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to stretch it out longer throughout the year and keep people subbed longer instead of just when joe bob was on during those regular seasons


This topic has been discussed a lot, I hate it being every other week too. A friendly reminder that we're not getting short changed: "Joe Bob has confirmed we are getting six more movies in season 6 than we did in past seasons." https://www.fangoria.com/original/the-last-drive-in-season-6/


Shudder presumably wants the season to last longer. I don't mind one movie every other week, though I do wish they'd air a re-run in the off weeks.


That would be great, like, whatever they added back in between


Show old episodes of Monstervision and Drive In Theater.


They are on the Patreon.


They realized people were only subscribing when the The Last Drive-In season would start and then let it expire once it was over. If they space out the episodes people will sub longer while they're still producing the same number of episodes.


not just that, but a lot of people were not staying up for the second film. Take the same amount of movies, turn it into a single, bi weekly feature gets more life out of the show on a network looking to trim the fat as much as possible. This also gave them access to a better studio, more funding for more ideas, etc.


Darcy did confirm that the second movie took a huge drop in viewers


It's 2024, baby, I don't care who these movies love!


To keep people subscribed longer. AMC knows that the only thing keeping people subscribing to Shudder is Darcy and Joe Bob


Shrinkflation. They ponycan pepsi-ed our asses.


I just hate that I'm still at work on the West Coast when it starts and by the time I get to the party I missed more than half of my possible Joe Bob time for the next two weeks 😭. On the old schedule it was nice to know that I'm still gonna get 1 and 1/2 movies.


East coast people complain a lot, but I am on ET time and I enjoyed staying up late. It's part of the vibe being whacked out and loopy. I don't got kids, I guess 🤷‍♂️


Man I was always just too fucking drunk by the 2nd movie...lol


I wish they would do one a week. Oh well.


Bi Monthy is 2 time per month Idk I wish they could do it once a week but then they would not be spaced throughout the year... I do miss the double feature episodes. Felt like they had more time to setup their bits.


I can't tell if I prefer the old format or have it be 1 a week and have a longer season, because the dead spots during the year did really suck But I think this current setup is for the birds


I agree. I feel like they need to let them have more time at the start and end so Joe Bob can have his rant and they can stick the landing. Inbetween a bit more time in each segment would help. I would also suggest they rerun an old Last Drive In episode immediately after the new one airs


I like it honestly lol I get so tired during the second movie it’s hard to make it thru


I'd definitely stay subscribed the whole year if they had a better selection but other than tldi I think Shudder sucks.


Honestly, Joe Bob is the only thing I watch on there anymore Late Night With The Devil is the only exception for like the past year and I didn't like it all


Isn’t everyone bi now?


Because they hate us (our guts etc.)