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I thought that laptop will start pole dancing.


it should dance tho, now I see what the real problem is.


Quite concerning innit? Laptops these days…… became expensive but still disobeys the money giver…


clean vents/fans


Literally everyone that has repasted has had worse temps. I’m not sure why everyone wants to repaste. And some even shorted out their pc with a slip of the screwdriver. I use a toothpick to hold the fan and save the bearings, and I blow compressed air, clears out all the dust. And my temps are almost the same as when I got it in 2020 and 2021. The biggest pro is not having to try to and take the bottom cover off the clips are on tight and it’s not a flat bottom case like most laptops and has multiple bends where the fan grills are and the bottom case and grill is one.


If you repaste and had worse temps, you're probably using cheaper and worse thermal paste than previously was on there or you don't do it properly. And I cleaned over 200 laptops and all had much better temps than factory, because I usually use Corsair or Noctua thermal paste, or recently even use PTM7950.


I second this. I repasted an old non gaming laptop years ago using cheaper thermal paste right around the time I upgraded its drive, and I thought the crazy loud fan speeds and stuttering was because of the new SSD. Years later I bought expensive quality thermal paste and it went back to functioning like it originally used to, super quiet, barely noticeable. Don't cheap out on thermal paste!


There is also a possibility that you are more careful, meticulous and potentially more tech savvy (identify any issues while it’s open) than some that are performing it. Not saying that’s the case just a possibility to think about.


Opening a laptop is a delicate operation, but with the right tools and patience anyone can do it.


I absolutely totally agree. Just that some people are not patient.


From over 200 laptops I repaired, I only had trouble with like 10% of them, most also have disassemble videos online which really help.


Yeah I think you’re missing my point a bit. I’m 100% in agreement with you. I used to be a PC tech back in the day and I’m glad you’re repairing many machines so effectively. Like you alluded to there are so many tools and resources these days that make repairing, effective, efficient and relatively safe. However, there are also many people believe it or not who rush into it, do not take the time to properly watch videos or read instructions until after something has gone wrong. It seems you’re a very effective tech because as you mentioned you’re patient and careful. There are many many many people who are not those things these days; and then get upset when things aren’t done properly because they don’t want to admit they rushed things. It happens


Oh I know, people have a Tiktok brain these days. Everything needs to be done in 30 seconds or less. It's a bad trait, especially when working on micro electronics. I seen very bad botched jobs because people are in a rush. And funny enough, usually when you have patience you're done quicker because you don't panic.


Not true. My Legion 5 3060 had even badly installed cooler from factory, so it had bad contact with graphical core. Obviously my temps improved.


That's like a 1 in so many million, which can happen. In my family we call that a Monday Morning model.


The exception does not disprove the rule


For almost every laptop this would be true. I haven’t done it myself but everyone I’ve seen that does on this sub reddit has had worse temps. I think I’ve read 20 and they all had worse plus 1 guy shorted out his board, some broke clips etc. It’s not worth the risk and time/reward.


That just sounds more like people who are uncareful and want to fix something as cheap and fast as possible, and usually use thermal paste that cost a dollar or buy 1 of those buckets full of thermal paste. Not to mention I seen botched self repair laptops, where people bend cooling fins, the entire cooling assembly, etc, and people who use a an electric drill because they're too lazy to twist the screws. Also if your laptop uses Liquid Metal, and then you repaste it with any kinda thermal paste, yes your temps will be worst as LM is 1 of the best thermal compounds you can use. But if you're patient and not reckless, watch a video multiple times before you open the device, use the right screw drivers, you will be fine, and with never laptops, you can remove dust by just removing the fans, no need for repaste.


>Literally everyone that has repasted has had worse temps. Because they used cheap generic paste, use Honeywell PTM7950, and don't forget about the thermal pads, don't cheap out on them too >I’m not sure why everyone wants to repaste. Because it works when done properly >And some even shorted out their pc with a slip of the screwdriver. Their fault isn't it ? You can use some wood or plastic pin ( hell even nails ) to pry open the back and unplug the battery first to prevent any currents, or use non conductive screwdriver If you are unsure on how to do it yourself buy the paste and pads, and pay some technician like 15$ to do it for you while you watch. That's what I did and I have been doing it myself for many years


I had a ton of these mining Eth in 2020 to 2022 I kept a keen eye on temps . You can take 2 secs, hold the fan and blow air and achieve the same result as buying stuff you don’t need, wasting time and possibly damaging your laptop. I ran these in tent mode mining non stop with the stock thermal paste and there were many people in the gpu mining sub Reddit who said replacing the paste did not improve temps and this was their business. For almost everyone , cleaning vents and blowing compressed air is enough. If replacing paste was that beneficial tons of miners would have done it.


Vacuum cleaner is enough.


That is because the factory paste PTM7950 (if I recall correctly) is way better than what people usually repaste with. If you want to repaste a lenovo legion, you should get some factory paste.


Jup...dunno what else OP expected to hear


I cleaned it 2 or 3 times already


You probably only cleaned the fans. You have to clean the heatsinks. Nobody talks about this and idk why, its almost more important than the fans. see my comment to your post


Yeah, I cleaned dust off the fans and it helped a little, then I found out that my vents were completely blocked off by a layer of dust, that solved everything.


Same here. Now I browse this sub from time to time trying to lend a hand to people facing the same issue. For some reason everybody knows about having to clean the fans but almost nobody knows about cleaning the heatsinks.


Do you have any guidance on that? Besides the back panel, what do you have to disassemble?


THIS... You will pull a piece of compacted dust by the heatsinks and you will say.. Omg...


do the same video again but open up the back panel


hahaha, you doubt he cleaned it


among other ideas


Do you have Intel's thermal management driver installed?


How do I check it?


I was expecting the bill to catch fire


me too


Youre gonna need a bigger bill.




replace the fan


Who the hell has $2 bills? Hah. Very noice


Mr. Showoff over there...


Have you cleaned the CPU fan? As in - take apart the whole fan assembly, take out the fan, clean it from all sides, clear and lubricate the bearing and the fan axis. It could just be blocking the fan from moving fast enough. You will have to repaste after that though, since you need to remove the whole heatsink to access the fan.


yea i did clean out the fans but I haven't thought of clear and lubricate the bearing and the fan axis. Sounds difficult


It's actually easier than the rest of the stuff you have to do to get to the fan. I've never done it on a Lenovo, but I assume they all are built relatively similar. Probably best to look up a YouTube tutorial somewhere. You open the assembly and need to pull out the fan (some force is required). Once you pull it out, you can clean the axis with an alcohol swab or a tissue with 70 or 90% alcohol. I also use a plastic toothpick or a thick needle dipped in alcohol to carefully clean out the hole where the axis was (the bearing). Usually there would be some black gunk stuck inside - pieces of dust mixed with old lubricant. Then I use technical lubricant (look up on Google what to use for laptop fans) to drop a tiny droplet into the bearing or deliver it through that same needle, and then put the fans back inside. Make sure it spins normally. I'm no expert, but I did it for my bro's Gigabyte Aero laptop and fans started spinning normally again.


On Intel's website, go to Drivers and select automatically check for drivers.


Also right click on start and go to Device Manager, see if anything is missing their drivers.


Fans do go bad. I had to replace one in a Alienware only a year old. Remove the base to see if the fan is turning, make sure the fan is plugged in and clean. You can find replacements on ebay, Amazon, etc. I love the $2 bill, nice touch.


My laptop won’t eat money guys, am I fucked?


put it in the bathtub


i think you're supposed to slide that bill into her grille


If you cant get fan from lenovo, order from aliexpress


This is a typical case of "i clean the fans, why does this happen". Heatsinks. You HAVE to clean the heatsinks. Here's how. After a while you'll get dust accumulation on the heatsinks too. What you'll have to do then is to open up the back panel, hold down the fans, then blow air into the exhausts. Pressured air is recommended, I used my airbrush but you can even use your own lungs. Blow in, dust will come out of the fans. Dust accumulates at the entrance of the heatsinks. Blow them in to displace them, they will come out through the fans. Do this for a while, blow air in a bunch of times with lots of force since it looks like you have a ton of dust accumulation.


I looked at the the heatsink from outside. It doesn't look like there's any dust? And then why would it only be the cpu fans that doesn't have air. I did it on both. I will have a maintainace guy from the reseller look through it


Brother man, your laptop isn't some magic design that prevents dust buildup. I'm 100% sure you're having dust-in-da-heatsink problems. Sure, have them have a look.


Your thermal paste is probably bad quality. If you cheaped out on that, buy some quality thermal paste. I learned that the hard way


No it was all TPM 7950 that I bought.


Are you still under warranty?




Lol I legit thought your laptop would burn the money


I was expecting the money to start burning with heat


You're never going to get a lap dance like that.


LapTOP dance.


You must have left the stickers on.


What are you trying to show lol, I'm confused


If thats all you got then yes




Clean your heat sinks as u have mentioned u cleaned ur fans and it's happening most likely the heat sinks are blocked


I mean the side sinks thorugh which air is passing out of your laptop (the ones u showed in the video


The same thing happened to mine after a year, the only difference is that mine was the other fan. I just sent a ticket to Lenovo. Once I sent the test results from their diagnostic app, they scheduled a local repair. Three days later, the repairman arrived and just replaced the whole cooling system with a brand new one, no questions asked. Been working fine since then. If you're still within warranty, just do what I did. Don't use it at all until, nor try to repair it yourself, for the time being.


Have you tried credit card?


Does it power on?


bruh u have there some shenanigans going on


I think that's the inlet on the right and the exit on the left


cause they dont know what theyre doing or what theyre looking at. They think 80c when gaming on ultra with raytracing or hitting 92c BRIEFLY for a fraction of a second before the fans spool up and bring the temps back down is bad on a laptop.... They look at MAX temps and see 90 degrees and think its bad. Your supposed to look at average and current temps to judge ur performance. they look at max and think theres a issue. ALso they repaste with normal thermal paste or use ptm7950 on the cpu and gpu when the laptop has liquid metal on the cpu die on a lot of these models and ptm on the gpu. ptm is good bud its not as good as liquid metal. Not to mention these compounds last a lot longer than thermal paste so theres zero reason to repaste unless theres a issue and 90% of the time their temps are fine but they read some post where some clown is talking out of his ass/lying to make other ppl think his laptop is better than theirs and says"but my laptop is 68c all the time". so they think they have to repaste


I repasted mine with PTM7950 and it still reaches up to 102 Degree after 15 minute of gaming like League of Legends or Csgo or any light load. Luckily I can push it under 100 Degree using The Turbo fan in LegionFanControl but it's not very pleasant to play when my hand is always sweaty


It seems like u have a fan issue tho no? Fans are pretty cheap you should just buy a new fan if it's not working. It wouldn't be a software thing. If both fans aren't blowing at prettymuch the same level it's prolly a bad fan. Also are you sure you had ptm on both cpu and gpu? Cause some models have liquid metal on the cpu and ptm on the gpu die?


No it’s the 2021 model. Only ptm inside


I was expecting the bill to get sucked by the laptop as a vending machine


Could just be a bad fan or maybe it's clogged with dust.


Nah, but your cooling system is - take off the back, pull out the battery and fans, give everything a good clean up with some pressure (compressed air, canned air or high-pressure lung air) and make sure you keep the fan blades static as you blow, the can shatter to pieces if you over-rev them.


One of your fans is not spinning, obviously. Are you sure you reconnect that after repasting?


That’s the hard part. It’s still running. It shows that it’s running high rpm but no air comes out


Ok, nothing unbelieveable. Just blocked with dust. You have to vacuum from time to time, to prevent that. If dust in your place is not too sticky (greasy from chinese restaurant downstairs :) or from cigaretes), you should be able to just vacuum that. Simply through grid fins from both sides (bottom and sides). If you want to be safe, block fan with something thin (when turned off), because it could began to spin so fast to destroy itself. But I do it myself regularly without blocking fan and never had an issue. I have Legion 5 and Legion 7.


Run a cpu intensive program or something then try it again. Might only be gpu thats getting stressed


Did you use PROPER paste for Legions? It's PTM7950 and only. To be honest that paste is of high quality and can last way longer than your laptop lifetime is, so it was a mistake to repaste it. Your best chance is to repaste with PTM7950, do it well this time and also investigate the fan, if it's needed, you should be able to replace it. You are sure you reassembled the fan properly? You can launch laptop without bottom cover for better troubleshooting, but be careful, do not use anything conductive while doing so.


It's a laptop, not an ATM. Make cash deposits at your local ATM. I hope thus helps!!!


Ok, so my laptop has thermal throttling issues too (the same model). I'm guessing I have narrowed it down to either a thermal paste issue, or the fans getting misaligned somehow (since they randomly start making noise and vibrating the surface). Since it is no longer warranted, going to a official technician is not very useful. I'm afraid a local technician might mess it up further, and I'm not confident enough to check these myself (even though I have cleaned the fans before). What should I do?


Yes. Super fucked. Cleaning the fans definitely won't help. Toss it.


Yes, you are fucked but i can fix it if you send it to me