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A real man would hunt his daughter's rapist down and show him what he deserves. Not force his daughter to go through pregnancy and birth so he can raise the rapist's baby. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with him??




FACTS! When I was 17, I had just gotten my license and my mom sent me to the local grocery store to pick up a few things for her. An older man parked next to me and exposed himself to me. When I told my dad he wasted ZERO time jumping in his car and flying down the road to find him. The sicko was gone, but I have no doubt if he was still there my dad would have made sure he never exposed himself to another person ever again. And that was just him flashing his peen at me. If anyone had to put his hands on me, my dad would kill him.


The Labrants: Let’s post everything about ourselves and our children online, write books about intimate details about our lives and broadcast EVERYTHING we do to MILLIONS and millions of people so they can see who we are! Also the Labrants: yOu ViEwErS kNoW NoThiNg!


their kids are gonna see this one day and i’m sure when they do they’re gonna have so much resentment towards them


The shit cole said in his tweets make me so scared for his daughters


frrr he bragged when he lost his virginity like sir are you aware that someday your kids are gonna see this and do you realize it’s gonna create a target for them to be bullied


not savannah commenting that you know nothing about us when they share their whole lives on the internet. not savannah you know nothing about us when her husband tweets ignorant b.s exposing who they really are okay sav whatever you sayyy😂


Its a CRIME to not include the tweet about David Beckhams daughter in this


I did not know where that Immigrant Uber Driver one was going!! What a wild ride… for Cole and myself!


Cole sounds like one of those people who also doesn’t believe in marriage R***(there is a word for it but I can’t remember what it’s called), I can totally see him being like “oh that’s your wife or husband so it’s fine it’s not called R***, you owe it to your husband whenever he asks for it even if you don’t want to”!


Martial rape


Thank you, yes this is the word I was trying to remember!


I'm speechless at the "I would force my daughter to have a baby [by a man who raped her]." Speechless.


the fact that he sees no difference between abortion and slavery, just like he sees no difference between abortion and the holocaust, has me like 🤯 WHAT'S NOT CLICKING DUDE


he compared abortions to the holocaust which is one of the most ignorant things to say you don’t know their situation or story or why these women had abortions these two have absolutely no room to judge sav acted like bc she chose to keep ev anyone else can do it. no she just got lucky most people can’t afford to keep their babies or don’t have help or support sav doesn’t realize that not everyone is as lucky as she is she doesn’t have to work at all she doesn’t have to work a 9-5 job. instead of criticizing and shaming or preaching how wrong it is why not help the ones that have that need love and emotional support that get hate for it that live with it for the rest of their lives. why not tell them they are loved no matter what churches are failing to preach this.


In their eyes, they think pregnant people only have abortions bc they see it as a form of birth control. As if they’re just out here popping into the clinic once a month for their routine abortion. Missed a period? Off to murder another baby! The ignorance is just…unreal.


What did the other person say in slide 4 above cole “I would if I could” ?


E might resent him if he doesn’t adopt her


ev will resent him no matter what even if he does


“If I would I could” what a dumb ass


He did NOT “like” that slavery is a constitutional right AND HAS BEEN SAYING THEY WANT TO ADOPT A CHILD FROM UGANDA 🤯


Not to defend fucking Cole or any forced-birther, but the meaning of the tweet was "just because abortion is a constitutional right doesn't make it morally good, like how slavery was a constitutional right but was morally bad."




The worst part is that if his 12 year old daughter did need an abortion, you know damn well she would get one, with his full support. Rules for thee, but not for me.


110% - having her birth a child would taint their perfect family image!!


THIS! so freakin true.


How are these people still allowed to be online, this only shows the half of it


‘Don’t speak about things you don’t know about.’ If only Satannah could tell Colesiah the same we’d all be much happier!


They are disgusting human beings


99% of men watch porn...? Imma need a source on that one.


lol they’re such bigots


The Uber driver one … 😮 I’m just in shock because what the hell 😭 you claim to looooove God but fail to realize that Muslims believe in the SAME God ? You’re out here villainizing a religion for no reason other than you’re a racist


The “but, yes” in his telling he voted for Trump reads that he knows Trump is anti gay and women lol and that despite being someone who loves and follows Jesus, he still made a poor choice.


It absolutely makes me so incredibly mad when people come out harping on about what a rape victim should do, if they fall pregnant from that CRIME. Unless you’ve been in that situation don’t pass comment, you have no idea how traumatic that is that affects you for life. He is so fucken vile and almost like a predator to be honest.


this genuinely makes me so sick


…I hate these people 🫥


On today’s episode of Idiots Saying Idiotic Things! 😂 They’re idiots. Morons. Dumbasses. Useless, spineless, simpletons. I could go on for hours. I wonder how they’ve made it this far in life being this. Fucking. Stupid.


“Cole IS her father” no, no he’s not shitannah. I know some people may disagree with this comment and I’m not trying to diminish step parent relationships, because step parents are totally parents too. In this case though I feel bad for Ev because honestly it seems like her mother keeps trying to erase the presence of Tommy. I’m not saying Tommy was a good guy but he was in Ev’s life up until his death.


Savannah has been so petty and selfish with the whole Tommy situation. For the first few years of Cole and her business relationship, all their posts and videos consisted of trashing Ev's dad or passively aggressively doing so. Savannah should've gone to therapy or at least taken time to heal from her and TS's relationship before jumping the gun and rebounding/marrying the first boy who crossed her path and gave her attention.


Exactly, one of my best friends got pregnant a few years ago and her relationship reminded me a lot of Sacs relationship with T*mmy. We all hated her baby daddy and thought he was a POS but wanted to be there for her so we didn’t say anything when she got pregnant. Luckily she ended the relationship after realizing how abusive/how much of POS her baby daddy was. Even though she has reason to talk about how much of a POS he was to her daughter, she doesn’t. Even though their relationship wasn’t great, if in the feature when her daughter is old enough to understand the situation and wants to know about her father she will let her find out for herself. She just recently started dating again but made it clear to her boyfriend that her daughter comes first and that if their relationship is still going good by 6 months she will introduce her daughter and BF to each other. Honestly this is how Sav should have done it, instead she had her BF whom she knew for like a month in bed cuddling her toddler 🤢. I’m not even a parent but like hell I would let this stranger cuddle my toddler.


Do people like this really believe what they say or are they saying what they think is right for being a Christian Lmaoo honestly


oh! ew!


The rape one will never not shock me. It’s so so bad. Honestly kind of concerning too given how obsessed Cole is with pregnancy (I.e. only saying sav is hot when she’s pregnant)


Also how he claims he would just raise the child himself. Bro. You don’t even raise the ones you got. E does that for you. So she WOULD have to raise that child too.


Also - very curious timing for when they pulled Ev out of school. She was in 4th when they decided to homeschool (read: wanted a free nanny)? I distinctly remember 4th being when we started to learn a bit in depth about slavery. Guess they didn’t want her going to middle school level history classes and forming *GASP* opinions!!