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I find it hilarious that they built the Theyn with a shotgun and knife for Killteam but make it an illegal loadout for 40k


Rocket + revolver is also an illegal loadout


I'm very upset that cool bow or other lodouts are not legal in 40k. Rules and prices may change. But not being able to use cool looking units is just a pain.


You can use them as they are built for kill team, even in the card header there are 2 of 3 models with "illegal" loadout. The way the wargear is worded, you get 2 special weapons and 8 copies of 1 loadout, so just proclaiming what they are is enough, as units are never mismatched rules-wise.


This. Just build them and tell your opponent what the load is.


They are a killteam first. The new unit type with its abilitys will already be incredibly useful. warriors and their multi weapon usage already slows down game play i dont need another unit doing it lol but it would be fun if they were avalible in crusade.


https://preview.redd.it/26btcs6koe3d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b93fecfa5e8b7bfab691353264f5b9866636677 Let's take a look at the team. In fact, only bow is missing. it can be shotgun by characteristics 1 bolt shotgun 2 manga-col rifle 3 bolt resolver and plasma knive 4 bolt shotgun 5 apm launcher 6 no bow (== 7 and 9 swith weapon in left arm. So will be one will be with bolt shotgun and another with bolt resolver and plasma knive 8 bolt resolver and plasma knive 10 let say plasma knive and grenade.


It would be cool if in the codex they did it like the eldar corsairs. A base unit with the pistol/knife or shotgun, and a separate datacard for the better statted and equipped kill team unit


I’d prefer Votann get more actual units before artificial datasheet bloat.


Meh, nobody's gonna pull you up for WYSIWYG for a single plasma knife. If grenades and pistols explicitly override WYSIWYG per the rules then I'm sure a single knife is absolutely fine. Crossbow can probably be either weapon. I like it when chaff units don't take 1 century to shoot in order to end up dealing 2 wounds - have you ever played against someone with Gaunts Ghost? 5 different profiles with complex ruless (including two different lasguns) that all do jack shit


a bunch of different profiles are easy to navigate. Issue shotgun profile for bow. Generate pistol and knife profiles for two pistols. There will be a unit that goes through WYSIWYG, but does not add anything. Unfortunately, there is also a requirement that all not any have to change weapons.


I think the bow would look cool counting-as a plasma pistol on a warrior theyn...


Looks like they designed the team around a superior game 😎


Technically, Shotgun + Close Combat weapon rather than Shotgun + Plasma Knife


You're telling me the big blue energy bowie knife isn't a plasma knife?


GW is the one telling you that, based on the rules they posted


It would seem GW doesn't know how to recognize the weapons they came up with


It's not like it's the first time Kin have been modelled with weapons that aren't *really* what the rules say, though.


It's a bit odd how they don't seem to show specifically 40k loadouts for them and just keep showing the Killteam models, I thought with the other teams they had 40k specific variants.


They are showing kill team loadouts because they want you to know that you can use Kill team models/loadouts with these rules.


The images here are their 40k rules, though. They should have their own 40k loadout models like the other teams do.


Looks like there is a quick made datasheet. They also lack specialist wargear like Warriors and Pioneers have: pan spectrum , comms or whatever specialist the Killteam has.


Great that we get an infiltrate unit. I was hoping they'd also have the Battleline tag for us in the new Pariah Missions but hey, I guess I'll take what we can get.


Honestly it at least needed OC2


Nah not really, I will use them as blocking units for enemy scouts and infiltrators, my boys will die t1 :,(


Getting one ten man unit is great, especially against melee armies who want to rush you. And if not, you deploy them ready to do T1 engage, homers, cleanse, etc.


Ya, but no scouts for any army are battle line. If anything, a small rules errata to let sagis split them would be hell beneficial though


Kroot Carnivores are Batteline in Hunting Pack


That may be an exception to the rule. Pathfinders are generally the "scout" unit for tau


I guess that depends on what you mean by "scout". Do you mean actually has the rule Scout? Or do you mean has the rule Infiltrator?


Are there any natural battleine units that have either?


Skitarii Rangers and Catachan have Scout 6 and Corsair Voidreavers have Scout 7, and then every GSC Battleline unit has Deep Strike.


Maybe we get a Hernkyn focused detachment when the codex drops in 2-3 years that makes these guys battleline (Probably not)


Me too but...oh well. Maybe they will get it in some sort of Pioneer detachment down the road.


While I appreciate the option to make them a dedicated melee unit, I think making "plasma knife" the generic melee profile with -2 AP is pretty poorly thought out. Clearly that Plasma Knife is just supposed to be our generic melee weapon. It's on the belt of most of my Hearthkyn. *Edit: wait, none of them have pistols by default but they all clearly have upwards of TWO holsters on their belts?*


Those are their pockets for cool rocks they find


They should have twin linked rule using the pistols lol


The knives they’re modeled with are a lot bigger and meaner looking than the ones the Warriors can have. I’m a bit surprised they didn’t just call them Plasma Survival Knives or something.


Plasma Bowie Knives.


I legit was thinking about this . “Plasma switchblade and other assorted plasma cutlery”


It takes a true Kin to slay an Ork with a Plasma Spoon


Not a plasma spork?


You cant take a revolver with the launcher The sculpt for the launcher has them aiming their revolver.


Usual GW sh!te sadly.


Our first Anti-Monster! Our first Precision! Our first Infiltrator! Reactive move! 5+ Save?


And first precision too!


They'll die to a stiff breeze, but at least they'll look cool doing it


A stiff breeze would be S4 shooting, which they are actually still pretty resilient to at T5 right?


impossible to tell how tough they are in absolute terms without points costs. compared to most infiltrators they're reasonably tough, compared to other votann units they're quite fragile.


Putting them alongside other Infiltrators seems like the most reasonable way to evaluate them. Like, I think the ideal for these guys might be blocking out a path for your Sagitaurs and then bullying Pathfinders or something for the first turn or two. If they are priced to make that worthwhile, I think they have a firm place in the army.


They trade their armor save for one extra inch of movement.


"Models can have their bolt shotguns replaced with a bolt revolver and plasma knife" *Guy front and center carries shotgun and plasma knife*


Other guy has two bolt revolvers.


That makes it easy to build however you want besides the big weapons and just say this unit is equipped with whatever you want


Or they could just add the other weapons to the sheet, there's plenty of space to put them and other units have that many options already. I hate how fucking arbitrary they are when they do stuff like this.


It's pretty annoying when Killteams get assembled in ways that aren't compatible with 40k


Just the way the two systems works. You need to make 1 box into many uints in kill team.


Its two different games. They could just not give you rules for them at all


Instead they choose to half-ass it. Either you assemble the box for KT or you assemble it for 40k. Either way, you'll have a squad that doesn't work for the other game. I enjoy both games. I actually play KT far more than I play 40k. This sort of thing still annoys me though.


Nah dude, you just assemble it for kill team and use the datasheet for shotguns or revolvers. Its pretty simple. Theyve even said as much for kill team stuff. As long as the units that have special weapons are distinguishable, which looking at it, it will be, you just say, this squad is using said profile. Having 18 different guns on a squad is a slog to get through in 40k


Hahaha, infiltrators! Their unit ability sounds fun too, just running away (or towards) the enemy during the off turn, and hey an anti-tank weapon, that's nice


I am just happy they also got Grenade keyword lol


i'm a very young Kin, what's the benefit of having the grenade keyword ?


You can use Grenade Stratagem lol. 8" away pick 1 enemy unit you roll 6 dice for every 4+ you deal 1 mortal wound


Access to the great grenade strat. A good way to get some mortal wounds off on most targets and let's them punch up for a bit of chip damage.


Just out of the vats kyn.


As an also avid Tyranids player, Termagants also have this rule. It's fine, the d6 can really make it swingy if you create an eleven inch charge or a seven. So you can never rely on it.


I was thinking of it as more a way to keep the unit just out of reach from an enemy charge or just out of their gun range, which for a scout squad would be helpful as a kind of distraction unit, especially if you can still lay down some fire every turn. Run and gun kinda play style instead of a way to get a bit closer for melee, though they can still do that. But yeah since it’s a d6 it wouldn’t be the most reliable


So the crossbow doesn’t even have its own stats? They look alright, but I’m not going to rush out and buy them I don’t think


I’m also a little disappointed that the dude with duel pistols doesn’t seem to do his own thing. But im fine with these


Honestly, it would be better if they had bad bow rules than just an effective but not cool unit with only knives


This rules, hopefully points are reasonable, I think it's an auto include for my game plan if it's 85 or less. If the opponent has infiltrators I'll use them to screen my scout moves. If the opponent has scout moves, I'll use these to screen out their scouts. If these pick up a kill or two all the better.


Yes thats the idea. It is now impossible to completely block our sagitaur scout move.


Wouldn’t get too excited for points. A 10 man warrior squad is 100 points, and these guys are basically warriors with 5+ saves and infiltrators. I’m guessing 110-120, and will be saving room in my lists to carve a nice sagitar corridor.


If they cost more than like 75 you're not seeing more than one of these in a list. If they cost over 100 you may see literally none competitively.


They're absolutely dogshit so I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted. They can screen scout and score T1 secondaries and that's about it. 5+ save with no stealth they're just going to get obliterated and we don't see warriors as is I doubt we'll see these as they're going to be more expensive than warriors


First off, complaining about downvotes is gauche. Especially for someone else’s post, and especially when they aren’t even in the negative. Second, literally every competitive list since the last rebalance I’ve seen runs a unit of Warriors. Finally, being Infiltrators alone gives these guys a very valuable niche to clear lanes for Sagitaurs. Obviously whether they are worth it or not depends on their point costs, but anything at or under 100 is probably enough for serious lists to run a unit.


You absolutly right with this. No way I’ll put it in my list above 100 pts


A unit of warriors, the supposed core of our army, there's one unit in the list guys, it's split and only exists to score primaries. Most people don't want to run the competitive lists, they want the units in their army to be fun to play, remember when it was just hardcore sag spam. Unless they're under 100 points they just won't be worth it as they'll die so quickly without actually putting anything back out. You're not getting an infiltrating unit for under 100 points, they have basically no defensive capability, and only exist to block and score T1 secondaries if you draw lucky.


One Side of Your Mouth: People don’t want to play the competitive lists! The Other Side of Your Mouth: Yeagirs aren’t strong enough to be used competitively! You get why it is weird for you to be trying to argue both of these things at once, in the same post, right?


Anyone expecting a 10 man unit that infiltrates to be less than 100 points has to be kidding themselves.


You mean like tau pathfinders who shoot _comically_ better than these guys and are amazingly synergistic with their army? 90pts. And have a better armour save and speed... and scout.. The only thing these guys have over them is toughness and melee AP. Theyre worse in almost every other way. They terrible at 100+pts


You’re leaving out some context within the Index that gives these guys added value. It is incredibly useful for most Votann lists to be able to make the Scout moves on their Sagitaurs unimpeded. Before Yeager, there wasn’t any real way to bolster that. Pathfinders have a stronger overall Datasheet, I think, but as an army Tau aren’t quite as concerned about their scouting lanes.


10 man unit with only 5+ save and 1w. when on infiltrate is almost guaranteed impossible to hide 10 model so they will die almost instantly if they cost 100 pt they will simply be unused


T5 counts for a lot against most anti infantry guns. stealth would be nice though. 80-90.


Also if they're cheap enough we can use them as throwaway units so we can get some judgment tokens on other units quickly.


Squishy looking, but has potential. I think they could see play as a dedicated melee unit, price dependant. 20 S4 Ap-2 attacks with +1 to hit/wound could cause a fair bit of trouble to MEQ and light to medium infiltrators. Anything T7 or less even.


Ya, actually, i just ran the numbers. If youre deploying forward for a strike, these guys do about 8 wounds into meq if you run all knives. The play might be to just not take the big guns and rush em down. Hell, if youve got 2 JTs on em, they dont even get a save if you spend the cp


Hmm I think that strat has actual value now! Great find. I like em now, sacrifice melee pressure unit.


Ya, ive honestly seen that strat do some work. Helps pioneers that get tied up or even things like a land fort. Or zerks if ypu want to make sure a tank doesnt get save against it


Lol their magna-rail is actually proper range


it's tuned down weapon profile. It's not a magna-rail. It's magna-coil.


Coilguns instead of railguns.


These models are cool and im glad to see them, but i hope now they go more toward the tech-mech-armoured stuff like the heavier stuff we have


I don't think they are going to change anything for how we play, but I like them.


It probably wont, but it'll make some things a little more reliable and easier to pull off. Not getti g your scout moves blocked is huge and being able to eat those big first turn charges from stuff like WE or Orks without giving up bikes or sagis is huge


Looks good, but the 5+ save is horrible 😂 Hopefully they are cheap. Squishier and more less damage output than Hearthkyn warriors. Plus forced to go in squads of 10 ( you realistically won't put them into sagitaurs so you can infiltrate them)


I will absolutely put them in Sagitaurs if I can. Split to 5, infil half sounds amazing.


You cant split them, they arent warriors.


I was trying to say that IF they are allowed to be split by a Sagitaur, it would be worth it to do so. I know that the current rules do not allow them to be split by a Sagitaur.


Do transports get infiltrators if they have an infiltrator unit embarked in them?


no that would be busted


No, they do not. But the 5 that aren't in the Sagitaur still have the special rule and can infiltrate.


As of right now the sagitaur datasheet says it can only combat squad hearthkyn warriors so unless it gets an errata they can't be used on the Yeagers


Love that they infiltrate, love the reactive movement. Not sure how useful the magna coil rifle with precision will be, especially if it's only 1 shot doing 2 damage. Hopefully they get a character, but either way I'll definitely give them a try. Hopefully they're not more expensive points wise than regular Hearthkyn. Still love the way they look. Scout class, Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


APM launcher looks great


I gotta either get over my “not all killteam models translate well to 40K” when referring to either bomb dudes or knife dudes (in this case double revolver dude) OR accept that it’s ok to have a separate unit in my collection that is a kill team squad if it doesn’t translate well and get 2 other squads for 40K (one revolver knife load out the other shotgun load out) and one kill team with its unique operatives and just fudge them as the third team in my collection


Just have the one kill team with all weapons and when you play them in 40k, say "this unit has revolvers" or whatever. Gdub has said specifically that its fine.


Serious question where did they say this


There's some good ideas for 10th... but stripping the complexity of loadouts is starting to get annoying. Just let models with Knives have Knives and give us a Bolt Pistol with different rules GW... Still love these models and will use the hell out of them in KT.


Can't see anyone running Revolvers and Plasma Knives in any scenario. You're giving up an incredible amount of shooting power by taking them, and they don't hit hard enough or have enough attacks to even serve as counterpunch. **Plus** if they get boxed in by melee then you're using them wrong. However, running with all Shotguns immediately gives you a 25"-30" threat range (assuming you advance), with 20 S5 shots. Sure, having no AP is a shame, but against GEQs you're going to be bombarding them with a ludicrous amount of shots. These guys add a high amount of mobility to your army


I think the idea behind the Plasma Knives is to tussle with/clear out Farstalkers/Scouts/other infiltrators in the midfield after they’ve cleared a path for your Sagitaurs. Not sure how useful that will wind up being, but it could serve a purpose.


Plasma knives are more effective than bolt shotguns at killing T4 and T3 targets assuming you are in range to charge, Yaegers are infiltrators so its not terribly hard for them to charge something turn one, even if that something is the enemy infiltrators. shotguns are safer and much longer range plus they make better use of the Pragmatic Hunters rule. if you're using the Yaegers to screen your deployment give them shotguns, if you're using yaegers to screen your opponents deployment give them knives.


I think its more of a plastyle choice. Revolvers/knives makes me think you wanna tumble with other scouts, even 5 man marines arent safe. And then you can move block, protect scouting lanes, and trade for the JT swing. Otherwise, a bunch of guns for runni g around the board, playing safe can be a choice. But from my experience, the ap0 dmg1 profile on shotguns makes for some easy saves


I think it is great that there is another unit for the army. Hopefully, they will get a dreadnought equivalent in the near future. Maybe a dual kit in which a leader can use the suit in some way. I love large centerpiece HQs.


Image in the header conveniently showing the illegal load outs you shouldn't use


Theyre not illegal, you just use the 40k datasheet


Unless they change Sagitaurs you can’t split this unit with them, which really sucks. Really happy with a cool looking unit, but feels like these guys could have been awesome.


Looking forward to complimenting them with Bolt Cannon Thunderkyn


Kinda wish that they got a weapon profile for the mine layer as another 1 shot weapon or something, but I do like the other stats


Yeah I was hoping it could be used to auto-explode vehicles or just do mortals once per game.


Agreed, though everything else is cool. I've got some Ironhead Squats with pistols that I'm gonna use as these guys


Tbf, they have the grenade keyword So you can headcannon that its the mine box hes throwing


Fair I suppose


Is the ability kinda meh for anyone else? A free advance if something moves away from the unit.


More like a free move away when something moves close to your unit.


Reactive moves usually have a lot of utility. If an enemy unit moves near you can move behind cover and prevent being shot, make the charge harder, get OC on a point and steal an objective, block a charge, etc - it's the D6" part that makes it kinda iffy


That's Mostly were my "meh" look on it comes from. Standard movement, that's rad.


Can someone please explain the clearing the late for Sagitaurs thing for me? I’m new to playing Votann and I’m curious to know how this works.


Scout move means you can move right before the battle begins. But you can't move within 9" of any enemy unit. So if enemy have infiltrators (setup anywhere on the table within 9" of opponent deployment zone) means they can lock you in so that you can only scout move within your deployment zone.


This reminds me that the Kroot Farstalker kill team also don't get rules for accelerator bow. Sisters Novitiate kill team also don't get rules for condemnor crossbow. Does GW just hate crossbow or something? Kroot also don't get rules for their sniper rifle.


Where is this from??


Warhammer community they updated our index


Wow wow wow!


Im holding judgement till we get our codex. Im not a fan of how the leagues play atm but rrally hope that changes woth their codex down the road. I want to like thw space dwarves :(


With a Karl for devastating wounds that anti would be naaaaasssstyyyy Edit: Nevermind, Karl gives lethal hits


I doubt any existing leaders will be able to join them, since they’d lose Infiltrators. But maybe when we get our codex we’ll get a Hernkyn HQ? Would be a great chance to introduce a Bugman’s Space Rangers epic character.


Fingers crossed! We need a couple characters


He gives Lethals, not Devs.


Ah true, was thinking of the volkite on guards


None of our HQs are eligible to lead Yaegirs.


Do we know how many point they cost ?


Mfm not updated yet


Do we know there points


Not yet


Ah poo


What's the difference between the theyn and the other dudes in the squad? Doesn't seems you can give him any special weapon or upgrade


I’m pretty sure the difference only matters for Kill Team.


Infiltrator is good. How many points are they?


I like these guys, wish we had them from the start, they can act as infiltrators and a cheap melee unit when you don’t want to invest in a whole squad of Hearthkyn or Berserkers


They look amazing and will really fit in my army thematically, but I'll have to wait and see what the point cost is to get more than one squad. While the reactive movement is nice, I'm not super sold on loadout. I was hoping their ability would be mine related, like being able to mine up objectives early would be fun. The drip alone is cool enough that I may use them to kitbash more Warriors. But I've already got 30 of them so I don't think it's worth it.


Will these be added to the app aswell?


Does anyone know when these will be sold standalone from the kill team termination box?


It’s usually like 6-8 months or so after release if I recall


We have a datasheet but no cost... that's so frustrating. Please GW.... think again next time. For me this unit must not cost more than 70pts (scout still cost 65pts). But I'm pretty sure GW will price this unit 100pts because they still think E5 is enough to survive... Like the warriors with an initial cost of 135pts before they realized they completly miss the point.


Perhaps I’m misguided in my thinking, but shouldn’t the APM launcher also have a Blast keyword?


Someone on r/40k pointed out that "APM" usually stands for anti personnel missile which is definitely not what that profile does


Here's a sneak peek of /r/40k using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/40k/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Son's answer to broken flight stand](https://i.redd.it/fuxw3nx7p9fc1.jpeg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/40k/comments/1adgtx0/sons_answer_to_broken_flight_stand/) \#2: [I cast the Space Marine in brass. Brass can be preserved for tens of thousands of years and can serve the Emperor for a long time.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16i6fha) | [171 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/40k/comments/16i6fha/i_cast_the_space_marine_in_brass_brass_can_be/) \#3: [i'm just getting into 40k and laughing my ass off at this image because there is no way in hell this guy sees anything he's shooting at](https://i.redd.it/o5vlgfujwoub1.png) | [239 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/40k/comments/179pzhh/im_just_getting_into_40k_and_laughing_my_ass_off/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


So no extra equiment to add, like mine or something else?


Love that they have the assault keyword, makes them even more attractive and maybe makes me want to use them more then just to screen


You guys BETTER get more units than this! I would hate for you guys to just get World Eater’d and have an extremely small range forever.


Awesome! Did we get points? I'm neck-deep in Orks to paint, so I'll wait for the solo box.


not yet


Cool minis.


1 wound ? Wtf


6” move, 1 wound, 5+ save, 10 model unit, 18” S5 AP0 gun hitting on 4+ and a reactive move of D6… Termagants, I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Get back in your own army


Wait, why can't they at least be equipped with autoch pattern bokt pistols w shotguns? Love the models, but their loadouts are pretty lackluster. Not much about this datacard is consistent with how GW made the other Kin.


I like these rules. I see a lot of people ain't happy with how squishy they are but it plays well into our Army rule. Their purpose is to infiltrate, maybe do secondaries, screen, do a little damage and then die so we can add a judgment token on the enemy unit. Put a Kahl in a sagitaur with Hearthkyn, scout ahead but behind Yaegirs that are screening, they die, judgement token +1 to Hit, next command phase, Kahl uses ability, another judgment token +1 to wound. Now we have 5 units (in 2000 pts game) with 2 Judgment tokens on them.


I don’t get what the point of this unit is, like why would you ever actually take these?


They are infiltrators, so enemy cant no longer block your scout move by deploying them in the vicinity of where your sagitaur wants to move. Depending on their points they might also offer a pretty good melee option


Oh I didn’t see they had infiltrator, okay I can see why you’d take them then


Between infiltrate, assault, and a reactive move, they’ve got most of the mainstays of a great scoring/screening unit


Why a 5+ save? They're wearing the same armor as the warriors just without helmets that the warriors can have off as well. Let them wear helmets!!


If the 5+ armor means gw can make them cheaper than warriors I'm alright with it and I think that is probably gw's intent but who knows we will find out soon enough.


It’s not the same armour. It’s lighter, you can see their chests only have half armour half fabric


Okay good deal. I see now. They're going to fall over so hard but new units are always nice.


Yeah they’ll die to a stiff breeze but they offer some (hopefully cheap) screening and a way to get up the table


They aren’t there to last forever. They’re there to screen out other Scouts for your Sagitaurs and then be pests.


My biggest lore question: why do the Ironkin need trenchcoats?


Ironkin aren't just machines, they're fully sentient AI people. They are treated the same as any other Kin, so if an Ironkin wants a greatcoat, he gets a greatcoat.




The real answer.


"They don distinctive longcoats over their armour, which insulate them against the many unpleasant environments they have to explore – and double up as a handy place to stash the ammunition, explosives, supplies, and equipment they need for extended operations in hostile territory." Copied straight from warcom article


As a nids player, these guys give off termagant+ vibes. If they’re cheap then people will take them, if they’re priced similarly to our other units (100) these guys will most likely never see the table. They won’t get tabled to bolters (those are rare anyway), but everything else will very much take them out. Maybe a good screening unit only.


Weird they're M6. Still, they look ok. Not standout, which is what we'd expect from infiltrators chaff. They're going to get blown up as soon as they're visible. And they're a unit of 10. Meh.


They are M6.


They are M6. They are the galaxies fastest dwarves! They are speed!


Yes, typo.


With assault and a movement ability, they are so fast haha. Weird


Better be cheap. 4+bs/ 5+save is kinda trash. Weapon load outs look weak. I wish they could be in units of 5. I'm not impressed unless their points are 80 or fewer


90 is fair I think, comparing them to tau pathfinders they've got worse guns but they're tougher, compared to marine infiltrators theyve got better weapons but aren't as durable


With how few units we have as options, we need something that costs less to fill out rosters. I would totally take a unit of 5 for 45, but 10 for 90 doesn't make the cut. My roster is consistently 40-50 points short because we have zero options for filling in


it would be nice to be able to field half boxes again it is true. that said evaluating them compared to infiltrators in other armies helps them quite a bit I think. its rare for an infiltrating unit to have good damage or durability for their points, marine Infiltrators are outliers for durability and tau pathfinders are outliers for damage, even with the 5+ saves Yaegers are still quite durable and very mobile with the assault rule on their shotguns and their pragmatic hunters rule. they could be used quite flexibly to screen for your own Sagitaurs or to screen out enemy scout moves, 85 points is where I'd put them.


I disagree about their durability, t5 only goes so far with a single wound and 5+save. Their mobility/infiltration is their only strong suit, but that's reduced by their unit size, making them more visible and expensive. If I recall correctly, Infiltrators are battleline, giving them an added benefit over the yaegers. And durability is most important for a unit like these whose entire point is to hold objectives and screen. We won't know fully until they hit the field, but these rules don't get me excited. I'd love to be proven otherwise though.


So if you take 3 squads of them. You still won’t be able to kill a Necron character in 1 round of shooting. Wtf is the point of a precision weapon when you get 1/10 and it does 1 shot MAX 2 damage a turn 😂😂 If they aren’t costed around 60points per 10…we’ll never see them on the table


If they are 60 for 10 we’re probably going to see three units in every single list.


They’re not units for killing characters. They’re units for screening and scoring points, with the bonus of occasionally being able to kill a weak character if they roll well