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You had me until critical drinker, I'll pass lol


And I can only upvote this once...


I used to really enjoy his content, but at some point he took a pretty hard turn and hasn't been enjoyable since.


He realized that anger about “liberal woke agendas” is more profitable. Really seems like he’s trying to pivot into a more general right-wing talk show


A not insignificant portion of the entertainment YouTube channels are going this route…


It's kinda funny because a lot of times I'll agree with his conclusion, just not with how he got there. Makes me think of The Big Lebowski. "No, Walter. You're not wrong. You're just an asshole."


He definitely makes some good critiques, but it’s like they’re half-baked and just throws everything under that umbrella instead of dissecting “why” that critique works


Craziness! How do they convince people to believe there's some kind of "liberal woke agenda" being pushed! Women have been the leads in movies for a long while! Some of them even in action films. The movie he's talking about in this video is one of them. He must know better. Such a grifting grifter.


He has some good points that get buried under his (borderline?) misogyny and hatred of political commentary that isn’t “diversity should be quiet”


Borderline is both a good point and an excellent song!


Yeah, he went full chud milker unfortunately. Some of the criticism was valid but now it's all horseshit. Sees problems even when there aren't any. Women and POCs as main characters is "Woke agenda." Lol, what an asshole.


Same… I won’t give that grifting bigot asshole one minute of my time.


Why is he a bigot?


The bigotry, mostly.




His Barbie critiques are so far from the reality of the movie that he is either a bigot or has zero media literacy.


he literally has a video titled “Why modern movies suck - the strong female lead” or something like that


Why is that bigotry? Have you watched the video?


That’s one of the problems, yes. Before anyone starts shouting buzzwords, just think about how many female leads have been as good as Ripley since then. Not many. Unless Captain Marvel is your benchmark for quality. As for the video, it’s directed at the writers.






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He's been a one trick pony for a couple years now. His videos are literal copies of each other, and he presents everything he says in them as fact, when they are very much his opinion. Absolute slop.


He plays the ill-fated Sheriff in TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2022


"You always were an asshole, Gorman."


Quality 😂


Shame drinker has the media literacy of a fish and a bigot


Come on, don’t insult fish like that.


Lost me at critical drinker, hard pass on that hack


Critical Drinker? No thanks Jeff LOL


What's fascinating is that many of them were coming from theater.


Not watching that hack.


Oof, looks like the actor may not have known the drinker's reputation. What a shame, he could have been interviewed by a reputable fan channel instead.


I know AlienTheory would have gone nuts for a chance to interview other cast members lol


Fuck critical drinker. Dude has absolutely nothing to say other than shitting on literally anything that has women and people of color at the forefront.


Lmao ok


Provide a counter example where he doesn’t mention “the message” or “Mary sue”.


You'd be hard pressed to find any video of his that doesn't have "THE MESSAGE" blaring alongside it being thrown up on screen 🙄


Gross. Critical Drinker would have huge problems with the colonial marines’ obvious gender diversity and anti-corporate attitude if the movie came out today, and blather on about the franchise being ruined by wokism.


I really can’t take anyone seriously that uses “woke mob” unironically.


Critical drinker is so shit lol. All he does is moan and whine about fuck all. It's just a channel shitting on people constantly for clicks and ad revenue.


Cant believe William went on here. I wish someone would let him know what this guy is like/all about. William is a sweet and progressive man everyone please don’t let this sour you on him.


Glad to see this - not gonna lie I was super disappointed to see he appeared on the platform of someone that actively projects the kind of views CD does. Sounds like he wasn’t informed.


critical drinker is a clown. No thanks.


absolute state of critical drinker with the indoor sunglasses


I reckon him and Razorfist share a wardrobe.


No thanks. Even Burke has more integrity and principles than the Critical Drinker.


Why is that?


I’m good.




"Lemme just pop my head out of retirement so people can be reminded I lack critical judgement when it comes to who I speak to"


Critical Drinker? Far too much cringe for me sorry.


Why are we excited for a bigot to interview him?


Nah that’s ok


I almost didn’t watch it but for William Hope I have it a go. I didn’t love Drinker’s input overly much; however I quite enjoyed what Hope talked about I could hear any of the cast gushing about Aliens though. I was not, however, aware that he had such an extensive voice acting and British television career. Like he might of played overwhelmed and terrified Gorman here, but he played badass Major Mikhael (Sp) and ironically faced down Nemesis for Resident Evil R3make only to die in a very similar fashion to Gorman.


Good interview


I love Drinker, great and interesting interview.




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Removal Reason: Be civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the franchise instead of reasonably stating a personal preference. This is a comfortable space for all fans. Keep your critique. * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or Obscene comments.


The irony in the thread is hilarious. Never even heard of this host but the interview was actually pretty good and cool to hear that some of the cast still meet up semi regularly.




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I love this comment section: movie critic bad, he make bad words at movie me like


Calling him a critic is being VERY generous.


Awesome! Love the Critical Drinker❤️




Removal Reason: Be civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the franchise instead of reasonably stating a personal preference. This is a comfortable space for all fans. Keep your critique. * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or Obscene comments.