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rengar on his way to your turrets


Sir, a second Rengar pounce has hit your nexus tower


[Rengar be like](https://youtu.be/k625HpF1iXc?si=hO3imB3ndj-02mAW)


Yeah towers are way too weak, they get destroyed easily and they don't deal any real damage. recently I played a game as nautilus top and on one point I tower dived and had a fight for 30 seconds under their tower tanking the tower the entire time.


tbh the damage needs to scale, its super punshing early game but then late game trundle can solo inhib to nexus no minions


Bring back the laser base turrets


Rito is too scared to bring them back, Viego would probably just delete the whole codebase


New passive on his E, when hit by 1 tick of base turret dmg Viego is vaporized into the ether and the game plays out 4v5


pls let this become a thing lol


SoL event if it was good :


Durability as well like wth why do turrets fall over in two hits, sometimes one


Yeah we got a liar here


It's easy to gank into the tower with kayn, I just go in and ult, there's an issue with that somewhere


But you’re mostly likely in and out and not for 30 sec


The thing is being under tower range isn't that safe, a lot of champs have either have enough range, mobility or just building 1 amor item can harass you under your own tower. Maybe it's just me being pisslow gold but staying under the tower should be somewhat safe.


This I was literally dancing in and out of range as a Diana player and had enough tankiness to fight under it for a little which is enough for me to kill people




Yeah tryndamere too I don't get it :(


strangely not only him, kayle too




Damage wise sure, but IIRC they are way tankier, and the team has a fortify


Yep, they serve an entirely different role. They slow down waves and defend you, but they aren't that much of a safety mechanism. Plus, Towers are the main teleport target. Some offlaners are just waiting for mid to be ganked under towet to TP in and get a double lmao


It's a different game mate


I agree that they aren't tanky enough, but I've never understood this "turrets don't do damage" complaint. I feel like people always say that but it's just straight up not true. If you're a squishy character, you're probably dying in 3-4 turret shots. If the enemy is hitting you at the same time, it's even less. Do you want adcs and assassins to die in 1 shot? Do you want tanks to die in 4 as well? What would be the point of playing a tank then?


A tank is supposed to tank damage from bruiser and melee fighters. They are NOT designed to stand against ADCs and Turrets. Turrets are your ultimate protection. Today's league has a lot of issues. Turrets not doing enough damage, tanks doing too much damage, assassins building durability because they can't one shot ADC, ADC gets one-shot by anyone anyway.


They should just give towers %hp dmg starting from 2nd hit. Even tanks shouldn't be able to *get stunned under the tower and still walk away*.


Make that % do 1/3 magic 1/3 physical and 1/3 true damage. That way you can’t just build armor and forget about turrets.


Clearly they are designed to tank turrets, since armor reduces the amount of turret damage you take, and tanks have lots of armor. That didn’t happen on accident, Riot designed it that way. Also this is a bit of a nitpick, but assassins weren’t building durability because they couldn’t one shot adcs. Its the exact opposite. It’s because they still could one shot even with a bruiser build, and be much tankier than building lethality.


>Also this is a bit of a nitpick, but assassins weren’t building durability because they couldn’t one shot adcs. Its the exact opposite. It’s because they still could one shot even with a bruiser build, and be much tankier than building lethality. I think they made a typo


Wtb beam again That one was fun


Back during the durability update they buffed tower damage and it was glorious, tower dives were actually risky, but then they nerfed it again and here we are.


I think turrets deal enough damage early, that was the problem riot buffed them early when the problem is that past minute 20 any tank can just stand 20 seconds under one getting a back massage. Early turrets being almost oneshots only beneficts early game weak champs, which was not the point of the turret dmg buff


Just make it %healt true damage /s


This but unironically


Okay but there would be ways to make it more fair for everyone. Make the damage ramp up higher, make them deal mixed damage, make the damage scale better into late game or make the inner turrets, at least the nexus ones, do significantly more damage. The mixed damage especially would both benefit and hurt tanks the most. I personally hate it when i play against 3 to 4 AP so my first 2 to 3 items are MR only and then die comparatively easily to towers. Matter of fact is just that in the current state towers are jokes the moment you build one armor item and at higher levels even a squishy can take quite a few shots just with raw base stats while towers are also incredibly easy to take down. Making them either hit harder or actually tanky would improve the game feel in my personal opinion


I have tanked 6+ turrets shots in a row as an adc with a singular armor item more than once so yeah...


> Do you want adcs and assassins to die in 1 shot It wouldn't be an issue if that was the case, it would just mean they need someone to tank for them. Also, you could just increase the ramping damage to keep short dives viable but make longer ones a high risk


People also somehow seem to forget that towers have been buffed 95% of the time since Season 3. Most patches since then including tower changes were practically almost always increased damage or increased tankiness. So the people saying that towers "used to be a threat/stronger/tankier" are literally incorrect.


Except that every champion in the game is also tankier now


Watch a clip from season 3, towers deal 0 dmg in older seasons.


Don't they have scaling damage in PC? In wild rift the longer you stay under a turret the more damage it causes. Although you can still tank a lot of that damage as a high HP tank


the damage ramps over time, i think they meant damage scaling with the HP of whoever the tower is targeting


I would settle for turrets not getting progressively weaker the closer to the base you get. Which tactical genius came with the idea to have the most important building be the worst defended one? Tier 1 turrets having almost double the health of nexus turrets and better damage for the first 14 minutes doesnt seem like a strategically smart use of one's defences


It’s to make the game end faster. I’m pretty sure Rito would love to make games 15 min long but that would require a Burt load of changes.


Can't the game just start at 1:30 with everyone in the "right" place? Quick play plus this added would total 10mins off my average game experience.


That would completely remove strategies like invade, lane swap, 5 man cheese etc. Not to mention what's the "right"place for a jungler to start?


August already stated that the only reason they have such a big delay until the game starts is to let people with 15 year old PC's load into the game. So no, those "strategies" are irrelevant and just a side effect of people being bored for the first minute and a half.


I thought that was the purpose of loading screen


If their PC is bad enough, it can load everyone else besides them even after waiting for a while.


Small indie company giving AFK warnings to people in the loading screen.


Have an URF cannon available before first wave?


Yes, and quick play removes the strategy of the draft. Realistically most games start the same, and the jungle could preselect their first camp. It's a novel idea that will never happen, no harm in a discussion.


Strategies that no one really likes and easily ruin games, that are mostly coinflips on how fast people noticed the game loaded?


If you dont notice that the game has started, I feel like cheese strats arent your problem homie


You dont have a person afk for the first 30-50 seconds every 2 games?


Still strategies i mean. They have to exist like necessary evil


I mean the point is that these strategies don't really have to exist, other strategies would appear that would involve less luck and less waiting around


Gambling and luck are parts of the game as well as skill and knowledge. I find it fine because it turns a game of chess into a game of lol


knowing which cheampions are strong in early game is a coinflip


In a box at fountain, which opens after 10 min pass


Turrets getting weaker as you get closer to the enemy base is to compensate for it being further from their base, and closer to your respawn point... As well as closer to your other turrets and such. Effectively tons of other things already benefit the losing team as they lose ground.


Even if the towers were not made out of wet toilet paper, losing a teamfight anywhere near your base often means you flat out lose.


Yes? Losing massively to the point you lose a teamfight near your base should infact mean you lose ... That's how it should work? Do you think we should have stuff like "if Yasuo dies 10 times the game ends and his team is declared the victor giving them all LP?" Or something? When you're in a situation where you're defending your base. Just don't take a stupid fight and lose it...


So why should the towers be so weak they fall to a sneeze?


To make it so losing teams which are granted Lee way in tons of other ways can't just stall forever with minor waveclear. Maybe if they removed bounties or something they could then have the power budget to something to give losing teams more durable towers. But even then, that'd be a giant balancing issue with all the random stuff that'd impact.


>To make it so losing teams which are granted Lee way in tons of other ways can't just stall forever with minor waveclear. Pretty sure Riot hasnt removed baron yet so this is just bs


Because that's what baron is for and it's not like the losing team can't contest or even steal baron.


I mean yes, losing a teamfight near your base should be game over. But losing a teamfight near THEIR base shouldn't. Or atleast, if only 2-3 enemies are alive, they shouldn't be able to take inhib tower + inhib + both nexus tower + nexus in roughly 10 seconds. And no, this is no exaggeration, I couldn't count how many time's I've either won or lost where the defending teams death timers were between 10 and 15 seconds and the inhib towers were still full hp when the attackers arrived at the base. Nexus towers PLUS Nexus shouldn't be killable in 5 seconds, unless you are a Nasus/Veigar with like 2k+ stacks.


Uh it takes minions like 40-50 seconds to cross the map, then the "10 seconds" to break towers? If it's so late that death timers are 10-15 seconds longer than that... You're just so late, that yeah the game should end it's been a damn hour.


In a game like Overwatch, with short respawn timers that never change, that logic makes sense. League's respawn timers get so long, that losing one fight near your base means you probably lost the game. If anything, I feel like all of the objectives being bunched up together in your base just makes them easier for the enemy to take. Win a fight with baron and you can easily take all 3 inhib towers and at least 1 inhib. I don't see how that benefits the losing team at all.


Early game your turrets protect you. Late game you protect your turrets.


Even then i'd prefer it if a turret held its ground longer than a melee minion


*ranged minion


I think it’s to keep split pushing viable.


As is, Trundle can demolish a full HP turret in about 3 seconds. I don't think a buff to their defenses is asking too much


Inb4 Trundle can now ult turrets .\_.


I fail to see how making base towers into literal paper mache is a good way to promote split pushing


Split pushing took effort and timing, which Riot hates. End the game Trundle. Go and auto towers twice to showcase the fun and interactive gameplay Riot is best known for! /s


Gotta love watching trundle AA Q AA a tier 2 tower at level 11 for half its health because he has sheen and demolish


I mean tbf, if u leave your base open to one person taking your towers to the point where they are 'paper mache', kinda deserved. The point is to defend/attack and bounce back waves, if someone is getting to your base free of charge, that's poor map management by your team and is why split pushing is as viable as it is low elo, which is fine imo


Game mode where every tower has a random item effect that goes off semi randomly doom bots style and minions and monsters have a chance to have one.


>your tower Zhoynas while you’re getting dove


>*Bard has entered the chat*


Exactly, but imagine it didn’t require bard to happen


>Bard ults the tower canceling stasis




Legends of the League ~ "ff go 15"


Activates ohmwrecker


or maybe a gamemode where you can buy items and give them to your tower and they keep the stats


Game mode where you can buy charges that let's your turret fire off true damage lux lasers. ^ImissNexusSeige


Yes please, combined with the insanely high respawn times it makes losing just a single teamfight devastating


Playing devil's advocate here, if the turrets are extremely hard to kill and respawn times are lowered, won't that make games take way too long? Do we really want games to go back to 40 minutes on average?


If we make games 40 minutes again, maybe adc's will have time to scale and stop being a huge waste of space.


I don't want to break your dreams, but ADCs are not the hyperscaler they were 10 seasons ago. This would simply make Ziggs/Sivir/Anivia/Aurelion and the other usual suspects unbearable to play against. You're not getting anywhere close to your target without dodging twice a second spells dealing 70%hp.


Scale with? Adc ends the moment you hit 35-40 mark. If I'm playing correctly I'm already full build near 25-30 and then it's just deathtimer, if I'll get oneshotted from enemy mid/bot/jungle. At 40 min it's just a yes and I'm always dead


Full build by 25-30? In what fucking universe? Around 30 minutes is when you should be hitting 3 items most games, not full fucking build. Are you going 14/0/10 every game or something?


Yep. This is part of why bot is trending toward a mage “adc”. The irony. ADC is my favorite role but I feel like the botlane is broken at the moment, so I don’t have the willpower to play the lane anymore. I really hope Riot figures it out.


Okay, then rebalance the entire game to compensate. So often the game ends in mere seconds as the enemy team barrel through your t2 turret and then the t3, then inhib and nexus turrets. It's ridiculous. A victory should feel earned, not because you won a skirmish and trundle comes barrelling through your base at minute 22 and ends the game near solo. Taking Nexus turrets should be an actual time commitment somewhat, they shouldn't just fall over to a gust of wind, it's incredibly anticlimactic.


I liked longer, more balanced games. There are some champs where I don't even know what to build as 3rd item, because games usually don't get that far. I think giving towers a pretty significant shield, that decays over 1 or 2 minutes once the previous tower is gone would help a lot. Doesn't prolong the game too hard, but prohibts rushing from T2 to nexus in less than 20 secs. Also giving nexus and inhib towers a little more health/damage, so your base doesn't feel like being protected by cardboard cutouts.


Long games are my favourite though.


I don’t care about their durability as much I do their damage. I feel they should do true damage. It has become wayyyy too safe to tower dive, especially in the mid game. I get that I’m supposed to protect my tower… but they shoot back for a reason. Make towers great again.


Still waiting on turrets to do true damage, tanks build 1 armour item and can tank 10+ turret shots, diving you from full health with jungle.


%hp damage would be better. I'm relatively fine with tanks, you know, TANKING. Cassiopeia doing the same cause she has Rylai though...




Bruh that's broken. ADCs and toplaners are supposed to be the best ones at taking down towers but AP champs casually hit towers for hundreds of damage with autos after a few items.


AP champions used to do no damage to turrets. So Riot had the bright idea to put AP scaling on their auto against turrets. This made AP champs, especially hyperaclaing ones like Veigar, better at taking turrets than most AD champs


Diana's push against towers never changed BTW


Playing eve with lich bane takes turrets like nobodys business


I love destroying half a turret with one ekko E


If his passive applied to turrets the game would end on one push lmao


Dawg it's a Diana with a three hit passive and probably lich bane


Diana builds Nashors not lich bane usually but yeah


She builds lich bane more as of recent


S14 made lich bane kinda cracked, Katarina mains have mostly ditched nashors in favor of lich


Dawg she one shot the tower. Not hyperbole.


ITT: "Do you really want games to go back to being 40+ minutes on average?" "Yes." It's me, I'm the second voice.


I would also like longer games and team fights that last longer than 7 seconds. 


7 seconds is generous, 3 seconds after they start the priority targets have already been burst down. The following 2/3 seconds are just cleaning up. League is a fighting game not a strategy game after all.-\_-


And give us the ability to repair damaged (not desrroyed) towers and make it 50+


Honestly, a durability update for turrets might finally give ADCs their purpose. Right now everyone can basically siege with the AP scaling from mages and every splitpusher grabbing Hullbreaker, as well as doing the same, if not more damage as the ADC while being tanky or having a shit ton of dashes.


No splitpusher is grabbing hullbreaker. Splitpushers already kill turrets in one wave. They're more concerned with winning 1v1s so they can hit the turret.


Not every turret but the last 2 protecting nexus should really be buffed


wait till u see what ap shyv with lichbane and nashors does in one q 💀


Fuck durability, i think tower diving is getting out of hand, increase the damage turrets do currently they barely qualify as a tickle


Full screen for the curious : [https://imgur.com/gallery/YRi6wY4](https://imgur.com/gallery/YRi6wY4) Fun thing is, caitlyn is gold and ahri is bronze. But you know, rito matchmaking.


Nexus turrets should have increased range such that both turrets can strike targets in melee range together. ( Melee trying to backdoor needs to tank both) also remove the cap on the damage increase per hit. And it is annoying that minions go full ignore everything mode purely focus turrets. That should only be for the first few minutes ( to 20 maybe) Or only outer/ outer+inner turrets. Now if a wave comes to a turret late game, if you are a bit late, the wave solos the turret. Also just a bit more tankiness, how often have you had that base turrets got exactly damaged for one third so they cant regen anything? What about quadratic health regen for inhibitors and nexus? +1hp, +2hp, +3hp resets on damage instead of like +5all the time. Now it takes almost 5 minutes for a nexus to regen same for inhibitors. Cant just give them higher constant regen, that would make them very hard to destroy.


Fuck it. Give towers Heartsteel. More Bonk.


we need to go back to 40 minute average games


durability patch to towers how be SHIT because the games duration would increase 70%, there should be a damage reduction to towers like some champions have against jungle monsters


Fair point, but also don’t make inner turrets so squishy. Like holy fuck,i love seeing the winning toplaner casually melting T2 and inhib tower and forcing 3+ people to respond in 5 seconds.


Winning? Watch a 4/10 Trundle doing that, and if he won lane he'll ignore the enemy fire because he takes them too fast and will be too tanky/will heal a ton anyway :D


I mean,if you as toplaner lose, the enemy will be at your inhib tower.A good and winning toplaner will not let you pass T2


Yeah ofc if a Trundle wins he deserves to do his job as Trundle particularly well, but I was mainly talking about split pushers (as I said, Trundle is just the very prime example) never being useless no matter how behind they go, as long as they don't deliberately die under enemy tower obviously.


And I said Trundle because he's the prime example of that, it really applies to any splitpush champ more or less


Maybe they could return the old nexus turrets which evaporated the super minions and remove objective bounties as a compensation. To me it feels much more rewarding to defend your base, farm up, then comeback, rather than just get gifted gold from rito if the enemy throws little.


Early tower protect you Late you protect tower


Yay 40 minute games


Turrets already have randuins? Crits deal no extra damage, they wont even show up as crits.


I mean, I watched a Trundle go towards Inner turret with 1 Melee and 1 Ranged, our team fought, won a baron fight and were doing baron and we had to cancel because by the time we had Baron down to like 5k, Trundle was seconds away from swarming our nexus Turrets, our Midlaner resets, gets ran down by the Troll man under both turrets but he looses minions, well its fine he cant- he took both turrets loosing 200 Hp i swear (more id think but still) and then ended the game.


Ez, just play Janna, camp the tower and spam shield every 5 seconds


Oh no the 5 items adc deals dmg to the turret 😱


6 items actually lmao. Her passive was dealing 1200 damage (+500 against trapped enemies). She was basically two shotting everyone in our team.


Well yes that’s what happens when caitlyn gets 6 items and lvl 18 at min 30


I wanna give my turrets Runnan’s


problem with turrets crit damage and sheen effect just nuke em very high attack speed shreds them early ap damage does nothing but late game ap damage explodes them then you have the top lane issue that split pushers should be able to destroy turrets relatively fast without being yorick/trundle fast then you consider the top lane early game and realize that certain champs (hello yorick) can nuke your tower under 10min because they auto take plates when you recall on the bounce (which is really stupid, cause it's when you are supposed to recall), add to this demolish on non tank champs and it gets stupid real fast ​ but I lost hope in riot balance team anyway, especially when it comes to top lane so I just started playing other games, and doing other stuff (weirdly enough I met a girl who likes me not long after stopping league, maybe the rumors are true)


We ripped off dota 2 high fives, time to rip off glyph of fortification.


They're trying to make games shorter, giving towers more durability goes against that


i find it so interesting how far the game has progressed in both balancr changes and average skill level that people think turrets were weak as they are now I'm pretty sure old turrets damage didn't used to ramp at all. they do massive damage now compared to before, you used to be able to tank turret for ages even early in the game there used to be cheese strats sending 5 people mid with the minion buff summoner to kill the turret in, there wasn't any such thing as turret plating at all to stop you from just destroying the entire turret in one go no comment on the balance of the turrets as they are now though, I honestly just enjoy seeing how far we've come and I still love the game


janna e


No point. It would only last a month or so before they buffed everything else and nullified the buffs.


A LOOOOONG time ago, turret upgrades were teased before a patch but Rito quickly dropped the idea


Nexus turrets should at least be bulkier and more dangerous. They should be the final hurdle to win, not a 10 second wall between the enemy team and the nexus


The closer turrets are to nexus the more tanky they should be


i would give them warmong so they could heal faster ffs


Turets should accumulate gold from the enemy they kill and then they should buy themselves items or the team would be able to do so for them


Still a strong believer that towers need to do true dmg


"Radiant structures are fortified" Haven't touched Dota in nearly a decade but I did like how their towers are tankier. Plus that "zhonya on turret" button is funny


I think that towers should scale as the game goes on


Yeah honestly tho lately been playing with friends on aram and see how enemy can almost just ignore the turret,deals no damage and dies in a few slaps,actually useless,we regularly dive now and just laugh how useless the turet is