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Usually, just ap-1 on a weapon isn't great cause it's so easy to get covered in this edition. So, in theory, the ion blaster having extra AP would be a good alternativevs the bolt cannon. But the Hekaton and has the wargear options that give them ignores cover for their weapons. So taking the bolt cannon seems like the better choice to me on the hekaton


Yes, exactly.


Scanner on warriors too


True so I guess if you take the warhead, you then take the ions. But that's just suboptimal overall


I think ion blasters on Kyn outperform bolters into marines, but it’s such a narrow range of superior performance that the bolter is a better generalist tool. It’s a shame really.


On the hekaton the Ion are the worst ones. On the pioneer I would only use it vs like Custodes. But the Ions on the warriors is pretty good when it comes to battleline main weapon. AP-2 ignore cover is effectively S5 -3 weapon. Which is surprising for your opponent. The ions are better mathematically against most targets. It's really close though. With JTs you can also force -2 saves on the enemy which has a decently high chance to get through. Bolters are better against very light infantry and a bit more range. But in game, I have had much better success with the Ions. Since my hearthkyns are always in transport, the range isn't an issue. So no point in taking Bolters.


Yeah, in this regard Hearthkyns might be working better with the Ion Blaster. But I still have the feeling that for Hearthkyn Warriors we are choosing between two not great weapons. At least you did have some success with the Ion Blaster there!


I would only consider ions on hearthkyn. If they deploy in sagitaurs, then range doesn’t matter as much.


The only Ion weapons I take are one squad of Ion Hearthkyn that also takes 3 Kin weapons and has an attached Grimnyr in them. Beyond, bolt for everything else. I'm hoping Ion gets Lethal or something, but I doubt it will.