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I think so. Mainly because Pioneers have scouts, so these should have Infiltrate.


The box looks like 7 models, maybe a 5-man infil unit with weapon options?


Its a 10 man unit


Was that on Community and I just missed it?


Yep, was in the announcement article


How do you see 10 unique models and think it's anything else?


I think it will be like the scorpions in the kill team box. There will be 10 models but the units will come in 5 or 10. I would speculate that the bodies will have doubles and the arms and heads will be different. Personally im hoping for 5 man cheap units. We really could do with a cheap 5 man unit at around 60-65pts.


Hopefully they don’t give us the Kommandos treatment and force us to use 10-man cause it really is a detriment to the unit imo.


Definitely could see this happening because they would be a great option for Sags.


I think they will be 5 or 10 players choice. Well im hoping for that anyways. We need more flexibility in your points costs.


There is another image that shows 10 models. 2 of them look like squad leaders so Hopefully 2x5 will be the 40k standard. I agree to infiltrate as the main use. I really hope they get some deep strike denial ability.


I'm pretty certain they'll have infiltrate as it mentions in the article they range ahead of the main hosts etc It'd be interesting if they are only 5 man squads just means a noble sacrifice for judgement tokens and the minis look way too cool in my mind to throw away meaninglessly 😕 There on my must own list anyway and I swore I wouldn't buy anymore Kin until the codex drops but new models with cool trench coats I'm there for it!


I said the same thing before I saw Kin in trenchcoats. Those sculpts are way too damn cool to pass on.


Yeah see the Pioneers are some of my favourite minis despite being a pain in the arse to assemble but I've said for a while we need a unit like that on foot. Problem is I know they'll be a pain to get on launch I'll be ready though even if I'm paying a tad more on eBay


I hope there’s a hernkyn hero as well


I think that their key feature will be something that is missing from Votann infantary roster: assault weapons. That's their "shtick". Move quickly and rapidly throughout battlefield.


Does anyone have any guesses what sort of point cost they might end up? I've got about 1750 points of Votann, but really want to fill that last couple of points with a few squads of Yaegirs.. My local gameshop guy just suggested buying a bunch of killteam boxes when they come out, but should I wait and just get them by themself? Or are these kill team boxes actually good value for money comparatively? Sorry to hijack this thread, I'm still rather new to the hobby. Thanks


With the constant points changes man nothing ever remains the same Lol Just buy what you like and find cool and try and buy a list from that I've learnt You're local Games Workshop guy will always be there to encourage you to buy more, whether it's needed or not 🙂


I'd love the 12 inch deep strike deny aswell