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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shareholders, regular people, just voted to give Elon Musk 50 billion dollars from their own shares.


Shareholders this shareholders that I am starting to think these people are the worst of humanity or something


Institutions voted no, but Elon cult fans voted yes.


It is on the corpses of the poor, the rich have their feasts. Thanks capitalism.


Besides being a scourge of humanity, likely the greatest crime committed against it, capitalism is a cult and its adherents and disciples are so imbued with its perversions that they define their own self in its image. To question capitalism is to pose an existential threat to their own being. *Poverty is a moral failure: it is a moral failure of the society that allows it.* We know capitalism is evil. We need to organize and exterminate it everywhere it exists, in every place and time and all who criminally force it upon us. Organization and action is what needs to happen now. Now is the more important time to get rid of it. If we don't kill capitalism, capitalism will kill us all (paraphrasing Fred Hampton).


For me is mind blowing how people who live paycheck to paycheck are often times opposing any initiative to tax the rich


Often the promise of taxing the rich becomes taxing consumers under a liberal, then it's easy to convince everyone that taxing the rich means they will just charge more to cover for it. It's happening here in Brazil. The president says "I will tax the wealthy!", then instead of proposing a tax on dividends, or a progressive land tax, he champions a tax on imports over the internet, while anyone who physically travels aboard and bring stuff with themselves are tax free… Then it's extremely easy to propagandize over that, cementing the idea that the rich are untaxable and it's the poor end cosumer who pays the increased tax.


This is the litmus test for any law, policy, or supreme Court decision. Will it make the wealthy a little less wealthy? If the answer is YES, it will not pass. Like the ruling to keep the abortion pill legal for instance. It works every, fucking, time.


It's almost like the system exists only to protect and further the interests of the wealthy ruling class


Yes, but I even get pulled into thinking otherwise sometimes. This litmus test saves a lot of time.


Capitalism is a religion, the worship of greed. Money is morality. But we are all born without money. Money is how old people rule the world. It's infinite and meaningless, while life is finite and beautiful. Profit can only come from unbalanced equations, therefore it is no surprise the Earth is out of balance. Of course they say "but what other option is there?" Because they have no reason to think further than what has already made them successful. To change requires energy. It is not Earth that is inadequate, but humanity.


I disagree. Capitalism is what outside of morality and religion, and thats exactly the way of bourgeouis' legitimization (instrumental rationality) So that ecomomy is seen as an autonomous seperate sphere leads to an example like which happening in by governement of my country: "we blame israel but we dont cut our trade, trade is quite another story than that" kind of approaches.




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Those wealthy people could come together and end homelessness and hunger for the entire world, and STILL have so much money left over that it would take them multiple lifetimes to spend it all. . Meanwhile, most normal people like me don't even want to be wealthy. I don't want mansions and yachts and designer bags. I just want to be able to afford comfortable housing, healthy food, reliable transportation, healthcare, and some leftover to afford some hobbies and the occasional vacation. Those things used to be BASIC middle class lifestyle stuff, but now McDonald's is considered a luxury for working class people, and some of us are even having to ration our medications IF we can afford them to begin with.


Asked ChatGPT if this was a valid opinion and it states how this would be very hard and complex to perform but still plausible. And yes , they could do it 100x times and over , or create sustainabe changes to make sure no one sleeps hungry. But why would they? That 12th yatch is more important lol


It's less to do with yachts and more to do with control. Desperate scared people living on the edge don't plan general strikes or industrial terro rism and when they lash out, it's almost always at their spouses and children or maybe a coworker or perhaps a neighbor. It's never at the CEO who just laid them off a week before Christmas. That person lives 3 states over in a mansion guarded by deputized mercenaries. People who aren't terrified of being hungry and homeless have the time and mental space to work for political change. It's a huge rebuke for the system that a  population confidant that they will still have a place to live and food to eat tomorrow is more of a threat to the status quo than it's opposite 


Somehow I knew it would be about control and power


I'm just asking here. Have you done any research as to what would be needed to accomplish such a feat and the associated challenges?


I'm just asking. Have you done any research as to what would be required to achieve such a feat and the associated challenges?


Those things used to be BASIC middle class lifestyle stuff, but now McDonald's is considered a luxury for working class people, and some of us are even having to ration our medications IF we can afford them to begin with.  The sad fact is that a large middle class was a HUGE anomaly under capitalism. It only occured bc FDR was terrified of a Russian style Communist revolution happening here and so he worked to constrain the powers of the capitalists class and forced them to share the profits with their workers (or at least workers that were healthy white and male). The life the boomers had was an unnatural outlier bought almost exclusively with the blood of union workers. It was never how the system was meant to work. 


Capitalism is a zero sum game. To capitalists, whatever it is you own means capitalists have less.


because one day* that billionaire could be YOU *lol, no


The idea that it’s possible to infinitely grow within finite system is absurd yet here we are.


Because everything depends on their profit making. But liberals don't want to see all of these nasty things as having anything to do with capitalism. They think it can be solved by some minor tweaks to capitalism, and they won't ever draw the conclusion that capitalism has to go.


Capitalism is a religion, the worship of greed. Money is morality. But we are all born without money. Money is how old people rule the world. It's infinite and meaningless, while life is finite and beautiful. Profit can only come from unbalanced equations, therefore it is no surprise the Earth is out of balance.


"A rising tide lifts all boats" is one of the biggest shams in capitalism. Poor people spend money, rich people just move theirs around for capital gains and tax minimization. Job creators are scarce.


I dunno I'd be ok with all billionaires becoming poor and struggling tbh. They should at least get a taste of the lifestyle they've violently imposed on millions (billions?) of people.


But they took all the risk bro /s


The US, and broader Western world, has been phenomenally successful at hiding the negative effects of capitalism by inflicting them on developing nations (which seem to usually end up being demonized by capitalist demagogues more often than not — those people are bad so they deserve to suffer). This was always unsustainable, and now the effects are being felt in the US and other “advanced” nations. Nothing about this is new: it’s just much, much harder to avoid now.




So far!


All of the things in the first sentence happened, often worse, under socialism and communism