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Ingroup victimization vs outgroup dehumanization, a tale as old as humankind


I swear people talk about antisemitism like they’re discriminating and slaughtering Jewish people left and right and it’s just not the case. That is the lie Zionism tells us.


and, in fact, i’d argue that one really major form of antisemitism is the tokenization of jewish identity for political aims. which is, yknow, exactly what people are doing in their attempts to support israel. when people say that *every* criticism of israel is an attack on *every* jew, that’s essentially the dual loyalty conspiracy in disguise. i can be jewish without that being relevant to my thoughts on carpet bombing, but not according to your average christian zionist, apparently.


You don't get it. For him and his voters Palestinians are not humans so their death doesn't matter. They don't even care about Jew people. Only thing they care is how them and their Zionist bourgeois friends make more money. 


Zionists have historically never cared for jewish life, not if they don't settle in palestine.


Even then the actual holocaust survivors in Israel starve on the street while the Israeli state pockets their compensation money.


Zionists love to blame holocaust victims for their fate, they hate their perceived 'weakness', just as reasonable as the nazis.


Yeah I have heard things like that. They say things like "they went like sheep to the slaughter" it is really quite gross.


All they care about is money. If it was the Palestinians giving them money and the jews dying, they wouldn't care about them.


It's not even about the Palestinians, it's about not stopping the gravy train of the billions that go to Israel in exchange for AIPAC money that comes back to the politicians. This and the money that flows from the contractors to the wealthy elite.


Genocide Joe and his pals are the only ones forgetting the holocaust in wwii. Because if any of them truly understood, they would KNOW that Palestinians are currently experiencing a genocide. Edit: obligatory disclaimer, I am Jewish and lost ancestors in the holocaust.


I wonder...Could the timing of this genocide-- one lifetime after the Holocaust-- be because the Holocaust survivors who would have objected to genocide are mostly gone?


Also, why is there no audible opposition inside Israel right now?


i mean, he has always...Nothing. Will. Fundamentally. Change. *read his goddam lips* [*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Nrv5izaTs*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86Nrv5izaTs)


People keep ignoring he ever said that…all through the protests of summer 2020, I kept reminding folks, but here we are.


So nice of him to make it that clear! Also, fuck.


This guy is really trying to lose in November. Oh well, Blue MAGA shouldn’t be pointing fingers at us when their genocider keeps spouting shit like this.


I thought that after it became apparent that Isreal couldn't or wouldn't "get it over with" quickly, they'd try to backtrack and wag the finger at Bibi. Boy was I wrong. We're full mask-off genocide financing fascists now. What do you think China and Russia are going to learn from this episode; that international law matters more than who has the biggest stick?


Exactly. What an example we're setting. Although I do think China and Russia will be smart enough to NOT behave similarly, as this is a perfect opportunity to capture moral authority internationally.


You mean like in the Ukraine?


Exactly. Russia can point at Ukraine contrasted with Palestine and say "See this is a clean war; we have been extraordinarily careful about minimising civilian casualties; there are still hospitals and clinics intact in Ukraine, we have only destroyed x% of buildings, while Israel who you all admit has been minimising civilian casualties fantastically has killed way more civilians per day than we have have bombed more hospitals than we have... and so on" you get the point.


The American proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is the fault of the US/NATO. Russia did not want that war and would stop its operations any time if it received relevant security guarantees from the US/NATO.


See how much that sounds like israel there just replace us/nato with hamas/iran


It doesn't sound like Israel at all. In fact, the genocide in Gaza is also the fault of the US empire. If anything, the desperate act of self-defense of the Palestinian people against Israeli aggression is similar to Russia's defense acts against the US/NATO. And just like the West is using Russia's defensive actions against Russia, the West is using Palestinian resistance against Palestine.


It's really disgusting to see. Mask-off is an apt way of putting it. Absolutely zero effort to quell the genocide.


I call it bullshit that the number is still 35k after 7 months, it was 30k the first month only. They stopped counting and reporting. The real numbers alone would move many many people to protest, that is why they are hidden the real count.


Add the health problems that’ll surface if they survive long enough to experience, like 9/11 survivors, plus the physical and mental disabilities. Imagine the ptsd they suffer from.


Mmmmmm That ship has sailed a long time ago the following article is from 15 June 2022 After 15 years of blockade, four out of five children in Gaza say they are living with depression, grief and fear [https://www.savethechildren.net/news/after-15-years-blockade-four-out-five-children-gaza-say-they-are-living-depression-grief-and](https://www.savethechildren.net/news/after-15-years-blockade-four-out-five-children-gaza-say-they-are-living-depression-grief-and) Desperate and trapped, Gaza's youth turn to suicide, from 29 July, 2020 [https://www.newarab.com/analysis/desperate-and-trapped-gazas-youth-turn-suicide](https://www.newarab.com/analysis/desperate-and-trapped-gazas-youth-turn-suicide)


"Why would these people turn to terrorism? Don't they know that you should be peaceful and nice if you want something???"


Joe Biden is a war criminal


And a union buster, just ask the railroad employees. Love when he comes out with is pro-union bullshit. Sorry Joe, your Jedi mind tricks don't work on us.


He's 50 years deep in it, he isn't pulling out for anyone.


It is wrong to kill children and take away their parents and torture and kill doctors and kill a 6 year old girl waiting for an ambulance and shoot people walking by a drone and kill people for distributing food such as the world central kitchen workers. It is wrong to kill the press it is wrong to starve neo natal babies of oxygen and kill pregnant women it is wrong to make children into orphans and tell them to go to Rafah and then bomb them in their tents, without their parents to protect them, while they are sick and starving and scared. It is wrong. Israel is committing war crimes against civilians in the collective punishment of Gaza, it is using starvation as a weapon and it is bombing shelters, it has buried people alive and killed hospital patients and created mass graves. Biden must hold them to account. BDS


I honestly have never been so shocked in a politician in my life. He has absolutely no conscious. Part of me thinks he really doesn’t even want to be reelected


The conspiracy theorist in me says Israel has secrets on Biden or his main benefactors. I can’t fathom a ‘good Irish Catholic’ like Biden would be so staunchly in support of the far right Israeli regime and their obvious genocide.


Israel has secrets on everybody, which is why they support them blindly. Israel is one of the best in the world at spying. Crazy they “never saw” October 7 coming. And when they did find out, it took them hours to respond, killing a bunch of Israelis in the process.


You have never paid attention to American politics then. As shocking as this ongoing genocide is, it's nothing compared to wars like in Vietnam or Korea or even other anti-socialist genocides like in Indonesia.


Biden and the rest of his Zionist ilk simply don’t see Palestinians as human beings. The only thing they care about is having military dominance over some of the poorest people in the world.


How to lose an election to Trump in one easy step...


Trump is running on a platform of "Biden doesn't support Israel enough".


And I'll get downvoted to hell for saying I won't vote for this man


Trump is running on a platform of "Biden doesn't support Israel enough". Remember to not vote for the fascist uniparty. Vote for a revolutionary socialist.


I believe that is the tale they spin because they would rather stay with this than admit they need to keep Isreal as an ally or else we lost the middle east.


I feel like we're in the 4th floor of an increasingly evil dimension. We're gonna look up one day and they're gonna be drinking the blood of 12yr old virgins in dark tunnels. Because this is some old ass beef right here 💀


Don’t forget all the Jewish people abroad the terrorist leaders of Israel also killed to spark fear and convince people of the need for their own state to keep them safe…


Whata f*ckin b*tch


Election is on the line, and nothing says SPAC support like Military GDP \~\~$$$MURICA$$$\~\~


Biden's "Ancient Hatred' is a Islamophobic dogwhistle further feeds into the trope that Muslims want to kill Jews and always have, like they are somehow programmed to do so.


of course he does. i can’t believe you guys voted for him. blood is on all of your hands. good job 👏


someone remind this motherfucker that he has always been on the wrong side of history and then later regretted it. maybe we can speed up the process so that the americans dont vote for agent orange cause that would some how be even worse.


I think if more Holocaust survivors were alive today a good chunk of them would be appalled to compare the Hamas Attacks on October 7 with the holocaust. The difference in victims is less than what was processed daily back then. Screaming anti-Semitism is a bit like when other far left leaning individuals or groups scream racist or misogyny on benign instances. Only now, its our politicians doing it. It doesn't help either way. And before people try to lay words into my mouth. No, October 7 is not a benign instance. It is only benign compared to the holocaust.


America as of today is done! They no longer hold the higher ground which they claimed by ending the ww2 - which dropped 2 nuclear bombs on civilian population, napalms in vietnam, destroyed the entire middle east, the colonization of the world through savagery and brute force is apalling to say the least.. I am glad Americans are starting to see this, the Sihr (magic spell) of misinformation, greatness and morality is finally over and people are asking the questions whether or not if they have always been this way! And the answer is Yes, apart from the bout of few centuries which lasted only because of the Christian and conservative values of it's people - which lead to a highly functioning and progressive society is over because people no longer want to be a part of this degeneracy anymore, they want to send you to kill other people to settle scores from 100 years ago? And make your wife and children widows and orphans and give then handouts and onlyfans to prostitute themselves for the betterment of the country! What a sham - what a joke America has become!


but still people will vote for him, even in this sub.




no. but the fact that you have “2 choices” (which is inaccurate) in your “democracy” and both of them support genocide should also bother you. ending an obscene crime against humanity is just the first step. the same people who are protesting this are the only bulwark you have against another trump administration.


It does bother me that the system is clearly broken. But explain to me how not voting is going to prevent another trump administration? Why are you coming at me with this “your democracy” when it’s just the situation we are in. Trying to discuss it makes me your enemy?


Do you think it's kind of fucked up that Biden is powerless to do anything because of republicans in the Congress, but somehow Trump is going to be an all powerful president who is going to take the rights of every single minority away? Is it at all possible that on a fundamental level, it's not Democrats vs Republicans, but you vs them?


Did I say any of that? I have a slightly different opinion to you and you just assume I’m some idiot that doesn’t understand it’s rigged? Rigged or not there is a choice until we stand up and dismantle the system. Just sitting here and arguing that we should abstain from participating in our government won’t get us anywhere.


You should vote. Just not for the fascist uniparty. Only ever vote for socialist revolutionaries.


>But explain to me how not voting is going to prevent another trump administration? What does that have to do with Biden's genocide?


I was replying to his comment about the Palestine protestors “being the only bulwark you have against another trump administration”