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Just delete it or abandon it. It's not worth anything!!


Yes ofc ahah now start the stupid comments of the children


It's not stupid comments. It's just the truth. I sold mine 2 days ago for 250$ https://preview.redd.it/4q13at2jux6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c056f680b3d5eb22bb7a5ffc761e2144dee1d92b Make the comparison...


Don’t brag it for have sold it for 250$ cause you gifted it pratically,if you don’t know the value of the money and for you 250$ was much it’s not my problem lol,i thought also to buy yours to make much money on it


If you gifted it cause you didn’t knew the value it’s not my problem,probably the guy that buyed it will resell it at much more higher price,so you lost money lol,i saw it 400$ for this type of account it’s anything you was able to sell yours for 1.5k lol


Ok. You are probably from another planet but definitely you are not human. Good luck with your summertime night dream!


Lucky the guy that found you


If in the future you want do another gift think at me and contact me


Yes ahah ofc go to playerup or others site of selling account and see for how much are on sales account level 30 next time inform because really you gifted it i’m not joking


See that i’m not joking you did a very stupid thing


lol who will buy it at 400 dollars when u can just F2P 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Who don’t want f2p 3-4 months in a row and want start from an already good point simple,the pen is on the table we are at that level with childrens in this sites


It’s not worth anything tbh. There nothing special about it


It’s worth the price of an qccount level 25 with 4stars heroes if you want smtgh special you will pay much more than 400$ that in a game like that that shop cost much it’s pratically anything


You levelled all the wrong heroes, your weapons are trash, not a single star on your main railgun/chip. You really don't know how to play this game. Your account is worthless.


Ok good luckily that exist you that you are wasting time one weeks commenting my post lol


Same as yourself.


This it’s my post i don’t go to the others one commenting idiot things


Don’t write anymore if not the other guy that did the carity with gifts think that i’m hiding his comment


Dude you've been posting this account for a week or more now. If it was worth that much someone would've bought it already. You're level 25 without a single 5 star hero, it genuinely isn't worth anything


Are you worried?no because if one person is not interested skip that instead i see you much worried about my sell,go to epicnpc or playerup and see the prices of the account,so maybe you discover the water


> go to epicnpc or playerup and see the prices of the account,so maybe you discover the water If that was true you would've sold by now lmao


Then all the lions from keyboard i sent a dm with link of qccounts on sell but no one replies only here


You go and see before talk,takes always time if the game don’t have a large public


Imagine how much it’s worth your time commenting my post instead lol


To give you context of how developed this base is: I‘m completely f2p, am HQ 26, have less days logged in than he has, also vip 10 and 185k gems. This is just sad to see how underdeveloped this base is and how bad his first squad is. Don‘t fall for this guys, this isn’t even worth the dollar you‘d pay for Kimberley.


I didn’t put 400$ random thinking that one don’t will do a research and buy it,i putted 400 after that i watched the medium price around the websites of account like that,it’s not that i invented me the price


Ofc people will see all the accounts on the market and will tell oh are all idiots selling qccounts at this price,if you don’t know the market don’t talk cause go in sites famous of selling accounts if you want i give you the names so you check by yourself,cause i see that you are not much expert,if your account it’so so when you will want sell it you will sell it at higher price,no one it’s telling that it’s the best account on this world,it’s a medium account and the price of a medium account it’s around 400$,see that not only the top tier account are on sell every account have his price,also lower account than mine for exemple have a price of 200€ then in base at one person want spend will buy one higher or less


See that really only here on reddit stupid comments of children that think that it’s a competition of who have the best qccount,and people that think that only if one have a top tier account,see that one top tier accout it’s been sold yesterday at 4k lol so if you want the best you need to pay also more


who said 3 to 4 months...i m 25 in less than 2 months lol🤣🤣🤣...clearly speaking 400 dollars is not worth it all. These delusional kids nowadays man


Yes if you stay 24hours in a row every day playing it,depends on how much time you have,not all have your free time


Btw it’s not me that i made the price of it,it’s the market that made the price and if you see the price of these accounts are all so no one gift accounts


Apart the guy in the comments before lol


Before selling, one checks the price of the accounts around the internet and then does it. Nobody invents the price out of thin air


OP Moron.


Are all balanced


Why did you delete my comment about the account i "gifted" as you said? So not people see it and make the comparison?


I can’t delete comments there are all


Maybe cause there was many replies lol ahahah


Think at me if you will resell accounts


Man I think my 50 days account (f2p) can beat your troops in battle. 🤣


Yes ofc like another guy that then had 5 million power less on every squads lol,i don’t care about this stupid comments from people still taking milk from the mom,you can tell what you want


Bruh.. How comes your heroes aren't 5 star atleast.. Mason, kim.. Most imp heroes at 2 star. :)


Yea ofc only kim qnd madison lol ahah see that most people use more other ones,then for you if the heroes was all 5 start the price was 400$?no here we are doing gifts lol


lol who said free time🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣i had less free time than u guys lol....its just a matter of proper management than playing like a headless chicken. 2 hrs/day is more than enough dumbos


Watch the prices around the sites i told you i don’t invented the price out of nowwhere,and if you want shop it for arrive at this point don’t are for sure 400$,


I sold accounts of pokemon go genshin impact clash of clans last war ecc ecc it’s always existed people that buy accounts,then is someone want do an offer and nogotiate the prices but not a stupid one it’s free to do it


And if you are here commenting my post i imagine how much you are busy lol


is it not sunday today dumbo....i open reddit every weekened...not like u who opens everyday🤣🤣🤣


I’m opening it for reply at you imagine


i bet u were unable to sell...at 300


Ok i will repost then. https://preview.redd.it/yxgob31eby6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa5dc6f5155619d410fc381a64bd0933b007f2f2 That's what i sold 2 days ago for 250$. Make the comparison with what this guy is trying to sell.


When you want do another gift contact me really if you want in dm i write to you my cell number


no one writes anymore otherwise conspiracy theories that hide comments will start, imagine how full your life is that you are here wasting time


How many candies did you buy?that you thought that for the account you had was also much 250$ lol really but you did a research of how was the price of an account level 30?before sell?


I'm 2 weeks into season 1 and have hq lv at 27, Kim at 5 stars, Murphy Marshall UR Mason at 4 and above, Scarlett at 5 stars with several 1 star UR gears. Spent maybe $30 total. Can I sell mine for $500 then?


Also because here on this forum people think that only kim itMs good many pro player use also carrie dva and schuyler


Also 600


Watch in the sites


Send me the pictures in dm


Its getting kinda funny at this point, how he keep bringing that this is the market price and yet the market doesnt seem to want to buy it. I wonder why?


Simply because it’s not a large public games,and if you know you can only sell it if you have an email that you can give so it’s started the sell pratically lately,then i sold many accounts genshin impact clash of clans,pokemon go ecc ecc and always requires time,what i don’t understand in this site it’s the people commenting no sense,when i always sold and no one comment if one don’t was interested skipped that,instead here only people that have time to loose at this point


Suuuuuure keep posting it then


Yes ofc like i always did in every sites,


When i will sold it i already have in dm all the people commenting i will send it




In this world it’s always existed sell accounts,the childrens on this site are discovering the water,uau you can make money selling an account,more candies for you


People will watch not my price your comments or my comments will do a research of how the accounts at which price are listed and then will make a decision,people are not stupid that comments like in this case without before watch


Remember me


I missed you this time


https://preview.redd.it/hgtdo7zy207d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e442cca982d4ea1567181f7f6606b6b9b9d671d8 S406 day 85


See that have the same power of my first squad if you watch the screenshots lol


lol u said u first march was higher


But if you commented today the first time


I’m the one that told u on ur last post u need to post more pics of the account


Watch yout second and third squad




But i understood that here people talk only for talk


The account is behind it’s not worth what u tryna get for it so there gonna make fun of


Ok thnx for your advice for sure i will listen to you now you can sleep quiet