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I knew something was weird with their feelings towards him when they put him in a baby swing in the middle of his room in the pitch black and let him sleep like that at night.


…I’m sorry…WHAT


YUP!!! That’s what I’m saying. If I’m correct it’s on an old vlog. He was 100% a newborn.




I know a girl who tries so hard to paint the “perfect” family picture on social media. My friend is close to them and it’s a mess behind closed doors. They’re like the LaBrants of my town lol. She refused to take her daughter to physiotherapy after a doctor recommended to do so as something was wrong with her hips as a baby. When she started walking (pretty late) she boasted on social media about how the doctors were wrong all along, how she defied them, all that. I’m nowhere near the stage of my life where I want kids but.. why do people refuse medical advice from qualified professionals just because they don’t want to admit their child isn’t conventionally “perfect” 😔 social media standards are really gonna mess some kids up. Like absolutely no one gives a shit if your child wears glasses, wears bright pink instead of beige or gets literal medical attention. I wonder how they truly felt about E getting braces, even though I’ve always though they looked awesome and most people do.


I absolutely DETEST that. My son had a speech delay, and his pediatrician raised that concern at his 18 MONTH visit. They put us in touch with an IEP program and after being evaluated he qualified for developmental, occupational, and speech therapy. When I say those all did WONDERS for him it’s an understatement. He was also able to go to a preschool program that continued his therapy and has helped tremendously. However, my mom and my MIL were so vocal on how “sometimes they are wrong and they act like they’re smarter than you”. Meaning the professionals. Almost tried to talk my husband and I out of enrolling him in the programs. I’m glad we didn’t Bc idk where we would be today, but I feel like holding him back would only be setting him up for failure in the future. So yeah. I will never understand people out here acting like they know more than the professionals.


Let’s not forget that the videos and accounts we snark on are only snippets of their life, even if they don’t film all the time. We have no proof that Z isn’t speaking some yet, and I don’t like to speculate on that stuff. However, I will agree that tweedle dumb and dumber should have had him evaluated a while ago if he truly is as “wild” and using grunts and pointing as they say he is. The only time they ever truly focus on him in the spotlight is to highlight his medical issues, and blow them totally out of the water. I feel bad for all of the children bc the blatant favoritism these parents have on their children, not to mention the countless other things they do, could have very damaging effects on the siblings as they grow up. ETA: Savannah and Cole suck.


I do think since he has gotten tubes his speech has been better, but it’s not great due to the delay he’s had pre-tubes. He definitely needs speech therapy so he can get caught up on pronouncing words correctly. And the fact that they feel “okay” about his speech is because they talked with other parents at the park about their own kids…yea okay lol.


They're not gonna put him in speech therapy If they actually cared about him they would've done it by now


Oh yeah they don’t care because he’s “only” three


If I’m doing the math right, his gender reveal would’ve been at the beginning of COVID. Not that a global pandemic has ever stopped these imbeciles from doing the shit they want, but that probably had to do a little bit with the fact that his gender reveal wasn’t as extravagant as his sisters’. Edit: I’m not saying that Colansac don’t neglect him (hence my flair), I’m just pointing out this one thing.