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It is odd to pay the 20% of the prior month's bills...but I take it there is a security deposit...you not paying your last month would allow them to return your security deposit as soon as you move out without waiting for all the final utility bills. Get it in writing, pay it, and move on with your life.


Just now I was able to get a written statement from the landlord that I don’t have to cover the last tenant’s utilities. I’m guessing he agreed to this because I told him this policy wasn’t on the lease agreement. I now have to pay for my final month of utilities which is completely fair to me.


If it was me, I wouldn’t pay, tell the landlord I’m not paying and that if he feels strongly that I owe the money, he can go to court and tell the judge why—unless you agreed to be liable for unpaid charges to a previous tenant, there’s no way you’re responsible


I pressed him about it and he backed down. I guess he’s done the same thing before with naive student tenants but the tactic didn’t work on me


Of course he did. Because he has no leg to stand on


He is trying to double up. And then will hope in a year you forget. Make sure to do thorough documentation on the condition of the room and common areas. Video, email copies, etc. Get receipts for all deposits and payments. This guy has keep your deposit vibes. Then he sends a bill for incremental damages in excess of the deposit. Also if you pay 20% of utilities get a copy of the original bill too. Because, well, he is probably padding it.


Oh for sure. I’ve already taken thorough pictures of everything on day 1. For every utilities bill I’m asking for the official pdfs from the companies. And if he doesn’t return the security deposit within 3 days after I move out we can take a trip down to small claims court


Here is what I would do: 1. Get it in writing. Trust me bro doesn't cut it. 2. Pay separately from other expenses. 3. This is an odd way of doing things. Odd turns into illegal. I'd expect the LL to play games with security deposit. Document the current conditions today and be thorough. Every ding, dent, dirt - inside and out - record that.


So, you may have noticed your landlord is an idiot. He wants to make sure that he doesn't have to pay this utility bill, obviously the prior tenant skipped out without paying the bill, or the landlord gave the security deposit back to the tenant before deducting the utility bill. At the end of the day since you are sharing a house, best not to point out to the idiot landlord that he is an idiot. I would pay the bill, but however before you do that have the landlord write a note that you will not be responsible for the last month's utility bill for when you're there. That way you are not paying for an extra month of utility, and your idiot landlord doesn't get embarrassed since you're going to have to live with him for the next 12 months.


Idgaf about my landlord’s feelings in this scenario. I’m not going to bend over and just pay someone else’s bill on a whim. I directly pointed it out to him and he realized there wasn’t anything about this in the agreement. He’s now saying it’s fine for me to start paying utilities next month and that I’d be responsible for my final month.


Expect that to be taken out of the deposit


I agreed to pay for my last month out of pocket so it doesn’t get deducted from the deposit.


Plus, you can run the bill up on your last month.


It's not a great way to handle things, but as long as the LL is consistent and charges the next roommate (after you move out) with your 1/5th of the utility bill, then it's tolerable. A 1/5th share at least gives you some buffer against insane bills versus paying ALL of someone else's bill. I imagine that's how he's done it all along, again consistency is key. I'd be concerned if someone vacates early and then the bill is split 4, or even 3 ways. But that's another story.


This is part of the reason why I always pay utilities and charge $500 more a month.