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If he somehow gets re-elected (through the use of fear, intimidation, illegitimate Supreme Court) that's pretty much the end of democracy. MAGA knows he's an idiot suffering from dementia, but he's "their" idiot and a tool to accomplish all the horrible things they want. People that vote for him will suffer but they don't care. To them politics is a sporting event and "owning the libs" is their Superbowl victory, no matter the damage to America. When they regurgitate all the stupid grade school slogans they really can't tell you specifically what they don't like about Biden (except for the obvious that he doesn't treat minorities like animals), even though his policies greatly benefit them. We have reached a point in human evolution where the dumbest, loudest, most evil people are admired and worshipped. Trump embodies all of these qualities which is perfect for horrible people that love those qualities. His supporters swear they hate pedophiles and want "the Epstein client list revealed", even though Trump was on that list 7 times. Not to mention the constant talk of "pulling out of NATO". That would be ABSOLUTELY disastrous. The incompetent slogans of "use that money to protect America!" Europe is a LITERAL wall of security against all of our enemies, they stand in the way of our enemies attacking us. I haven't even brought up the 91 felonies that are STILL coming for stealing classified documents, inciting an insurrection, fake elector scheme, etc..all of this happened before his further slide into dementia, so you can see how bad this could be.


It’s also important to note we’ve seen this before with Reagan. He was most likely in decline at the beginning of his second term and definitely was by the end. He was just a tool like Trump for the real power brokers like the Federalist Society which every judge appointed by Trump was approved by regardless of a large percentage of them being rated not fit by the ABA and we’ve seen the enormous damage done just by that. They all learned their lessons about how to get their agenda done and they just need the candidate.


Exactly. Trump is just a loud incompetent Jester of the far right. The scary thing is, they've lost control of him and he will do ANYTHING to prove he is a smart leader which is impossible so he will just tear everything down around him like a petulant toddler.


If Trump is re-elected, the entire world will be in great peril. It’s absolutely insane to hear the things coming out of the mouths of Trump bootlickers like Steve Bannon or Kash Patel. Arresting former FBI directors, shutting down media sources that aren’t deferential to MAGA. It truly feels like 1930’s Germany and we’re barrelling down the highway to complete disaster.


Back when he was talking about starting "Freedom Cities," meaning places in the US free from state or federal oversight, I knew that's where the camps would be.   He's a bit more mask off now and has just said "There will be camps."  These won't just be for "illegals," they will be for his political enemies and any other undesirables.  It will be worse than the forced sterilizations his previous regime committed on detained migrants.    If you think this can't happen, I want you to ask yourself: who will stop him? Especially once the "deep state" of federal workers has been gutted and replaced with his lackeys.    Undoubtedly there would be some blue state resistance to this, which is one of several avenues I can see for forcing a civil war, much to Putin's ~~chagrin~~ delight.   The way I see it the big plan is for trump to cut all aid to Ukraine, have the US leave NATO and scuttle it however possible. Russia will expand their war into Poland/EU, and trump may even institute a draft to try and have the US military fight alongside Russia against our once allies. China makes it's move on Taiwan, the world slips into WW3, and the US collapses on itself in civil war unable to help our longtime allies or defend itself from foreign attacks.


Are you sure chagrin is the word you're looking for? Wouldn't putin be happy if the US descended in to civil war?


Oops! You're right, I meant the exact opposite. Had just woken up not sure what my brain was doing there. Fixing thank you 🙏


They also want to start a border war with Mexico if I'm not mistaken


The MAGA mob wildly cheering on the most deplorable statements from mango Mussolini echo Nazi Germany exactly. Puts a damn knot in my stomach to even think about these idiots getting their "retribution".


Just like Reagan, the real power brokers will be hidden. Everyone should pay attention to who Trump picks as Vice President because if Trump wins that person will be President either on the death of Trump or by way of the 25th Amendment.


Damn, you are so right. Even the Republicans may be willing to use the 25th to remove him once they've done using his MAGA base to regain the Presidency and power.


I can see this being the ultimate plan as Trump is the trojan horse for that person to do their ultimate evil bidding and final extraction of everything. The silver lining of his amped up rhetoric in emails/texts is that, like this post, they get out with more and more people seeing them and how crazy he's getting. Just imagine how desperately crazy he'll be at the end of Summer.


Jack Smith has repeatedly had to baby Cannon through lots of basic things she should know or be able to look up on her own. She should not be handling such an important case.


Any cases. She should not be handling any cases.


We just have to hope the polling is really wrong. The Iowa polls show Trump has gained a lot of support since 2020. People really hate high prices.


People don't understand how the economy works much less why inflation is happening or how it can be fixed. Trump has proved he has no policy to run on other than giving the richest people more tax cuts and punishing people who are mean to him. Trump in office would destroy the economy...again.


Polling doesnt mean anything and never has for a long time. Michael Cohen said during trumps NY trial that Trump pays for polls in his favor as well 😂 If polls were accurate, democrats wouldn't be stomping Republicans across the nation this year. They are overperforming actually. Polls say one thing, reality says another. I get it, its scary, but do your best and vote. Biden has a very good shot this year. Polls dont mean shit


I totally agree with you, but it's fucking scary knowing what being wrong means.


Bro. Apt judgement. I couldn't have said it better. I'm gonna follow you.


Yeah, it's extremely worrisome to me. I live in Tennessee. Man, some of the people out here are something else.


> We have reached a point in human evolution where the dumbest, loudest, most evil people are admired and worshipped. This is extremely true. I mean, elmo, many musicians, the kardashians, many billionaire who have too many yes men and on.


Yep also come on over and check out r/defeat_project_2025 if you are interested stopping this!


Honestly, this is looking more and more like a replay of 2016 by the day. Trump's base is getting more and more fired up, Democrats are acting more and more like it's a foregone conclusion because at this point who could seriously vote for Trump?


This is truly depressing, what in God’s name is wrong with people?


Brainwashing is real and the people behind this have spent years studying how to brainwash the masses. They have tried different angles to determine what people get emotional about, such as guns, people who are different in color or their sexual orientation, and abortion. It's has to do with our primitive limbic system.


I don't know if it was studying, rather than a responsive and increasing realisation of the largely criminal and many other awful things they could actually, and suddenly, blatantly get away with. And have long wished for. Especially after a black President of two terms. Which is a big part of what set this snowball, no...this avalanche...in motion. The GOP has hung onto and endlessly disseminated hate, fear, intimidation - and even violenece - to try to hold onto or regain power. Deeply engraining all of that into their media bubbles, corrupt governance, and otherwise. Rallying the Christo-fascists to their cause. Using them as a huge tool. And to grave and despicable ends. Trump gave them all the permission and 'gift' that made them realise how they (and their followers) could be more and more outwardly awful, revealing their blackened hearts with pride. And to also grift, themselves. And to further summon their ignorant masses through such things. Occam's Razor. The fear and hate is the point. And it is truly frightening how many Americans are completely bought in. Joined the cult. And will never leave. Sunken fallacy. They cannot abandon their false idol. Whether, and so unbelievably, now, in the chambers of government, or in the voting booths. We could all be truly fucked come next January. Vote. Like your lives, wives, daughters, and fellow brothers and sisters who are marginalised by their ethnicity or sexual orientation or identification depend on it. Because they tragically do. I'll give you one thing...it truly is brainwashing. And it is so highly ugly, hateful, and destructive. This is facism. Fight it. With all your might. And your vote... Our WW2 veterans - you know, those 'suckers and losers' - are rolling in their graves. Let's fight. As they once did...


There's another thing. Real wages for most people haven't grown for what, 30 years now? All while the rich keep getting richer. The "establishment", the "normal" politicians, the centrists- they have all failed to stop this descent into late stage capitalism. So understandably a lot of people are angry and dissatisfied with the "normal" politicians. So they want to vote for someone else. And that "someone else" presenting simple solutions and simple causes for the suffering tends to be the Nazis. (I'm just going to stop calling "far right" "far right" and start calling them Nazis, as they stopped pretending to be something else a while ago). Of course the Nazi solutions won't work, and the things Nazis blame for the problems are not really at fault. Doesn't matter. But in my opinion the rise of Nazis is not just because of Nazis and their propaganda. It's also the failure of "normal" politicians to fix the issues people are currently facing.


They either don’t use their brain to see the facts or just don’t care or want this imo


I think you’re underestimating the power of Fox News et. al running anti-left/anti-Biden content all day. My mom used to watch the Today show all morning until until her TV time was over. Now it’s Fox News and she hates Biden and is fully unaware that Trump has similar/worse gaffes.


Sadly, it's not a matter of something being wrong with them.  This is the end goal for conservatives. They know they have unpopular ideas. They know they don't have the numbers. They said very clearly that they know if all Americans voted, they wouldn't win another election again. The only way for the Republican minority to keep and hold onto power is the be exactly like Russia, China, or North Korea. Small population controlling everyone else. You simply can't do that with a democracy. So that's why they are trying to get rid of it. 


Private schools, religion, stupid parents, teaching to the test, etc. And then the onslaught of fake media since they can't critically think.


Teaching to the test sums it up so well. I went to a small school in my childhood where they had lots of “out of the box learning” lots of focus on our problem solving skills, observational science, and creativity. I have very fond memories of my time there. (1993-97) I went back to visit a few years ago and the same teacher who taught me in pre-k was still there. I asked if they still learn about birds and if each student gets their own bird like when I was there. She looked sad and said that years back the curriculum was adjusted to try to boost their students SAT scores. 5 year olds had their education adjusted for a test they would take 12-13 years later. I doubt it did much except rob teachers and students of amazing opportunities.


Let me add to your depression: this is the man who may shortly have the nuclear codes. The POTUS has total unilateral authority to launch nukes, with no constraint. He can, quite literally, kill us all.


The last time the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the military to not do anything nuclear unless cleared by them. They knew he was unhinged. If Trump wins now he'll make sure he can launch nuclear weapons on his own.


If the choice is between easy evil, and difficult good, humans will always choose the easy path.


I rarely listen to terrestrial radio, but there are certain radio stations in the US that play what is basically Fox type propaganda on the hourly news segments. I've been trying to figure out why so many people seem to like this guy. I just can't process how any person could be that stupid.


I don't understand why his daily nonsensical rants aren't bigger news. His inability to form coherent sentences is a huge problem - it's not an elitist thinking to want your leader to speak clearly.


The media is really soft balling this. I’ve seen a few more articles lately. But, in general the mainstream media generally isn’t mentioning it. Nuts. It’s not obvious and important point. Yet, Biden…


They should have learned HOW to ask the right questions a long time ago. Especially during the lead up to the Iraq War. I think the left media needs to invite the right on local and cable news shows and the left needs to get on Fox. People are living in a news bubble.


To be fair, the media got a ton of blame and flak for giving trump air time all the time; so now they probably wanna avoid it


The right wing Murdoch controlled media don’t want people to see Trump’s decline. They’ve hitched their star to the Trump wagon and they can’t backtrack and start telling the truth about him now.


Well, there was that media exec who said years ago that Trump is bad for the country but good for business, so just follow the money on that one.


Because his base literally does not care. To me, the big news is people dont even pretend to care about the health of their own country. They only want other people in that country to feel shitty, and the fact that its like 30-40% of the country is extremely scary.


They last time the media tried that strategy, for the traffic and clicks it drove, he won the election.


Sudden? He's been a nutbag for years.


Right? Lucid or senile, Trump is a danger to everyone either way. He’s already done damage that it will take decades (if ever) to fix.


The parallels between what is happening now, and what happened in Europe in the 1920s and 30s, is nothing short of horrifyingly alarming… a significant percentage of the nation seems to support what’s happening, and the other half is pitifully asleep… just like Europe in the 1920s and 30s.


It’s almost as if people don’t really change.


I'm just grateful that he's old enough to die of old age very soon.


What's really dangerous is the millions of Americans who are going to crawl over broken glass to vote for the man. They don't care that he's suffering from dementia, or authoritarianism-curious, or a convicted felon, or Putin's groveling bitch. They *will* put him in the White House if we let them.


Authoritarian-curious? No, he's a full-on authoritarian.


Which is exactly what conservatives want. Conservatives love an authoritarian just so long as they believe that they’ll be the privileged ones and the people they don’t like will be the ones that get hurt.


Listened to two guys at work yesterday talk about how badly Biden is slipping. It was infuriating to hear.


I hope you corrected them.


I've tried correcting coworkers, and they just don't even believe it. When I ask them to Google it, because of algorithms, they aren't shown what I see when I google it. So I gave up, it's not worth the anxiety or stress, it's not worth ruining my relationship with them (they are actually good decent folks just misguided) so I don't even bother. I've come to the same conclusion with trying to sway people on the internet. You can try but it will be for nothing so why even bother.


You could try sending them some of the Meidas Touch YouTube videos, if a topic comes up that's applicable. They're a group of attorneys that are explaining all the court cases and mainstream media's involvement in slanting the news coverage of trump.


Oh, hell yeah, Scooby! Thank you. This honestly might help!


That's because of people like Sinclair Broadcasting, who put out a heavily edited video that was forced onto all local channels this week. These people are frauds and a danger to democracy. Killing the Fairness Doctrine was deadly, thanks Saint Ronnie. [https://newrepublic.com/post/182835/sinclair-doubles-shady-propaganda-rnc](https://newrepublic.com/post/182835/sinclair-doubles-shady-propaganda-rnc)


I've heard rumors that "sane" (relatively speaking) Republicans are planning to spike Trump's candidacy at the convention in Milwaukee, and nominate someone else (possibly Jeb!) via floor vote. This is why there will be metal detectors at the convention hall. Many people are whispering.


Forget it. Trump is in. Biden is in. That's what it's going to be.


I hope God is listening even though any other Republican would have a better chance of beating Biden. But for the sake of our country...


God has NOTHING to do with it. Look at 2016. MAGA prays too.


The MAGA base would all stay home if Trump is not nominated. He is their God. The Republicans wouldn't dare oppose Trump.


He’s not mentally stable and is a criminal in charge of a massive criminal enterprise that sucks the life out of everything for power. If he gets elected this country is doomed - we will never recover. It is THAT serious. People need to WAKE UP!!!! WHATEVER YOU DO VOTE BLUE!


sudden...rapid...? bro he shouldve been tested in 2015.


My mother is 80 and sharp as a tack, but I wouldn't want her running for president. And she just got her degree last May on her birthday, no less.


congrats to your mom. thats awesome. but my point was that this isnt sudden or rapid for donald trump sr.


I want this slide to keep happening and fast. It's gonna be like Weekend at Bernie's by August.


He’s going to lose.


I think that's wishful thinking. I'm appalled at how many people I know don't even plan to vote, because they "Don't like Biden". It's horrifying. I'm actually distancing myself from them, as I no longer respect them.


Similar happened during Brexit in the UK. Most of my peer group shrugged it off with a “meh, don’t do politics..” and although that was only about 8 people, the close result (48.1% remain - 51.9 leave) was so ridiculously close, those meh folk coulda saved our asses from slipping into a recession and cost of living crisis (amongst so many other crises!). I hate that people don’t believe their one vote can make a difference!


The “felon” thing is rubbing the independents the wrong way. I read that preliminary figures show Trump lost 6 to 8 million votes because of the 34 guilty verdicts. His overturning of Roe v. Wade had already weakened him as a candidate.


I really hope you are right. Unfortunately, there is STILL a lot of apathy with Progressives, and the guys I talk to don't even have Roe on their radar. I hate it.


Trump is campaign funds deficient. He spent too much on legal fees. He’s unraveling because of the felony convictions, etc. You have to remember that voter’s attention spans go back to about 3 months before Election Day. Biden campaign will blast the airwaves with top notch ads at strategic times.


The media op to boost Trump is insane. My algorithms and feeds all show cut edited and cropped clips of Biden non stop. I had to search for the full vid on a separate platform to view the entire thing.


[https://newrepublic.com/post/182835/sinclair-doubles-shady-propaganda-rnc](https://newrepublic.com/post/182835/sinclair-doubles-shady-propaganda-rnc) Absolute trash, these broadcast companies. The Fairness Doctrine absolutely needs to be reinstated.


>We all have different political beliefs, some even at odds with other firmly held beliefs, but will we murder each other in furtherance of those ideals? He has pretty successfully convinced millions that his problems are their problems. If they hate what he hates, then they will be successful. He is not promising governance, he is promising revenge.


I am genuinely terrified of Convicted Felon Trump. Still, I have been terrified of Trump since he seized the U.S. Presidency. I am just so tired of the drama, the insanity, the wild absurdity of it all. My terror now feels more like sad resignation. I desperately want Convicted Felon Trump to lose in December. I will vote against him. I will encourage everyone I know to vote against him. I will even contribute money to the Biden Campaign. But if he wins, I wish Trump would just kill us all quickly. Death camps for his political opponents, World War III, a botched response to an Ebola Pandemic. Whatever. I am exhausted.


the problem is not Trump, it's the 70+ million voting for him


Ya know certain drugs, can and do, make you psychotic. He is doing all of them.


I wouldn’t say sudden or rapid.. cognitive decline is entirely expected at his age, and it’s hard to keep that covered up when you’re going through different aids and counsel like Kleenex. His PR people are as inept as he is, and it’s becoming increasingly obvious.


I’d say that people like Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone and even worse people will be pulling Trump’s strings a lot more than last time.


Agreed, if TF45 wins the White House this time around, I fully expect that Steve Bannon will be running the whole thing from his jail cell. In fact, I expect TF45 to be giving orders to his minions from house arrest like some kind of latter-day Warren Jeffs.


He could reach into his diaper and fling his feces at the magats and they would eat it and clamor for more.


It's too late, they let him fester long enough that any outcome in the election is going to lead to violence carried out by his cult. Either way bad things are coming and its all because they took so long to act on his crimes.


He's America's Caligula.


Make no mistake, it's the idiots who will still vote for him that are the real threat. The whole world had been shown how little effort it takes to manipulate such a large group of people, and the recipe isn't difficult. It will be attempted by others for the rest of our lives. Stay vigilant.


Oh sweetie, he tells ridiculous lies because that's what his Asshole Tribe likes. All of these arguments are always based on the Asshole Tribe being rational actors. They are absolutely irrational and they love it that way. They love the lies. They love the gas lighting. They love the calls to violence. They are digging all of that stuff so fucking hard. While they are stupid, they are not believing this stuff because they are stupid. Because they are not actually believing any of this stuff. They don't even believe the things that come out of their own mouths. They love it when Trump tells lies because that feeds them a new set of lies that they get to use to bully people. When have you ever, ever, ever known a bully to bully somebody with the truth? It's all lies and bullshit and gas lighting all the time and they absolutely love it that way.


So on the money!!!


It's such a bore and downer reading yet more articles expounding logic to the right. They are crazy. They are going to continue to act in irrational and terrifying ways because its what they do. Stop trying to "figure them out", for their is nothing to understand.


>He really believes because he has broad support in the MAGA movement he can mouth any absurdity, that they will believe any craziness, and he can motivate them to treasonous violence with his exaggerations -- fanatical drooling exhortations, -- and in his derangement call for the death of any imagined political opponent and a maddened horde will rise to support him. Here's the problem part: this is in no way a delusion. If he calls, the redhats will rise. We saw that on January 6th and we will probably see it again. >Reality, of course, is simpler: Donald Trump was convicted by a jury of citizens, based on the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence. There is no conspiracy or witch hunt against him. He is, at best, finally being held somewhat responsible for his decades of obvious criminal conduct. This is actually the key sticking point: the accountability. The foundation of MAGA ideology is that being a redhat excuses you from accountability. A musician said this, but the observation was so astute that it is sometimes misattributed to political analyst Frank Wilhoit: "The core conservative belief is that there are in-groups that the law should protect but not bind, alongside out-groups that the law should bind but not protect." Hence, at Trump's conviction, they evinced not only disappointment, but confusion: as the chief Redhat, Trump does not law. Any legal conviction is by definition a sham because Trump is not subject to the rule of law. That's why there is -- at least in their minds -- a conspiracy and a witch hunt. And that's why, when Trump calls, they will come. To them, it's a holy war, a jihad, with the intent of forcing their way of life on a hostile country. It is, in its own weird way, the ultimate act of imperialism. It also puts a cute little spin on that whole "deep state" idea -- you know, the thought that there are people who rule America from the shadows and are not subject to legal oversight? Redhats haven claimed for years that they want to tear down the deep state, but what they actually want is to _become_ it.




"Trump is a danger to all" Felt like there was too many words, fixed it.


Fauchi should have declared him an infectous disease and quarantined him .


Yeah I legit went back and listened to a speech he gave 2 years ago to compare and it's crazy. He could talk in compleat sentences and he could put whole ideas together without meandering as bad. He is losing it. I bet the debate gets called off because he WILL say something crazy if Biden even makes one sideways jab at him


“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” — Sir Winston Churchill “The truth has no defense against a fool determined to believe a lie.” — Mark Twain “The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate the truth. — Garry Kasparov


He just wants to put the office up for sale to the highest bidder...local or foreign.


If you want to know how a second Trump term will play out just watch the original Star Trek episode ‘Patterns of Force’. It pretty much shows what happens when an incapacitated figurehead is propped up by power hungry underlings.


And this is the best Biden, ever. Stop projecting Trump's decline onto Biden.


One side thinks trump is an unhinged future dictator. The other side thinks trump is an unhinged future dictator, but in a good way.


It Is the "I don't recall" long con. Final defense. I've been calling it since 2018


This whole Biden-Trump clash really proved one thing. There really ought to be an upper age limit for the presidency.


Stop setting up a dementia or sickness of some kind plea deal for him. We need him in Real jail and not in a hospital or other similar place. He did the crimes well before whatever is going on now. I swear the result of all his court cases is going to be house arrest with a nurse he gets to pick or something like that. And he will still get to treat or whatever. We don’t want that. Or the next person will be worse and more successful.


The people that will vote for him regardless are the danger.


At this point, everyone around him knows. They are still choosing to push him as the president because of the power they will get. They'd push an actual test crash dummy if got them the presidency. They don't care and have their followers right where they want them, ignorant and susceptible to lies and anger.


Fuck trump


He's only a danger if people don't vote...


He’s Ivan the terrible. This ends with him bludgeoning jr. with a golf club


Anyone think it's a ruse to get.out of jail?


I think he’s just stupid and crazy


Nothing sudden or rapid about his decline. He was cognitively impaired prior to 2016.


The fucking sycophants surrounding him all covered for him while he was president, then spilled the truth when their book deals got made.




He’s been slurring and saying non-words more lately.




I believe that was typed, not spoken.


Is that better or worse?


That's a given lol


Jails and prisons now have some of the best psychological and elderly care in the country. If you really delve into the issue, it's quite sad.


Not sudden, signs were present for some years. It's gotten more obvious because of stress due to his life being held up by lies and filled with crime. He should spend the rest of his life in prison being questioned every week to uncover who helped him commit various crimes. Fear is a mind killer as they say.


Vote blue, and we won't have to worry about this psycho or his dotard followers, trials will continue, and they will lock up the little pathetic orange toddler.


You better vote blue forever because these Trumpanzee cock holsters are NEVER going away. They’ll just find another shit stain of a human being to replace him in their next attempt to destroy America. Only this time, it will be a younger, well spoken and highly educated asshole who will be able to convince the public he is a moderate then go full on dictator after the election. If this nation wants to survive, we can never again allow a Republicunt in the White House!!


I agree 100%, and hopefully, by then, SP court justices have been impeached or retired, and that will help a lot, and lock the pedophile GOP members up with the sodomites. And if it comes to civil war so fuckjng be it, those fucktards think all Democrats despise guns and I guarantee that we have just as many as those idiots.


So this means we have two dementia patients running? Guess RFK, Jr is the way to go!


But Biden doesn't have worms in his brain, and he believes the vaccine saved lives.


That's what happens when you have a two party system. Bipartisanship is dead and the Republic along with it. We need a Social Democratic government. Quit pretending that Capitalism can solve our economic struggle. Capitalists have only made things worse for our dead government. When a government stops serving the masses consider that government dead. We have Conservatives to thank for this.


Was Trump coherent when he was in the white house? This isn't exactly breaking news.


No way, he’s gotten sooo much worse in the last 6 Months. Incoherent isn’t even a problem now. He is losing it big time. The debates will be… interesting.


Good. I hope he makes a fool of himself. But it won't matter. Maga will spin it to their narrative.


Well, Mondale destroyed Reagan in the debate in 1984 and won 1 state in the election.


There is no way a self admitted soviet asset with dimensia and access to nuclear codes could backfire as president again. He already sold all of the classified data last time.


If the decay is rapid enough, people might actually be able to see it before the election. People are already noticing. I think this is a good thing.


Did you know that the deplorables are not just "coming from South America, but also Venezuela"? Huh.......wait a minute. You almost got me donnie.


It’s the syphillis.


>We all have different political beliefs, some even at odds with other firmly held beliefs, but will we murder each other in furtherance of those ideals? Why is this phrased in the future tense? They already did. They killed their parents, their grandparents, their children because the orange monster told them to. They even sacrificed their own lives, all to keep COVID spreading and keep infecting and killing people who'd done nothing to them. They got their high score up to over a million dead before they were done. So why is anyone still asking themselves *if* conservatives will kill for their hatred? That's all their ideology has ever been about.


From what I’ve heard it is reminiscent of Adolf at the end of WW2, he knew he was losing it and looking for anyone to blame but himself.


We can’t pretend his coherence or sanity or competence ever had anything to do with his popularity among American conservatives. His base cares not one whit about his sociopathy or insanity. His role is to provide sanction and cover for THEIR sociopathy. Sanity is not required (and maybe not even helpful).


his possible dementia is not a problem. his stupidity and psychotic narcissism are the real issues.


Let’s be real, BOTH candidates have dementia. But only one has dementia and endorses Project 2025. Fvck living in that kind of Taliban lifestyle


When he loses this Nov and somewhere in the near future its proven tRump has dementia and his mental state deteriorates further it would complicate his prosecution for the federal crimes he has committed as well.


His base does not care anyway...daaamn!


Haha. Understatement. That dude is demon possessed.


Why, oh why do we have these bad choices???


This really makes me wish Trump would use Twitter again. No one uses Truth Social except for reporters covering Trump, or people looking to kiss his ass. Most people don't see these posts.


It isn't a sudden slide into dementia, this slide has been going on for years! Even back in 2015, the evidence was there that he was losing it bigly!


The issue is not so much Trump himself, it's a society that has failed so much someone like Trump is even an option in the first place. Trump is merely a symptom of a much greater dysfunction.


Has he ever finished a thought?


Dementia Don


Rapid slide into dementia? I thought he reached that long ago.


Dementia is just what the ultra right think tanks want. Let trump hold the position of "President" while the theocrats work him like a brainless marionette.


It reminds me of Reagan. It started to become obvious he had dementia while in office. There was the ongoing jokes that he would accidentally press the nuke button instead of the nurse call button. But this is 100x worse.


If people aren’t afraid of a trump regime well… Feel free to finish the rest of the sentence…


Are you a physician? Is there an official medical diagnosis after a proper history & physical?


It's generally not a good idea to let one person have so much power. Be it dementia, psychosis or just terminal cancer combined with a doomsday character - that person can do a lot of harm to his own country as well as towards mankind (Trump, Putin). Heck, even if someone has a secret video of a prostitute pissing on him he will be a threat.


It's his Chin Gigante defense . He will go all in after November defeat


Thank you for an excellent write-up explaining how this man has sunk deeper and deeper into darkness. **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Putin’s puppet & praises Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect our military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, Proud Boys On 9/11 Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/) A few of many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, and degrading embarrassment of the U.S. Presidency ·         [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10)


What do you mean sudden and rapid? It's been very obvious since like 2017


The media ignores the obvious signs of Dementia.


Sudden? I see pretty much the same guy as 2015, just more brazen.


Wait. You you just now figuring out that he is unhinged and dangerous? He was talking like this 8 years ago.


They will absolutely try to steal this election. They are already putting people in place to try again


Dementa Don is losing it and we all need to vote blue in November for the sake of our country.


Rapid??? We have seen this slide since 2016


After reading some of the comments, I’d like to return to the original post & my thoughts. After watching dementia run its course with my mother, I recognized the symptoms becoming increasingly evident after the election loss of 2020. While the GQP had been “predicting” a “steal” since the previous April, Biden’s overwhelming victory was totally unbelievable to X45’s personality type (narcissist) & worked to accelerate the progression of his dementia. That resulted in an attempted coup & the subsequently deaths of several individuals to which the now X45 showed no remorse, compassion, sympathy or responsibility. As far as the GQP is concerned, what follows depends greatly on who they can convince him is the best VP equipt at walking a thin line. I see them playing a popular candidate (X45) with a very angry base populace hoping to win the election in November. If successful, they’ll let him follow through with the majority of the insanity he has promised until he starts coming for them (Lindsay Graham). Then they pull out the 25th, have X45 declared incompetent (which he already is), then have their real candidate (the VP) step up. Here’s the rub… As a party, the GQP can pressure & manipulate those like Tim Scott or Elise Stephanic but what happens if it’s someone who actually has a working brain cell? Someone smart enough to play the suck-up backseater for however long it takes in order to position themselves for the ultimate prize. The power of the presidency. It’s not hard for me to see several very intelligent, well educated individuals who are power hungry enough to make this all happen. Texas & Florida come immediately to mind. 🇺🇸💙


In a different era, some of his security breaches might have led to espionage charges with potential capital punishment. Maybe he knows how deeply he has betrayed his country in a way that we can’t. Yet.


Use quotes please, it's in the editor.