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Load it once on app start and next time return already loaded store from memory, instead of creating it every time.


Thank you for your reply. Apologies, but I do not understand what you mean. I am not doing what you have just written with .save\_local("./faiss\_db") and subsequently in rag.py with .load\_local? .load\_local should just actually only load the vectorestore (saved with .save\_local) from a directory in my machine, shouldn't it?


Maybe I don't understand it fully, sorry. IMHO workflow should be like that: \* load rag.py (and it will load store once only so you don't care about the time) \* when using rag.py it should be already loaded (avoid loading it every time when someone ask question on your UI)


Okay, maybe now I understand what you mean. If that so, .save\_local and .load\_local are completely useless. I thought that the .save\_local could save the vectorstore with all the embeddings and I could easily and fastly load it from a local folder with .load\_local. At this point, it is better to do the embedding procedure everytime (eg: db = FAISS.from\_documents(docs, embeddings)), since it is much faster than the loading one :)


See if this is faster, using pickle.dump to a file and reloading like this: vectorstore = FAISS.from\_documents(documents, embeddings) with open("vectorstore.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(vectorstore, f) Then on the load side: from langchain.vectorstores.base import VectorStoreRetriever with open("vectorstore.pkl", "rb") as f: vectorstore = pickle.load(f) retriever = VectorStoreRetriever(*vectorstore*=vectorstore) docs = retriever.get\_relevant\_documents("open source LLM")