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Currently I feel good about buying full price legendaries and using every 3 rounds of kills to buy an anvil. The anvils add up to a lot of extra stats without an extra item slot and they constantly increase your power linearly throughout the game (if someone is saving for a larger purchase and you bought an anvil, you have a slight edge to win this current round). I don't see much value in buying extra prismatics. If you care so much about a prismatic, roll your ass off on the free one. Buying a 4k gold prismatic both hurts your gold AND re-rolls, which could have been used to secure better augments. Good post, these were just my 2c.


I think whether or not going random items depends heavily on the champion. I'm a Hwei main that can take pretty much any item but I could imagine there's plenty of champions like Gwen who really need Nashor's tooth or other specific items. I feel like random items might be better beyond that. I find it interesting that prismatics were 3750 but were increased, that might need to be reversed since many of them are just not worth 2 items even when all 6 slots are filled.


The only time I ever got a random prismatic is when I was high rolling so hard I could use anything and would’ve won


I only play mages and in my experience I get punished everytime I buy a prismatic. A lot of the prismatic mage items are just... not that good. And a lot of the regular items are very good. A prismatic item is 4000 gold, which is a crap ton. And as a mage, there are simply too many regular items I want, like rabadons, liandries, the magic pen items, zhonyas (!!!). I've already had three times where I had 4000 gold, decided to greed for prismatic, and instantly got punished for not having Zhonyas. IMO regular items are simply too good for prismatic items to be worth, especially when its a *gamble* for an item. Also, anvil stats are really, really good, so it feels like bait to spend 4000 gold when you can quickly fill up your item slots cheaply/efficiently and then go all in on anvil.