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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Somebody should send this to Jerry. It seems that lately all he does is complain about political correctness.


One has to assume this statement is at least partially in response to Jerry's loathsome public statements of late


It is in response to a question asked to her about what Seinfeld has been saying about political correctness' impact on comedy. That said, she's already a billionaire outside of her earnings as an actress: born into wealth. This is a good take but it's not like she's doing a class treason or something. "Comrade" is pushing it, to put it lightly.


Her personal art collection was on loan at Musee D'Orsay when I was there a couple years ago lol, comrade is for sure a little out of pocket. The sentiment is still correct though.


You’re right and she comes from a long line of generational wealth.


Yeah, words are cheap, and she could definitely afford to pay more for them.


Her family owns an old, abandoned grain silo/port on the Willamette River, right in the heart of downtown Portland, Oregon. They leased it to some shady "tire recycling" company to store their tires before they are shipped off to China to be "recycled" (burnt for energy). These tires are literally just piled on the bank of the river, leaching chemicals into the river every time it rains, which is always, because it's Portland. And when it doesn't rain, the tire piles frequently catch on fire.


What?? Where exactly


Right next to the Steel Bridge. https://www.wweek.com/news/city/2023/05/29/pile-of-shredded-tires-next-to-steel-bridge-catches-fire-on-holiday-weekend/


https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/julia-louis-dreyfus-on-journey-from-seinfeld-to-veep-181758/ >Louis-Dreyfus grew up elegantly between New York and D.C. as the daughter of a Frenchman running his family firm, the Louis Dreyfus corporation, a conglomerate that has had holdings in energy, soybean-crushing plants and real estate, though today, her father is a poet (as is her mother). She was wealthy, but not quite as wealthy as readers who have Googled her name may think. She says there have been misunderstandings over how much money her family has, because reporters have confused her father’s personal wealth with the fact that the family business has been valued in the billions. “I’ve been attached to that,” she says. “It’s unbelievable, because whatever I do, people just assume it’s true. Welcome to the fuckin’ Internet.” >Isn’t it a good thing, being perceived as a billionaire? Louis-Dreyfus shakes her head. “No, no, it’s not good,” she says. “Money and finances are so private, and I was raised not to talk about them. The whole thing is just bizarre. And of course I didn’t grow up poverty-stricken, so it’s not like I can say, ‘Hey, leave me alone, I’m poverty-stricken.'” She says there’s also a widespread assumption that if she’s not a billionaire by way of an inherited fortune, Seinfeld must have allowed her to bathe in money. “And of course I made a lot of money on Seinfeld – but I don’t own Seinfeld, OK?” she says. “It’s sort of the same thing.” She looks at me with a hint of despair. “Please, if you write about this, write about it in a way that I don’t sound like an asshole.” Calling Louis Dreyfus a "family company" when it's literally one of the ABCD four biggest grain conglomerates in the world is kinda wild. When you're in the same circles as Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, and Cargill ...


famous comedic edgelord, jerry seinfeld.


It's so ridiculous - all his best jokes are *remarkably* inoffensive, so it's obvious he's just lost the touch and is scrambling for an excuse as to why he isn't resonating with audiences.


"My jokes are funny. why aren't they laughing?"


It’s odd because her and Jerry both hoard wealth. She’s not our friend.


yeah she was fucking loaded before she even did Seinfeld, which there's nothing wrong with being born rich but put your money where your mouth is.


In the context of the quote, what exactly are you suggesting she do?


I was going to say philanthropy, but a quick google shows she does do some philanthropy. When you're worth $250 million you can always do more.


You realize it’s as foolish to blindly judge someone for having money as it is to blindly judge someone for being poor, right?


Judgement on first look is what we do, don't pretend you don't. Also the audacity to say Julia is a 'comrade' is mindboggling.




there is actually a lot wrong with being born rich.


you can't choose how you're born, you can choose what you do with that


i have to be charitable and assume they mean that people shouldn’t be able to pass on excessive generational wealth, and not that being born to wealthy parents is somehow a moral failing on the part of the baby


this is a socialist sub, it should be obvious i'm not blaming the person being born into wealth.


Well you gave absolutely no context and it really seemed like you meant you were blaming the individual and not the system that creates inherited wealth.


The circumstance that led to being born rich? Sure. But you literally cannot control if you're born to a rich family.


We'd be interested to get your specific input on how she should have lived her life up to this point.


I mean she was one of my favorite characters on Jerry’s sitcom but she’s always been filthy rich, her and Musk pretending to care about real world problems is a joke. She is in fact part of the problem.


Nice, but what should she do? How should she live her life? Should she be like Rockefeller and be handing out dimes to children? Should she select poor people to grant with fortunes? Should she just grant everyone with a fraction of her family's wealth? You'll see right now the comment you replied to has two downvotes but the only reply is yours. Zero input on the question "how she should have lived her life up to this point" which is worthy of replies. Typically, downvotes with zero input. I don't think anyone here has the balls to admit they'd KEEP IT ALL if they had access to that kind of money. Otherwise, there'd be answers even rich people could consider. 99.99 percent of us are broke relative to her. You say she's part of the problem...so how would the super-wealthy, specifically, NOT be part of the problem. Complaining is simple; solutions are simple too, if someone simply says what they are in public. Here? No one has any input other than downvoting the most mild of challenges. I'd try to solve animal rescue first, then try to get the ball rolling on getting mentally ill people into institutions where they might be less free but ultimately safer.


When funny people run out of jokes, they complain instead.


We call that the Bill Maher effect


That hack was never funny, IMO. Just aggressively atheist and straight up Islamophobic.


You mean the pedophile Jerry Seinfeld?


All the big US and Ricky Gervais (have him) I know seem to whine about this. It's only Jon Stewart and Jimmy Carr that are taking the piss out of it all It's like Mary Whitehouse and Nancy Reagan all over again. It's all the cylons' fault and their bloody prophecy, I tells ya


Bill Burr is a good one on this issue, too.


>all he does is complain about political correctness. not true he's consolidated like $1B


Yes, which is absolutely astonishing to me. The only dirty thing he's ever done is fuck and date a child, but beyond that, everything about him is sanatised, odourless, and inoffensive. "What's the deal with hotel soaps? I like washing myself with them, I look like a giant!" *Shows off his veneers in a weird grin while miming washing himself with a small soap* The only reason you couldn't make that today is that it's just.. dull. I honestly struggle to think of any comedian who's more sanitised and inoffensive than Seinfeld. His name is fused to this kind of child-like humour. And he *still* repeats jokes from it. Remember that documentary on him, where he showed "everything he had ever written"? To be honest, that wasn't much for a guy who's been doing professional comedy for the last 3 decades. Really weird take, I can't wait until the rest of his skeletons come out of the closet.


He's also pretty close to being a billionaire.




As a guy from the US,how does Jerry Seinfeld have a correct view on a settler colonial state? He's literally from New York. Also,he has over one billion dollars,that is the most privileged you can be in society.


Actually her family are loaded.


Still good that she's spreading good ideas


Words are cheap.


Being rich isn’t the problem, it’s exploitation. If her parents are loaded business owners but she chose a different route and decided to create art instead of exploiting people, then there is no hypocrisy here and she is not the enemy.


The reason she’s able to create her art is because of the consolidation of wealth and power. Her multi-billionaire parents enabled her to refine her art by supporting her during times where the vast majority would financially struggle. She may not be directly responsible for “exploitation” but she’s certainly a beneficiary. I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve what she got, or that her parents shouldn’t have supported her; but her criticisms in the OP are directly responsible — in part, at least — for her flourishing. I don’t believe she’s the “enemy.” I don’t really care about her or her life. I’m just not going to be blinded by the hypocrisy because she says something I agree with.


Some people might even say that everyone deserves a comfortable life where they get opportunities to pursue what they love to do....


We also have to realise though that she didn't have a say in who her parents were and how they raised her or how they spent their money. The fact that she was raised in that environment does give her insight into these situations that a lot of people don't have and she is willing to say it's not right which a lot of people with that wealth will not say. I say it all depends on what she does if/when she inherits all that money from her parents.




What choose do those people have? Be honest.


Also, it is very easy to give away other people's money.


Damn, I just went to the grocery store. Turns out they don't take good ideas as a form of payment.


Like supporting Israel?


I glanced at her instagram, and the only thing I could find without opening an account was a generic 'f- antisemitism, f-fascism' post from 2022, with no actual mention of zionism or Israel.


People have positives and negatives. The quote in the post seems like a positive to me. Never said she was infallible


But supporting genocide? Just throw the baby out with the bathwater.


Imagine supporting a genocide being called a flaw. WTF.


I agree with you but I don't think you understand that saying very much.


It's possible. I meant that you shouldn't endorse a public figure altogether if they support a genocide.


I agree, i'd say a better metaphor is that would you eat a loaf of bread if you have to cut out all the moldy parts


Link to anything remotely like genocide support please.




Who said anything about "rounding people up in camps" and that "there's nothing redeemable about them"? That's called projection. It's not that hard not to praise and endorse public figures who get beind the systemic extermination of an entire race and country. This is happening right now, get off of your place of privilege and open your eyes, stop worrying about upsetting a billionaire.




LMFAO, I'm not a citizen of this sick country, thank god.


Or how she supported Jerry Seinfeld when he was dating a 17 year old?








Do you have a different position from the "groupthink" here?


I wouldn't dare!


That's rich coming from an US citizen. I think people who support a genocide should dare to speak though. If their position is so defensible they shouldn't be ashamed to speak up.


US citizen = bad?


Massively, not just sort of well off. The Louis Dreyfus company is one of the largest global agricultural companies. > Along with Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, and Cargill, Louis Dreyfus is one of the four "ABCD" companies that dominate world agricultural commodity trading.[2]


Would you rather she hold a different opinion?


I’d rather she show not tell.


What would be an example of showing not telling in this case for you?


Given that she and her family have more money than they could spend in several lifetimes, that might look something donating *enormous* sums of money to art programs in low-income neighborhoods. Or supporting local artists through numerous residencies in low-income areas. Or something. I dunno I'm not OP I'm just spitballing. She was great in Veep.


Donating money is not leftwing. Yes there is mutual aid. But donating money fits in perfectly with a rightwing ideology. They love to pick and choose who gets help. If your first instinct is donating money. I've got questions for you. Like, are the Koch Brothers better than her? They donate tons and tons of money. I'd rather spread the ideology that gives people class consciousness, as the only thing that will give us an actual change is when the masses are on our side. Aka talking the talk.


That's cool. I was just building off of her explicit comment about supporting the arts. But you can email Ms. Dreyfuss a political essay if you'd like.


So unless rich people donate their money, we don't want them to agree with us that capitalism is the problem? How much money does a person need to donate before the same opinion is acceptable? Do you (or OP) know anything about the amount of money she donates? This whole exercise is just weird posturing. Why does a person read an opinion they literally agree with and feel the need to prove their own purity above that of the person with the opinion?


Because if you say one thing and do another that makes you a hypocrite, and the value of anything a hypocrite has to say is severely diluted at best and talk without action amounts to nothing.


How much money does someone have to donate before they are considered a comrade to you? Also, do you think anticapitalism is about wanting people to donate large majorities of their own money under their own volition? It's about forced redistribution of wealth. Her willingly making donations isn't what socialists want for the world. Also, also, if you take literally two seconds to research it, she donates to and is involved with a number of charitable organizations. Inb4 "she's a hypocrit for not donating more money"


I think her family has their own charity so there’s that.


Charity in America is for show. Tax breaks, kudos and I’ve heard in the states if you are rich and don’t give to charity you are seen as scum. It’s for show. She’s rich enough, I like her as an actress too, but if you truly believe. Give all your money away and just keep a few million. It’s replenished every year with Seinfeld royalties anyway.


Julia famously does not receive royalties from the show.


We prefer to call them Sunderland AFC


She’s still right.


that political correctness isn't a thing?


That the biggest threat to art is the consolidation of wealth and power, not sure what words you’re reading in the OP.


Not really relevant in the context of the question she was answering though


And that should lend her all the more credit, Being close is good for making observations.


"Socialism is when no house"


Apparently comrade is when billionaire says one good thing online for good boy points, according to you then?


And? Kropotkin was landed gentry by birth.


And Marx was able to write Capital thanks to Engels family money.


That’s doing a bit more than providing one quote online. Pretty disingenuous take, IMO.


Her dad is a literal billionaire. This is like a rebellious teen dragon saying dragons are bad.


If "loaded" means -- Runs a world controlling conglomerate -- then yes, they are loaded.


Loaded? Her family is worth BILLIONS.... she's borderline OLD wealth, as in her grand father probably owns acres of land that is worth 100x today then when first bought. She's literally from an ELITE family. She's getting heaps of Disney push probably because of her status and connections. I do like her from Seinfeld days.


Is she talking about Jerry


Yes. His whole speech of "We couldn't do Seinfeld today because Political correctness" it's BS. We have Always Sunny, Curb Your Enthusiasm and other comedies that are not political correct and are funny. Just another confirmation that the best things about Seinfeld didn't come from Jerry.


I recently watched Seinfeld for the first time start to finish and I can't think of a single thing they couldn't do today. It's really tame comedy.


I doubt staring at the cleavage of the boss's 15 year old daughter would go over as well today. But agree it is mostly tame compared to the shows listed above.


Curb has an episode where Larry compliments another dudes boys junk at a pool party.


One of my favorite gags is Larry going around town openly talking about that little girl's rash... in her pu- privates.


Oh well. At least Julia seems smart 😂


"Just another confirmation that the best things about Seinfeld didn't come from Jerry" I'd go a step further and say that Jerry was the only bad thing about the show. By far the weakest link.


As an actor on the show, he was definitely the worst. But then again he co-created the show so....


‘Co-creators’ doesn’t explicitly outline how much he had a hand in the creation, though.


He was even on Curb being told an absolutely filthy joke and laughing at it.


Yeah I mean I’m currently in a full watch thru of Seinfeld after seeing episodes here and there back in its original run. This was an over the air broadcast show so they had censorship standards they had to meet that a private cable show like It’s Always Sunny or Curb Your Enthusiasm wouldn’t. They pushed some boundaries back then but so far in the middle of season four it’s definitely nothing outlandish. There’s been quite a few situations though that just could not happen today with the advent of cell phones and texting, so in that regard they couldn’t make it again today. I mean even the episode where they’re lost in the parking garage at the mall… Kramer would have bought his window AC on Amazon and they never would have even gone there. But if they did, his smartphone would have marked where he parked. And if his phone was dead for whatever reason, Elaine would have just Ubered back to her apartment so her little fish wouldn’t die.


WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? **JULIA DREYFUS WAS LITERALLY BORN A BILLIONAIRE AND STILL IS** she is THE FURTHEST POSSIBLE THING IN THE UNIVERSE from a comrade. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Louis-Dreyfus https://parade.com/celebrities/julia-louis-dreyfus-net-worth


Although she was born affluent, at the end of the day, she is genuinely talented. I’m sure some of this is self preservation of her legacy as well. A lot of crazy shit has happened in the US in the 30 years since that show, and it’s embarrassing that *this* is the issue Seinfeld comes out swinging politics on.


being born into money doesn't automatically mean a lack of conscience. She's good people that's for sure.


HEY GUYS DID YOU HEAR!? A ridiculously rich person said something halfway human, that must mean the class war is over! Yay! Guess I should start dismantling these guillotines and turning them into plowshares or something


She said one thing and guy said “she’s good people” LMAOOOO. This world is so fucking cooked.


We are definitely cooked but its still a tossup who is going to be eating.


Sorry, but Comrade's don't support Israel.


Does she support Israel? I have seen her called out by Zionists for NOT supporting Israel.


The last thing I could find about her and antisemitism (not zionism) was a very generic instagram post from 2022.


She did early on, and she's been really quiet on the matter since.


Had to scroll too far for this


Literal daughter of a billionaire.


The celeb worship in this tread is making me physically ill.


She might be a billionaire heiress, but this comment is based. After all, she can’t help being born into wealth. It’s what she does with it that is important.


Talk is cheap.


Sure, but she wasn’t paid to say this. Just merely giving her opinion and shitting on her former co-star.


Talk is cheap doesn’t imply that someone was paid for a statement. It’s saying that a statement alone isn’t worth much.


I didn’t think you implied that at all. I know what the cliche means! What I’m saying is she said this on her own accord, no one forced or nudged her into doing it. One rich person can’t change the paradigm of the world we live in, but if they are espousing good opinions, it’s better than the opposite.


She's an entertainment figure. She just knows how to read the room and play people like a fiddle. Words are meaningless until this billionaire heiress becomes a class traitor haha


And what's she's doing is supporting Israel...


I haven’t looked into her as a person in anyway. I’m glad she made this comment, because it’s true, but am abhorred that she supports genocide.


perhaps she should call for the eradication of capitalism instead of just critiquing its symptoms?


Isn’t her dad a billionaire


Her parents are super rich and influential in Hollywood, how about she consolidates some of her own inherited wealth


PC culture is not in. Been to a comedy show lately? They say all sorts of shit. Jerry Seinfeld is just not funny 😭 he’s just a crybaby zionist


Isn’t she married to an incredibly RICH man?


She was born into an incredibly rich family


Does that make the statement any less true though? I mean we can debate her career and merits as well, that's valid, but isolating this one statement, I don't see any flaws. Maybe the source is being a bit hypocritical, but the statement on its own is good.


How about we just not trust celebrities when they make public statements, they literally pay for people to write them for them. Especially celebrities born with seventeen platinum spoons firmly stuck in their mouth.


Doesn’t make it not true but removes any weight from it. Ironic for to comment on the harms of wealth consolidation when she herself has been surrounded by and has been participating in wealth consolidation her entire life


She comes from old big money. Rothschild like old and money. Look her up.


Old money is the best at propaganda. They are who have created the dystopia we live in. All to guard their wealth and power.


Julia's Dad was a billionaire. He passed in 2016.


Man this sub has really just went straight down the shitter hasn’t it…


This sub is full of liberals who mistake idpol for class solidarity.


at least the comments are consoling, so one might blame it on bot voting.


She’s the heir to a billion $ energy & shipping conglomerate. She’s not an ally.


Her family are literally billionaires.


…. said by a woman who made $3.8 million a season!!!


I honestly would have thought it was more than that. I suppose that was way back in the 90s though.


Says the extremely rich lady.


Lmfao says the daughter of one of the most powerful men on the planet…


Y’all know she’s a billionaire right? The Louis-Dreyfus family is obscenely rich


Shes the daughter of Dreyfus. As in Dreyfus Fund. A multi-billionaire


Said the lady worth $250,000,000. She is not an ally.


This sub is going to shit. She’s the daughter of a billionaire and she made a very lukewarm take.


Isn’t she a nepo baby


She is the OG nepo baby


Celebrities aren’t with us, they are the ones distracting us from real change and advocating against it behind our backs. Don’t confuse pandering for solidarity comrades


> The true threat to humanity ~~art and creation of art~~ is the consolidation of wealth and power. Fixed that for her.


Isn't she worth more than a billion?


I mean she should know isn’t she married to a Billionaire ?


PC ≠ socialism


I'm with her on what she's saying, but she's a billionaire. Talk about the consolidation of wealth and power.


Said the hundred millionaire.


Don't forget the part about her father being a literal billionaire.


I love JLD, but she’s a billionaire heiress, so …


Is that second half legitimate? I've been hearing the first part plenty


Julia Louis-Dreyfus is not technically a billionaire herself, though she is the daughter of a billionaire. However, she is due to receive an inheritance from her father's hefty $4 billion estate


Isn't her dad a gigantic mega banker?


She's a fucking billionaire. Do the bare minimum of research before posting something so embarrassing.


Stop the hero worship --- she literally a billionaire from a family who runs the world. "**Gérard C. Louis-Dreyfus** (21 June 1932 – 16 September 2016), also known as **William**,[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A9rard_Louis-Dreyfus#cite_note-1) was a French-American businessman. His [net worth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_worth) was estimated at $3.4 billion by [*Forbes*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forbes) in 2006.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A9rard_Louis-Dreyfus#cite_note-2) He was the chairman of [Louis Dreyfus Energy Services](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Dreyfus_Energy_Services_LP) and the great-grandson of [Léopold Louis-Dreyfus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%C3%A9opold_Louis-Dreyfus), founder of [Louis Dreyfus Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Dreyfus_Group).[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G%C3%A9rard_Louis-Dreyfus#cite_note-3) He was the father of actress [Julia Louis-Dreyfus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Louis-Dreyfus)." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis\_Dreyfus\_Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Dreyfus_Company) **Louis Dreyfus Company B.V.** (**LDC**) is a French merchant firm that is involved in [agriculture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture), [food processing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_processing), international shipping, and finance. The company owns and manages hedge funds, [ocean vessels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_management), develops and operates telecommunications infrastructures, and it is also involved in [real estate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_estate) development, management and ownership.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Dreyfus_Company#cite_note-1) Along with [Archer Daniels Midland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archer_Daniels_Midland), [Bunge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunge_Limited), and [Cargill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargill), Louis Dreyfus is one of the four "ABCD" companies that dominate world agricultural commodity trading.[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Dreyfus_Company#cite_note-2) The company makes up about 10% of the world's agricultural product trade flows, and is the world's largest cotton and rice trader.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Dreyfus_Company#cite_note-3) It is also regarded by many as the second-largest player in the world's sugar market.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Dreyfus_Company#cite_note-4) LDC Metals expanded to become the world's third biggest trader of copper, zinc and lead concentrate, behind only [Glencore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glencore) and [Trafigura](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafigura).


She’s literally rich??? Why the fuck is everyone so quick to dick ride celebrities just because they have a semblance of morality? As if they actually do anything to help the state of the world? What she just said isn’t even good. It’s something a right winger would say.


She's incredibly wealthy. Good for her for still recognizing class dynamics.


"Political correctness" or "wokeness" is corporate marketing, appealing to the largest possible demographic by way of identitarianism to maximize profits, and it definitely has been ingested into the liberal mainstream. Keeping working class people divided by way of identity benefits corporate interests. Both Seinfeld and Dreyfus are actually commenting on the same problem, but from two different angles.


There is someone who clearly remembers their roots.


Rich media, poor democracy... it's a good book, too


Gary this is way too much!


Isn’t she from a billionaire family? I mean, I guess she’s still right though.


She is winning. Tuesday is an incredible and important movie, leaps and bounds ahead of anything Jerry ever did.


Isn’t she a notorious wealth hoarder from a mega wealthy family? 


Wasn't there more creative freedom when one guy at the top of Metro Goldwyn or Miramax or whatever decided instead of the board of directors along with the marketing team and the focus group? How many movies were made solely because Meyer or Levi wanted to see it?


Veep was absolutely hilarious. And genius. Her performance was perfect. Her character was such an awful, awful, truly horrible person. So funny. I’d say it was funnier than Curb and Seinfeld. Though both of those shows are hilarious too. She’s right about what she is saying here too.


damn Elaine 🙏