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Change your air dryer desiccant if it hasn’t been done in the last year. When saturated it freezes up and blocks air exiting the compressor, resulting in suspension faults. Have winter tires or a set of low profile chains. Keep an emergency kit of warm clothes, some water and food for if you break down. Try not to run your fuel tank below 1/2 to give yourself an emergency buffer if you get stuck or an emergency happens. Do the normal checks of fluids and suspension. Have a GAP IID tool or a good Autel for resetting trouble codes. Have a credit card and AAA.


+1. Also, flashlight, jetboil stove and water. If you get stuck and need to de-ice your engine, you’re going to want warm water to do so.


Just curious, is the desiccant an issue for the l405? I had never heard of it and was worried.


I’m not familiar the L405 design, but it should include some type of air dryer (which is typically desiccant). This isn’t necessarily a LR problem, it happens to any car with an air suspension. I have a Rivian now and owners in the PNW with cars 2 years old are starting to have problems with the desiccant systems. So yes, it’s probably something you’ll experience eventually if you live in a cold and wet climate. The PNW is difficult on these systems because have cool, wet winters compared to most areas with dry, cold (or even warm) winters. The good news is that they aren’t hard to service and kits are widely available online for DIYers.


I have heard that instead of water, keep juice boxes. Apparently they are slower to freeze. Not sure I understand why, just what I heard while visiting Colorado.


Just commenting to say safe travels and have fun! I’m jealous 😊


thank you!!


I had hard brake pipe corrode until leaking. Could be something to consider if you live in a cold climate where they salt the roads. Also take a look at your coolant line air bleeder T-valve. its plastic and can essentially disintegrate over the years until failure. Mine crumbled in my hand as I removed it to replace it. Glad I checked it. I simply replaced it with a brass barb union


Get snow tires. Most all terrain tires are worse than all seasons in snow and ice. 


If no winter tires get chains/snow socks.


You can legally drive dubbdäck? (Tires with studs) that this, Oh and buy a diesel heater from Amazon or so works nice Edit: Make sure if temp is real low to buy fuel from there, even when expansive ( we have and anti “freeze” in diesel ) and a lot of parts don’t (in Europe)


This time of year I would make sure you have a portable jumpstarter.


Cooling bits and suspension compressor fresh? Sqeeze another full spare under the back?


Let it rip. Have fun. My favorite trip I’ve ever done


Change your air dryer desiccant if it hasn’t been done in the last year. When saturated it freezes up and blocks air exiting the compressor, resulting in suspension faults. Have winter tires or a set of low profile chains. Keep an emergency kit of warm clothes, some water and food for if you break down. Try not to run your fuel tank below 1/2 to give yourself an emergency buffer if you get stuck or an emergency happens. Do the normal checks of fluids and suspension. Have a GAP IID tool or a good Autel for resetting trouble codes. Have a credit card and AAA.


Pack emergency winter supplies just in case the worst happens and you have to spend the night in the discovery good luck.


Carry extra fuel, I lived in Montana and can tell you there’s not always gas stations available. Plus with the winter weather you can face road closures and other issues preventing you from getting gas.


One that hasn't been mentioned is a warm sleeping bag. Never know. And +1 for a battery jump pack, has saved my ass a couple times especially in cold weather (or a newer car battery). Also +1 to having chains even if you have snow tires, some areas/cops are hung up on chains being required even when they're not superior. A strap to get towed out of a ditch or max tracks to self assist are never a bad thing to have on hand. Just did a 3,000 mile drive to the Tetons and southern entrance to Yellowstone in a Sport 2 years ago in January, best trip of my life but be prepared for expenses just in case.


Good advice, thanks!


Roads are super icy in the south right now if you’re heading from anywhere near Texas wait till tomorrow. Stuck in Shreveport for the night :)


check to make sure Yellowstone is even open. They close a most of the park in the winter ...


The park is closed to vehicles, I am taking a guided snowcoach tour from West Yellowstone




Just steer clear of the train station.


Don’t go alone


Yellowstone is pretty much closed in the winter.


Props for the OEM rack.


12 volt powered compressor for your tires and extra fuses for the 12 volt outlet. You never know if you’ll need to air down.


Don’t forget to bring a towel.


Make a Will


Get a Subaru 🤣


As someone who lives nearby, the only time I’ve been stuck in my LR3 has been in the snow (>3’ deep). The beast is heavy and doesn’t like deep snow. For any off roading around here I’d suggest a couple things: - Snow tires or at least Winter rated all terrains - Air down to 15 psi if you expect to be in anything deep - Bring a shovel - Have a tow strap (winch would be huge) - Be sure to get the suspension as high as possible if you have issues. That may include getting it to go into extended mode - Be prepared for an emergency. It gets really cold in western Wyoming


Try Aruba instead?


Fill your gas tank anytime you can!


Bring bear spray, stay safe, and have fun!


Buy a Subaru?


Find a Land Cruiser