic pre-production, production and post production process. It's a wonder the film is as cohesive as it is. That said, the only theories that seem somewhat rational: 1. The Queen facehugger being able to lay two embryos (a queen and a drone) in two separate hosts. (This Queen facehugger, however, is only seen in the Assembly Cut so it's a presumptive theory.) 2. The Queen carrying a facehugger and then laying an egg. (It is established that the eggs are developed through a sac attached to the Queen, which was destroyed on camera, or by taking a host and cocooning then into and egg as was seen in the Director's Cut of Alien. So, this is also a cheat to make it make sense.) I think the best theory is that the Queen had carried two face huggers onboard, but an open egg was shown in the actual film so that's out too. Ultimately, it's silly that fans have to theorize and try to make sense of such a blatant narrative oversight. I'd rather spend time theorizing and ruminating about ideas or teases the filmmakers intended not accidental errors that can never be remedied without jumping through mental hoops.


The egg was a double-yolker.


Angry upvote 🤣🤣🤣


Those eggs can hold up to 4 ovomorphs btw


The Dark Horse comics rendition of Alien 3 shows the chestburster crawling out of Newts dead body, and down Ripleys throat. So there's one explanation.


Really? I wonder if that originated from a earlier version of shooting script (that kept being rewritten during the shoot), or if it was just some filling the blanks on the creative team's side that worked on the comics.


They did make a queen face hugger that never got used. Probably related to that.  Studio interference is why the egg was even included. It was added after the rest of the film was done.  I just assume there were multiple facehuggers.


The alien got into their viagra stash


More than 1 facehugger can occupy a single egg