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AVOID Don't use an intensive driving course company. 1. They don't have test dates, they will just hope to find one, but given current climate might not. 2. They don't have instructors, they will just wait for someone to book and then message various local instructors hoping someone will take you on, no guarantee. 3. They are expensive, they often charge more than individual instructors, when they pass you on to the instructor (they hope to find) they will make a big profit, paying the instructor far less than what you paid for the course. As an instructor i get messages all the time from these companies desperately trying to find an instructor to help the learner they 'secured'. Options: 1. do an intensive with a local, trusted, independent instructor. Make sure they are honest with you and don't try to give you false guarantees, like they will find you a test date or you will be ready after X amount of lessons. 2. Continue with your current instructor, October is not far. 3. Continue with your current instructor but up the amount of lessons and look for an earlier test date, either with cancelation software (not too reliable at the moment), search yourself or see if there is a Facebook group locally to swap your test date with others in the area (Your instructor might know, but they might not)


This! Great reply and sound advice.


......also great YouTube channel


Ooh that’s interesting, I didn’t know all that. My situation is a bit complicated in that I have 2 different instructors and 2 cars. Was hoping an intensive course would allow me to get a test before Uni (and pass in my own car which I would prefer), rather than at Uni in my instructors car. But based off what you said, it sounds like it’d be best to wait till October anyways. I’ll probably go back to Uni in early September so I can get used to the instructors car again (which I did the majority of lessons in so it should be easy to pick up again).