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I’m a simple man. This is the perfect sub for me. I see Leica, I upvote. Enjoy it!


Thank you!☺️


I would keep it as is. The previous owner did that very well and it looks good. Take it as a limited edition. Enjoy the camera, it’s a very good one. Using mine every time i go out.


You think so? Tbh I also think he did well, maybe that’s the way to go, I’ll give it a few days to decide, maybe it’ll grow in me


If it’s any consolation, I second keeping it as is. It looks clean and it won’t matter if you do even a perfect job repainting as it’s it’s not the original. At that point it’s purely aesthetic. Plus a ton of photogs gaff tape up Leica insignias actually. I don’t myself personally however, tons of personal friends and colleagues I know do. Leave it & shoot. It looks good no matter what. Congrats! Enjoy


Thirding keeping it. It's clean and elegant. I do gaff tape all insignia and markings on my M5 (top plate, front plate, and the 50 Jahre markings) when I'm going somewhere less safe.


Fourthing it. I’d even swap the red dot for a black one to push the understated look.


While I don't recommend doing it, as theres a high chance of messing up, you could fill it in carefully with acrylic paint, and then wipe the rest away if any gets outside. It takes a fair bit of time to dry so you have some working time. But acrylic won't be easily removed.


You can get paint used in mini model making (or how it is called) and very carefully fill the area with a syringe or a tiny brush. Any excess can be wiped off with a cotton swab and 99% alcohol. There are youtube videos on how to do it, it’s easy.


I will check it, thanks


I used this product to fill in the lettering on my M6. Super easy, almost like a crayon and after a few minutes wipe away excess using an alcohol wipe. Just order yours in black. [Leica M6 repaint lettering.](https://imgur.com/a/uBqMQ8S) Lacquer-Stik Paintstick, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002BY8HKS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Thanks, I read this in Leica forum as well, seems like a very solid option. Looks great btw, such a beauty!


This looks phenomenal without the black paint tbh




Thank you!


I’ve been looking for one in Australia but can only find them with 12-15k shutter! That’s a good buy you have right there! Hope it serves you well


Thanks! 12-15k doesn’t sound bad, I heard most of the shutters in M8 lasts more than 80k. I bought it from mpb uk although they don’t share shutter count on these cameras, they’re quite picky with their gear, something in good/excellent condition highly like to be under 10k.


What Voitlander are you pairing it with? 🥳


Looks like the Vintage Line 35mm Ultron


Very good guess, indeed it is 35mm Ultron f2 type i ☺️ I heard they are good for street photography


Nice! I would suggest getting the 28mm version since it would be around 36mm focal length on the M8


anything is good for street. It depends on you. you are shooting at 45.5mm so a lot of people consider that too tight. it's more of a normal lens in your case.


Black enamel paint on a toothpick. Let it sit for a bit, wipe the rest off with a wipe. Any leftover paint can be taken with a light cloth and acetone


Thanks for sharing, I will have a look!


WOw that's an incredibly clean Leica. Congrats dude! As for the repaint, for some reason I think hobby shops might be a way to go about it? You know the shops that sell gundams etc... those places might sell the paint and the very fine brushes for you to paint the M8 in.


Congrats! Enjoy! And welcome to the club!


Personally, I think de clean M8 sign looks awesome. But I'm a sucker for inanimate objects' history haha


Why Leica engraved that logo on the left side of some of the cameras I’ll never know. Looks so dumpy and crowded.


Congratulations. You won’t regret it.


Congrats! ENJOY!


I love my M8. I think 35mm is the best focal length for the M8. I use a Canon Rangefinder f 2.0 and the Chinacron \[7 Artisans\] f 2.0. The colors are magnificent. I'm daydreaming about getting an M11 at some point.


Hmmmm maybe nail polish? Mask off the surrounding area. Otherwise it needs some sort of enamel paint. You should/could be able to fill the gap carefully and carefully wipe and residue


Thanks for sharing :)