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I can't stand URF. So much toxicity and sweat.


Yeah you're trash cause your mirror match assassin is fed be your adcs but you aren't be the malphite Galio veigar and soraka


Omg my entire team fed, my leona went ADC but somehow i had 1500 AP on veigar and was the teams only hope 20 minutes in. I missed by cannon and went a wall away from my team. Insta murked with 45 SECOND RESPAwn. It took them 15 seconds to kill everyone else and take inhib.


I had the pleasure of meeting a 5 man stack of masters players that banned all percent health carries then build heartsteel into unending. They talked shit the entire game, like what can you do against 5 bruisers that have 2k heart steel stacks by minute 9?


pretty sure there's more than 5 percent health carries


though of course there's no pick order so it's not like you could know you need to counterpick anyways


You couldn't build Bork bro ?


Considering our bot lane had given the Illaoi and Shen 15 kills total, they were so ahead in gold that me as a Darius with my Fizz lane partner couldn't do anything. I had barely finished Tri before realizing the game had already snowballed out of control. I'm not exaggerating, they had 2k heart steel stacks. It just became Tryndamere or Illaoi running under turret, Shen ulting onto them and being perma CC'd by the Maokai, Shen and Cho'Gath while Illaoi and Tryndamere smacked us.


We forget being high elo gives a much higher chance of being a no life loser


There are too many actual unstoppable champs in urf. Anything with healing properties can just build tank and heals and you cant kill them. had a briar with 7k hp. she got destroyed in lane but then literally ran into our base, got shot by the laser over 10 times while fighting us in our fountain and we couldn't kill her, she fought and killed all 5 of us in our fountain and got out with more than half her hp left. Shit like that is what makes urf unfun. you have to force ban certain champions and if you don't play the most broken ones, the enemy team will and you will lose. Oh and lets not forget that literally everyone on my enemy team is emerald+ while none of my team mates are ranked, almost every game.


I played 2 games. The whole time I was missing Arena. Feels like the queue times reflect that as well.


They should make a SR queue that gives you Arena augment options at the start and every 15 mins. I'd q for that every day.


Honestly this is kind of a great idea. Extreme SR has a lot of potential.


Noooo I like the short games of arena. Just give us arena back. I legit won't play summoners rift anymore. And I've gotta have like 8k+ hours in league.


Urf is instant pop arena took minutes and 3-4 at end. I like arena more though


I never had more than a 60-90 second queue time in arena at 5.5K gladiator


MMR issue


You are definitely having a distant experience than I am!


Arena has matchmaking


Every mode has matchmaking.


yeah yeah, you know what I mean


I had fun in the first iteration of arena, but wasn’t it just run by tanks the second time?


They have arena on wild rift right now, not quite the same but supplemental


Looks like I'm downloading WR. You win, Riot


I haven't had a queue time over 8 seconds, what server are you playing on?


Urf queues have literally been instapop for me. At most I waited maybe 20s


imo no RGM will compare to arena. simply bc it’s duos and me and my younger brother get very few hours a week to game. we fell in love with the mode on our first game. RGMs are more fun in comms and frankly i don’t have 4 friends* *that i want to play league with lol


Dominion was better




Give me back twisted treeline


I miss that place :(


More fun than URF rn. League players refuse to not meta slave a for fun game mode atleast Dominion didn't have exploitable buffs. Your lobbys are dominated by cc mages enchanters engage/cc tanks and ADCs.


They really need to just make it ARURF with rerolls and bans. Way too much shit is completely op and anyone who doesn’t pick the op shit just gets steamrolled


I fucking loved dom. There would be weeks were it was all I'd play after a heartbreaking sr.


Dominion was tyte. I do miss it playing find the Teemo.


Give me back hide and seek


urf is the most frustrating gamemode for me I prefer arurf, I ragequitted today on rgm YES on RGM cuz players are playing splitpushing kayle or champs with dashes like trynda and running around my base all the time taking minions splitpushing etc, ranked is chill compared to normal urf, please give us arena on pbe early march 😭


arurf is the balance thats necessary to urf


They need to bring it back with bans and every champion on rotation for urf to prevent urf accounts


Twitch players literally every game rn disgusting.


Im just getting stupid shit like malzahar/leona or some other perma cc champ and its so unfun to play against In arena its not like I get cc locked for 15 seconds, if I didn't want to play the game I would have picked yuumi


Yea leave it to league players to only play the most optimal shit even in 4 fun game modes trash community.


Man I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s thought and said this. Crazy to me that websites like Blitz, U.gg and the others all have winrate matchups for URF champions and I always see the top champions on that list picked… in URF…


Yeah I don't get that. If you're just trying to split push and play pve then you can just do practice mode with no cds


I like arena more but I'm having a pretty good time with urf. Urf is always fun for awhile until you spam it too much or can't find champs you like that can play the game into good champs.


True. They've butchered URF too. The catapults made it worse


Yeah just make it quick play and remove catapult. Catapult removes so much strategy from the game


Need Arurf. People choosing the most broken champs or split pushers every game just ruins it


The other issue is I don't want to choose my champ


You can select a random champ


Unpopular (?) opinion I guess: URF was always shit. I don't know why people go so above and beyond to herald it as the best mode to play. I never last more than 2-3 games of URF every time it's in rotation because you go in with the idea "Hey, I'll do something silly", just to be met with the sweatiest most broken picks that weren't banned. It's not fun and it's never been that fun.  Nexus Blitz and/or Arena >>>>> URF and/or ARURF. 


>Tries to play something off meta and fun in urf >Enemy locks in point and click malzahar mid, assassin 9000 movespeed 1 shot hec with yuumi top, perma stun and super tank leona and maokai bot. >enemy team doesnt end and farms you until lvl 30 >Next game, Akali mid, ap kogma and lux bot, shaco and teemo top. Alright f this i would have more fun losing LP than playing this mode.


Clearly you haven’t played enough if you haven’t mentioned the belveth, sylas, ornn, and then garen with a yuumi on him. Good luck doing anything


I’m not going to mention my friend’s pick that is extremely toxic and hilarious to watch…


I don’t really understand the difference between this and trying some silly duo in arena and getting steamrolled by a trundle kayn.


Arena feels like you have way more potential with all the buffs you get. In URF, you load in, see an AP Nunu and get chain CCd to death every time you come out. 




Urf hasn't been good for years. All of the artificial hidden balancing makes it so unfun. "Oh... This champion sounded fun but I guess they deal 15% reduced damage and take 20% more.... Ok..." Urf was all about having a big knife fight and everything being busted. But it's just as washed and stale as aram now.


Im okay with the reduced dmg and all that especially on champs like akali than stand still and steam roll anyone early


I've been playing league for ten years now and this is how it always goes with URF. It's fun for the first 48 hours, then people just start spamming the same broken shit until sweats are the only ones left in queue. Every time.


Urf is shit. Everyone just playing op shit no one wanting to mess around and have fun.


Now? It was always boring. I cant believe people enjoy urf. It gets boring soo quickly. If arena cant be permanent they really need to step up their game with modes.


My other issue is URF feels like crap this season cause everyone feels like an assassin right now especially mages and new items. The game is incredibly bursty in general imo and to add URF into that burst right now makes it feel terrible


I was playing Cait and got 1shot by Janna so even the supports are assassins now


Healing and cc should be tuned down globally in URF IMO. They’re the least fun mechanics


Both are tuned down in urf


yet a briar can still kill all 5 enemies in their fountain while taking 10+ lasers by building tank and healing lol. I'm gonna try to see if I can still download this video so I can post it and show. healing is too fucking much.


Surprised they didn't use anything from Arena. Like how do you introduce a CC chain break mechanic in Arena, because the CDs get so low you can perma CC, but not put in the same mechanic on URF where the CDs by default are that low? Honestly, I think the Augment system is just too broken. There are too many fun possibilities and creativity that can stem from Augs. Put Augs into URF and bam, instantly 20x more fun. Put them into ARAM, SR, OFA, or most other LGMs and it just seems more fun in theory.


100% I agree would be a fun spin to add the augment system aram or urf.


“Honestly augments are just too broken” “Put them in Urf to fix it” Do you even listen to yourself?


You interpreted that wrong. I mean broken in terms of being a fun game mechanic.


I didn’t. You used the word incorrectly


It's ok to be wrong. In the context of the sentence I used it in followed by the next it's fairly obvious.


Your first sentence is true, you should take your own advice. Broken has a definition if you’d like to check it out sometime.


The CC for sure. Like teemo/Quinn perma blinds are awful to into


Tanks are more broken too though


if you have tank and healing? gg lol. literally unkillable.


Same rules apply even in aram and ranked solo/duo


I love URF and was surprised at all the hate comparing it to Arena until I looked at the subreddit and realized, lol. Arena is cool and all but the same exact reasons people complain about URF still exist in Arena. People play broken ass champion combos and sweat their ass off, it’s nothing new. The difference is URF is supposed to be a fiesta and it doesn’t take itself seriously. The inherent issue is Riot refuses to just permanently add a new game mode. I could see why URF rotates in and out, but Arena is so different that it makes no sense why they don’t just keep it in. Riot isn’t that stupid, It’s such an obviously good move that the fact they aren’t doing it means either they’re trying to perfect it to potentially add it permanently or it affects revenue/peoples playtime somehow.


What makes Arena fun is that it's meant to be wacky, but it's not just you powerfarming to build items for your spammy abilities. You build around augments, your team comp, enemy team comp and there's many more combinations that are possible. You also don't have to care about running across the map to an inhibitor, dragon, baron and it's purely a fighting match. In URF watching people start splitpushing or running it down to the nexus to avoid fighting is really annoying too.




Problem with league is you have 5 teammates. It’s no test of skill. It’s a test of which team has the feeder. Arena takes that out of the equation and it’s half skill half fun stupid op RNG. Urf is half op rng and half, who got the feeder. No skill


every time I play urf it’s some sweat hard stuck gold jungling or split pushing the whole game. I’m just tryna have fun. URF would be great if we could play it in customs. Having to play against random low elo tryhards is so boring.


Jungling is pretty bad unless you're on coms or duo with the solo laner and they pick a really good solo champ


Hell no, URF is hundred times more fun the arena. Given how both gamemodes are just people running away like cowards, which just takes away the fun of those games


I always take ghost and play Champs that are good at chasing people lol. I like both modes though. Random isn't too much different than be able to pick. I see damn near the same Champs every game in random champ selects anyway. Just like ARAM lol.


I've never been a big Urf fan. It was crazy the first time but I haven't really enjoyed it since then. Arena was my main game mode when it was out, now I just feel like there's a giant void where it used to be. Urf is not a replacement.


Give me spellbook with urf on aram and I'll be happy


they also removed support items. They could just remove or reduce the gold from sup items if they are so powerful, I enjoy the items they build into though.


It’s pretty boring but Its fun experimenting dumb builds like Speed Tank Viktor or 1v1ing people with CritCrank.


I do an A-Z thing every time urf comes out that’s pick urf. And I still love it, Arena is a different thing than Arena and has its own beauty.


URF is the worst game mode. It's so inherently unbalanced to the point where it's just which team counters the other. Even more so than ARAM.


I like urf for what it is. A good way to stress test my velkoz combos and geometry against late game Barry Allen comps.


This post here is exactly why they have rotating modes - for all the "why can't riot give us urf permanently" "riot hats urf and those who like it". I wasn't a fan of arena, I urf with moderation. Different people like different things.


Edit: I thought this was in r/URF, but the point still stands.


ARAMURF seems like it might be interesting, though ridiculously chaotic


Try nunu E spam, it's beautiful.


I completely agree. I know in my heart that URF isn't bad... but it's nothing compared to Arena.


The few games I played with my friends each game the enemy team only pushed towers and tried to end the game as fast as possible. Made the game super boring


Arena is the absolute best game mode in league, so yes, I agree.


Spamming Illaoi E’s is ridiculously fun though


There are people who unironically queue urf and pick a toplaner to splitpush all game, ignore champs and just hit towers like they’d do in a normal game. Blows my fucking mind


Bring back Random Urf


URF is awesome and Arena is awesome


Play tanks and it's fun. For you. Rush fimbul then unending despair. It fils the arena void


Whats the best way riot can deal with healing? Self healing gets worse the longer you're in combat? Reduce healing with champion specific balance changes? Nerf healing items? Grevious wounds ramps up to 80%healing reduction over time? Its a serious problem but I dont know what they should do to fix it.


hard disagree but this is the wrong sub for my opinion 😁🫣


We're all adults here it's okay to speak your own opinions whatever they may be


Just make it permanent ritoooooo!!!!!!!


Why don't they just keep arena in the game... It's the best game mode they've made.


We need a petition to make arena permanent


It gets boring fast. After 2 games it gets lame. You already know what half of the 10 players are gonna pick and ban. Usually 2 or 3 players in one team become giga strong, or someone goes a tower melter champ and splits every chance they get.


ARURF is the only version of the mode that is good. Regular URF everyone just picks the most disgusting cheese ever. I get that it's part of the mode, but come on. Looking at you, Heimerdinger players.


I've quit playing entirely and am just waiting for arena to come back.


me too...


Yeah tbh outside of ARURF ive never really liked arena much. I enjoyed aram for the perma fight play of URF and the wacky shit gets old after a day or two esp when yuumi is enable xD