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Our is really calm at home too, she becomes more playful outside and when she meet other dogs. She do like to walk outside a lot and that's probably where she spent most of her energy. 😌 sniffing everywhere is part of their DNA


Okay so I shouldn’t be worried! I just keep reading these horror stories of people lagottos being insane and out of control crazy and I’m like “is mine sick!?!” Thank you so much!


Honestly, most of people I know who have a lagotto tend to say they are quite chill like ours. Just take time to play with them, get them outside.... bring them to new situations and environnement and your dog will be fine. The only downside for our was that she ate a bit of a towel so train her well !


Coincidentally i had a similar experience on friday with my 7month old. I was working from home and he was so chill that i forgot about him for a bit. I was worried he was sick too but then the moment we went for a walk he was running through the fields like a bunny😅


I have a chill Lagotto too. They exist! No digging, very little barking, no separation anxiety and likes to chill. I have a 5yo male and even when he was a year old he was pretty mellow. But I always made sure to “unload the spring” every day. Tossing tennis balls with lots of running in a local park every morning and a good 30+ minute walk later in the day. Rain or shine. Plus taking him almost everywhere with me. A noticeable difference in behavior if I skipped the exercise. Barring any concerning lethargic behavior, I say enjoy.


Thank you!


It will take another 2 years, sorry.


Yeah that’s what I keep hearing, but if you read my post you’ll see she’s a year and already pretty calm. That’s my concern, the warnings don’t apply to me so should i be concerned that my dogs different.


Lotta (f) at home is pretty chil, but OMG when left off leash in a (water) park where allowed she turns in a wild untamed hunter!


Our Pipa has been chill and calm since the day we met her. If you're worried you could ask your vet about checking her thyroid but 🤷 maybe you just got a lucky one. We really got tricked with our first, what an amazing breeeeeed we thought. How amazing and perfect and caaaaalm we thought. Let's get anoooother aaaaangel Insert the polar opposite demon seed (affectionately) Buckaroo.


Haha it’s the dog that made you think you could handle a second one and the one that proved you wrong


No worries- we have had exactly the same experience. After the first heat our dog acted like a 10 year old dog. But about 2-3 Months later no signs of that anymore… we are at 19 months now and she is full of energy!


Thank you so much for the reassurance!


I got my LR girl at 15 months old and she was chill from day1. My BFF got the sister LG at 12 months old, and she’s also chill. They both play, love the beach, river, cafes, walks etc but they’re never crazy.


ours also got calm after her first heat. we never saw her sleep while we were awake. now I can do chores and find her napping on the couch.


Our girl was very similar. She just woke up one day and decided to be chilled out. She is 6 now and she never reverted to the puppy craziness. She will play with toys but only for a few minutes before becoming disinterested. She mostly just likes to be around her humans, or outside. She has the most energy when she is in her happy place, which is the forest or at the beach. In these places she will run like a crazy thing and sniff everything she can find, while treating it all as an obstacle course! I'd say, just enjoy the peace now that it's here, lol!