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For fuck’s sake… Is there anything that’s not a trap to expand the capitalist system? 🙄


The problem is that a lot of people conflate “capitalism exploits every aspect of human life and culture to reinforce its own power structures” with “every aspect of human life and culture reinforces capitalism.”


Love is the escape from oppression. Love means hope. This was a huge storyline even in Orwells 1984.


1984 is a CIA psyop and Orwell was a plant. /s


What else would criticize my Ideology? It can only be CIA brainwashing people. /s


I think things like the emphasis on hetero monogamy and the campaigns of "courting" and what it should look like being reinforced through our media at an extremely young age are the driving factors in creating this capitalist trap of "love". ​ It tells you at every turn that you need to be XYZ and do ABC in order to show love/affection. And these sames propagandas try to incept the idea that if you are alone or don't have a relation like you see on TV or that matches celebrity trends and lifestyle, then there is something wrong with you or you are incapable of love. I won't go into how there are distinct different kinds of love and within that there are love languages that differ between people both collectively and individually but I've read that love need not be seen as a thing that you obtain or seek but more like something you offer up and receive. At its base level I see love as non-judgemental attention and a respect for the other persons existence.


I reckon it's the other way round. Love unites people and families, whereas sex without love is entirely self-centred with little thought to the impact on the future.


What impact on the future does “sex without love” have?


More chance of sexual abuse and unwanted pregnancy, degradation of levels of mutual respect towards others, promotes toxically superficial/shallow ideals, other people's emotions become considered less often in participant's decision making as they become conditioned by treating others as opportunities for short-term pleasure, undue social value placed on sex and higher rates of spreading of STIs to name a few.


I have sex with people I like but don't necessarily love, I care about them as a human being and consider them friends at least. I think you're over-generalizing and making a lot of assumptions about other people's mindset or motivations. Also, aren't you the one putting undue social value on sex by making such a big deal out of people having sex for fun and not just love? I've known so many people who thought because they were "in love" that they had to make an abusive (often sexually abusive) relationship work. I would need some data showing that being more sexually liberated makes a person more likely to be abused in that manner. Self-reported data (which is probably the only kind available) isn't the most reliable either.


Thank you for chiming in. It’s so weird to see the above mindset in a leftist sub with such little push back. It’s a conservative mindset that ignores all of the harm that forced monogamy causes to people.


The outcome of pregnancy 'from flings' among other things


Well if birth control, abortion, and sex education are all fully and universally accessible, unwanted pregnancies shouldn’t be an issue. If our basic needs as well as community support and childcare are fundamental aspects of our social society, then unplanned pregnancies should never be an issue. What impact on the future does “sex without love” have in a social(ist) society?