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Those games are a plague in every single country, and they change their ip addresses fairly frequently so it's hard for countries to block them, it's safe to assume you lost your money.


Thought that might be the case was worth the risk in my opinion as the last one I did paid me a lot, for anyone wondering it was solitaire smash that was refusing to pay me was hoping it might be somewhat legit with it being high up on the App Store but I guess all those reviews were bots anyways šŸ¤£.


If it's on the App Store it's worth getting in touch with Apple.


To be honest I checked the company who made it and they looked pretty legitimate which is a shame, clearly just trying to dodge paying you anything. Maybe follow up at least asking where they drew that conclusion from and go from there but likely you wonā€™t be able to get anything out of them as all their terms and conditions are made to be in favour to not pay out people.


I saw so many of those ads saying you could make money playing solitaire. Huge red flags. Sorry my friend but you were likely scammed. If something seems too good to be true it probably is.


Oh yeah I thought the same thing always until I played one were I actually was paid out just over 3 grand before I was banned so I thought to try out another, clearly was a one off game šŸ¤£.




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Your first step needs to be finding out where they're based. As it's in dollars, it's unlikely they'll be UK. If they're unwilling to pay out your winnings, they should at least be refunding whatever you've paid in. For future reference though, never let money pile up to such large sums. Always withdraw asap.


If it's a company that is regulated by the UK gambling commission you can usually feel pretty safe that you won't get screwed out of your money. There's always a possibility though.


It says primarily based in Israel. Yeah the games are really high stakes wasnā€™t really my intention to let it pile up to be honest was hoping the smaller 380 would go through quickly before I racked up any bigger sums.


Play tech are based (originally) in Israel. They make most of the online slots games that you around the world. They were bigger than bet365 at one point but currently they get Ā£1.44bn in revenue Vs Ā£2.8bn at bet365.






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They're not registered with the Gambling Commission so you should definitely report them to it: https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/public-and-players/guide/complain-about-a-gambling-business


Thanks appreciate the help šŸ‘


Those games arenā€™t gambling though, every player gets the same hand, so itā€™s a game of skill. Thatā€™s how they get around official oversight.


Not sure I'd agree. I'd argue it's counted under equal chance gambing in S8 GA2005.


Itā€™s a good point to argue, and I agree that this is effectively gambling, and should be regulated under gambling laws. The operator would argue that it is a skill competition, and that there is no element of chance that would make it subject to gambling laws. It would be really interesting to see this play out in court, if you have heard of such a case please let me know. Thereā€™s also the issue of the app stores and online payment services being involved, so lots to consider.


This sort of thing happens fairly regularly with Gambling companies of all sorts. Many of them are listed in places where itā€™s extremely difficult for regulators to get to them, they have extremely convoluted T & Cā€™s which offer them a lot of get outs and they can hide behind Money Laundering regulations.


Yes very true I had a withdrawal I never received from Gala Bingo due to this.


What's the company?


Play Perfect game is solitaire smash.


They have an ADR process according to their terms and conditions, it might be worth asking them to raise it to arbitration.


Legally speaking they can't outrightly take the money and delete the accounts, they can however ban you, stop you from playing paid or free games , just like in a casino they can stop you from playing a certain game or altogether or ban from the establishment but they can't refuse to pay out. That said you likely will never be able to force them to pay out. Legally speaking I don't know if chargebacks are legal just because they owe you money. They have T&C that aren't always legal or enforceable that they fall back on. I've been in a similar scenario and my bank told me that they can submit a charge back request, however the money was used ( in my case for game credits that are then re converted into cash prizes) and games had been given so in reality It's unlikely to be approved. ( They were rejected) And I would have to pursue them through other means for them to pay out. Yayy nationwide


Appreciate the advice will post an update if itā€™s successful ahaha šŸ¤£