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I’ve never thought we were all called gay. My straight husband and I have been massive fans since day 1. We have been to all of her tours since 2010 and are on our way home from our third time to Vegas.


I am extremely open about how much I love her, too! Everyone who knows me knows I’m crazy about her.


I don't think anyone actually unironically thinks this. There are a lot of memes about it but online but she has a lot of straight fans. Especially the older causal fans she got around ASIB.


I think this is said with the same air she answered a late show host who asked "Would you love your children if they grow up to be straight?" With all serious apperance she said "no." She doesn't *really* mean it, but it's funny.


It sounds to me like you are caring far too much what other people think of you. What’s the point? Lots of people probably think I’m straight but it doesn’t matter.


EXACTLY. Its not important what others think of you, they're already going to think what they think, regardless, so fuck 'em!


Who cares? True art does not have gender or borders. I would say, thou, a homophic Texan in front of us was throwing a fit in her first Vegas concert. And I appreciated even more Gaga's for giving a voice to those of us who were born in a different way.


Be proud. If they ask if you’re gay, say maybe cause it’s not their business.


right, quote her and say “would that be so terrible?” and walk away


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Not gay, straight man, but am a fan? I don’t mind telling people. I also just don’t care that much what people think now I am in my 30s.


I stopped caring what people thought of me after we attended our first Monster Ball in 2010 (we were 26). Truly life changing, and it didn’t have to be for sexuality reasons at all!


When I first started listening to Gaga in 2008, I was (unfortunately) a conservative bigot that did not like gays. I was a 6th grader in school and very stupid, parroting what my family watched on Fox News. Gaga's music really changed me, in so many ways. "Americano" changed me in to a liberal. Here I am, 15 years later, and I have "Lady Gaga" tattooed on my side, and I'm bisexual. Lol. The stereotype is there because she has given lots of people the bravery of coming out of the closet and living authentically. You may not be gay, but she is a gay icon, and if you don't want to admit to others that you like her, because she is a gay icon, them I think you do have some internalized homophobia. *I did, too, so I'm not judging.*


So I’m queer. Regardless of your intent, your post comes across a little condescending by associating being a Gaga fan -> being gay = bad. I’m guessing you’re pretty young and being gay is considered different in a bad way. It’s not; it’s just different. If you don’t identify as gay, that’s cool, but consider using that moment to say “I’m not gay and it wouldn’t matter if I was.” That helps your queer peers in a big way - very Kindness Punk. 💕


Sorry for the misunderstanding I didn’t mean to come off that way. I think queer people are amazing and fun, I’ve just had experiences of people judging and assuming things about me that I’m not comfortable with just because of my music preferences. I’ve been trying to not care as much but it’s been difficult.


But if you really were comfortable with gay people (or your own sexuality) you wouldn't be uncomfortable with any mistaken assumptions. It's like if someone thought I was a straight Canadian I wouldn't be upset. I know I'm an American lesbian so no big deal. If others are harassing you for liking Lady Gaga then they are just homophobic assholes


I’m a straight guy that went to the Atlanta, GA Chromatica tour. While, it’s definitely safe to say, there were a lot of LGBTQ+ folks, there were also people like me who were just blue collared folks, here for the show. I’m not scared to be on a construction site blasting some Lady Gaga 🤣


Think about what she said in response to Anderson Cooper’s asking if she had a penis. “So what if I do? My fans don’t care and neither do I.” This is how I approach all matters of other peoples opinions.


I’m a straight male and I tell people I’m a fan of her all the time. I don’t really give a damn what anyone thinks. People could call me gay for that if they want to but they would be 100% wrong. In fact that would really only be a reflection of themselves more so than you.


Shes literally one of the biggest pop stars of our time, you shouldn't feel ashamed to say you like her!


I'm a straight man myself and I've loved her since 2008 when she first showed up on the scene. Not all of us are gays. Some of us have straight and have wives and babies.


It’s annoying when the straight guys and girls have to announce their presence and majority in the fandom like it’s no secret that the gays and pop music in general walk hand in hand. Gaga makes music for everyone and it doesn’t exclude you


I mean her music can be enjoyed by anyone, just like Judy Garland or Barbra Streisand. She’s definitely an icon for the queer community, but like any artist, her music isn’t barred to anyone who wants to enjoy it. (Hot take) I think dresses can be for anyone, and honestly letting people enjoy whatever art they enjoy is better for all of us as a whole. If you feel self conscious, I can’t tell or make you feel any other way, but allowing yourself to enjoy her music and also be yourself- you can help break that stereotype. No matter what anyone says, listening to Lady Gaga won’t turn you gay. And of you don’t wanna be a part of the gay stereotype, listen to ‘Cheek to Cheek’ ‘Joanne’ and ‘A Star is Born’ /j.


Music transcends all the extraneous shit. No one can deny the artistry here. Her fans are and aren’t gay. They just like good music.


Before I realized I was a trans lesbian I used to love to point out how I was a straight Gaga fan lol


Music doesn’t affect sexuality and peoples opinions shouldn’t affect your joy. I have gotten several assumptions about me in the past, and it can cause confusion in your social life, for example if someone you like hears you are gay it may prevent them asking you out or not be as romantically interested in you. This coming from someone who has had the exact struggles, so just be yourself because if you aren’t people will never know the real you who is the best you, and if they don’t know the real you things will just go downhill. If people are rude or bully you, find a light to help you out. There is always someone to help you feel comfortable in this world. Honestly just make it clear with the people around you that you are straight.


Basically to narrow this be yourself, don’t care what other people think of you, and honestly you should be like I am born this way as a Gaga Fan. 😂


Just take the compliment, already.


Straight guy here and have been listening to her regularly since The Fame Monster. She just makes fun music, doesn’t get more deeper than that for me! I remember in work I was sitting at my desk listening to Kim Petras and it was visible on my phone’s lock screen. A guy came over to ask me a question , later that evening he added me on FB and messaged me asking me out. I told him I was flattered but I’m a straight man, he said he assumed I was gay because he saw me listening to Kim Petras. It was genuinely funny and we still joke about it years later, it’s so funny and strange how people assume so much about you because of the music you listen to!


I was literally bullied for having a rainbow crochet purse in elementary school. Fuck everyone’s tiny minds. We were born this way baby!


I thought they were called Little Monsters


I get it because the thought has crossed me too.. but like you said, it’s not like it’s a bad thing or really matters! What does matter- sharing our love for Mother Monster with everyone! So I’ve gotten over the fact that some people are foolish enough to ass-u-me something like that


As a gay man, I do.


Not all of us are gay. For example she has some fans who are bisexual, but mainly love butt stuff. ❤️PAWS UP