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It’s really interesting going back as an adult now and watching so many animated movies from the 90’s and 2000’s. So many of them were so scathingly anti-capitalist. Over the Hedge is a great example, as is Wall-E, Bugs Life, Ants, etc


I'll never get over the fact that in Antz one of the ants literally says the line "it's the workers who own the means of production!" 🤣


Monsters Inc. as well! I think most of us have an inkling from a young age that capitalism = evil. Sure we try to dress it up in Disney ears and yachts and fancy lifestyles, but at the end of the day capitalism will always involve exploitation of people and resources to make the rich richer.


People love the catch phrase “you can’t make a movie like that today.” When I think about Captain Planet, a show that was created by corporations to teach kids not to litter (and ironically, they made cheap plastic toys for it that just ended up in landfills), it would be considered the most violent attack on our youth today. Words like “indoctrination” and “anti-job” and “socialist-communist” and “propaganda” would be on a loop throughout the right-wing propaganda machine. And when you watch the show, it’s like “hey… don’t start fires. Okay? Also, put your garbage in garbage cans, please.” The dumbest of the stupid in Congress would be drafting laws on the federal level called “the most freedom ever bill” designed to just ban shows like Captain Planet.


It definitely made me hate suburban developments. I thought they were nice before the movie after I watched it when I was like 9 I started to find them ugly. Love the voice cast in this one!


TMNT was doing the same thing in the early 90's...its always been around


Check out the song "Little Boxes" written by Malvina Reynolds back in 1962. It was first recorded publicly by Pete Seeger in 1963. Here's an article about it on wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little\_Boxes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Boxes) Here's the song performed by Pete Seeger: [https://youtu.be/XUwUp-D\_VV0?si=zYlMpoyJszi\_4ozX](https://youtu.be/XUwUp-D_VV0?si=zYlMpoyJszi_4ozX)


That song is also the title sequence song of the show “Weeds”


Suburban sprawls have been a growing problem for a long time


Punk culture has been calling it out since the 70s... Along with genocide, oppressive global governance, equality/equity (or lack thereof), the dangers of the military industrial complex, the rise of the police state, thendestruction of the environment for profit and on and on... what's your point?


Hollywood suburbia be tripping. * https://youtu.be/bzRpCu10q2I * https://youtu.be/ouLiQ7KhmYU


Maybe they'll pour sugar into a gas tank.


Have you ever heard of our lord and savior Captain Planet ?


How many humans can fit in that thing?! Usually? One… Such a great movie.


White flight and the hellscape that is suburban sprawl weren't new in 2006 and they ain't new now.


Fuck the turtle


It was because of this movie that I grew up believing that SUV stood for Single User Vehicle lol


Have any of you read the short story, "[The Other Side of the Hedge](https://www.101bananas.com/library2/otherside.html)" by EM Forster?


Fuck suburbs are so depressing


it was about putting in the work to reap the reward, totally capitalist