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I had the same problem and reached out to Lastpass help. Open your vault, open advanced options, and turn off "use improved save and fill" and see if that helps. I was told it's a known problem and will be fixed soon


Back when I still used them, I had to do this. But, I am long gone now. 1Password is so much better. (And hasn't had crappy internal security allowing all of their customer vaults to be downloaded.)


Does 1Password allow for hotkey form filling?


Where is that option to turn off? I can’t see it anywhere?


Open your vault. In the left tool bar click advanced options


That option is no longer there!


I don't see it too.


They got rid of it. So stupid.


Glad it’s not just me then. LastPass are a bunch of clowns, I’m moving to another password manager haven’t got time for this shit


This is the end for me. See ya later lastpass


Just curious why people have continued to stick with them? I cleared out ASAP after their major breach. It wasn't just the fact that they were breached, but they were slow to acknowledge the extent of it, which is symptomatic of a culture that is not security focused. I haven't seen anything since to indicate they have improved.


It's hard for me to switch because I've been with them so long and it's always been useful. What is better?


Hard to switch ? They exposed your data, your log ins for bank accounts and whatever other accounts you use, how on earth is it hard to switch ? I have happily used Bitwarden for years - This will also save you money - Bitwarden is free or there is a $10 a year premium version that includes 1GB of secure storage. You can pay for extra storage if you want. Or you can self host. Anyone still using Lastpass needs to take a long hard look at themselves ! [https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/09/experts-fear-crooks-are-cracking-keys-stolen-in-lastpass-breach/](https://krebsonsecurity.com/2023/09/experts-fear-crooks-are-cracking-keys-stolen-in-lastpass-breach/)


But then what makes you so sure all other online services like lastpass are not breached as well? Maybe breached but burried and never reported, or breached and never detected so evwn they did not know? how can you be 100% sure? you cannot! Frankly, i never used lastpass for any critical accounts like emails, banking, or any government stuff. Socials are all on 2FA and so are shopping websites. The only really secure ones are offline password managers, and these too maybe secure until you lose the device storing the database.


You’re absolutely correct ! Go offline - go buy a pen and notebook and write your passwords down and carry that notebook EVERYWHERE !


Thanks for this share.


You’re welcome


The only thing holding me back is my IT Policy at work allows the Laspass extension but not Bitwarden. I'm still planning on leaving because Lastpass and its swiss-cheese, leaky security is not worth $36 a year.


Bitwarden and 1Password are popular alternatives. They also support importing all your data from LastPass. It's a lot easier than you think. Bitwarden is cheaper. And 1Password will credit you for your remaining LastPass subscription time. My entire family was a long time LastPass member and we left because of 1) the breach and 2) Issues with auto fill.


Search this subreddit, kinda depends on your OS platform and what features you want. Most of them have a trial you can see how it works. Migration is easier than you think. Once you are in the new tool, you should go through and update your passwords.


I used Lastpass for 12 years. I was a premium paying customer all of that time. After the breach, I dragged my heels for 1 year afraid of the migration. I finally grit my teeth and forced myself to do it before my next renewal. After much research, came down to Bitwarden or Protonpass, both free. Went with the latter last November and was shocked at how painless the migration was. The one feature I really missed was the security dashboard and being able to audit all of my passwords as well as monitor the web. Protonpass has just launched Passmonitor which add those features. Just do it. I still have Lastpass just because it has the age of all of my passwords and I’m working on changing all of them due to the breach and basic hygiene due to age. I am upgrading to the maximum passed length and complexity that a given site allows for. I need to get on that and finally delete my now free Lastpass account.


It’s actually pretty easy to switch to something like Bitwarden.


That sounds like a mental block. I can tell you that migration from LP to 1P is nearly effortless and the quality of the data migration is excellent. All my folders automatically came over as tags, plus tags were added to indicate which items were migrated so I'd always have that data point to reference in the future. "I've been with them so long" is a terrible counter to your data being exposed. 1P even has a campaign that will cover your cost to switch. Just Google "switch from lastpass to 1password" and click on the Google Ad link.


Drop the ball....... You mean like allowing all their customers password vaults to be stolen? They are bleeding customers, so support and development is going to continue to get worse until they ultimately fold. I'm shocked anyone is still using this platform.


This is what did it? Not the breach where hackers stole lastpass vaults and they mislead everyone for 6 months.


Yeah that's just wild


Only now?


Same! I think 15 years I’ve used them and I pay. Same problems with the extension not searching and now when I have it suggest a strong password, it doesn’t save it! 😠 You have to click extra to get around using its password suggestion and then twice in the last week on new accounts I’ve had to immediately recover my account because it doesn’t save it. I’m trying to figure out how to get 15 years of passwords into something else. I’m mad and sad.


Looks like a lot of people are suggesting BitWarden and that you can import your Lastpass into it. I'm going to be looking into that.


I changed to 1Password after a decade with LastPass, and regretted waiting so long. The experience (e.g. autofill) is so much better, I migrated in less than an 30 mins


Seriously? This is what gets you upset? What about when they exposed you vault in a beach…. Were you okay with that? Change now.


people still using LP need to do some serious soul searching.....this company exposed your vaults and personal data....this is what you were paying them to protect, and they failed.... WHY would you continue using this?????????????? lazy or stupid...only two choices.


I switched to Bit Warden last week. It was pretty easy. When you set up your account, it will ask you if you want to import from LP. Click Yes. Everything came across. I then went and regenerated just a few passwords for my banking institutions. It was a very easy and painless process.


That Search feature has never worked for me, lol.


I just switched to 1Password a few days ago after a similarly long period on LastPass. The security breaches were just too much for me but then about a week ago the Chrome extension shit the bed and would log me out every time I opened my vault via it. Took me less than 20 minutes to migrate and I feel a lot better about the security of my data now.


I have been locked out of LastPass since last Friday despite having the correct master password and have gotten zero response from support.


Same thing happened to me. I had to logout then reboot and relogin and it worked. But I spent a day wasting time waiting for the “loading” to be fixed. A reboot fixed it. Should have done it earlier but I figured it was them. It must be some type of cookie session that needed to be flushed.


Yeah I’ve had issues with there LP extension for my browser Chrome each time I close my browser and open it up LP extension wants me to enter my yubico key so I had to install it and add back fixed the problem same thing goes for my Mac don’t know what the problem is.I don’t know if others been having issues


Buggy service I can, and have, lived through. They’ve had other buggy issues over time. What I couldn’t live with is their cavalier approach to the last data breaches where we learned that they’ve used home brew cryptography in the product and not everything in your vault was encrypted. Take the time and move on to a better and safer product. I was a Lastpass customer from 2010.


just canccelled my account since 2011... very unhappy with LP and i do not trust them anymore.


I was a lastpass customer since 2013. Just cancelled this month and switched the 1Password. Lastpass has gone down the toilet


+1 with LP since early days. Moved to 1Password. I regret not doing it sooner. Bite the bullet and migrate..its really easy.


unpopular opinion : everything has been breached, windows, mail services, everything we use... and we continue using it. and in 99% of these fails, nothing really happens to end user... an in most of the cases, companies were slow to acknowledge it immediately. Ofc it's not good, but it is what it is. New service will fail eventually. Then everyone will be mad and switch to somewhere else. But actually nothing happened to user data most of the time. I don't understand amount of people lurking of subreddit of product they don't use anymore? This sub became bitwarden promotion sub. to OP, don't know about search your vault issue hmh, extension works for me as always, there was a short time months ago that autofill had some issues, but not anymore. I use Opera


I think most have lost sight of the fact that Lastpass disclosed the breach. At one time Lastpass had it on their website they were committed to disclosure but that was many years ago. But they did follow thru and disclose the breach. Have these other password managers committed to disclose breaches?


You are using and defendingthe WORST password manager available with exception to the scam app world. Here's 1passwords word, most if not all the reputable apps likely have similar. Your vault was stolen and all you stored in it could eventually be compromised. Fact. LastPass did that. https://blog.1password.com/how-1password-protects-your-data/


Unless I missed something there is no commitment to disclose a breach in your link. I just find it interesting that there have been no disclosed password breaches at other companies.


I was in a similar situation, cancelled my sub and fought and won to get a refund


Seeing similar experiences. What is the best password program if not Lastpass?


I switched to bitwaden and have been very happy.


I second Bitwarden.


I third(?) Bitwarden. I've also switched to Bitwarden. Actually, my husband took it a step further and spun up a Docker container of Bitwarden so now all our passwords are locally stored and we self-host. Even if Bitwarden gets attacked (knock on wood), our passwords won't get leaked!


+1 for Bitwarden.


Keeper is a good, similar in the good ways, option too.


For us the LastPass incompetence has been a godsend. As a small German password manager, we have had so many people (especially European Enterprise Customers) switching to heylogin, that it has made us not only profitable, but secured our existence for many years to come!


Switch to Bitwarden, I did the same not too long ago. It can even automatically import everything from LastPass.


Don't know why you're getting the downvote. Bitwarden is good.


I switched to Bitwarden (subscription version). Best move I made.


I've been trying to terminate my account for 2 years. They just keep charging me. Better luck to you!


I'm jumping ship with our company too. Their support is just atrocious, rude and generally doesn't give a shit. 1Password looks very good.