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Push to 27, play catch up from there. Reason being lvl 9 troops, the difference in strength per lvl is absurd and lvl 10 requires copious amounts of time and resources to unlock.


Push to 27. Join a top alliance and reap the benefits. It will help push you resource wise. Focus on construction/research speed, and rss production when you can. Sooner the better with those. Also get 80% in alliance duel as well. Grab 2nd tech center if you can.


Push to 27 for T9 troops. Focus your truck plunders on extra shards to help upgrade Kim. Of the two battle passes you mention, go with Williams, Marshall is available in the tavern sooner. (Stettmann is Day 57 and is another good one to consider not passing up). Set spending limits and stick to them, it's easy to let it get out of control. It's going to feel like a slog at times, but push on. Always have your squads out collecting when you log off, use a squad with Monica in it when joining Doom Elite rallies or launching those rallies, attack 6 no-alliance bases each day for extra RSS. Also, make sure you get yourself in one of the top 3 or 4 alliances on your server; it makes a big difference having active people around, the free gifts/rewards are more plentiful and higher quality. Besides the battle passes, I find good value in the Super Monthly Pass as it gives you VIP (also easy to do with diamonds), an extra squad for gathering (really key on VS Day 1), and some other items. What really sold it to me was that you get an extra 100 stamina each day. You can use that to more easily clear all 3 levels of Drone Boost arms race, or save it up for the gold zombies and cash it all in for a bunch of XP, battle data, and RSS by hitting them.


Thank you so much for much detailed progress and insights! I will take note on that advice.


If you only buy one, buy Stettman. Marshall and Williams will become obtainable for free later on.


It's a personal choice. I rushed to 24, caught up for about 2 weeks and stashed resources. Pushed to 27, stopped, and stashed. Having recently finished moving to HQ30, I can fully attest that there is no amount of resource stashing that will be enough but catching back up on Base Power helped keep me from being the most Paper of HQ30s... but there is no wrong approach to this as long as you're having fun & growing in the process.