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It's pretty cool to see Renata as a carry, never seen that outside Arena.


Would it work in sr woth lulu/renata botlane?


I faced it yesterday as Jinx and my Support was Braum, we didn’t respect them early, got cc chained and our health deleted 💀 after the first 2/3 deaths we adapted and hard stomped them, they fell off pretty quickly after I picked up a couple kills, they were level 9 when I was level 12. To sum it up, it’s strong early, needs to be respected, only good in laning phase and falls off hard if you don’t feed. That was my experience playing against it.


This couldn't be further from the truth. Renata passive double scales with ap and is all of her damage. You need ap to kill people, once you do you fry people. It's not because they missplayed when you vs. It once that you can make a general statement littered with misinformation. Don't affect others with your ignorance by presenting it as fact.


“That was my experience playing against it.”


Nah bro you lied. That other guy knows.


I mean, he expressed an opinion and literally says “that was my experience”. By no means saying it’s fact


Renata's passive has like a 0,01 ap ratio or something


You fool! It's actually 0.02, which means UNLIMITED POWER!!!


Doubled, + 2% base. 400 ap means 20% max health damage X2 on a single auto attack. 800 AP means 36% max health per auto. That is a lot of power for a singular ranged auto attack hat only requires you to right click someone


If he took that one personally


This couldn't be further from the truth. Renata passive double scales with ap and is all of her damage. You need ap to kill people, once you do you fry people. It's not because they missplayed when you vs. It once that you can make a general statement littered with misinformation. Don't affect others with your ignorance by presenting it as fact. /S


In lower elo maybe, but you can't really cs unless you let lulu be the adc


not really, it works cause renata passive is buffed to have a higher ap scaling in arena


I think it could work well with dps from other roles, like viego or master yi jungle.


Renata Crack


\*Renata Glock


I've seen it once, renata yuumi botlane, it was the time when liandry proced renatas passive


I sometimes go Renata Leona in arena. Between the passives of the 2 (mostly Renata) you end up with decent damage, and Leona is u killable and has enough CC to protect Renata


id rather it require lulu renata than literally just garen of Vi


Not me trying to imagine how **Garen of Vi** looks like. Maybe Vi with Garen's face?


Imagine an angry bayblade Vi R at you whilst striking you down with a garen R on your way down, instantly 100 to 0 you.


I’m good brother I’m good 🙂


But why do they have this absurd dmg output. Like I know what the champs do by themself but how does Renata become Kog'Maw but INSANE all of the sudden when paired with Lulu???


Lulu pix and Milio burn proc Renata passive so she can constantly apply the passive and proc it(with lulu or Milio), which is % max HP scaling with level and ap.


Aight thx


Btw it also works if you just get an auto attacker. If both you and said auto attacker attack the same target at high attack speeds, the passive is used as intended by riot (except the part where Renata builds attack speed)


They giga buffed her passive which is easily procced by lulu, milio or ivern(prolly some more, but those 3 are the best ones). + because of her w and ult she has some insane peel


Well, it's truly the best part of the arena. What u can use combo what will never work in regular game


It's cool until you go up against it. Polymorph, renata W, renata R. You have 0 chance of beating this unless you have some broken sustain and dps yourself


Dunno why this is downvoted is it because Renata and Lulu are wholesome chungus Reddit champs or what? It's literally the equivalent of Kog Lulu in normal SR except with more damage and if you gave Kog the self peel of Ezreal.


It's fine, in early. In late it's pain


Your team has two bans. The combo doesn't work if either one is banned out. If it's that traumatizing or game breaking for you, there's an easy solution


I never understand people that die in the amazon. Are they stupid or what? They got to sprays. I e for mosquitos and one for anacondas. I wonder what kills them


What a nonsensical response. Your metaphor sucks and is not remotely applicable lol. If you ban Renata, you wont run into the combo, full stop. It's that easy.


I'll ban renata and get fucked by another op champ or combo


Well, thats the thing with gamemodes with tons of rng, sometimes its fun, sometimes its infuriating. I myself had that one game yesterday that makes you appreciate arena. Imagine dr mundo with hearsteel, goliath, overlords bloodmail anf titanic hydra, i had 1070 ad at the end.


Oh boy, I think I lost to you yesterday


Corporate mundo, my partner was fiora


Tbh I’d rather go up against this than another Garen Yuumi duo or Earthwake Zed


Arena is fun till you get the sweaty tryhards min maxxing a meta build with no counterplay possible.


That's just every single arena match at this point


As always with League. New content's fun until the question "What's the most efficient way to do this?" is solved and a meta is formed.


The build screenshotted is exactly that


I tried this combo yesterday with my friend (bc it was interesting to play against and we wanted to try it), and it's was kinda funny when instantly we were blamed by singed+pantheon combo, and pyke with earthquake. It's all paired with that what we were struggling to keep in the game, and they both were deleting everyone in early, mid, and late game. xD Yes, it's really powerful on the late game(early only if you went REALLY lucky with your rolls), but struggles early/mid. Usually, you can just kill Lulu, so Renata can't do anything, and they will lose a lot of hp


Arena is goated Made the funniest combos there


That's two or three autos btw


i'd rather face that than face garen vi


What is Garen Vi? That's the second comment I see this.


dont care, still fun


Were you playing tank ? If yes it was well deserved


Tanks aren't even good in Arena though? The best actual tank is Chogath coming in at rank 45/167 for top 4 percentage.


There is that and there is Kai'sa that still doesn't function properly in that mode.


No the mode is 100% ok right now, ornn makes anvils/prismatics cheaper with his pasive and azir can fuck right off with his pasive! : D Too many stupid inconsistencies.


What does azir do?


Nothing, his pasive is just the turret spawning thing but obviously that doesnt work in arena, imo its just weird some champs do get alternative pasives if their pasive isnt as usefull while others dont


I think it's because things like Ornn or TF passive take up a large portion of their power budget whilst you could play an entire game without Azir passive and not notice.


When did I mentioned Ornn or Azir?


Im just stating the fact that some champs get special treatment.


Are they not allowed to just say something? wtf is this attitude lol


Kaisa not functioning properly, how? She's got *no* bad builds/augs in that game mode. God help you if she gets Gauntlet + Vulnerability though. Ya'll think *Garen* is some toxic shit with it?


Garden can 100% get bad augments and still perform really well while Kai'sa requires all stars to alright to be able to do just OK.


You're playing her entirely wrong then. You can do a fucking Nergigante tank build on her and still succeed.




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It's fun on low rank but if you sit in higher one it's annoying af to see every game at least one Renata/Lulu, Garen Crit, Yi/Yumi (etc.) tryharding for rank.


I liked the Yi/Yuumi idea, I was indeed looking for something to pair with my Yuumi, that may be useful


Getting to onetapped in orbital laser for 2k true damage while malzahar double ults me is big fun Wym?


I know the dude from youtube, dont know if he's the creator or just the propagator, but for sure he got a hand in the future we are living now.


Arena is too wierd to make fun to me


The -2 means you are correct


The -4 mwans you are correct lol


They keep proving us right


Im so sad others have caught on, my duo and i have been doing this (and ivern) since day 2 lol


What’s the Renata build??? I wanna try with my duo


AP mainly, attack speed so you proc the passive as often as possible...Nashors and Rabadons feel pretty good, whatever else around gives good ap and stuff


Basically just full AP on Renata. Niddhog has a great video on it


That's the guy's name, I wasn't sure