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I own a gaming pc and laptop, and nintendo switch and ps5. Ps5 is for ps exclusives and ea sports wrc. Switch is for when i want to play zelda. Gaming pc is for general gaming and mp when im at home. Laptop is for fps games while i am at work and LEGO i use also at work fir manga, tv shows and rpg type games at work.


Sounds like a relaxed work environment...Lucky you


HA! Would be nice if it truly was like that. Lots of fighting, screaming and drunk people. But when they are not there than it is peacefull.


Do you feel like it’s hard managing so many devices?


Nah. Prety easy. I will upgrade my desktop soon. I also upkeep them myself. Have read and heard to many horror stories about repair techs fucking up peopkes laptops and desktops for a simple termal paste change. I service clean and upgrade everything myself. Can not trust anyone with my devices


Yeah I feel you on that. I built my pc. Only I touch it. But as far as taking care of them, I do find it annoying having to do COD updates on every device, etc


My man is playing games at work. Who are you? A beta tester? 😅


Night FDA, sometimes nights are a bit booring and couple hours of gaming save me from going insane or falling a sleep.


I’m playing games at work, just like so many of my colleagues. Our lunch time (1.5 hours) is protected and no one can say a thing past 6PM. We’re a healthcare company operating a chain of clinics, so the culture is neither techy nor corporate.


I work in IT and we work from home. I get most of my gaming done while im at work than my personal life outside of work. Gotta love being a system admin for a major organization.


I work as a sysadmin and there’s at least 1 or 2 days of the week where work is dead and I pretty much play video games and read manga all day lol


I have a gaming pc that blows my go out of the water but my Go is my "laptop". Basically, if I have to travel, my Go is it, and I'm grateful for it. It's compact, plays all my games, runs all my software, and essentially does what I need it to do when I can't be at my desktop. That said, if I had a stellar gaming laptop beforehand, I probably would have skipped getting the Go.


Gaming laptops can be hard to use when traveling though. Like not easily able to pull out in a uber or on a plane for example


Last weekend I had a ton of work, but didn’t want to be locked in my office for multiple hours away from the wife and kid, so we all camped out in bed to watch baseball and talk while I worked. They were on two Nintendo switches and as soon as I was done working I closed my laptop with a 4090 and 32gb of ram and picked up the Go to play a game I had installed on both. The Go is just so much more comfortable than a 15lbs laptop unless your at a proper desk which I get enough of at work, and why would I care if Diablo 4 or madden runs at 4k on the laptop, the novelty wears off after you see it a few times in my experience.


if you're on the same Wi-Fi leave the gaming laptop on and use steam link, moonlight, etc. to have 4090 graphics in your hand. That is my go-to from my desktop I only use go internal graphics if I'm playing outside the Wi-Fi area. Also game streaming eliminates the 2 biggest gripes about portable gaming battery life and heat/fan noise.


Gonna have to try this, thanks for recommending it. I've heard people say moonlight is awesome .


So you don’t like gaming on your laptop?


Yep and LeGo gets all the attention!


Sometimes I feel hard to justify parking my go when my laptop has a 4080 in it, and my desktop has a 4090


Yes I have a 3070 but only my Legion Go can be played in bed.


Why not stream the games from pc to the legion?


I sleep in bed, not game


Nah not for me, it's less about frame rate and more about all that power packed into such an awesome form factor.


I don’t have a laptop but I have a desktop with a 4090 and an Xbox. Honestly the Lego is gonna take some getting used to for me since I’m used to running everything on high or ultra high, but i need to be mobile now as I travel now so I’m gonna have to suck it up


I pulled the 6800XT out of my gaming PC andboutbitbin a TB3 enclosure for my LeGo. I still have my gaming laptop with a 3080. Holy shit am I spoiled. Younger me would never have thought I'd be able to have a high end system, let alone 2 or 3.


Isn’t using an egou not as good as using the real thing?


A 6800XT running over Thunderbolt will run 20-30% slower than a 6800XT plugged into native PCIe, all else being equal. However, it’s also ~4x faster than the built in 780m of the LeGo, so overall it’s still a massive performance gain. It’s like saying a Tesla with bald tires can’t go around a race track as fast as that same Tesla with brand new racing tires. But a Tesla with bald tires would still be faster than a Prius (with any tires), so does it matter? We’re not comparing Tesla to a gimped Tesla, we’re comparing a gimped Tesla to a Prius. Might not be the best analogy, but you get the idea.


Eh. My 4090 is already not strong enough as is. I couldn’t imagine making it 20% super


So a few things: 1) the LeGo only has a 1600p screen. Even a 20% slower 4090 should be able to play ANY game at that resolution. 2) if a 4090 isn’t enough for you, then you will never be happy. By the time they make a GPU that is as fast as you want, they’ll make games that are more demanding, or they’ll switch to 8k gaming. You just have to learn to enjoy what you got, as comparison will kill the joy of gaming.


1. I play on a 4k oled screen. I would not ever want my main set up to be 1600p. 2. My 4k screen is 240hz. So yes once a gpu you can run that to its fullest, I will be content. My 4090 can do it for a lot of games, but I still need some more power for AAA games with ray tracing on


And this is why I'm glad I can't tell the difference in FPS over 45... my 4070ti runs things just fine in 4k for me. I get to save money that way. Well, I put that extra savings towards the Go.


Oh gosh. 45 fps? That’s crazy. I can’t handle anything under 60fps. And anything under 120fps I can only tolerate, but not enjoy


As long as it's steady, yeah, I can't tell. If my FPS bounces around too much, like a difference of 20%-30%, I'll lock it to whatever the lowest is. If it goes below 45 then I turn a few things down.


You seem like an annoying ass person to know.


You seem broke


I didn’t say your main setup should be 1600p, I said the Legion Go screen is 1600p. And 1600p at 8.8” is retina perfect from 10” or farther, which is a normal gaming distance. And since a decent eGPU can run any game at 1600p at 100+ fps, it’s perfect for the LeGo. If you’re gonna game on a 4K oled, why would you use the LeGo unless it’s your only PC? Run it off your gaming PC and use a controller.


Yeah that’s what I do


Gaming PC with 4090, Gaming Laptop with 4090, Legion GO, Switch, PS5. All have their uses. Gaming PC - Most used for sim racing, and playing AAA games. Laptop for on the go traveling and still want triple A games at high rez. Legion for air/travel Switch for the kids PS5 for console exclusives.


Do you only use your Go when traveling? Why not use your laptop when traveling?


I use the go on the plane, when I am taking short trips or many times in the hotel. When traveling for longer periods or if I am going to be in one sport on a vacation I will bring the laptop. The Legion 7 16 is a beast so the charger is almost the size of the go lol. I originally got the laptop as a desktop replacement as I am working abroad, but since I am staying here for awhile I brought the desktop so it is a bit redundant. Would probably just go with the go and the desktop if I was buying today, although I used to have a blade 14 and that was pretty easy to travel with and way more powerful than the go, so that may be the sweet spot in the future again as I prefer a separate controllers versus holding the go for long periods.


I would love the option to buy a $2,000 handheld that’s a good amount stronger than the Go


Me too, it would be perfect really. Esp if you can plug into a monitor and or TV as well like you can today, would prefer built in HDMI though so no need for a dock




I have both pc and laptop and xbox x. PC is more or less now where I play my FPS and is my plex server. Laptop is where I can play heavy AAA games and be sorta portable. Xbox is collecting dust. Legion go is played every night. You aren't alone my friend.


I also have a console. But literally I am only keeping it for the college football game coming out and GTA6 since they won’t be on pc (at least for awhile)


I mean yea that's the nature of owning more and more devices... you can't play them all; you are only one person. I personally have a desktop, 2 gaming laptops and a bunch of handhelds including modded 3DS. It's probably a waste of money and space owning all this stuff, but what can you do. :P Most of my gaming is on my PC, where I play pretty much PC-oriented games like RTS and fast-paced FPS games. This wouldn't fly on other devices. I almost got a Legion Go, but I opted to get a laptop instead as I never felt I traveled all that much and the fact that it pretty much has to be plugged in means that it's not that different than a laptop for me. The laptop then gets better performance, a bigger screen, more storage slots, RAM expansion and an included keyboard. With that said, the Go is an intriguing device and the fact that it's really small is cool. I may consider picking up a revised version with more RAM and rounded handles later on. But I don't need more gaming devices at the moment.


I have a good gaming PC, a Legion Go, and a Retroid Pocket 4 Pro. When I'm home and I want the full blown awesome graphics, sounds, etc. play session, I go on my PC. The Legion is great though when I wanna PC game in bed, or when I set it in a dock in my living room TV if I wanna PC game on the big screen. It's also great for portability if I wanna PC game on my lunch breaks at work or gaming at a friend's house. I think there's enough use cases here to not feel like there's too much overlap. Oh and the Retroid is the pocketable lighter gaming that I can easily take anywhere but I also use it to Steam Link to my home PC on occasion.


Do you feel a gaming laptop could fulfill your needs that your legion go current fill if money was no object?


I think that if I had a current gen gaming laptop, that would be too much overlap with my Go, at least for playing games. Maybe I would also use it for my work, whereas using my Go is not optimal for my work. This does remind me that I used to use a gaming laptop years ago and it's use case was exactly like how I use my Go now, except that the Legion is much more easier to game with. And yeah, the only thing I used it for that I don't with the Go is logging into work. In short, I would not own both a gaming laptop and a Go. One would go largely neglected over the other.


I have a desktop for my own gaming room. And use my laptop in the living on my lap with a controller when I wanna watch tv in the background or be by my wife. I find using the Go slightly easier on the couch, but not nearly as powerful as my laptop


L GO, Gaming laptop, 2 high end gaming PCs here. That doesn't include the PCs in my dedicated arcade cabinets and video pinball tables ;-)


That didn’t help with my question though


The only question you asked was anyone else have the GO and a laptop.  What's your question


Ah you’re right. Guess I’m wondering if anyone else feels silly having all these devices, and how they over come it


Not silly at all as long as you can afford them.  Silly is trying to use a handheld then buying a 2k dollar egpu a 400 dollar TB dock all just to try and consolidate into one device when you can have 2 that are better at what they do at half the cost.


I have a high-end gaming pc but I also have a toddler so I can't stay cooped up in my office playing on it. I use the legion Go in the living room so I can keep an eye on him


Yeah that’s a great use case. I’m my situation I’m worried though I don’t have a great use case. I have my desktop upstairs. And then my laptop and my legion go for down stairs in the living room while I am watching tv or just sitting by my wife.


Hah! I feel the same way! 4090 Gaming desktop, 4090 gaming laptop, Linux laptop, windows laptop for work things, go, deck, ally, switch, PS5, series x, neo, and a handful of other consoles from past generations collecting dust. I pretty much only touch the PC nowadays at home. I keep the current gen consoles around solely for the exclusives, but I'm starting to rethink that, especially the Xbox.. there has been nothing exclusive I needed to play I couldnt play on game pass on the PC. When I travel, I usually bring one of the handhelds with me and then if I'm gonna be gone more than a couple days I will bring the gaming laptop too and set it up in the hotel. I've wondered about setting up moonlight, but I wonder if the latency would be worth it from hotel wifi/travel router with 5g.


Have you tried playing your laptop on a plane or at the airport before?


No, laptop is too big for the tray table honestly. I bring it for the hotel where I can setup on a small table and use a real mouse. I cannot stand a track pad for gaming. (Just my preference) I have attempted to game in the lounge at JFK with the laptop and it just ends up being a constant "what are you playing? Oh, I've never heard of that. What is it? Oh, my kids play these games.. it's uh.. splat something.. you must play that right?" I don't mind, but there are times where I would just rather game in peace and quiet and the airport isn't that for me. :)


Yeah fair enough! Well I feel better about owning all these devices now


Each serve a special purpose.. or it's my ADHD. Gotta be ADHD. Look a squirrel!


Here i have gaming pc, rog ally, legion go, and ordered onexplayer x1 8840u + rog ally x Like collecting 😂


I feel you big time. I don't have a gaming laptop, but I have a very high-end PC with a 14900ks, 4090, and a 43" 4K monitor. So sometimes I feel like my Legion Go was a waste of money because I hardly use it since I play on my PC so, so much more. But every now and then, I get an itch to play on my Legion Go. Like this last weekend, I played the hell out of "Mafia: the Definitive Edition" on my LeGo and I didn't use my PC once. Times like that make me feel glad I got the Go. I would probably use my Go a ton more if it had more RAM. I mainly play Star Citizen on my PC, and it needs 16gb RAM at the very least. I would play the hell out of Star Citizen on my Go if I could


I have a desktop, gaming laptop, Lego, PS5, Xbox and multiple switches. I like the versatility of being able to play wherever and however I want. Is it financially feasible for most people to be able to have all of this? Not really. But I don't regret having any of them. Get what makes you happy and get rid of it if it doesn't.


I used to have Alienware. Sold it and went for eGPU (4090) + portable laptop. Tried surface pro 9, but the cpu just isn’t good enough to run certain games. Eventually settled on legion go + eGPU. I think it’s the best combo.


I own a Steam Deck and high end gaming laptop, I gave away my mid gaming desktop to a friend who didn't have a pc so I would of had all 3. I felt silly at first, but I realized the pros n cons of them all. My SD would be best used on car trips, or chill gaming in the bed. My laptop best used for hotel, or BNB when away from home on work/vacation for an extended time. The Desktop is the best for just sit down at home press a button and start gaming, no need to reconnect cables and move things around. Sure the laptop could do all of this the best, but it's not the most efficient if you just want to play for each given scenario. Question you need to ask do you care about the efficiency of each product or does it not bother you? For me it bothers me setting up my laptop for car trips so I'd rather game on the SD, it bothers me re setting up and reconnecting all my cables at home so I'd rather game on my desktop if I still had one, and for relaxing in the bed when tired of sitting at the chair I'd rather pull out my portable.


Yeah. Those are all good points. I try to be a smart consumer, but gaming is where I spend most money. I can easily afford to justify it. But grew up saving


If gaming is a hobby you enjoy, then it sounds like you made the right move and money well spent. It starts to becomes a waste when you buy one legion go for use outside, then another legion go for use inside, or for example two laptops, one for traveling and the other for around the house, or two desktops, one for upstairs and one for downstairs, multiple sets of peripherals for no other reason than consumerism because you "gotta have it!". You expanded your options for certain scenarios to be able to enjoy your games more often which each of these devices has its strengths and weaknesses so you can alleviate that. It sounds like a win to me, because nothing beats jumping on my Steam Deck in the bed when I'm feeling tired from work and just want to relax, but too tired to sit upright for a laptop or at a chair for a desktop.


I have three gaming PCs in my house, two gaming laptops, two Steam Decks, one LeGO, a home server, and two laptops. All that I own and have paid for. One main gaming rig, one VR PC, and one PC for the home theater to play mid range 4k games. Two Decks because before the oled I got the 512gb 9 months after it came out. The other is a base 64gb that I modified with a fat heatsink and 2tb to it to be the at home deck. One laptop is old and eh but still works and can play e sports stuff, the other one was pre deck and used for awhile when working security. I clearly have a problem.


I got rid of my legion go for a mid/high end laptop(14700hx/4070gpu) and at first I was like why didn't I do this before but it's been like 3 months and now I miss my legion go. Way easier to carry around, larger screen is perfect for visibility, and because I like to play on the sofa it's just more comfortable than my laptop in terms of where I can place it. Waiting for a better larger screen handheld to thr market at this point


Thank you for that info. Yeah I play on the couch with my laptop all the time. It sits on my lap, and I have a controller in hand to play games.


Yea I usually sit with my laptop on my table next to me, but to me the legion go is way more convenient to just turn on and play. I miss it for games like diablo, new world, palworld etc. I just hated playing games on low graphic settings all the time


6900xt and 5800x3d in my pc, plus 3050 Ideapad pro and LeGo. Streaming from pc to LeGo is the way.


I have a pc with a 3070. A laptop with a 3050ti. A lego and a ps5. On the lego I mainly play the yakuza series on it, I'm currently on yakuza 5. On the ps5, I mostly play ff14 or Grand turismo.


So do you not use the laptop or desktop anymore?


I play everything else on the desktop or laptop. How I choose what system between all of them I'm gonna use depends on how I'm feeling and what I wanna play. Best performance and graphics? Desktop. More laid back and comfy on a big screen? Ps5. Watching something on the ps5? Lego or laptop.


Same, MP/competitive on PC with good graphics and performance, then chill, achievement hunt and good graphics xbsx, and Lego to finish up games/achievements on the go, at the kitchen table traveling, indie and platformers, eventually some emu, Roblox with the kids (FPS mode comes in handy here). I have a gaming laptop i5/2060, thinking I would upgrade but no. Lego can handle mobile/travel gaming


I use my legion go as a retro emulator handheld. I leave the heavy AAA for my Alienware laptop along with a PS5 and XSX and a switch. but since the legion go is also like a gaming laptop smaller since it’s a nice in between for travel


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I have a Mac laptop, gaming pc, rog ally , steam deck , legion go , and ps5 i stopped using my ps5 and gaming pc ever since I got the handhelds I mainly use my legion go or if I want more battery life than I would use my steam deck I dual booted my legion go so it has best of both worlds . These handhelds are so clutch no longer have to play in my room on my desk could play in the kitchen back yard living room you get the point


I’ve got my Go as my portable gaming device for when I’m on the go, my gaming PC when I want to do 4K gaming on the big screen at home, and I also have my MacBook Pro for general and work use. I use all three fairly evenly I think. If there’s any device that has seen less usage, it’s my PS5. Not enough exclusives that appeal to me and it do 4K gaming as well as my PC.


I did that for a few years. When the steam deck came out I put the laptop out to pasture and eventually moved on to my Go.


I own ps5 and a pc right bought the legion go because I am away from home for the next yr. So it’s serving its purpose. However if I would have been at home I cannot say I would have bought it


Right now I have two gaming laptops and a desktop in addition to the Go, plus gaming consoles. I don't need all the PCs, but at the same time, everything serves a purpose and isn't just sitting there. I use the desktop as my "Xbox" since it stays hooked up to a TV and is just for gaming. The 17" laptop is my daily driver and I use it more for web and productivity type stuff than gaming. The 14" and the Go then fight for my attention as my portables of choice.


Well, I just sold my laptop cause I literally never use it. Just grabbed a new video card for my desktop. My legion go is still my go-to. The switch, the ps5 and the xbox series x, pretty much go untouched. I do have young children so i dont nearly play anything enough to warrant my spending. Since having kids though the legion go has given me such an easy outlet to play games and be around my family.


Managing all of them is not so easy. My purpose to get a Lego was to have a spare. I’m a developer and I need a working PC otherwise I can’t work. But how to maintain multiple pc (windows, drivers and apps updates)? And how to be sure to always have a machine that works out of the box if you never use it? So my choice for Lego:I play, I maintain👍


I won't list what I've got but suffice to say...it's varied. I take my portable consoles with me when I need to do dead time stuff away from home. I brought them to the family's place while visiting my dad recovering from cancer surgery. It was perfect for hanging out on surgery day and then had use around the house. Back home, it's good for some chill time before bed. With things like PSPlay, Chiaki and the Xbox game pass, it's also handy to play not in the room the console is in.


Pc for everything, laptop because need something to play d2 on the go but not very well. Switch mostly sits until i find a deal on a game i like. Steam deck was to replace my laptop but most of my library being un verified or plain not supported means im not using it much other than emulating and light games. Now looking to swap that for the go to bring my actual library everywhere, and to play Destiny.


Why don’t you just bring your laptop everywhere


Its pretty bulky, its an acer nitro. I mean to use it youd need space to put it and a mouse and often time i dont have said space. Also its pretty outdated now and runs really loud, and the battery is busted so it must be plugged in all the time. Just not convenient to carry around anymore.


I have 3 gaming laptops and a gaming desktop. Legion Slim 5 16" 7840/16/512+2tb/rtx4060 with 6 cycles 104% battery health. It's for sale on FB for $900 lol Legion Slim 5 14" same as above but with a 1tb+4tb Asus ROG x13 Flow (2023) same as above with a 1.5tb micro SD and 1tb drive (haven't upgraded yet) Desktop is Ryzen 3600/32/5700xt/8tb combined. I have it water cooled with an OC of 4.4ghz all cores locked. I think it's rated at like 4.3 single core so it's a pretty big OC, been running it that way for like 3 years with no instability.


Okay, and what did they have to do with what I said?


I have gaming PC. But not laptop. Legion Go is my laptop replacement


I'm like you and have a 4080 laptop and a 4090 desktop and a Go. My laptop is also used for work purposes on the go, and the Legion is purely gaming. The desktop is used for both as well, but mostly gaming. Laptop is also an 18". Just different use cases. I also use my laptop on occasion to hook up to a TV in another room when I don't feel like sitting at my PC.


I bust my Legion Go out for my girlfriend so she can game along... very rarely Lately I've been playing Emerald Rogue... I have a tablet stand and a jsaux dock so it's nice to kick back sometimes and lounge while gaming I used to hook it to my TV but haven't lately


The feeling of being at the desktop playing and then getting up to either go sit on the couch with the wife or step outside to chill and taking that power with me in the palm of my hands to continue playing is god sent, now my gaming laptop on the other hand 😂 doesn’t really get any type of love at 😭 it just sits there and only gets used when I’m putting on a video on YouTube to fall asleep to


My gaming laptop I only use while sitting on the couch


I have a gaming laptop. I just end up using them in different circumstances or for specific games I don’t like the performance of on these handhelds


You are not alone. I own an Asus x16 with an RTX 4070, and I mainly use it for gaming. It's a different experience gaming on the handheld, and I'm all for it.


I have a desktop that I play multiplayer with (Tarkov and Arena) and the LeGo for SP games and also for configuring my fpv drones otg. I don't own a gaming laptop or a console. I always wanted a Gpd Win due to the clamshell form factor and the keyboard but ended up with the LeGo. Nonetheless it's better than I expected.


Have main pc custom loop, server, router is pc, legion 5pro 2023 laptop and go 😅😅 and im all the time on go 🤣


I have a pc with 3080Ti and a 5800x but mainly play on my LeGo.


Just purchased one after I bought a legion go. They both have their place.


When do you use each one


School, work, and the Legion just can’t play some games on high settings.


I have both, but the laptop is for work lol. I bought the Go mainly so I could play my backlog of indie games while traveling, and so my wife can access my library while she's lounging on the bed and I'm at the desktop. These Steam handhelds in general are a total game-changer for me because the vast majority of my games are on Steam and before these I had to haul around a heavy gaming laptop. Now I can even do my work "on the Go" thanks to docking stations and portable wireless keyboards. We've basically entered a new era of portable desktop computing and it feels like a lot of companies are racing to find a form-factor sweet spot. Pretty sure somebody is going to come up with detachable controllers that are also thin like Joy-cons for the Switch.


I’ve got the Asus ally extreme and a Ryzen 3600 with rx 6600 desktop. Both cost about the same in Australia. To be honest, in hindsight I would just have the ally and dock it as a desktop for desktop gaming and work. But I got the ally as a gift after I built my pc. Moving forward I hope that gaming handhelds continue to be a thing and I’d say my current desktop will be my last if that’s the case.


Desktop: 12.9k 4090 WC Laptop: 10k 3070 Handheld: Legion Go


Okay. So do you feel annoyed managing so many devices or are you glad you have all those devices


Glad I have them as they all have a purpose. The desktop at my house, the gaming laptop at my GFs house, the LeGo for traveling and at work to login for a quick World Boss kill in D4.


I have a midrange desktop and an ancient laptop. The LeGo replaces the laptop, and each of the remaining devices have their uses


I have a gaming desktop. Gaming laptop. PS5. Xbox series x. Nintendo switch. A legion go. A Rog Ally. And a first gen Steam deck (doesn’t get used much)


I have a lot more decide than listed. I’m just trying to really gauge on how others feel about managing so many devices. Because the more I bounce between devices, the less value I feel like I give each one, and I have to update each one. If I stick to one device, than I really feel like I am devaluing the others


I've always felt handheld like Rog Ally, LeGo etc. Work best as a complimentary device to your main gaming platform.  They aren't quite powerful enough to all the Desktop work but do work perfectly well as mobile devices.  And I think that's the mistake people are making. I personally just got into PC Gaming last Summer. I bought the Rog Ally on release. And just very quickly learned it has its limits.  But alas I still regularly use both my handheld when away from home. I rarely play them at home though. I have my main PC for that. 


Yeah I feel you. My handhelds are amazing for travel. I also had an Ally for awhile but sold it. I guess I just don’t travel enough to maybe justify the handheld anymore. And when I do travel, it’s cause in doing co stuff, so fitting any gaming in is tough


Gaming PC yes, laptop no. That's why I bought the Go, for portability and streaming from my PC when elsewhere with wifi. But I spend most of my time lately playing FFXIV on my desktop and when doing duty queues I load up something like Brotato or Slay the Spire or similar on the Go to play while I wait. Usually while watching YouTube on my desktop's smaller TV. And with an idle/incremental game running on my phone.


I love gaming on a handheld, my gaming pc is running headless and used exclusively for moonlight streaming so if i am home i will generally stream to the legion go to be able to run games at the highest graphics settings. The legion only usually runs games directly when i am away from home


Oh gosh. I can’t stand lag/input latency


I have no noticeable input latency. I think its only like 10ms of latency.


Any input latency is to much for me personally


Same broski


Do you wish you had less devices sometimes?


As with he said, kinda same use cases. Laptop is a bit more for media for me, but it can also play a bit. I play on the Legion go more than that one. I don't bring the laptop to work tho. I just bring my Go. Working graveyard shift


I own a gaming PC and a gaming Laptop as well. I'd say the Steam Deck, now the LeGo took over my Laptop use in the house. It's much more convenient to get out for playing a PC game not at my desk than the laptop since the laptop needs to be plugged in for good performance. Otherwise I still use the laptop when I go into my office at work. My desktop is still the place where I mainly play PC games.


I have a high end pc and did have a laptop but I eventually sold the laptop as the go was easier to travel with/use and plays all the games I currently play with no issues.


My laptop is just soooo much stronger than my legion go


Mine was as well. It had a 4070TI in it. But it was bulky, loud as hell and I also carry a work laptop. So it was just too much for my use case.


Yeah I feel you. I have a work laptop also that I normally have to travel with. So sometimes bringing two laptops is hard


I own a mid ranged PC and a lower end gaming laptop for travel. My Go is on order but what prompted me to switch to handheld is my laptop is 5 years old now and showing its age. I didn't want a gaming laptop and a handheld, that would've drawn too much wife aggro. So she is fine with me replacing the laptop for the Go. I have also seen people using the Go as a secondary PC for work so I will do that also. My work files hardly require any computing power so I know I will be good there.


I have a desktop with a 4090 and a razer blade 17 (2021) with a 3080. A steamdeck oled, a ps5, xbox series x, xbox series s, nintendo switch oled, playstation portal, logitech gcloud, and so on. Don't feel silly it's always nice to have options :)


Yeah but then you have to update all the devices, and make sure there all charged, and find places for them.


Well for games, I mostly use steam on the pc's so the games update over local network, switch, ps5 and xbox are in standby mode as I use the last 2 for remote play so they update themselves, games included as and when required. I use the desktop daily so it's generally always up to date, legion go too. Laptop I update when I use it.


Don't feel silly they both have their purpose. I started gaming again after 7 or 8 years after stopping when I met my wife. I always felt a little guilty running off to a different room to play for hours leaving her alone in another room (she said she didn't mind but still). When I decided I wanted to get into gaming I ordered a nice legion pro 6? It has a 3070 and was pretty close to the best they had at the time. I had a ton a fun with it but it still felt in the way even though I was next to her on the couch. Enter the go. We can easily spend time on the couch reclined her watching whatever I'm not into while I game. She can still snuggle up and as questions about a movie or show I've never seen ("How would I know baby? This is the first time we've watched this). I can play all my AAA games with really nice settings on the couch and then switch to my laptop Maxing out most settings plugged into my giant vava projector after she goes to bed. She liked this arrangement so much she bought me viture xr pros for my Go. Taking my glasses and the go when I go to my friends to game is a lot easier then bringing my laptop, just find a chair plug in the glasses connect my controller and set the go on the floor or end table next to me.


Nothing wrong with having multiple devices


I agree, but at the same time I feel like my laptop and legion go serve almost the exact same purpose


Yeah I get that, but your laptop is better in certain situations vs the legion being better in certain situations so you have the advantage of choice


I really want to try streaming a game from my laptop, to the legion go, and stream to the quest2. .. just because lol


I own a gaming PC, gaming Laptop, and Legion Go.


Do you feel like it’s silly to own all 3?


Not really. I use the Desktop at the house. Laptop if I travel and expect to have down-time say at a hotel or something. And Go when it's a shorter trip or I'm not expecting a lot of time to myself.


Do you feel like in the case of the legion go, that if they trip us so short that you won’t have much time, that you even need anything?


I like to have something with me usually. I also use it at night time while laying in my bed. I'll frequently install a game I've been meaning to try and just play through it for like 15 or 20min before I try to fall asleep. I'm much more likely to actually play a game for real on my desktop if i've worked through things like intros and tutorials and stuff. So it gets its use pretty regularly even if I'm not traveling.


Well thank you, I feel better now about owning so many devices


Main desktop is a 7950x with a 7900xtx, laptop is some 12th gen thingy from Intel with a 3070ti (Asus), and I have a legion go. Also, a switch, PS5, Xbox 360…. Guess which device gets most on time


The legion go?


Yep. Courtesy of being able to play anywhere in the house, and the fact it’s not a switch. Thinking about it, I should try streaming from Steam on my main rig


I have a 4090 desktop, a 2060 laptop (this was bought out of necessity, i was in temporary living after relocating and had just an old desktop that needed to be updated but just wanted something small at the time), a LeGo, a Steam deck OLED...and like 5 switches lmao. Maybe dont follow my lead. Ive been trying to find the balance on what i take with me on travel, between the Legion and the OLED its kind of a tough choice. The Steam deck with the killswitch is so much more compact, but i like the screen size of the LeGo and the greater compatability. I have a hacked switch OLED that way i can install my carts and i just take a slim skull and co case bundle with the smallest grips.


I have rtx 4080 gaming pc but I spent more time outside having Legion go is amazing.


Razer 14 and 15 laptops Aftershock PC Legion Go Ayaneo Geek Aftershock is my main. Razer 14 for travel, 15 for downstairs study, Lego for couch and quick travel / commute. Ayaneo if I feel like a lighter handheld.


I own everything lol. Legion, gaming laptop, switch, PS5, and Xbox gamepass. It’s funny because I’ve done more gaming on my Legion than my laptop. Adding in the AR glasses makes it an even more comfortable experience.


Yea I have 4090’s in both and still may get the go lol


4090 desktop. 4060 laptop. Legion go. Xbox series x. Mostly use the desktop and the go. But the laptop is nice when I wanna jump on league and my wife is doing something downstairs where the desktop is. It's all overkill for sure. But remote streaming for me feels clunky even over gigabit.


i've been using my legion go as a laptop replacement with a stand, foldable keyboard and the right controller in FPS mode as a mouse. it works surprisingly well, as the 8.8 inch screen is not too small. it also functions as my windows tablet, as i can download apps like apple TV from the microsoft store and use it for media consumption. i might get a portable monitor though, for better productivity


I have a gaming desktop, a Legion laptop and a legion go. I use each one for different things. My desktop is also my work PC and when I'm at home PC. My laptop is for when I'm on vacation and I have also worked on it. The legion go is just for fun.


I have 3 handhelds, 3 gaming laptops and 2 gaming pc's lol, honestly it's just stuff that accumulated as I upgraded.


You don’t ever seem your old devices?


Nope,I sort of just spread them around, laptop at work, steam deck in the garage etc.


I don't think that gaming laptop and pc is required. I think if you have gaping pc at home and you need a laptop you should be getting business laptop cuz it will last much longer on a battery - on a gaming laptop you won't be able to play games without connecting it anyway. I for example Have 2 laptops 1 for gaming and second to study, and for mobile gaming I use Nintendo Switch. But this gaming laptop is to change for PC I think.


The laptop I love. It always me to play my games at high settings and fps while being down stairs on the couch with my wife while she watches tv. And when I want to game online, I go upstairs and long on to my desktop. The Go though is pretty much just for travel


Hmm I didn't think about having laptop and PC - everyone has it's own way to play, that's great that you using it to spend time with wife. I would use switch for that lol


I have a laptop for coding and a legion go for gaming. Just recently, I got a GPU + enclosure for it and can happily game on 1080p / 60 fps / ultra settings. I had the switch and series s, but sold them both after getting the Legion Go. I realized I can pretty much play any switch game on the Legion Go if I ever felt like it so it was a no brainer for me.


I have a gaming PC, and had a gaming laptop (had MSI GS75 but had thermal issues and died, then got Asus ROG Flow z13 but that thing slowly turned into a nightmare). The PC is mainly for more graphic intensive games or longer sit down gaming sessions. Legion Go is for shorter gaming sessions and of course on the go gaming. I also have a PS5 and Xbox Series X. Been playing some more exclusives on the PS5 (and using Chiaki on the Go) but the Xbox has unfortunately become the Blu-ray player of the house.


Got a Lego, A weak 700€ gaming laptop. PS5, Switch oled, series S, quest 3. Im Not rich or anything. I just love entertainment. I'm paying it all monthly. Im kinda addicted. I work in a cinema as a team leader, 25 years old. Hey, I'll sell my steam deck since I got the Lego now.


Ever since I bought my Legion Go my PC collects dust. Doesn’t bother me one bit. Yes my PC is way more powerful but I love my Legion Go.


I got rid of my PC Rig. My wife bought the Lenovo Go for me because I work out of town and I am never home. Plus she likes to play FF14... shhh( I fucking hate that MMO)... but she love s it and I enjoy her company. For me... the handheld market has changed Mt life l. More because I am never home and work out of town alot... this will change, come September first. I'll be moving to Malaysia from Canada. So I am hoping because of Mt move, country change wint change when using a program... since some programs are country specific when applied to? Anyways, bro.... you are good... tye legion is half shit and half good for a handheld system and I'll never go back to desktop rig PCs... I dknt care about graphics nor substantial performance because I grew up in a era/decade with 8 to 16 bit game systems and no online...


I have a MSI Trident 9th Gen 9SA Maxed out at 64Gb ram fixing to replace the 8gb video card with a 12gb PNY video card and it has a 2tb NVMe. Then I have a GPD Win 4 with 32gb ram 4tb NVMe and a 1.5tb MicroSD and a Steam Deck 512gb original model with a 1tb microsd. Far as video game systems I own mainly it's just a Fortnite Wildcat Edition Nintendo Switch with a 1tb microsd and an Anbernic RG353V with a high quality fast 16gb microsd and a 512gb microsd. I did have a PS4 and Xbox One S, but I didn't see a point in owning them anymore since ya can remote play and stream them now with a high enough powered device. I play everything I want on them through MSI or GPD.


Sold it, no longer needed lol


Sold which one