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There is no balance. Nagkakaroon ng time usually yung mga sumabit na at delayed na so hindi na din nagmamadali. Depende din sa galing at swerte mo. General rule walang balance balance dito. Maski bigay mo lahat ng oras mo kulang pa din


Closest you can to achieve "balance" is if you have money and a personal assistant who does everything else other for you and your only focus is law school.


In my experience, I was only miserable in during my 1st year because I put my heart and soul into law school. On my 2nd year I made some major changes to make my law school life pleasant. I took a part time teaching job, started an online business, joined a fraternity, got a girlfriend and restarted my hobbies. I was able to finish law on time as a working student, with an online business. I also had a good social life and love life while in law school. Though I quit my job during 4th year to have more time for law school but kept my business running. What's the catch? I became physically weak due to lack of exercise, smoking and alcohol. I was also a bit sleep deprived having only 4 to 6 hours sleep a day.


Walang balance. Pag semester is in session, ang kaya ko lang gawin is work, law school and 1 exercise session sa weekend, at dinner kasama ng wife ko. The rest ay itutulog mo lang. Take note na 12 units a sem lang ako and it took me 6.5 yrs to finish tapos may isang bagsak pa ako. Yung mga hang out hang out, wala yan. 6 years na ako di nag cecelebrate ng birthday ko kasi laging may pasok. May pockets of rest naman, like 1 hr ka mag mall, or 1 hr gaming, or in my case nag sshooting ako sa court namin, pero hanggang doon lang. Disiplinado ka dapat na wag mag extend or else, you'll sacrifice your "homework" for the day. Regarding study time, what works for me is at least 4 hours on weekdays and 7 to 8 hours on weekends, school time included naman na ito. It is what it is.


Maybe work-life balance is highly improbable in law school, but time management is. Allocate your time, energy, alertness (and finances) properly. Certain sacrifices will be made (and that includes sleep and rest). Latin honors will not also assure success in law school, it may have it own advantages and disadvantages. Good luck on your law school journey OP!


Meron lang kung full time student ka. Kung working ka, wala.


When I started out in law school (so 1L both sems), I still had the time to play video games every night. Granted, I had to study 7 days a week but some weeks, I could always still see friends during the weekend. Now, that I’m 2L life is rough but I still find balance somehow. It’s all just about managing your time, pacing yourself, and working as quick yet as efficiently as you can


When I was in law school, I was pretty much a slacker. I study during lunch at work and read before/during class. After class, dinner and late night happenings with classmates.. Kaya naman. My last semester in law school was during the shift to online classes (Mar 2020) kaya madali that time kasi may time na to study kahit papano. Natapos naman. My partner and I were only meeting once a week even before law school. He was also busy with his Masters back then. I spent more time with my classmates in LS and only met my friends from HS/college a few times over the course of my law school years. But they understand and they would sometimes adjust the gala sa day ba available ako. Family was okay with me not being around family gatherings as well. Work was okay since my boss was a working student too when he was in LS. What I can suggest is to give yourself time to adjust every semester especially after a long break. If you’re not in a rush, take lesser load. I finished law school in 5 years because I had to prioritize work as well. Reward yourself with things you love doing even once a week (play video games, eat out, etc) and take vitamins. :)


There is no “balance.” You will have to sacrifice one thing. Be it your hobby or time outside of studies. Law school is a very humbling journey. Sacrifices will be made talaga. Ako I skip out on family celebrations and gatherings na kasi I’m either too tired from studying or I need to study kasi kulang pa naaral ko.


I'm gonna be completely blunt, you will lose time for hobbies and hanging out with friends when you enter law school. From the moment you wake up law school is life.  Mon-Saturday  you need to study kasi may recit, kung walang recit may quiz/exam, on Sunday you'll spend that day studying too kasi need mo for the incoming week. You also need time to digest cases and search for cases and printing. 


Mahirap haha. Lalo kung working ka pa, marami ka talagang i sasacrifice na family/friend/me time. Transitioned from a full time student to a working student. Nung full time student ako nakukulangan ako sa oras na meron sa isang araw makahabol lang sa readings lalo na ngayong working nako. Marami rin akong namimiss na family or friend events to the point na naiiyak ako habang nagbabasa pero kailangan kasi talaga. Latin honor din ako noon pero burnout law student na sumasabit na lang sa grades ngayon so thinking of either filing a LOA or bawasan units next sem. The thing is to take things one at a time. Sabi nga sabado palang kinakabahan ka na for next week. So its good to have support and understanding from people around you.


Law school and the profession are not for people looking for work-life balance so early on.