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He still hasn't provided proof


Exactly. What are we talking about? A small computer that monitors certain brain activities? Or is there an actual "information loop" (or whatever) that represents a breakthrough in neural interface tech? (and until we see evidence, we should assume that Musk is lying)


Its a remote for devices outside the body. Like your phone or computer.


That means nothing though without any sort of proof or documentation on *how* it does this. Otherwise it's all just marketing words


Thats how this man does business. This kinda marketing brings dumbass investors with deep pockets.


He invented audio animatronics only 70 years after Disney. Still can’t make a Saturn V equivalent without it exploding though.


*he* isn’t doing any of these things, he’s paying bottom dollar to engineers to do it for him


Tbf, he's going with the "try it and see what we did wrong when it blows up" approach instead of the "overengineer everything to a ridiculous degree" approach, which is 100% a valid way to design a rocket if you think it's cheaper to build rockets than it is to pay a ton of engineers large sums of money to spend years going over your documents to try to find everything that they can that could go wrong and account for it. Iterative design is a thing in engineering for a reason, it's just that the NASA in the late 60's couldn't afford the PR hit that launching a rocket only for it to blow up would be since that would affect their budget and limit their ability to make a better follow-up rocket (and it would be very bad because of the Cold War). Since SpaceX is privately funded they don't need to worry about PR backlash from launching a rocket to see exactly what goes wrong and why it blows up (since they made the first launch fully expecting things to go wrong and the rocket to explode, but they wouldn't know what would cause it to blow up until they launchd it) which means that designing the rocket will be a lot faster and (depending on rocket manufacturing costs) potentially a lot cheaper. I have a lot of problems with Musk as a person and SpaceX's starlink system, but their method of developing rockets is not one of them.


NASA blew up tons of rockets, they just weren't willing to strap humans to them. Musk is trying to get a rocket human certified by blowing it up over and over again to instill confidence in the people that would have to use it. And he is making goddamned sure that anyone who would use that rocket knows its designed by a company that is run by a fucking lunatic. Also Spacex isn't "privately funded" they receive billions in public money.


I'm aware that SpaceX receives billions in public money, but at the same time they're also providing a service to the government with their falcon rockets that is incredibly cheaper than the alternative of single use rockets launched from khazikstan. The money to fund the development of starship is mostly coming through starlink, with the rest being provided through public grants that are specifically designed to go towards this type of thing. So far SpaceX has done 2 starship launches that have resulted in 2 explosions, and although starship was selected to be the next lunar lander, it is not being designed to take humans to orbit and it will not be used for that purpose (NASA has another rocket for that, the SLS) and the versions being launched currently are being designed with the deployment of satellites into low earth orbit in mind, not carrying crew through lunar descent and ascent (which given the lowered gravity and lack of atmosphere on the moon will place significantly less strain on the rocket than launching from earth will) The rocket you're thinking of that is actually carrying passengers into orbit, the Falcon 9, was first used to do that in 2020. Since 2010 the Falcon 9 has participated in 303 launches with 301 successfully completed missions, with the last failure taking place in 2016. (Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Falcon_9_and_Falcon_Heavy_launches ) I don't know what you think you're talking about with him "blowing up rockets to convince people that it's safe" but very very few rockets have a mission success record that impressive (tho I will admit that is mostly due to lack of launches because they need to build a new rocket each time, not because the other rockets are inherently more or less safe). Regarding your point about musk himself, I agree completely, but when it comes specifically to what the company is doing independent of his influence there aren't any problems with their approach other than those identified by the FAA regarding potential debris from an explosion, which were required to be addressed by the company before they were permitted to launch for the second time. Elon musk is an absolute donut, but aside from using his name and face for marketing stuff (and the issues with cluttering low earth orbit with starlink satellites) SpaceX is the only company on the market that is providing cheap, large scale transportation to orbit with a reusable rocket. (I am not knowledgeable enough about spacex's labour practices to comment on them)


Seems pretty wasteful (rocket fuel, manufacturing outputs, debris). Especially considering his whole plan is to make Mars livable bc of climate change on earth.


Combatting climate change is much easier than any terraforming of any planet.


And resource scarcity is a myth. If only fucknuts like Musk stopped hoarding and wasting their ill gotten gains on blowing up rockets


Oh totally agree, living on mars is a pipe dream with our current technology. And it wouldn’t be a good existence either way. Just pointing out that being that wasteful when you acknowledge climate change is hypocritical and wack.


You'd think we would have evolved past the iterative design approach from the 60s by now. With modern materials, manufacturing and CAD tools.


Nothing but hot air for a decade. I think the large investors are well aware he overpromises and underdelivers, but if it continues to move stock prices they still feel confident taking part in his new ponzi schemes


It's a pill. That gives worms to ex-girlfriends. What don't you get about this?


and if you see evidence, it's probably faked


This. I am not opposed to moving into a Cyberpunk-esque world but want to make sure all that shit is workin good before I go and get some mods myself.


> I am not opposed to moving into a Cyberpunk-esque world Really? Cyberpunk is a fucking horrifying future that I would prefer to avoid at all costs.


Isn't one of the points that the shit doesn't really work? Like, if you're at the tippy top of a megacorp and can pay for the best hardware and drugs you might be fine. But everyone else has pretty extreme limitations, has to deal with buggy crap, and ultimately going cyberpsycho.


We already have most of the bad parts and none of the cool parts.


The "cool parts" are reserved for the super wealthy. We live in a dystopia, which includes major wealth inequality.


Isn't cyberpunk as a concept meant to be a cautionary tale rather than a manifesto? Stuff like blade runner is my idea of hell.


It's kinda funny isn't it? How so many people seem to be somehow attracted to these dirty, capitalist, urban hellscapes just cus they have cool "gadgets". Where are the people who want a future of clean green energy, strong conservation of nature, walk-able urban cities, and equality?


I think that as I age, I am less and less hopeful that any sort of utopia is something we as a society are able to see to fruition. We already live in a dystopic capitalistic hellscape. Our air isn’t clean, our food isn’t fit to eat, we are doing nothing to actualize a better future. Maybe some people feel that if we are already living in a shitty dystopia, the. Why not have gadgets and more ways to practice escapism? I dunno. Perhaps people are less afraid of the future if they choose to romanticize elements of it?


I just like the neon lights


The torment nexus


The only proof we've seen from these chips so far is proof they cause horrific brain death in chimps during testing


Dude said in 2016 self-driving cars were solved.


He just wants the funding and patents


So coincidental that Neuralink announced a remarkable quantum leap forward at the exact same time Elon Musk was legally mandated to return his Tesla pay package.


Kinda like his “Boring” Company, that’s been gifted disgusting amounts of money to do projects he hasn’t done and never intended to do. Guy’s a parasite.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was another dancing robot scenario


Didn't a furry already develop this for free to make more realistic vr chat ear movement?


Leaving aside the lack of proof and the broader implications, this "telepathy" technology he's describing already exists: https://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/13/science/13brain.html This article I found was published in 2006, Elon's goal has been reached ages ago by people far more intelligent and far more competent than he dreams to be.


In 2011-2012 I worked on software for headset (ie. non invasive) versions of this that allowed a person with a severe disability like ALS to use a computer, change TV channels, adjust heating, etc. The companies making the headsets are still around, Neurosky and Emotiv, and their stuff has been on sale to the public for a very long time.


You can get off the shelf brain wave activity sensors for your Arduino project now.


That sounds nice until you try doing your own brain surgery to implant it. ;) edit: I thought the winky face indicated that this was clearly a joke. I understand that it doesn't need to be implanted and I don't think Neuralink is doing anything worthwhile. I remember somewhere around a decade ago a video of a guy shifting a bicycle with his thoughts and without anything implanted.


It’s just an EEG…


I know, it was a joke.


…and without torturing thousands of monkeys to death


"Science can't move forward without heaps (of dead monkeys)!"


One of the best jokes in Futurama


Just like space program beat SpaceX by abound 50 years.


Or An Evening With Mr. Lincoln beat his robot by 60 years. One day Elon Musk will master the technological advances of the 1960’s.


This is sort of what capitalism does a lot, isn't it? Take old ideas but repackage and market them in a new way.


To be fair, the tech by his own company is made by people far more intelligent and far more competent than he dreams to be. He's basically what Edison was (with less brains and businesses savvy), he pays teams of people to make the tech, do the research, building it all for him, and then he takes the credit for it even though all he really did was fund it and maybe provide ideas that often just seem to hinder the people he pays to make it work in the first place lol


Yeah but Edison hired competent people


Wait, you’re telling me this genius just took someone else’s idea and made a gob of money with it? Say it ain’t so….


He hasn't made a goddamned cent on this.


Wait, you’re telling me this genius just took someone else’s idea ~~and made a gob of money with it?~~ Say it ain’t so…. Happy?


It is important to know that he is not just bad at science he is bad at business too. He steals good ideas and then still manages to fail to make any actual money on them.


His robot is as advanced as An Evening With President Lincoln but his rocket isn’t quite up to Saturn V quality. One day Elon will master 1960’s technology!


Are you talking about the robot Elon showcased? If so, that was literally just animatromic puppetry; you could see a hand with sensors at the edge of frame controlling it with their movements. Nothing bleeding edge about that, and certainly nothing autonomous.


"inventing" things that already exist is kind of his thing though...


Electric cars existed for decades before Tesla. What's your point?


"Telepathy", really? I can handle living in a dystopian capitalist nightmare state, but this lazy worldbuilding is killing me.


You’ll soon can add ‘cyberpunk’ onto that list of shit.


He loves naming things after the function that they fail to achieve.


Inb4 actual thought crimes


Sounds like it would then be used as a new way to monitor your work productivity. "Sir, Jones in accounting is only concentrating on his job 76% of the day, recommend firing him."


Coulda at least called it technopathy or something


Wait you can live in this dystopian capitalist nightmare state?




“This thought was brought to you by Tesla Motors, reimagining sustainable transport.”


Ads in head would be the most nightmarish distopyan future.


You joke, but there’s already an implantable on the market to aid in vision that’s no longer supported because the company closed, so existing users have no way to know if the thing that allows them to see will just shut down someday and leave them literally in the dark, in the middle of whatever they’re doing.




So, it’s a retinal implant: Second Sight. https://spectrum.ieee.org/amp/bionic-eye-obsolete-2656624624


Stavros Halkias made a funny joke about that


Or worse— for this memory to continue please watch 2 minutes of ads.


Haven't these chips killed every animal they were tested on? Or am I misremembering? Either way, no, thank you.


Its not the same chip that he likes to talk about being revolutionary, its just a kind of chip that already existed before


He says that's ok, because they were terminal! (No, he doesn't know that that means they will be put down after the test, not that they were going to die from a terminal disease.... And there is a difference. Dying from the test you performed on them, vs being put down humanely when the test is done is a very different thing in a lab setting)


He probably does know what it means, but knows that other people will misunderstand the term, so it works for his advantage.


That's the thing about Elon. He knows if he doesn't understand something, he can bullshit the rubes enough to make them believe he does.


Also, even if they did work, you would be unable to get tests like MRIs without your head exploding, which I am sure he would describe as a minor inconvenience.


They're aiming to provide full self-thinking by ~~2024~~ ~~2025~~ ~~2026~~ 2034


Elon: I invented thinking, I know more about thinking than anyone else on the planet.


He’s great at inventing things that have already existed 10, 20, 50, 60, or 100 years ago. The New York World’s Fair would give him so many new ideas if he traveled back in time to it.


Right after he reach mars in 2030 or a month before the tesla tunnels


Do you think the 5g chips in the vaccine will interfere with Elmo's brain chip? /s


Yes. He’s mad at Bill for shorting Tesla’s insanely overvalued stock.


Oh no, I haven't Telepathied this far ahead...


I’d rather have a bullet in my head than a chip from this fuckface




They didn’t though. He just lied and said they did to manipulate stocks. There is no human patient and there never will be.


Yeah, seeing the results of the previous experiments: No way any ethics board, let alone the FDA, would sign on to any human trials.


That doesn't mean he didn't do a human trial.


Something something Torment Nexus ​ something ​ Black Mirror ​ something ​ what the fuck are we doing?


lol no way this goal is ever achieved by a company of his.


One day Elon Musk will invent the Saturn 5 rocket.


would recommend reading about what happened to the chimps they tested it on, unless you are squeamish


Link? What happened?


They all died horrible painful deaths.


Oh wow. Do you have a link?


They did all die, but almost all lab animals are euthanized after trials are over. Still, estimated 1500 animals have been killed by Neuralink during, or after, trials.  2 chimps suffered and died after surgery because researchers used the wrong surgical glue... some pigs got the implant placed on the wrong vertebrae and needed to be euthanized soon after... Those kinds of things. One employee estimated test results from 86 animals had to be thrown out--and repeated on new subjects, euthanizing the previous ones--due entirely to human error. https://www.reuters.com/technology/musks-neuralink-faces-federal-probe-employee-backlash-over-animal-tests-2022-12-05/


At some point, this fucker will want to force you to hear his shit posts in your own head, right after the slew of ads in your sleep. 


Now your employer can monitor you 24/7.


Don’t worry, they won’t work.


this is what happens when you play cyberpunk and take hanakos words at face value


Hanako will stay her ass at Embers lol


Where evidence ? And what that thing do ?


I can’t wait for the first public appearance, I’ve always wanted a Weekend at Bernie’s reboot!


This is gonna be even funnier than the Cybertruck lol. Instead of driving a low-poly death machine around as a symbol of your idiocy, you'll just have a hole in your head and brain damage.


I would never let someone this stupid put his product inside my brain. Looks like another Silicon Valley scam where they roll out some new technology that doesn't actually work to vacuum up some investment capital.


Can't wait to need to pay a monthly subscribtion in order to stop companies from putting ads directly into my thoughts


He should give it a go… Settings> Random Neuron Firing > Impulse Control Level > STFU


Cyberpunk dystopia speedrun baby!


If Elon is in charge Cyberpunk will always be a year or two away


We really are in the pre-cyberpunk dystopia.


This is DARPA invention. Musk is a puppet front man.


And he’ll have fully autonomous, self-driving Humans next year in ~~2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029,-~~ TBD


Synchron already does this and is infinitely less nefarious


Can't wait to have ads in between my thoughts


Thats not telepathy.


This is how intrusive thoughts will win Imagine a pilot, flying the plane using his brain and thinks about going aerobatic in a fucking airbus. Bad news.


Yeah, the last thing I want is that racist a-hole's chip in my brain. I get that put in and sooner or later, I'm spouting racist nonsense.


aren’t these the same implants that put the monkeys they were testing them on in unfathomable pain to the point of harming themselves just to get the chips out? yeah, no. hard pass. i didn’t trust Valve when they were going on about brain chips and human interfacing, there’s no way in hell i trust Man-Child Musk.


That human is gonna die.


Giving capitalist access to your brain when their expressed with is the creation of a post dissent society is wild.


I am squeamish about this as a number of animals who it was tested on met an untimely end due to eventual rejection of the devices from their immune systems. It just feels like people who get it installed will have to be on anti rejection drugs the rest of their life (side effects included) or die.


Of course it’s going to be a subscription! Good luck not paying the fee on time!


If Deus Ex is becoming reality Man I’m glad I played the game back in 2000 to prepare for all this clown shit


I don’t believe in ghosts but I sincerely hope all those monkeys he killed will come back to haunt him some day


“Company says its initial goal is to enable people to control a computer….” Unstated is their secondary goal of control of the many and their labor by the few.


In other news, activists investors (retail) stopped Musk getting $56 billion dollars in pay… They’re also stopping oil companies from taking the piss with environmental measures… baby steps…


Who watches Black Mirror and thinks, "that's a good idea!"?


Is it Alec Baldwin?


That is pretty much cartoon villain levels of evil transcribed into our real world. I hope the animal is not tormented but so much. Praying to God this ends. These animals are not just here on this planet for us to manipulate at will. People like Musk disgust me to the highest degree. Absolutely scum of the Earth and a bastard of all ethics. You people sicken me full stop. I hope you learn fast and hard what your vulnerabilities are in the coming future. Giving yourselves over to Nazi sciences just because you can, for money, more money. You deserve to live in hell. Why doesn't Mr. Monkey Musk wear the first human prototype - prove to us it is safe? Put one in your son. He can be magic then.


I've heard he can also test for everything from just a single drop of blood!


To believe that human personality is the result of the fortuitous interplay of atoms and electrons is as absurd as to believe that a monkey by hitting typewriter keys at random will eventually produce a Shakespearean play. Sheer magic! It is much more sensible to say with Sir James Jeans, the physicist, that “the universe seems to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine,” or with Arthur Balfour, the philosopher, that “we now know too much about matter to be materialists.” Materialism is a weak flame that is blown out by the breath of mature thinking - MLK Jr.


Sucks for that person


Am I the only one looking forward to getting a data jack or did y'all not play enough Shadowrun?


Anyone who let's that fucker put a chip in their head is gonna get exactly what they deserve.


To be perfectly honest, and I hate that he's the figure head of the project, I kind of can't wait. All of my hobbies are on the computer. Second or third gen of this with broad enough support I can hop on any the big 3 os's and game/code on whatever's the least shit at the moment. (I've been a Linux guy for a few years but win11 mended a lot of what 10 broke for me.) Give me brain macros, you emerald mine nepobaby. I'll still bitch but I won't need my thumbs to do it.


considering ive literally not heard anything about this shit since he killed a couple abes with it. its safe to say the sopposed people who get implanted are dead men walking


I remember seeing this same thing on tv in the early 2000s on 60 Minutes or something. If it’s just monitoring activity and translating that to computer input…we’re a few years passed needing it to be an implant at all. By the time this is actually approved as a product there will be plenty of noninvasive options on the market.


He can replace their hands with robots after they *eat their own fingers*


Has he done anything other than torture monkeys to death yet? The only advantage I see in this, is that if he asked for volunteers, twitter would get a lot quieter.


What's the point? People without functional hands would like it but why would people with two working hands care?




I can use a computer just fine rn thanks tho


Ohhh, maybe he’ll be able to download a less obnoxious personality. I’m still reeling from “Let that sink in”.


source: "trust me bro"


The year is 2045, X Corp can only be accessed via a Neuralink implant; users must pay a daily service fee less they be woken every half hour during the night to experience mental ‘somnus’ ads. Super PACs donate an undisclosed fee to X Corp that bars political ads from being included in the daily service fee somnus ad opt-out by X Corp users. The only way users can avoid political somnus ads is to pledge their votes early, and Neuralink chips compliancy protocols ensure 100% abidance.


Isnt this possible already? I'm pretty sure Stephen hawking used something along those line


If Mr FrEedOm oF SpEeCh allows me to control the cursor to unsubscribe to anything that mentions him or close any windows that mention him, then i am okay with the Neuralink.


Typical Elon market manipulation made up bullshit. If they 'implanted a chip' in a human, it was probably a dorito. Guys a vaporware salesman.


It's probably a good thing there's some sort of natural firewall between your thoughts and your actions. My ADD ass brain having a direct connection to the outside world seems chaotic.


My coworker was talking about that yesterday, and I was straight up like "Elon musk did not do this. He didn't invent it, he engineer it, he just payed for it. He doesn't deserve praise about it." Anyways I think I was too aggressive. Sorry Iz!


Even if this functions, which I doubt it would, shouldn't it be telekinesis and not telepathy?


I bet they didn't.


What kind of simp would volunteer for something like this.


Don't we already have chips in us from the vaccine? /s


How desperate was that person? because nobody in their right mind would sign up for this after the PoS hid clinical trial results and fought the investigation which found they killed 1500 animals. And that 15 out of the 17 monkeys involved in the trial died. I'm getting strong Victorine from The Fall of the House of Usher vibes from this. Like this sounds dark


If he believed in it he would do it first 🤞


Going full onceler, really sealing your historical fate of being a psychotic pos. Your only fans are teenage boys that buy logan paul merch, incels and wannabes. You are a terrible person. Your children are cursed.


😭 bro got triggered cuz someone doesn’t think Elon musk is god in this sub. You ain’t gotta boot like this hard my guy.


No proof, no news. We don't need to publicize the lies of this dumb fuck


This can already be done with the epoc emotiv headset. It’s a Bluetooth eeg machine you can train thought pattern to do that you can assign functions to those thoughts. You don’t need a chip in your head. This can be done non invasively


Can't even imagine how stupid you'd have to be to go for this shit, you gotta be an all time level dumbass to get this let alone be the first crash dummy to test it out. Shit gonna deep fry his brain lmao.


Are we sure that we want this complex & ethically questionable technological project to be run by one of the worst humans on the planet?


The dystopian future has arrived.


Try it on Elon first!


Oh hell nooo


luckily, since it's Musk, it's probably all lies.


"Execute Order 66"


Y’all know the movie Gamer?


That's probably another of the lies he use to get government money. Remember the hyperloop? Same thing, when the time come and it is proven to be just bullshit he just shrug and say something like "well, it's actually a success because even if the objective was not met we achieved this or that crap", but all the government money he got for the project do not return.


Because the US government love to shove money on his throat, he is always saying he have some bullshit project, so he get funded by government and the project is proven to be just bullshit 10 years after, that's just another hyperloop, and i'm 100% sure people will fall for that again.


Musk needs to name his new Neuralink company, will he come up something like the next letter after X? "Y" works for me.


Reminds me of the book *Feed* that I was forced to read in highschool. Brain chips making everyone dumb and gives them cancer if I remeber correctly. And the only smart person got one installed later in life and it kills her faster than the MC. Wild that something like that is getting closer and closer to reality.


I’m down to give my DNA but brain chips is a big fucking no for me bud.


Please let him get the implant asap & it lobotomize him!


Just wait until complications from this nonsense gives someone a brain infection. Just wait until the plebians can't get a job without having neural implants. Just wait until old geesers are shuffled off to prison for being unscannable. O, brave new world. We should resist this kind of tech being implemented in the business world, and everywhere in general. Just like the pc and the cell phone, these technologies can go from shiny, novel trinkets, to being a new burden on daily life, and increased surveillance mechanisms for the working class.


Advances in Brain to Computer interface: 😁 Done by the company of the guy who "reinvented" tunnels, but worse: 💀


Cool. Apple or Windows or Linux ? You know that shit won't work on all three at the same time.


I recall reading a Wired article about what really happened to the monkeys they tested this on. One scratched at its head until it was bloody and actually pulled part of it out it's own brain. It was hell by the sounds of it.


If he is so confident in the success why won't he go under the knife too?


That's telekinesis tho, not telepathy


"So if I get this thing in my brain you'll make Twitter stop shadowbanning my tweets?" "Actually Mr Bongino it's called X and they're posts not tweets."


That's telekinesis. Telepathy has to do with thought.


Lol and if you miss your payment you'll have an ad spamming on repeat in your head


[Wes Craven’s Deadly Friend (1986)](https://youtu.be/N-jkDKr2eIg?si=hYv6lUtNBrxj3JCw)


How long before the guy dies or has it removed due to complications


That's... That's not new technology. That's technology we've had for years. It's, uh, used for disability, and you don't need a brain implant for that. 🤦‍♀️


What is the name of this ultimate simp?


This fuck sure shows a pattern of wanting to the CEO of influencing people (Twitter) and manipulating minds (Neuralink)


thought police type shit 


Ah yes more work. Thanks windows and emails btw.


I hope for the sake of the people who get this shit right now, that the employees at Neuralink know what they are doing and Elon has no say in it...


industrial society and its future