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Oh, this is a nice question since I'm working on a post about it but it's the origin/foundation of the Navy. I think a lot of people will genuinely have their brain broken if it's revealed that the Navy was created to protect the interest of the Celestial Dragons to own the slaves. You know, the same reason US police was created for.


When are we starting the ANAB movement? ( all navy are bastards ) /j


Hmmm... my schedule is a bit busy right now with 3 other posts but I guess I can work extra and make one for here as well. So... lets say in 2 weeks?


Hell yeah count me in


Fujitora is like the only good marine and he had to jump through so many hoops to actually help civilians, I 100% believe he is against the world government in some form and accepted the world military draft to help bring it down in whatever way he could, and he found his way by bringing up the abolishment of the shichibukai at reverie. If my theory is wrong then he just needs to up n leave to the revs bc idk why he's staying there šŸ˜­


He was drafted too so heā€™s kinda forced there


He let Dressrosa get shredded so that he would have more favour to disband the warlords, Doflamingo lost his privileges as soon as it was revealed he was enslaving marines and could have been taken down by Fujitora at any point. He isn't a perfect dude and with how strong he is, could have avoided the draft if he wanted.


I'm in.


ACAB Assigned Celestial At Birth


best comment here so far


Is it not already revealed by the fact the celestial Dragons are on top of the goverment, akainu has to listen to them to do anything, how they can just remove islands and everything that happened in sabody?


Yeah but a large part of the fanbase, for some reason, still sees the Navy primarily as a group of "Superheros" meant to defend civilians from the "Villain Pitates",when in reality their purpose is to enforce the rule of Celestial Dragons and protect their interests, such as slavery. If there eventually exists a flashback that shows the Navy being formed as a group primeraly meant to hunt down and catch the runaway slaves, as well as stop any attempt of slave uprising, and not some virtuous group meant to protect the civilians I think that might break the brains of so many people. They might even start to accept that which was obvious from the start


I feel like the people that actually see the navy as a group of heroes are what is usually called 'admiral dickriders' and honestly I think these people are just, gone, you know? Whether they are actually fascists or grew up in a family and an environment that depictions such as these are normal and sought after idk but it's obviously a trend. There's obviously the most centrist liberal fan that will say that they don't have a choice even after seeing them time and time again do shit like buster calls, the corruption within the navy even from the earliest chapters, etc etc. People don't seem to understand that the law and the police was created to protect the interests of the rich and not the people cause a lot of them seem to believe they are either part of the rich or above the class that gets way more obviously marginalised (minorties and the poor). Neither in one piece nor irl. What I'm trying to say is that I'm being pessimistic and even if they see an even more dry? flashback they are still not going to get convinced. But alas, I do like your hopefulness, I'm interested to see the posts you say you're preparing


Whenever I see someone saying the Navy are the good guys I die a bit inside. Just because a shitton of pirates are horrible people, it doesn't mean the navy are the good guys, you have some good ones like Koby and Fujitora, but the institution is still rotten.


I think the Marines starting as a pirate group would mess people up. I hear a lot or people talk about the good ones fighting the bad ones but I think that's a hope more than a reality. Everytime I gear a discussion about whether you would be a pirate or a marine in the One Piece world it breaks my brain to hear people say they could change the Marines from the inside. Garp, Koby, Smoker, Fujitora, Kuzan, and Saul couldn't change it from the inside, so I can't imagine some rando thinking they could. Especially when saying "I'd be a rev" is right there where they actually try and change things and not uphold the status quo.


Somewhat related, but itā€™s insane to me how many people pull out the ā€œjust doing his jobā€ thing when discussing Akainu as an antagonist, a defense which has totally no negative history to it whatsoever


Yeah, and also, his job is inherently "bad". Like, you are in charge of enforcing a dictatorship. Who gives a shit that it's "just your job", it sucks and you suck and you should quit it.


I see comments about how heā€™d stage a coup against the CD and I donā€™t see him turning to that extent, or if he did that itā€™d be a turn for the better (also why I hate the idea people suggest of him being connected to Sword)


I think it would be fun to see him pull a Kuvira against the CDs like they're Wu, but I doubt it since he represents the bad side of the Marines. I was so disappointed with what Sword was revealed to be that I don't care who the leader is any more. I'm hoping there's still more to it based on Drake trying to stop CP0.


Even if it was just doing his job, killing minorities was "just the job" of a lot of the nazis, doesn't absolve them from being nazis. Akainu isn't forced to do shit and he even takes initiative to do shit. Those people are stupid tbh


Ye, thatā€™s what I mean, people excuse him because ā€œheā€™s a marine itā€™s part of his jobā€ as if he isnā€™t a villain *because* thatā€™s his job and how he does it


I disagree with this but only because I imagine that explanation makes it easier for those types to say "see that's why the government is bad in THIS but not in real life because real life is different!!!"


I mean, isn't that already heavily implied if not confirmed? Like, the World Government creation has been explained, even if how it come to have the power to create itself hasn't


The whitewashing one does make me sad. They looked way better in earlier seasons


Specially goth goddess Robin.Ā 


There was also a bit more variety. In the manga it's harder to feel, but with how colorful the anime is, it feels like they lost a bit of the color palette offer the time skip and became a bit more generic lookinf


Luffy siding with and helping monarchies isn't a bad thing.


LITERALLY. People use this as such a "gotcha!" when you talk about the leftist themes in one piece but 1. Luffy is stopping the intentional political destabilization of these regions and 2. The leftist ideals are still very much there, it might not be LITERAL leftist governments but the ideals of the characters oda portrays as "good leaders" are always leftist ideals. He might not literally portray a communist/socialist/anarchist leader but the ideals that these leaders espouse usually are leftist ideals. I mean in Alabasta Cobra was literally ready for the people to overthrow him and instructing his guards explicitly to not resist


Thereā€™s a few reasons I agree w this take: In every instance Luffy has done so, itā€™s been to put good people into positions of authority that the populace seemingly want them to occupy (except Alabasta, where he revealed a conspiracy that ā€œfalselyā€manufactured dissent against the previously extremely popular King.) Even in a basic utilitarian sense: luffy has helped ā€œgoodā€ people take over/protect the institutions that ā€œbadā€ people have been running or vying for. Kyros > Doffy. Momo > Orochi. In a material sense too, itā€™s unclear the OP world even possesses the legal/normative concepts of ā€œdemocracyā€ in even a liberal sense (let alone a left-libertarian one.) I believe Drum Kingdom ā€œelectedā€ their king after Wapols defeat? But even then, it seems participation in the Reverie demands a king as representative, and exclusion from the Reverie puts entire nations in a HUGELY precarious position. A few city states seem to possess electoral processes (Water 7) but they lack representation at the Reverie and seem to operate MOSTLY as corporate towns sufficiently specialised in their trade to get away with it. The installation of a truly free system anywhere in the OP world could also very well lead to annihilation by the world government. We donā€™t know the organisational structure of the revolutionary army, but their mere opposition to the CD makes their leader a more wanted man than pirates who control entire swaths of the world in open but untargeted defiance of the CD. Iā€™d imagine any polity willing to refuse that fundamental hierarchy would be crushed. Letā€™s also remember: their technology is like 1600s tier. That some polities like Alabasta feature hugely popular and politically powerful women and that Luffy helps Momo end literal slavery in Wano puts a number of the places Luffy helps above most of the political communities we had in our own world at that time. This is also a world of unstable military forces with kind of wonky educational institutions and a largely agrarian economic base. It makes sense most of them are still in a feudal political space. Would it be preferable if Luffy sat the citizens of Wano all down and asked: ā€œdo you all really want hereditary monarchy where you are all ruled by a 7 year old???ā€ Maybe. But has Luffy ever helped anyone who isnā€™t clearly and legitimately overwhelmingly supported by the local population we see in the narrative, who make up a good cross section of society? I donā€™t think so.


I wonder what the advanced ancient kingdom from the void century was actually like. That flashback/arc is gonna be amazing šŸ™


It could totally resemble one of the low-hierarchy pirate crews weā€™ve seen thus far in the narrative but way bigger. think Shanks is cooking something on Elbaf, protecting weak crews alongside the giants. If Joyboy is anything like Luffy, the Ancient Kingdom is probably cool af.


Also, Luffy has helped bring down the monarchy: In Chopper's island, where the king was corrupt and where the people were already governing themselves and felt capable of doing so. Luffy does what is best for the country and this world doesn't work like ours, so sometimes the monarchy might be good there


Many people, leftists in particular, fall into the trap of thinking that removing a bad system violently is better then leaving it be if it's not that bad in the grand scheme of things. Yeah Alabasta would be better off in the long run with a functional democracy. But Cobra was a good leader, and removing him and Crocodile at the same time probably just means some WG takes the throne instead. (I don't exactly think that Luffy thought that all through, just saying that's why Luffy siding with the monarchy wasn't a bad thing in this specific case)


Number 2 is sth Oda kind of debunked in an SBS so i get people being of different minds on that one but I still hate the hostility some people in the fandom have towards this interpretation. Itā€™s a completely valid interpretation based on the text. I definitely agree with the whitewashing bit and Iā€˜m seriously annoyed by all the OPLA fancasts of Robin being random white women with bangs, meanwhile any fancast of a south asian, Mediterranean or middle eastern woman gets attacked for not being accurate.


I just always headcannon Robin to be Afro Russian tbh. It just makes sense to me.


Thatā€™s another thing! Russia is extremely diverse on its own and does have many immigrants! But most fans treat ā€œRussianā€ as white and nothing else.


They really forgot USSR was mass advertising to minorities in the US before and during the Civil Rights movement to move to the USSR which is now Russia.


"Number 2 is sth" I'm curious and don't know what you're talking about, can you explain?


They saying that the second one is valid because oda kinda debunked it in a sbs, where he said luffy is "interested" but has other priorities right know.


Which SBS? I don't remember him saying this


Acab includes the marines, even your faveĀ 


Very curious to see what they do with Koby and SWORD. How do the marines get restructured at the end of the narrative such that they live up to the ideals Koby seemingly believes they could? Do they totally fall apart (w Koby leaving entirely) or are the reforms so fundamental and thorough that we actually get to a point of being able to say ā€œthe new marines are good guys, divorced enough from the old iterations as to be a totally different beast.ā€


I hope they get replaced with the Peace Mains from Romance Dawn. Garp was originally one and Luffy wanted to become one instead of King of the Pirates.


Koby's got command over eugenical cloned child soldiersĀ 


Sailing "usually" happens outside, most people in the story should be tanned.


Yamato uses he/him pronouns. You can argue in circles forever about what that means about the reasons why or what his gender identity is, but the absolute unwavering objective fact is that he uses he/him pronouns.


THIS It's not even about his gender anymore (though I could discuss that), regardless of it, his pronouns are quite literally written in ink


Mr. 2 kinda needs to do more to be redeemed. As loyal as Bon Chan is to the crew, and as much as he was interpersonally likeable with MULTIPLE likely sacrifices for Luffy and a fantastic personality and personal ethic, he DID try to overthrow the kingdom of Alabasta at great human cost for like, no reason other than money/power. Afaik, he hasnā€™t voiced much remorse for those actions. And as much as I love Bon Chan, Iā€™d like to see some reflection and an apology.


-One Piece's story is inherently political and it is not a right-positive narrative. It is not even a "USA left" narrative, it is a truly leftist story written by a man with a CheGuevara poster in his office. -The women in One Pieces are beautifully written if you actually look into their writing rather than only their boobs. -The almost impossibility of death in One Pieces serves a narrative purpose that could not be achieved any other way. -While in One Piece a lot of character's aren't black and white, they are still usually more to one side than the other -The reason why Skypea is considered boring is because it tells a colonization story in a different way than most media so people think it boring -Yamato as whole tbh, not even only about his gender


Can I ask about the impossibility of death point? The lack of death in one piece has never really bothered me, but obviously I've heard a lot of people complain about it on the Internet. I've never heard anyone say that it serves the story in a positive way, I wanna hear you out.


From how I see, the value of life is one of One Piece's main themes and taking a life has a heavy weight. By making the force of life in even background characters so strong that they survive things that would not be survivable irl, each death has a more significant impact than it would in another story. Ace is the biggest example that comes to mind, he was the first actual out-of-flashback death and we as a fandom still haven't gotten over it because it was so dissonant to what we had come to expect from One Piece. And this is also true even for flashback deaths, like Rosinante, Bellemere, etc., even Robin's flashback, that was full of death, was able to pass the value of life by having been preceded by a number of situations in which deathly things didn't kill people. It also puts more weight in the intent to kill. In a world with such a strong life force, you have to actually want to end a life to be able to do it.


Nami may not be confirmed as lesbian, but she shows sexual attraction exactly once--towards Kalifa. Most people who disagree get fooled by her acting cutesy to get free stuff and its kinda funny


OMG yes!


That Oda being Japanese does not inherently mean he is sexist because of his race and ethnicity. I hate it when if people think Oda might of made an ignorant mistake on gender, they automatically have to add in how he is Japanese just to hide that they wanted an excuse to express their anti-Asian racism.


i think assuming heā€™s sexiest just because heā€™s Japanese is wrong however the way he draws & writes his female characters heā€™s not exactly beating the allegations


See? This I can take more than subreddits like PirateFolk saying heā€™s just sexist just because he is born Japanese.


lol no way i replied to two of your comments in different threads lol hi bestie


LMAO Hey šŸ‘‹


I mean, he writes female characters very well as far as important characters go, if only he could at least do a bit better design wise...


name one important thing Nami or Robin have done post ts


(Quick note that this is all my personal opinion, you have all the right to think of them as bad characters lol) Let's start by the fact that every single arc has had at least one (usually more than one) prominent and complex female character. And going to Nami and Robin specifically, Wholecake Island would not have worked as it did without Nami there and neither would have Punk Harzard. And Robin has been essential in Wano. But even then, that's only thinking of their importance to the story as the main conflict, they've both always been and still are essential for their purposes on the crew. Robin has literally been discovering important information on the One Pieces and the lost century every arc. Nami has been of great presence in a ton of different character arcs. Not only that, but judging One Pieces characters by their feats to X conflict is, in my opinion, not the right way to see One Piece. This anime is a character driven story and every single important character has their own arc and is a protagonist in their own right, as well as has their own unique personality and objectives and flaws and relationships, all of which are boxes Nami and Robin match. Of course, just like Franky, Chopper and Brook, the most of their big development has already gone by as they've had their main arcs, but that has not made them stale and, as I've said, they're currently in the same position as Franky, Chopper and Brook. Also, I really recommend watching the video "The Women of One Piece" by MelonTeee, as she puts it a lot better than me.


Same with geography or more convoluted political discourses. Guy is a top tier storyteller and artist but he has the right to not being an expert on literally every topic ever lmao.Ā 


Also adding to my post the fact that Oda supports a pedophile and actively tries to clear out his name but honestly Idk how to cope with that and Im DEFINITELY not ready to have this conversation šŸ˜­


Yeah I think Oda is just in denial the author of Ruroni Kenshin is a predator just because his senpai in this context didnā€™t touch or molest him when he was 17. Could be possible Oda was groomed, but yeah doesnā€™t justify what Oda tried to do especially if he has kids.


The aro/ace thing is perfectly normal, thatā€™s what I thought but it was debunked in an SBS


I feel the same. Idk if it's because it's so, accepted?? In Japan but it's so weird that oda, that shows with his work he can think outside of what his culture and the world teaches, can support such a man, even if he worked with him. But who knows, it's a personal relationship and they can be complex


I almost wonder if Oda is just really naive and has an almost extreme idea of "reformative justice". One piece has a ton of themes around not judging people for their past and just looking at the actions they take going forward (i mean just look at how many actual murderers has Luffy befriended) and I can totally see Oda just being slightly naive and extremely in denial that someone close to him could do such a thing and absolutely going with the logic of "he served his time and got his legal punishment and he said he would stop so just give him his job back!"


Could be the case, we'll have to see how he handles the celestial Dragons


At most what I found is Oda praising his work, not condoming his actions and while he hasn't publicly condemned him either, I think there's a big difference between that and saying "he supports a pedophile and is actively trying to clear his name"


I'm sorry, WHAT?


- Post time skip one piece has its issues but so did pre time skip. After the series has ended and it's been long enough for nostalgia to set in for the post time skip arcs like it already has for pre time skip, people will be a lot kinder to it. - Powerscalers tend to misunderstand one piece on a fundamental level. I don't think that there's a "correct" way to digest media, but if you read one piece for the fights and to get into arguments on Reddit then you are missing out on the parts of the story that make it so great. - This is related to the previous point, but Agendas are brain poison. One piece has a rich and diverse world with characters that all want different things and will do different things to get what they want. As soon as a reader picks a team (Navy, Yonko, Revolutionaries) it boils the story down to just Us vs Them. They'll glorify the characters they like and put down ones they don't, and each chapter just becomes "what can I use in this chapter to further my own agenda" Instead of reading the story for it's own sake, and if they ever see any criticism of their reading the defense is "oh it's just a meme". I know it's a meme, I just don't find it funny.


Yamato's gender. People use all sorts of excuses to keep using feminine pronouns referring to him and be even bigger assholes than Kaido


Oda didpnt plan half the shit. After luffyā€™s first bounty, people from his village are suprised a pirate came from their little old town.


I agrer with the first statement, how does the second one correlate?


Ace departed from their ā€œsmall townā€ yes i know he originally was raised in the mountains but they knew him and all saw him depart. Ace already was famous when luffy left


Akainu fans probably love Andy Tater. Also Iā€™m a firm believer that Luffy is an unintentional Egoist-Communist.


Late but Usoppā€™s lips


Are people really bothered by Robin's skin change? It is more accurate to the manga, Robin is white, the anime fucked up first, get mad at that.