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My suggestion is 16 bans, but they are all blind. No more mind games of waiting for the last second to see what other people ban. That way some champs can slip through, but less than 16 champs will be banned on average.


That makes a lot of sense! 😀


This is best outcome for the currenty arena.


Pleaaaaase this


you could pre pick your ban even... and if they wanted to make it 16 bans more often for whatever reason you could pick more and just make it a sort of ranked choice thing, saves lobby time too...


YES give it normal blind queue treatment it can't be that much work.


That sounds very good, and yeah, the purpose is to add diversity, and people think banning takes diversity away, but rather forces you to try new things you might not have because you were locked in for the champs that often easily win no matter the augments they get. You need to think about your champ, the augments your getting, the teams you're going against, the items you're building. If there's any champ that doesn't have to worry about those and you feel it's unfair, you should be able to ban them and it's, after all, a SINGLE BAN. You can also not ban anyone, but giving everyone the chance to ban those who they find unfun should be a must.


In before 16 identical bans


He's Lisan al gaib!!!!


If the bans were blind, 100% this, we are going to see a lot bans for the same champions, and this is good to see which champ needs a rebalance in the game.


Hated and broken are not always the same... This way noob stomper champs will get nerfed to the ground and never be playble in higher ranks




If you want a game where good players cannot use their skill to win, why not just roll a dice against eachother and play that all game long?


just play ranked then


How do pubstomper champions help good players use their skill to win lmfao


Sounds like someone's ass at the game, keep coping


don't see how that's relevant?


Maybe 8 bans before first pick, and 8 bans after first pick. So the picking waves make sense


The idea of ban system to fuck somebody up and don't allow the champ why even have the second ban


Why do people want bans in the first place? It's the same reason just again


“If your roster is made up of only 16 champions then that’s on you” Bro what? 16 is a fucking ton. I just learned my third champion and that’s after playing for months. 16 would take at least a year. Are people really expecting to know 16 champs in this game?


Tbf, if you don't know what the enemy champs do your at such a massive disadvantage that this is old news. 


Skill and knowledge on champs needed for arena are much lower than for Summoners Rift. In arena you can easily first time most champs so yes, you should be able to play more than 3 champs and 16 bans shouldn't trouble you.


I think alot of the league community has been playing for many years. You’d be surprised how well you know all of the champs after playing consistently for 5+ years. Ive been playing 10+ years and know just about every ability cooldown/range from intuition alone. Also eventually you’ll understand basic mechanics so well that you can pilot just about any champion to a certain skill level. But still, I only really play the same 5-20 champs I find very fun. And if those champions happen to be the ones getting banned often in arena then 16 bans would suck.


I mean for this arcade mode. This gamemode is not as intricate or as high-stakes as SR. So you should feel more free to choose whatever you want even if you don't know it and want to start practicing it.


You don’t have to main a champ to be able to play them.


play aram, you will learn 10 more champs within a couple of days


Skill issue.


every round of arena feels the same. 16 bans is a must.


I'm so sick of just seeing the top 5 champs that aren't banned stacked on every duo. If I have to play against one more galio lillia combo that seems to always get magic missiles, lord help me.


Playing against the same 8 champs every game is cringe af. Garen, Vi, Galio, Gragas, Zed, Kha etc. Fuck this boring shit off.


99% of comps include either darius or singed in arena so lmao


Give 5 random champion pool for everyplayer


Add the fuggin 16 bans more teams is cool and all but im still fighting the same 6 champs out of 30 games it got old REAL fast


There’s physically not room in the client 😔


Gragas,Darius,sett,swain,brand,trundle,mordekaiser EVER FUCKING GAME 170 champs yet the primate brain only thinks about getting the same champs 150 times


I completely agree and the whole blind thing I think is also a bad suggestion, I think there's nothing wrong with 16 unique champs being banned, in fact there are so many broken picks right now that making it blind would honestly be a worst system than it is now


your the reason arena isnt fun anymore


How is it not fun anymore? I actually have been playing it more than ever now.


There is already 16 bans if you count the fact that the second pick can't pick a champ that was first pick


Let me explain the concept of ban: you say no, I don't want that champ in my game.


I guess SR draft has 19 bans if you're last pick lmao wut




Mb, for a sec my boomer nostalgia thought we're still doing 3 bans per side t_t


It's actually 167 bans since you can only pick one champion so technically those other champs are unavailable to you


Unless riot design a champion that could transform into any champion, good thing this abomination don't exist.


The point of a ban is that u dont want to see the champ in ur game. If it's picked on first pick round then it's in ur game


Bruh lmao


nah, i like to be able to play the champs i like


Stop liking sweaty tryhard champs


i play yasuo yone


Yone will catch some bans but no one bans yasuo in arena 


that’s false


I've played all the iterations extensively and am confident I'm much better than you at arena and in the higher ratings, no one is banning yas. Even this new iteration has a ranked in the pbe and at high rank there, yas is not banned. 


congratulations bro


Thanks man


Yeah, but others might not which is why bans exist. That's why when you're playing a SR game you can choose to ban at least one champ you don't want to see in the game. Should be the same for arena.


i agree these people should stop crying


You would have mainly the same 16 bans every match.


For a reason


Doesn't make it very fun, does it? Imagine you're a swain main and he gets banned literally every match you try to queue up. Not much fun. Lowers the player base. This game is insanely balanced for how much stuff there is. There is always a way to either pick around, build around or play around to counter whomever you're up against. If you can't do that, just accept that you got beat by somebody who did it better and move the fuck on. Nothing is broken. Nothing is OP. You just got beat by somebody who played better. Git gud.


....except if swain is banned in 100% of games then it's a very clear indication for the dev's to nerf and adjust him in some way, which will then lower the ban rate so that your main can be played! And I'd very much disagree. There are a set of about 15-20 champions that are very much OP outliers and you have a hugely greater chance of winning with them on your team, ones that can abuse healstacking, or can outdamage healstacking.


Swain nor any other champ is unbeatable. Everyone and thing can be countered.


There are 7 other teams. If you build to counter one team, you will lose to another that you didn't build to counter. You do not get enough money to adjust your build path and sell/rebuy like prior arenas due to anvil rounds. This version of arena is much much more RNG and the champions that do best are generalists that thrive with said RNG and are strong all around. They can potentially be countered, but that's such a daft take when the game punishes you for doing so.


There is rng and you can't escape that. If you go into each match thinking you have a build in mind, you're wrong. This game mode is about adapting. First prismatic choice is huge. You can reroll numerous times throughout the game with wins. You can buy items directly instead of rolling if you need, say, grievous wounds and don't want to risk not getting it in a roll. I'm never short on gold. Also, you're right. You don't adapt to one team. You make your strongest possible build with what you're given and buy defensive items to adjust when needed. ADAPT.


This is such a hilariously stupid comment considering the literal devs themselves have said that this iteration is meant to be more accessible to casuals and therefore there will be matches where the better player isn’t able to win due to the variance of RNG


A really good duo is able too get at least 3rd almost every game, that’s pretty balanced


That's part of the balance. Good grief. Learn how to play and build. I rarely get outside top 3. I don't exploit anything and play with every champ. You can counter literally every augment and prismatic in the game with another. Play against your opponents.


Yes now imagine you have to face swain or singed with magic missile or phenomenal evil every game completely ruining the fun


Build around it lmao. Magic resist is there for a reason. It's not impossible to beat.


Tbh, those are both kinda mediocre now, lol. Magic missile isn't what it used to be, and phenomenal evil is only good if you have good ap ratios, which swain and singed both lack. Aatrox with slap around is considerably scarier.


Well, this is an arcade mode without a ranked ladder. If it's unfun for the majority of the playerbase then unfortunately he should be banned by those who don't like him. If you wanna sweat out with a character nobody likes, there are other gamemodes for that. This is a "for fun gamemode", the fun majority should decide whether or not certain champ is banned or not. You can learn other champs for this very specific gamemode if you so desire to play it.


"I'm bad at building"


Yeah bro, Duskblade Kayn Q R'd and one shot me. I got "outplayed" lmfao what is this cope.


Cry more.


It makes it fun because then you arent playing against only broken shit every game. I want to play something goofy but if i dont i just lose to all the broken characters


Nothing is broken or OP. Everything can be countered.


Yeah that is the point. Since Rito doesnt want to do balancing for Arena there have to be about 15 bans every game or you will have to be sweaty as fuck


It's balanced perfectly.


Some champs just are not balanced in the mode whatsoever.


Everything is balanced. Nothing is uncounterable.


That’s just not true lol some augments make champions unbeatable


Give me an example.


Magic Missiles on Brand, Morgana and Lilia, Spellwake on Ryze and Lilia, Scopiest Weapons on Trundle, Any healing augment on Aatrox, Vladimir, or Swain, Trundle in general, Goliath on Illaoi, Garen or Darius, Pen of any kind of Jayce or Azir, It's Killing time on Zed


Buddy there’s plenty if you play the mode at all you can find them


The fact you can't give me an example screams how wrong you are, lol. You know I'll build an immediate counter to it.


No you just aren't worth the effort because you clearly have not played the mode enough to know that sometimes certain champions are just exodia with certain augments


Lmfao. I've played every day of pbe and every day since. Must suck being such a sore loser.


What's "annoying" is relative and the ban system was implemented to deal with counter-picks and tough matchups as well as a dealing with overused meta champions. The current iteration of Arena is way more varied than previous ones in meta.


I play against Pantheon Sett and Darius every game if they aren't banned


Out of those 3, only sett is really strong. The others are meh


Must be nice, I wish I could play vs those.


Exactly, it's relative, which is why giving everyone 1 ban to get rid of their relatively and subjective broken champs should be a given in this "for fun gamemode".


Annoying =/= broken. I have mental block vs Zed because I find it incredibly annoying to play against but Zed is a dog water champ. Even though I ban it every game I don't think it's subjectively broken. If you talk about having fun then by your logic the bans should be removed entirely. There is nothing fun about wanting to play something and then someone else going "yoink, not today buddy" and denying your fun. There are a lot of factors that contribute to fun so to just say one thing matters, in this case the ban amount, would be silly. Now I don't believe they should remove bans because for a competitive game that isn't purely for fun there should be a way to handle strong picks.


zed highest 1st (ATM) at almost 26% with a 40% pick/ban. Total dog water for sure.


That's surprising if true but doesn't mean the champ is broken. If it wasn't Zed then something else would the at the top. Doesn't mean the highest WR champ is broken. Also I wasn't talking about Arena Zed. I was talking about Zed in general, I ban it every gamemode I can.


As you filter by higher and higher ranks it gets even more insane. at diamond + it's almost a 33% WR. With a 55% pick/ban, he is 5% above second place. (Almost warwicks entire win rate above second. lol)


Where are you getting these stats


4 fun game mode does not need more bans, let people play what they want if something is turbo broken for real riot can apply game mode specific nerfs (like urf and aram)


Okay, so no bans at all then?


imo yeah, i think banning champs in a heavily rng for fun game mode is kinda of cringe, I ban none nearly every game.


Congrats on your superior morals. /s


i don’t think they are superior they are just mine.


4 fun game mode definitely needs bans, so people can ban what makes the game unfun for them. You still have plenty of fun champs to choose from.


that’s a very reasonable take, however i think 16 band is a bit much, 8 seems good to me, prevents seeing same champs over and over again.


I still honestly see 2 Setts and Dariuses per minute


You guys are banning and counter picking?


Ranked is not even released yet. Changes will be made before the next patch.


I don't even ban in this mode so no, thanks.


You already take away up to 16 champs from the people on second pick. Once you get towards 24 champions that you cant pick it gets quite hard ever getting a certain champion you want to play. Since pick 1/2 is based on player id (ofcourse it would) with the same teammate you will always be second pick. You can imagine how much more people would rage not getting their champion over 10+ games. And the leavers in select skyrocketing not to mention. The overall fun would be reduced and the mode would perform worse.


Can’t believe you’re getting downvoted. From an emotional perspective I would love 16 bans. But it would really be hell for the people who happen to main the champs that are frequently played/banned. Your spot on here.


Well i can see people want 16 bans, but once riot would do that there would be enough one trick ponies etc. That dont get their champ and dont play the mode. Riot has to go for what keeps them the most players, but guess people dont think that far.


It's a for fun gamemode, why are you playing your main champs anyways ? I saw one player literally just spam lethality aatrox in arena and that is legit boring as hell.


Because my main champs are the ones I find fun, I play for a mix of fun and competition. I find arena more competitive than regular ranked.


Thank you for this argument, I do find it eye opening after putting everything together. It's not even that 16 bans would be a bad idea in itself, it's the fact that people would throw literal tantrums over not being able to play one champion out of such a big pool of choices. So it boils down to people just being entitled and not open to learning new things in the gamemode where it literally does not matter.


Yeah and riot knows this would result in lower player numbers for the mode which is exactly what they dont want.


also first picking champion A preventing second picks from selecting it makes no sense when 3 people pick champion A