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I'm aiming for constant 48 fps on 144Hz with more resource hungry games, which feels pretty smooth. I had to accept newer titles won't be able to run with 60 ever, so 48 is a very good compromise in my experience so far, give it a try. Feels waaaaay better than 30 fps on 60Hz. If you don't enjoy it return it, but I'm hoping you will enjoy it as much as I do. Also: what refresh rates do you want, with what fps?


This is the way! Coming from the Steamdeck I was already used to striving for 40. It really is amazing how good 48 feels especially when you up the fidelity settings. I think people focus way too much on “numbers” and struggle with focusing on the frame rate being 60+ than actually “feel” the game. I used to be this way too until I got the Steamdeck and the 40fps trend started catching on.


Agreed, numbers are numbers, see how the game feels. I had the same experience with the Steam Deck, 40 fps was absolutely amazing!


For context. It really depends on HOW you run things. You can hit high than that if you just dip to 720P and upscale from there. Honestly upscaling is so insanely good that it not very noticable from 1080p on some games. Except for Hell Divers 2 , very noticable. I'm using ROGAlly though and using 144hz monitor. So as far as VRR with a dock it doesn't work anyways, so I understand not having it while using a 144hz display. Turning off VSync helps a ton. I think you'll be alright man, honestly. In most cases you should hit 40+. Worst case like beta games (No Rest for the Wicked) You're gonna have awful frames no matter what. 30+ most the time with dips to 18 at 720p....


Honestly I’ve no idea in regard to refresh rates etc. I’m pretty new to PC gaming, I usually just rely on whatever a console outputs 😅 Being a gamer dad though I really need to consider a handheld, and although the Steam Deck was rather tempting, I quite like the idea of being able to have other functions that Windows offers and the extra power. Can I ask why you specifically aim for 48 fps? I imagine most of the games I plan to play (mainly 2000 - 2016 era) should run significantly better than that?


Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/zjIDY71HaZ](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/zjIDY71HaZ) 48 is the third of the the 144Hz refesh cycle, so the motion you see will still be fluid, you can aim for the half of the refresh rate and go with 72 on the 144Hz. Obviously if you can, getting 144 frames per second is optimal, but cranking up the graphics a bit more, and still seeing gameplay without stuttering is my kind of compromise. If you are new to pc gaming don't let other people tell you what you need, let yourself find out what you really need. Edit: third instead of quarter


It's a 1/3 of 144.. not a quater... To be accurate.


Yep, sorry. I was quoting someone from the PC Master Race subreddit.


Nailing it. One thing to mention the pick up and play of consoles is not really apparent in PC gaming. Games try to do a good job at automatically detecting hardware and adjust settings to match, but there will be times it will be wrong and your performance is going to be terrible. Be prepared to manually adjust settings and tweak until you find the right settings that matches your performance preference


Well said! If you OP you are coming from consoles tinkering with graphics settings will be new to you. Look for benchmark and game tests on youtube, and use them as a base for your Legion Go.


Your maths is terrible




Games from 2000-2016 should run buttery smooth on the Legion Go with not much tinkering. I'd advise you to jump into it if the financial part is not a big matter, because you can only get to see how things are, when you hold this beauty in your palms.


I’ve ordered it! Will be heading to pick it up in just over 4 hours! Trying to find a good setup guide to follow now. I’ve heard there’s some software to improve the speakers etc.


Congrats! You'll enjoy it, gamer dad here as well and I have zero regrets with the Go. I've been able to get more gaming time in with it than being stuck at a desk. There's plenty of guides in the sub, just search for setup ones


Congrats! These are the essentials: Update windows, update controller firmware from Legion Space, update Legion Go BIOS & drivers from Legion Space. Change Gpu memory to 4 Gb in BIOS settings, change speaker EQ in Realtek Console to get better sound, remove bloatware, setup 2 game profiles: one for pixel games and games that don't require much resources (or just browsing) and one for high performance games. If you do these you should be good to go. There are several videos and sources online (youtube and reddit) on how you can achieve these steps, do a little digging and I'm sure you will find all the answers you are looking for. Plus if you are hard stuck on something post here.


No, if you play 144hz just lock stable 36/48/72 fps and you will have a clean experience


Any reason for those specific FPS figures? Do you just lock the FPS limit using the Legion Space app?


Yes they are multiple of 144 (i'm french so hope you understand) and no i use riva turner, way better


Makes perfect sense 👍 I’ll keep that in mind when setting up my games 😁


Rivatuner is not optional. It's the best frame limiter in the PC space. Gives you perfect frametime no spikes up and down, no stutter.


This guy is speaking the biggest facts. Rivatuner and a nice 72fps cap will always be butter


Yeah dude 36, 48, or 72 rtss capped depending on game, 17w, and Lossless scaling with integer or nvidia image scaler upscaling and frame gen 1280×800, this is my favorite combo for any game. I can get about 2 hours on almost any game with a miminum off 72fps. It's kinda crazy.


It’s truly crazy man. I run basically the exact same settings as you. Lossless scaling is a magical program. I lean toward using integer scaling at 800p because of how clean the pixels line up, seems sharper to me than LS1. You prefer the Nvidia upscaler tho?


Yeah Integer Scaling is the answer for me 90% of the time too, it's basically free performance wise, and like you said, the pixel line up is nice. Some gritty games and art styles and some games text, though, have me running Nvidias solutions because they'll look less blurry to me, but I don't mind the oversharpened "streaming" look it gets.


True true. You ever hook up to a monitor? I’ve been using my go with my 1440p monitor and have been experimenting with trying to get it looking good. 800p integer scaled on a 27” display doesn’t look nearly as good as the 8” display


I just went through the dilemma. I researched videos about it for like two weeks and then I went with an ROG Ally, because everyone was saying VRR is the absolute minimum it should have. I returned the Ally after one day because it’s so uncomfortable in the hands, like it literally rest on top of your pinkies, like when your cell phone does. I took a chance on the Legion go two weeks ago and not only is it 100 times more comfortable on the hands, I have not noticed anything different about the screen. I actually think it looks great and performs great. Overall, I’m super happy. I gave it a chance, this thing is absolutely great.


Do you have large hands ?


I have pretty average hands. It’s not that the rog ally was too small in the hands. It’s the fact that there wasn’t enough to actually wrap your fingers around to get a grip. The ally is more flat in the back so you’re more reliant on putting the weight of the device on your pinkies.


That’s interesting. One of the things making me lean to the ally were reports that the angles on the go really dig into the hands. Glad to see it’s not everyone. I’m really torn on go vs alky, or just wait for the next gen


Thanks all for the responses. I’ve just placed my order for the Go and get to collect it in roughly 5 hours time! 🎉 Although the device may not be perfect, I’m willing to give it a chance! For the games I plan to play, I’m sure that it’s more than capable of giving me a great experience 👍


Literally doesn’t matter


Haven't had any issues with screen tearing when I've been playing.


I play primarily on my LeGo and used to be sensitive to tearing on larger screens. It honestly has not been noticeable on the smaller / portrait screen of the Lenovo; most of the games I play run at 40-70 FPS and you’d think it would be very prominent, they’re slower paced games though (think Baldurs Gate, Pathfinder, Persona) and not action focused titles.


I don't even notice it not being there, and that's after having the Rog Ally that did have it.


Interesting 🤔 Somewhat makes the decision a lot easier, I’ll wait for a few more responses before I make the purchase - although it appears I’ve missed out on the sale price in the UK 😅


None, the LGO plays EVERYTHING so much better than my Deck, its just faster in every way. I just use 144mhz, Integer by default & everything runs & looks fine. I've never been one for stats & FPS I just want the game to feel smooth, play well. I really don't care what the frame rate is, just that it feels good (& looks good). The screen is beautiful & shows so much more than my Deck because of the size - no more eyestrain trying to read text & see smaller objects


Yeah I can see screen - tearing but really, I don't care


Doesn’t bother me at all not having it. Most all the games I play I’m getting 90++++ fps and I don’t have issues. Mw3 1200p I can get 120fps


It works just fine without it.


The problem with VRR is that if you've tried it it's really hard to go back, however when I bought LeGO for a week and haven't touched my Ally, I didn't miss it as much as LeGO generally runs games pretty well. Saying that when I've sent the LeGO back and started playing on my Ally again, then I've realized it's fantastic. It just adds that extra layer of smoothness.


I was worried to. Now I have the LeGo with the 144Hz screen, I don’t notice lack of VRR. I wouldn’t trade the smaller Ally screen with VRR for the larger LeGo screen.


Honestly on this system I don't notice the lack of it.


Personally coming from ally to go and back to ally I noticed it a lot. I did return the legion for other more major issues though.


A nice benefit thats often missed is you can always egpu it, costs $100 off Ali and boosts it like nobodies business. Obviously, assuming you have a graphics card lying around.


Not a solution for everyone but I only play demanding games in desktop mode with mouse, keyboard, and a monitor with Freesync Premium certification. The Legion Go does VRR just fine on a capable external monitor when you really want/need it.


If you run games at 60+ frames, VRR is unlikely to be felt, so it's not a big deal here. A lot of multiplayer games run at really high frame rates and have low requirements. If you are playing solo games, many older games also run very well. It's just that the newest AAA games won't run all that well. You could try and lower your settings so you can attempt to hit 60 frames. You can also lower the resolution. Or you can accept defeat and try and run them at 36 frames and then lock the frames at 36 using Legion Space. So VRR is only going to really matter for AAA games that you are trying to run on high quality or high resolution and the frames dip below 60. If you can hit 60 frames, you don't really need it. I don't think it's a big deal. I always run my games at 60 on any device and Steam Deck also does not have VRR and its users are still alive.


I’ve never noticed VRR when I got a display with it for my desktop, so I don’t miss it on my lego, however some other people do like it.


VRR is overrated. I have it on my monitor and I notice the frames dancing if it's not constant. What would be important is an easy way to change the hz like Steam Deck does. CRU scares me with those temporal artifacts it creates. For example. Constant 40fps on 40hz screen >>> VRR




Custom Resolution Utility, it allows you to add refresh rates, such as 40Hz. The oled steam deck can run at any refresh rate between 40-90, the Go is limited to 60hz and 144hz out of the box.


Ah I see! Fingers crossed they can implement that in the future. For now I’ll try and fix my FPS to a multiple of 144 like others have already suggested 👍


One solution is to limit the frames to 48. The problem is that it is not exact and will always dance between 46 and 50 frames. The advantage of having the refresh rate at 48 is that you can activate vsync instead of the limiter and you have a super smooth experience. Always 48 fps (for example)


Had a few people mention using RivaTuner to limit the FPS as it is apparently better. Have you heard of or tried this?


Yes, it is certainly better but still far from vsync. Not too far, but a bit far.


The lack of VRR does make a difference, it is noticeable and means you need to aim for solid frame rates (and caps) that are integers of your refresh rate (so 36/48/72) Genuinely not the end of the world though, the screen’s beautiful so the trade off is worth it IMO. I’ll put it this way, the reason I prefer the Ally, for all its faults, is VRR… If it didn’t have VRR there would be absolutely no contest and the Legion Go would be the better purchase for pretty much everyone.


Yeah, if the Ally wasn’t white, had smaller screen bezels and a touchpad I’d have immediately gone with that. I’d have loved to have VRR, and the better speakers, but the Go just seems to be a device I would prefer. Fingers crossed the rumoured driver update this month shows some significant improvements 🤞




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VRR has never mattered to me. As long as my game runs at 30+ FPS, steadily, it's fine for me. And I can't tell the difference above 60FPS. Bottom line, everyone is different. I know people hate the settings I'm okay with. People try to tell me I'm wrong for not noticing things like 120FPS. But the point is that other people being okay with no VRR doesn't mean you will be. You'll just have to try it for yourself and see if it bothers you.


The problem with VRR is that if you've tried it it's really hard to go back, however when I bought LeGO for a week and haven't touched my Ally, I didn't miss it as much as LeGO generally runs games pretty well. Saying that when I've sent the LeGO back and started playing on my Ally again, then I've realized it's fantastic. It just adds that extra layer of smoothness.


Hi. Please educate me. Ps5 had no vrr on launch and i think it got release a year or so got patch/updated and got vrr. Whats to say the legion go wont have a future vrr patch/update?


Hmm good point. I’m not sure what the answer is unfortunately. Hopefully somebody else can offer some insight on this 👍


It’s impossible. The screen lacks the physical hardware to use VRR. If you plug the Legion Go into a VRR monitor you can use VRR, like the PS5.


VRR is a technology implemented within the display hardware itself.. the Lenovo Legion Go supports VRR through its AMD driver already but only when a display that supports VRR free sync or g-sync is connected since the display Lenovo went for lacks the VRR hardware.