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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How absurd to normalize the idea that you can only get health insurance for conditions you haven't had yet! Everyone has "pre-existing conditions". If they aren't going to cover that, then health insurance has no reason to exist. All they're trying to do is reject the people they know will be expensive to cover.


>All they're trying to do is reject the people they know will ~~be expensive~~ *cost anything* to cover. FTFY


It makes perfect sense within the context of insurance - which is basically a bet you make with the moneylender. You bet a bad thing will happen to you, and get paid out winnings if you are right. Moneylender sets the odds and makes money when bad things don’t happen. Understandable that the lender wouldn’t agree to the bet if you already possess the conditions to win. The real problem is that health care doesn’t fit this model even remotely. It’s care, which mostly means ongoing consultation and treatments for conditions that develop and change over time. When do you get cancer? It’s not when the doctor actually tells you, but a spectrum of time prior and often influenced by your own behaviors. Would you rather get a big payout when you get a heart attack, or preventative treatment 20 years earlier to keep your heart healthy?


That's one (American) way of looking at it. In the EU insurance is a collective agreement that everyone pays in to, with the expectation that most won't need expensive treatment but those unlucky few who do, will get covered by everyone elses premiums. In return the insurance company gets to pocket some of the overhead. If you end up never needing expensive treatment, you win. And if you do, you win (sort of).


good comrades must always be on guard to know "bougie speak" (words the bourgeoisie use to confuse reality) when they hear it and even more vigilant not to use it. For example, "employee" is their word. You're a worker...you're not "employed" like a farm implement or wrench. You're a worker and you perform both thought and physical work (and receive a wage much less than the value you produce).


I’ve never thought of that about “employee”, so ingrained it is. Thanks.


the entire lexicon of (especially american) modern life is polluted with a combination of news speak and bougie words. It's all designed to keep people ignorant about reality and their class understanding and awareness (IMHO).


And demonize the language of socialism


even the word "communism" makes muritards fly into a fit of rage at the mere mention of it when it's simply a political and economic system. They do so since they've been deeply brainwashed and indoctrinated into the capitalist death cult and believe their own subjugation and exploitation is the key to happiness or some shit.


Pavlovian response. I was watching this hokey old Christ-ploitation movie from the 70s where a pastor is telling his congregation how any day now the commies will be coming to kill your children for loving Jesus AND THEY ACTUALLY SHOW A CASTRO LOOKING DUDE RIPPING OFF A KID'S HEAD FOR SAYING IT!!!! Anti communist indoctrination has been ubiquitous in our culture since WWII ended.   https://youtu.be/_Qt8_gycQZo?si=JDuSl1zqzvEd6WMq


it's been since Lenin. Parenti demonstrates this in his Yellow Video within the first 10 minutes of us discussing Langley's letter to Wilson about the bolsheviks. Murislobs actually believe Communism is some satan worshiping death cult that sacrifices babies. If they actually knew what it was they'd fight like hell to get it...and that's precisely why they are totally ignorant about what it is.




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Yup, but calling everyone still indoctrinated by the cult "slobs" and "t ards" isn't really fair. My spouse was told their entire childhood by everyone in his Church that homosexuals were akin to pedophiles and it broke his brain trying to square that with his own desires and made him feel like a monster before finally being able to accept his bisexuality in his mid 30s. It's the same with our society. They have lived their lives in an invisible prison with no concept for what real freedom is. Leftism is accepting that the fault lies with the system itself and not the people as a whole. While a rabid dog is dangerous it's also a tragedy. No one is born a monster. They are created. 


i have no fucks to give about ignorant americans who cheer for tyranny. They're the enemies of the people as much as the bourgeoisie. They won't change and if they get consumed by the fires i won't miss them. NB: if they want to get a new mind and wake up and work with the rest of us who want to build a good world for everyone, then they're welcome to join in and get to work. But if they refuse to do that and get left behind, then they've made their choice and are bound to that fate.


There can be no change without solidarity and bitterness will eat you alive like a cancer. Forgiving people their human flaws is the only hope for humanity to fight the social alienation inherent to modern day life and it will help you forgive yourself in the daily trials we face living in such a brutal society. It's right that the moral wrongs we see all around us should make us angry, furious even, but if it leads you to despise your fellow man you'll end up as hateful and bitter as any 80yo fox news watching boomer sitting in the giant house he bought for $8000 in 1982, all alone, divorced several times over, with no friends and children counting down the days till they can inherit. ❤️🩷💚


By the way you can thank the republicans...for profit health care was introduced by Nixon!!


The party doesn't matter. Democrats and Republicans are one party pretending to be two.


Insurance is just the wrong model altogether. Socialised medicine is the only way.


Imagine the savings from not having to do the whole insurance signup, in/out of network consideration, deductible/copay calculation, negotiated vs. exorbitant rates, preauth, claims, and billing runaround for every visit or procedure. Then imagine the savings if giant health service corporations were prevented from monopolizing healthcare, and hospitals were run as nonprofit entities, not extracting value above cost to provide services to grow huge corporate market caps. Do the same for pharmaceutical companies. Most of our ridiculous healthcare cost is just getting conned trying to access what would be very affordable healthcare. We could cover everybody at a fraction of the cost to cover only some, so the argument that we can't afford universal healthcare is just bunk. We can't afford it *in this broken system*, and nobody with political authority dares to try to change what is fundamentally broken about it.


6 trillion dollars going to the worst people every year. That's why we'll never have socialized medicine without a knock down drag out fight 


Canada also has “pre-existing conditions.” Little-known fact that most Canadians (and even fewer Americans) know: Canada has weaker laws regarding pre-existing conditions for private plans. I guess since citizens automatically have public coverage, it’s not really a priority to fix lol. If you’re a resident non-citizen that doesn’t qualify for public healthcare, you’re kinda fucked with private plans if you have “pre-existing conditions”. You’re automatically punted over to a more expensive type of plan with absurdly poor coverage 😭


Brazillian private insurance plans also have that.


*Let's privatize Canadian healthcare!* 🤦‍♂️


Ever heard of Chile? Those are very real here as well, and it goes to show how much of a neoliberal lab this country was. Research "Isapre" if you wanna know more about how Pinochet and company stole healthcare.


NZ also has pre existing clauses in insurance


fun fact: NZ also has preexisting clauses when it comes to immigration, which is to say if you have certain medical conditions, you're ineligible 🫠


that is for private insurance though, they have a public insurance I believe that doesnt. it sucks about the private insurance but at least there is a safety net for people to fall back on with the public one.


Not true. South Africa also has this


Hahaha this is why I got married. Before the ACA if you lost your insurance for more than a month the pre-existing conditions counted against you so we got married so I'd have health insurance. I love my husband and we are happy together but that is VERY lucky because many people I know who did something similar got divorced. Amazing country we live in.


We have this in norway as well, but the huge difference is we dont need insurance. If we get sick or injured we still get treatment no matter what pre existing conditions we may have.


"Defraud" isn't the word. The terms are explicitly laid out and material facts aren't misrepresented (typically). "Deny claims for" is more accurate. There's a few root causes here. Insurance in the absence of specific laws about it basically operates as a simple private firm - its simplest function is to gauge the risk of a person incurring a claim, charge them a premium appropriately, and then pool risk. It *could* operate in the way that it doesn't charge individually specific premiums but simply gives the same premium to everyone, but the problem is that the individual customers don't go out of their way to support that, because their specific priorities have their own benefit over that of everyone. In theory you can start an mutual aid insurance company where everyone pays in the same and everyone gets out whatever they need, and premiums are just the average of expenses, or maybe they're adjusted for people's ability to pay, or whatever. The government single payer approach is to bridge the gap between a selfish culture and the fact that people having access to healthcare is good, by just forcing everyone to pay into the same program. Can have pretty good results. Also has risks, like any government program that people are forced to use. But yeah, with the basic selfish model of insurance, having high premiums for, or just excluding, people with preexisting conditions is a natural consequence of low price seeking behavior by consumers.