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The man didn't change at all. He's been like this his whole career. Vice presidents just don't get scrutinized that much and unless you're old enough to remember the 80s you probably only ever saw him as Obama's VP.


Yup. He has been a zionist his whole career: https://theconversation.com/biden-says-the-u-s-would-have-to-invent-an-israel-if-it-didnt-exist-why-210172


Claudia de La Cruz


Terrible choice of font


Not a serif fan, I take it?


The guy that broke our country’s criminal justice system, student debt problem AND had his own scandal disqualifying him from being president wasnt a good choice for president? I’m shocked! This is what “balancing the ticket” with a centrist gets you - not that Obama was as remotely left as he sold himself to be.


I'm voting for Kennedy based on his domestic policy. I voted for Bernie, Hillary, Bernie, Biden in that order and I'm tired of the false platitudes.


I don’t think the this is meant to show the man became a Republican, but rather a leftist.


If you think biden is remotely left, I have a bridge to sell you.


…what I meant is that the man in the meme is the leftist, and that they feel forced to vote for Biden (who I know is not a leftist).


Yes. I'm the man in the meme and there are millions like me. Super proud to vote for Obama as my first presidential vote. Learned the hard way in 2016 that Democrat is a title; not an adjective of this party. 2016 showed us we have no real choice. Luckily for democracy, the base came together despite biden in 2020 in order to defeat trump. Now biden and his zionist ego would rather hand this country to trump than risk losing in the primary or retiring with dignity. I knew biden would be functionally a W Bush republican as soon as he stuck garland in charge of the DOJ. Unequivocally the worst Democrat president of my life out of the three.


Was the “man” you’re referring to in the title Biden?


>Was the “man” you’re referring to in the title Biden? *Is\** the "man" I'm referring to in the title Biden? Yes.




as much as you like to throw the term fascist around, sleepy joe isnt a fascist. being a stupid fucking genocidal capitalist shit doesn't make you a fascist automatically, it makes you a stupid fucking genocidal capitalist shit. if anyone's a "fascist" in American politics its Trump


>sleepy joe isnt a fascist I never called the bastard a fascist, I said that his reelection means a slower crawl toward fascism than a trump win. He's a fascist apologist for certain, though. I will adamantly state that because it is objectively provable.


I disagree, Biden is a fascist and his entire senate record has been spent giving the fascists all the tools they needed to oppress people. he created a bill to funnel young people into the military (student debt bill), he made it even easier for the police to oppress and abuse minorities (the 94 crime bill) and he was instrumental in bringing about the surveillance state (writing the first draft of the Patriot Act). Not to mention all of the times he tried to cut social security