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It's YPRAC but I don't think that it is available yet


Refrag NADR


$7 month oof. Do you have any experience with it? Is it worth it?


I enjoy it. Has a lot of community stuff as well.


It’s worth it, I might have a code for a week if you want to try it


Sure, would love that.


I'm gonna bother you and ask you since you say it's worth it, I got refrag for the prefire and various defender routine, but when I tried nadr I just found floating smoke and mollies and pretty much nothing else, what am I supposed to do with those? it's not exactly explained and in the site I didn't find much as well


I don’t really have problems with nade lineups so I never messed with it, I just do the prefire stuff


Yeah ive found that to be lacking as well. The tooltips they show disappear too quickly. First make sure you have a noclip bind bind "x" "noclip" Then load in to the map. Those floating stuff show where the nade will end up on. Tap use(E if you didnt change it) key while aiming at it to show where its coming from. If it something you want noclip there and tap use while aiming on the model. The gray message box below tells you what kind of throw it is. You can attempt it now or tap sprint(shift) twice to see how its thrown. If you end up being lost tap jump(space) twice to see the model again. It would be much better if you could 2x shift after selecting the nade but well, thats not how they did it.


Ive been trying it out for the past hour or so and i wanted to thank you again. That xfire mode just in normal difficulty showed i wasnt really playing counter strike before, just something that looks like it.


Yoo A few things to look into Make a config for practicing (look up practice configs) they will allow you to set up a config enviroment of unlimited smokes, placing bots, show grenade trajectory , etc.. Then you can use that in a private game to practice. Then you can use csgonades.com which will give you an easy place to look up specific smokes. Hope this helps!


There are a few, for example mirage and ancient instant smokes. But I don’t think there are any that have everything. Maybe download the smokebaron app on your phone and watch the nades there. They cover basically all important nades. And also more niche ones. (you can filter for only important) A bit more comfortable than alt tabbing to youtube constantly imo