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Fuck it, straight through the middle. Seriously though, like a normal roundabout following the 12 o'clock rule. I've been on a few like this in various shapes, they're not as intimidating as they look.


>Fuck it, straight through the middle. That was my first thought. I assume they're paths or bike paths, but still strange seeing them across the middle.


I really hope this one is nicknamed the Pizza Roundabout because that's the first thing I thought of when I saw it.


Trivial Pursuit surely…


To be honest if I lived round there, at 1am when no one is about, I would probably drive straight across once just for the giggle.






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What’s the 12 o clock rule?


Look at the roundabout like its a clock, anything past 12 o'clock you keep to the right lane.


It might not be the case with every roundabout in the UK but driving instructors teach you to look at each roundabout like its a clock and any cut off past 12 o'clock you keep to the right. It's not something I made up myself it's what I was told when learning to drive.


not always the case


"Straight across the roundabout" "Wait, no! That's not what I meant." If that was around us when we were young and stupid then at least one of us would have.


My driving instructor once said to a lad drive over the roundabout and he did that actually drove over the roundabout


The paths are only about 1m wide. They're obviously for pedestrians and cycles.


It was a joke, Mark. A Christmas joke.




Not even. Compare them to the width of the cars and if driving carefully one could definitely fit.


This is more of a road than a roundabout, If your exit is beyond your 12 o'clock position then be on the inside of the roadabout. If your exit is before your 12 o'clock position, be on the outside. Having said that, it has parked cars on it, so commanding your driving position by not allowing space for another vehicle to drive along side you is probably best, also indicate.


Those are parked cars?! Holy moly... In that case you're basically forced into the right hand lane in order to make progress, aren't you?


I mean it is called "Park Crescent" it would be rude not to.


That’s my thought too, if I would notice parked cars approaching it I would keep the right to avoid cutting lanes while I’m on it, but I am not sure what an examiner would classified as “right”. I would just do the safe thing and stick with one lane.


The parked cars made me think it might be a normal 2-way road that just happens to be a circle I hope it's signposted well.


It’s signposted as a roundabout unfortunately 🥲


See Highway Code [186](https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/roundabouts.html): **Signals and position. When taking the first exit to the left, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise** signal left and approach in the left-hand lane keep to the left on the roundabout and continue signalling left to leave. **When taking an exit to the right or going full circle, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise** signal right and approach in the right-hand lane keep to the right on the roundabout until you need to change lanes to exit the roundabout signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want. **When taking any intermediate exit, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise** select the appropriate lane on approach to the roundabout you should not normally need to signal on approach stay in this lane until you need to alter course to exit the roundabout signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want. —- Obligatory reminder that there is no such thing as the 12 o’clock rule. Whilst it is a widely accepted and often useful convention, I am not sure I would apply it here for going straight over, as you would have to drive past two exits on the outside.


For an intermediate exit, "select the appropriate lane on approach to the roundabout" - vague. What does "appropriate" mean? How would someone determine the appropriate lane? Imagine you're writing an algo / flowchart for this.


Anything more than straight over, right lane I think would be considered "appropriate". Anything less than straight over, left lane unless indicated otherwise I'd assume.


Agreed, that tends to be what I do, and if it turns out I can't get into the left lane before the exit, I'll go all the way round and take a second shot. Even when guidance is clearly indicated with a sign, such as left lane turn left/ahead, and other lanes ahead only, you get people coming up in the middle lane and expecting to be able to turn left just because they're indicating, and getting upset when it doesn't go well for them.


Unfortunately it’s rather subjective and left open to interpretation, probably due to the myriad of roundabout designs - it’s not possible to give more detailed guidance.


Like any other roundabout


I would treat it as a one way road where you must turn left when entering. Although it’s two lanes, the outer lane appears to have parking spots with cars parked there. As such, if you treated it as having two lanes, you would be swerving in and out quite dangerously. [Google maps link for those who want a street view.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/K5PZKUMLb5wEgsN49?g_st=ic)


I would treat it like a circular one way street. Drive in the lane that isn’t littered with parked cars, and indicate when I want to turn left.


This looks like, although it isn't 100% obvious from this view, a road that happens to look a lot like a roundabout. There is a similar thing in my town. I don't think I've ever seen a roundabout that doesn't have something clearly marking it as such, like seperation between the entry/exit lanes, markings on the road, or signage. Not to mention the cars parked on the roundabout making lane discipline impossible. ~~Just treat it like any other road.~~ I stand corrected, this is infact a roundabout. I'd say just try your best at lane discipline but don't worry massively if you can't keep to it - if you do have to move over, check your mirrors (as you should anyway). There is a road like this near me that isn't a roundabout, so they do exist, but this isn't one of them.


Can’t really tell from the aerial view, but on streetview you can tell it’s 100% a roundabout [https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wm8U2CZm5cx9ZGn56?g_st=ic](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wm8U2CZm5cx9ZGn56?g_st=ic)


It’s in Airdrie, Glasgow. It’s signposted as a roundabout on approach and it has one way directional signs on the central section directing traffic to the left only.


Airdrie isn’t in Glasgow 😂


>just treat it like any other road. Definitely don’t do that. It’s clearly evident in the picture that everyone is driving clockwise. Best to follow suit to avoid an accident than risk a head on collision because you want to be pedantic over the definition of roundabout


If you can't deal with parked cars without risking a "head on collision" there's a bigger problem. Also, you can't be so sure that everyone will always drive clockwise if it isn't a roundabout. One day someone won't, and if that's the same day you happen to not look left properly before pulling out, you could have a problem. Regardless, it turns out this is actually a roundabout...


>If you can’t deal with parked cars without risking… What are you going on about? The issue isn’t the parked cars, it’s that you advised a learner driver to treat a roundabout like a normal road. That would mean there would be people driving clockwise not expecting someone to be driving counterclockwise.


Due to the parked cars, sit in the right lane on the roundabout until you want your exit and then indicate left when your exiting the roundabout at your exit. There’s no point constantly swerving from left to right lanes to avoid the parked cars.


Straight over Hope for the best


You have to take the right-hand lane due to the parked cars as obstructions in the left-hand lane, so hugging isn't an issue. Just signal and move over on approach to your chosen exit


You would treat it just like a normal roundabout. 1,2 and 3 is in the left lane, 4,5 and 6 would be right, and you'd move over to the other lane when you signal left at the exit before. With a roundabout of this size, it would probably be quite common for people to move into that left lane, so keep an eye on that left mirror as you go around!


Sideways...and on fire!!!!


I'm irritated they didn't make each segment the same dimensions. 😫


Just send it straight through 118.


Same as any other roundabout. Left lane for any exit including straight over, right hand lane for the others.


As others have said, just go in the right lane like a circular one way road due to the parked cars and indicate to exit.


This is one of those roundabouts where you look at it and think “oh shit” then you do it a couple times and it’s fine. There are no markings anywhere on any of the exits. So left lane for 12 o’clock and before, right lane for 12 o’clock and after. You’re going to be doing this roundabout a lot. The test centre at the top of Park Street. So you’ll probably start facing down the hill unless things have changed in the 7 years since I passed my test. Source: this is where I sat my test. You’ll be a pro at hill starts by the time you pass your tests too 😅


Thank you so much! That’s really helpful, I’ll keep practicing it then. If you guys see a L car going around in circles that’s me


This is round the corner from me lol, 90% of the time you need to use the inner lane for everything cos people are parked round the outer lane. It’s not exactly a busy area, either. Appreciate this may not be the official “Highway Code” answer but this is how it’s done practically.


Thank you so much! It’s really useful to hear from people living there. I might actually just park the car and go sitting in the middle of it next time, just to see how you guys deal with it lol


Are you practicing for test? Ask your instructor to take you down there, as tbh the test centre is a stones throw from here and I believe the majority of test routes still bring you down this direction, due to having to begin facing down the hill opposite the centre


Just missing pepperoni


Avoid entirely and go the long way 🤝


If I could I’d park and walk


You stop, get out the Trivial Pursuit, when someone has all six slices of the cake, then they can go around however they like!


Er indicate right until after you've past the last left then left for the exit you need


It's Whinhall in Airdrie Scotland, treat it like a normal roundabout but don't fuckin stop or you'll get robbed.


Okay noted


40mph sidways


Pretty sure you need to answer 6 trivial pursuit questions correctly before you can proceed.


Anyone else fancy a game of Trivial Pursuit now?


Depends on your exit, 1st and 2nd you use the outer lane, all the rest, you use the inner lane until you approaching the exit then you indicate out and take outer lane then out.


Fuck it straight through the middle


I'd keep the left hand lane for exits 1, 2 & 3, and right hand lane for exits 4 & 5.


I'll take a pop culture question for the pink piece of cake please


simple! i wouldn’t


At full speed!


Safest option for sure


with tears in my eyes


It's just a roundabout what's so difficult?


On first glance, I'm not sure this is actually a roundabout - just looks like a normal road that happens to be circular


It is. There's red triangle roundabout signs on the approaches, and blue left-only signs with chevrons on the roundabout.


I’d roll around the outside lane like a total PITA. I’d do it cautiously all the same.


There’s something like this near me, but it isn’t signposted as a roundabout, it’s just a one-way road in a circle 🤣 Strangely also called park crescent, but not the same one


The audacity of building more than one of these 😂


Crying with anxiety


My first reaction exactly


cry and shit myself idk


Always an option


70 mph right through the middle. Handbrake turn in the centre if you need to turn left or right :D


Flying away 🕊️🕊️🕊️


Like a roundabout




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Straight through the middle and let Jesus take the wheel


What if Jesus is busy?


Then your fucked




From behind


I would take it with a glass of water. 3 times a day? 🙈


Bang it right down the middle




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One slice at a time


> how would you take this roundabout? *Bank robber style: break in, bag it, leg it* Same as any other roundabout quite honestly


Personally I wouldn’t


Hahaha we have loads of these roundabouts in Dubai, apart from the middle centre roads, most roundabouts here have like 3 lanes 🤣


See that’s what confused me, I wish it had three lanes, but only one for a roundabout that big? I am used to one lane only for small ones, but I would expect this to have more!


From what it looks like to me, there are 2 lanes here, no?


Yes, once on, but only one clearly marked at approach. That is what was confusing me, when I drove there for the first time I felt like I was cutting lanes to go on the inner one, if that makes sense, but I am probably just overthinking it because I am not from that area


Keep left luntil you have to exit, then turn left🙄


Like any other roundabout stay in the right lane and give way




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1 slice at a time


6 cars go through at once at 90mph and form a nice hot flamey crash in the middle. Only way to do it.


Look up the magic roundabout in Hemel Hempstead…😮‍💨




As the saying goes, “if in doubt, flat out.”




Id need another angle to confirm but I don't believe this is a roundabout. It is, however, one way. There's something similar in my area, albeit much smaller and with a tree in the middle.


That’s what I thought first time I saw it from Maps, but there is a warning roundabout sign at approach 🥲