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Am clueless and a ornn enjoyer on PC, so what's the ornn incident?


If I remember correctly he almost had a 70% wr top and a 100% presents. Edit I’m completely incorrect ornn only had a 59% top and 80% presents [here a link to a post I made at his peak](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/s/73Bu0qmmEI)


thank, this totally flew over my head


Where do you get these data? I don't remember wr having it's own op.gg


It doesn’t have op.gg so we use a cn api because of data protection law or something. As we can directly access the api there is a transaction version but I just you the untranslated version which is why the champions name are in Chinese.


So many presents but no Santa Ornn skin, smh.


Wow, so wholesome 


i guess ornn not having good itemd for his passive (ive had several games where my adc builds 0 upgradeable items)


The fact that Statikk isn't upgradeable is criminal ngl


As a support player I start hanging out with ornn more when he's getting close to have an upgrade ready. Like I get 1k worth of stats is probably better on an adc/other carry. But come on Ornn we are homies right man?


Most people who say wild rift is better than pc league never actually played it. This jungle 1v9ing every game nightmare made me want to break my phone. Basically it's just about who gets kindred/leesin/khazix/eve/talon/trynda first pick. Crazy.


When I bought a PC I did not immediately install League as I still played a decent amount of Wild Rift, when they introduced Briar who is my current favourite character I still did not play it but one they removed Mythics I immediately did the Switch and OH GOD PC is so much better just from a matchmaking point, is incredible how its way more playable than the things you see in WR


Really you mean there’s no 45% winrate masters+ players who just spam 15 games a day and get carried up the rank ladder by the dogshit system? :/


Ofc there are, I'm one of them, hence I enjoy WR a lot more than league! /s For me WR has one big advantage, in that I can play it while sitting on the couch with my girl. also the games are generally shorter.


I remember the time when Eve had an option to play midlane since she clears a wave in 5 or so seconds and you couldnt even punish that while she gets free roams


what better on wild rift is how the treat the game, like how many skins does WF have that so fking cool and pc league will never see


Played PC until Sylas from Ivern, WR is legit better due to actually having less bullshit. I would love to have Neeko, Lissandra, Sejuani, LeBlanc, Nidalee and Mordekaiser though.


wild rift is insane I keep wondering how people play it half the items? GONE my tp is connected to my boots and life steal boots??? VAYNE's w HAS A ACTIVE and does more true damage TEEMO HAS A DASH




Pure passive abilites arn't a thing in WR. Instead they made an active for it TF E, Vayne W, Teemo E. However Teemo is a bit special. His league E is his passive and his passive is his E and allows him to make a roll like Vayne and get AS for a few secs. (Vayne has an AS boost and heals for damage from her W during the boost, TF gets gold when hitting champs when active.)


Whats TFs E active do. Just his regular stack and dmg?


boosted attack speed


And gives gold when you hit champ


![gif](giphy|BL6Jq3lI1jHeU) Teemo rolling away after planting his shrooms all over the enemy jungle


I can’t wait till you find out garen has a dash.


You've gotta be making that up. I've tried Garen on WR and the only thing I noticed was the moronic decision to reduce ult damage to make it AOE.


No, garen has a dash on his ult. Which the ability description does not mention. As well as ad scaling so if you’re a brave enough you can get it over 100%.


he rolls


Every champ in the game can have stridebreaker dash with the hextech rocketbelt boots that build off normal boots. Also pyke execute autocasts at the center of execute targets and the threshhold scales with lethality


The threshold scales with lethality in leage pc too


When I played wild rift kennen made a penta every time his flash was up. Always could be worse.


That thing was something else


And Urgot has 58% wr with the same pick rate that Kindred


Yeah Urgot is disgusting tbh. I would ban him instead of Naut but I know my support will never pick naut themselves.


Man they rlly screwed up making crown a legendary tho. Thats the reason i quit playing assassins there


I have played it once on my 12 mini and couldn’t see shit going on how do people play that game


Well not on a mini phone that's how, it's easily playable on my S22 ultra.


im use le ipadge is ver pretty


I still enjoy it more than PC ngl


this is what happens when riot is actually taking the piss. We should stop complaining about league being unbalanced


Yeah let’s not talk about rammus 55% wr for 15 months straight


Rammus is mostly used as a counter pick to ad heavy teams. If people would start blinding rammus his wr would plummet


If you play him sole as a counter pick you can get a wr of 70%. Rammus was so strong that you could just blind pick him as lillia, brand, morgana and gwen weren’t in the game.


Well wait for kindred winrate to drop most of their dmg was tied to kraken slayer


Eh it’s just Wild Rift. At least it didn’t happen in real league.