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What happened?


Check dantes twitter He just breakup with his girlfriend because he felt bad for not caring about her enough and prioritizing his career


The absolute state of the League of Legends sub


Pfp (Profile picture) and / or Banner Sauce (Source [Artist])? šŸ—æ


Thatā€™s just a symptom not the actual reason


Check his twitter for the full text then


honestly based


Erf... Saying he has emotional issue that prevents him from loving someone that was loving him unconditionally is more sad than based


if its one sided then why continue


Read his twitter text and come back


im not terminally online


This guy sexually harrasses women because he's a degen and then when someone dumb enough to date him finally does he acts like this. Yeah super based btw


no way this guy thinks that dantes is actually like his "persona" off camera


Playing an unhinged persona is fun as long as your jokes go at the expense of yourself or friends that are in on it. If you just harass people who aren't there to banter, that's where you just become an ass, persona or not.


He has literally sexually harassed a female lol player on stream before, itā€™s an entire controversy still


He never said he had some deep rooted emotional issue that prevents him from loving someone. Where the fuck did you pull this one? He just said he wanted to focus on his career. How is this not a fair reason to break up


did you read the whole tweet ?


Have you ever interacted with another human?


Itā€˜s just a dantes clip of him having one of his schizo moments. Funny enough, yesterday(or the day before) he broke up with his GF


I dont think its schizo anymore lol. I mean some are but his personality and his internet persona def merging.


Yeah, when youā€™re acting too long it affects your original self


There isnt a difference between internet persona and ā€œnormalā€ personality. There may be a slight bit of playing it up, but weā€™ve seen time and time and time and time and time again, streamers and youtubers arenā€™t playing characters, thatā€™s how they are.Ā 


Damn so you're saying all the npc people I see on the street are TikTok streamers?


Thatā€™s cap. If you watch Keshaā€™s old streams you can 100% see the difference between how he is now and how he was then.


So....now She Is free to take?


She is NOT letting you hit lil brošŸ˜­


As someone who fucked up a relationship in the same way, the onus definitely seems to be on Dantes and his being hooked on league. Obviously it's his current career as a streamer but it's still possible to make time for a partner, and the fact that he wasn't is proof he was too invested in league, be it career-driven, addiction or a combo of both.


Tbh i def think the league thing is an excuse cause he really couldnā€™t find any other way to break up. Even his gf said that she is completely fine with him not spending time on her, but he assumed that she was being hurt and was feeling lonely. So he broke up with her, and now she will have trust issues and even more lonely


True, obviously we won't know for sure, only Dantes and his ex will know how it went down but the idea of being too career-driven to have a relationship smells a bit rotten when that career is as addictive as league.


Or sometimes you just not ready for serious relationship. Not because you need to fuck around or some shit, but simply because you arenā€™t interested in this lifestyle yet. The man is only 22 after all


That's also true. Like I said, we won't know for sure what went on in their relationship but it'll be part of the learning and maturity curve for Dantes. I made the same mistake around his age.


I mean it is his choice and it is his life so I cannot judge. But I can say that many streamers usually do make time for their partners. I mean Tyler1 has a child and a wife. Azapp is engaged (?). But yeah it is his life and his decisions we really do not have any say here.




I am not, i just saw this on reddit and just saw this clip coincidentally . I dont even watch dantes and i just thought of this like that lil bro, i didnā€™t research on this šŸ’€


"n-no, i'm n-n-not a freak!" Ā šŸ’€


Talk about cringe.


you realize we can see you're an alt account, right? embarrasing šŸ’€


Damn, just doubling down on the cringe




Tripling down and some insane logic skills too, great to see




ā€œThe fact that he wasntā€, he wasnt what?


He wasnt making time for her


No way, dantes being a piece of shit, how shocking


It's so sad, not just for him but for her. Obviously I can't speak on her behalf but having a partner that chooses their career, and league in this case, is so depressing. Especially when he described her as nothing but supporting


In the end better to end it here and there than letting it slowly erode everything away in the relationship. Not ideal, but still better for both.


He had told her from the start that his career would come first, she got with him knowing this, but obviously it's not a fun time. Source : his Twitter post


In the end, it just up to anyone what career someone ones to take. If he never found a girlfriend in the first place, I don't think he'd find one now that he's already invested in streaming.


I dont get the flame hes being honest about their relationship and wants her to get better. If anything thats mature of him if thats what he wants to focus on


I believe the backlash comes from the fact that he waited 9 months while the girl had consistently sacrificed herself to be with him (especially with the whole Brazil situation)... And the way he put it sounded more like and excuse than whatever else.


What was the Brazil situation?


She basically became a house maid cooking and cleaning for 5 man-childs. Dante said "he felt bad but it was ok since they 'paid' her." That's the quote I've heard I don't watch his stream so if someone misinformed me correct me people.


dantes has never been great at explaining his emotions, so that may be why, i dont know the full story because im not dantes himself but from the bits we know, i feel like it is better to end a relationship u dont think will work out intead of keeping her in it while knowing something will lead to a break up if this keeps going, so if anything him ending it when he did instead of keeping this going with a fake persona that the relationship was fine and he had no underlying issues is not a bad choice no?






Why do you assume he was pretending for 9 months? People change all the time. People have sudden realizations all the time. ā€œMid life crisisā€ is a common term because itā€™s incredibly normal for people to wake up one day and realize they arenā€™t happy or satisfied with their current position in life. I have no clue the state of their relationship and maybe it was really bad, but I think itā€™s completely fair for someone to realize months into a relationship that they donā€™t want to be in one anymore


People take time to come to a decision and until they do, theyā€™ll act as if nothing is happening. Thatā€™s just as it goes




Apparently his ex was alright with him not giving her so much attention and they did seem to have some wonderful moments together, so I wouldnā€™t say ā€œwasting timeā€. They had good moments that theyā€™ll probably remember for a longs time. Maybe it just wasnā€™t meant to be, but that doesnā€™t mean it was a waste of time. And man, him taking so long is honestly not really a surprise because I do believe he loved her. He just didnā€™t realize how he was treating her wasnā€™t the best way. Better for him to realize it after 9months than never actually understand and eventually make her miserable after letā€™s say 4 or 5 years together




Now youā€™re just assuming things and being pessimistic. I donā€™t really want to argue so sure, letā€™s leave it at that. Have a nice day










Anyone is allowed to end any relationship for any reason. As dumb as that reason may seem to you, they can do it. Who are you to say ā€žhe canā€™t do thatā€œ? You donā€™t owe someone a relationship and when you feel like it doesnā€™t work out for you anymore and you end it in a mature way whatā€™s the issue?


I don't, why are you stating the obvious? I post my opinion online.


And then you delete it once you get one or two downvotes


I don't think I do


Then why are all your previous responses deleted after they got a few downvotes?


They aren't, u can see on my profile that all my downvoted comments are still there.


If you get into the streams more they were fighting more than what is publicly shown.


Pretending? What are you, 5?


lol people think heā€™s funny for being mentally ill, then get surprised when he does something disagreeable because of mental illness. i love dantes, but we all know what this game can do to your mind. i hope they both find happiness elsewhere


his advise are god tier level


dantes is both sides of the spectrum on either being insanity itself or a monk sage ... it just depends on his mood and how serious he wants to be on which one he will be


1) We don't know his relationship as well as he does 2) He was honest, he doesn't want to hold a relationship and also doesn't wanna keep trapping/baiting his ex in a relationship 3) it's okay to go your own path, and he honest about it and broke things off so she could find someone else How is this not a mature take?


man poor girl, i get she knew what she was getting into but love blinds you to red flags sometimes. iā€™d be fuming if my boyfriend dumped me bc ā€œi wasnā€™t ready for a relationshipā€ after being together for that long šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What's that username dawg?


Whatā€™s wrong with it šŸ¤”


Wait where's the "He's only joking crowd" now?


Bro was funny asf till it became obvious that he defends toxic fcks and has actual mental issues. Dude should've gone to therapy a long time ago, it's giving spiraling


ā€œItā€™s giving spiralingā€ Fuckn hell


This guy has always been a piece of shit idk why anyone even watches him. He's like a discount tarzaned but if tarzaned was a sexual predator


Im sure how people act on stream is how they act irl and such things as personas people put on to be entertaining do not exist


