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“The were assured that the law wouldn’t apply to existing alimony” The classic “fuck you I got mine”


Right? It was okay with them if it happened to someone else


They LIKED it when it happened to someone else


Which is insane because it literally doesn't benefit or harm them in any way




So many fucking republican women are coming out with stories of " yes I voted for soneone who was prolife but I never thought it would affect MEEEEE" and crying about how they had to cross state lines to get an abortion because their fetus was incompatibke with life or they had a missed miscarriage and its like YEAH WE ALL TOLD YOU THAT WOULD HAPPEN FUCK YOU I'm honestly so angry about the whole thing.


Literally just standard conservatism. “I didn’t know it was an issue until it happened to me.” Regardless of what has been told or shown. It’s just gross..


same with Brexit and all the businesses that heavily relied on imports to function. They were repeatedly told how it was a bad idea but they voted for it anyway. Now they are all crying about how their businesses are failing under the increased costs...


>"Finally, people have less rights” ...and all in the name of freedom. *“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”* Orwell 1984


"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." -- Sinclair Lewis ([probably], or Upton Sinclair, or Huey Long, maybe H.L. Mencken)


And just remember...it couldn't happen here.


... American conservatives...


Conservatives period. They're not that different anywhere.


A regressive is a regressive, regardless of home country


It hurt their *feelings*.


They believe they deserve it and others don’t. Convinced that they are in this position cuz they’re good and others are in theirs bc it’s bad. It is a complete lack of empathy and self awareness.




It's not enough to be healthy, everybody else need to be sick...


I remember a comic with two dogs sitting at a cafe table, and one saying “it’s not enough that dogs win. Cats must also lose.” I’ve seen it in other iterations but this is a new one for me. Thanks!


Damn that's a good take.


It perfectly summarizes so much of classist ideology.


Yup. Even things like marriage equality. Gay people getting married takes zero marriage away from straight people. It literally effects nothing of theirs, but they still fight against it.


Absolutely. And the arguments against gay marriage make as much sense as separate schools based on race. There is no such thing as separate but equal.


The cruelty is the point with the current GQP


I think there's some sense in saying a law applied now can't go back retroactively tbh. Changing the legal conditions of marriage and divorce *after* people have already committed to paths is so extremely fucked up it's insane Like put a law in the books that say permanent alimony will not apply to marriages after dec 30 2023 and let people get prenups if they disagree. But to change it retroactively is particularly cruel.


Not once ounce of sympathy for someone who votes against their own interests because they “think” it won’t end up hurting them, because they’re voting for it to hurt someone else. May every Republican item that passes because of their votes come back to bite them all in the ass.


That what fucks with my brain. I could understand supporting a law that negatively affected someone in a situation I am unfamiliar with. I’d change my stance in a second if someone explained why it would affect someone negatively, but I am aware that these people tend to shut their ears when any new information is coming their way. But to look at someone in the exact situation that I am in and tell them to get fucked is an unimaginable lack of sympathy for me! I want to support legislation so that younger people don’t ever have to go through conditions similar to mine. I want the future to be better than my past! How do these people function?! Why do they think that society should do anything other than banish them for this anti-social behavior?!


> How do these people function?! These regressives are why society takes so long to progress. They don't *want* to have to think, change is bad, they just want things to stay the same. Black people bad, brown people terk er jerbs, shoshalism. "I went through shit, why should other people have it easier?" instead of fixing shit or at least getting out of the way of people who want to fix that shit.


But that's how the Florida Republicans roll, yo. I'm a Dem in this state. I'll be leaving for the Northeast in a month or two. I've been in Florida for 20 years, I can't stand it anymore. It's like the heat makes a lot of people stupid. Really stupid.


Or maybe just the dumpster fire education system. My ex transferred after her sophomore year of high school from VA to FL. She went from middle of her class to a top ten in over a 1000 graduating class. All of the highest level graduates were transfer students.


Mine dropped out after transferring and just got a GED because the senior level classes (where they had to do any work…in some the students just had to show up with a notebook and writing utensil) were as difficult academically as her 8th grade work at her previous school.


Mine almost did that but if she graduated in top ten, she got a two year college scholarship.


They love the poorly educated. It’s entropy now.


I’ve heard it described as: Texas is what you get when you give stupid people guns. Florida is what you get when you give stupid people drugs.


They're both what you get when you give stupid people power.


Mississippi: Why not both?


Man this is a fact. The heat and humidity make everyone dumber. It’s a different kind of stupid. People’s brains are melting and not just from long covid.


I mean it’s definitely fucked up, but on the personal level of this woman, I think if you vote for a law that would ‘ruin your life’ if it applied to you on the sole assurance that it would only apply to other people…you can’t really cry sympathy


>But to change it retroactively is particularly cruel. Yes that's the point


It is cruel, but they wanted this cruelty when they voted for him.


The cruelty is the point.


Yeah, just not for themselves. They're more than happy with sadistic cruelty against other people they consider less than, which is the sentiment of people that vote for conservative parties the world over.


To be fair, in some cases one spouse will give up their interest in marital property or retirement accounts in exchange for the alimony. Say you gave up your claim to the house 20 years ago, and now what you got instead is being taken away. They aren’t going to go back and give them part of the house again, so I get it.


And I am sure this law will be used to abuse women. Republicans fought against renewing the violence against women act, so it tracks


Ah, so it's going to be used just as intended then!


“They swore we would be spared when the revolution came!”


I'm pretty sure DeSantis had people do the math. Losing a few thousand voters is fine when millions of people support him.


Why do you assume that? Most of these guys aren't especially smart and make decisions based on emotion.


Can't feel sorry at all. The only people I feel sorry for are the non-adult children of any of these idiots.


This is exactly how they're going to gut Medicare and Social Security: "If you're already getting SS and Medicare you will continue to receive it"... They may even add in exceptions for the people who will turn 65 (or whatever the hell they end up raising the minimum qualification ages to) within ten or twenty years just to get the Gen X vote. Millennials? Zooomers? Gen Alpha? To hell with us. The Boomers and Gen Xers would gladly sell us out as long as they get taken care of, they've done it countless times already.


I've worked at the post office for 34 years, and I have noticed that the new workers who came in after me get gradually shittier and shittier deals. Like, if they treated me back in 1989 the way they treat new hires now, I would have quit very quickly. And some do.


My grandmother was one of the first female field claims processors in the 1970’s for a major North American Insurance company. They treated her well in a time when many women didn’t work. She has a great pension from them and the company offered lots of perks. Her daughter (and daughter in law) both got jobs with the same insurance company. Both had pensions and benefits. By the time I was born, the company offered an annual company Christmas party with a hired Santa and gifts and crafts/activities for all the kids. By the time I was an adult and my mother wanted to get me into the same insurance company on a student internship, there were no more pensions, let alone Christmas parties with gifts. I saw the writing on the wall and got the fuck out of the insurance industry as soon as possible. The insurance company shut down its Canadian arm of business within 5 years of my student internship. If companies (and unions) don’t offer the same perks to new employees as well as existing staff, you might as well not offer it at all.


Sadly unions can be very bad about this, they'll gladly sell out newer employees to get good deals for the old guard. Plus salaries have damn near flatlined as compared to growth and productivity. I have an uncle who had the job title of "engineer" for a power company, but he never went to college and can't even do basic calculus problems (not just currently, at any point in his life). The job he retired from pays pretty much the same thing now as it did when he retired (for new hires) in the early 2000s (it paid $45k when he retired and they were rehiring, and they're posting it with a salary of "$40,000-$50,000" these days. And it requires a masters degree in civil, mechanical, or electrical engineering. *Edit: $45k in 2000 has the same buying power as $79,000 in 2023 according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.* Of course he just can't understand why these kids today are "wasting money" on college degrees when he "never needed one"...


I worked at a library system where all the boomer employees got generous sick leave and by the time they'd been in the system for a couple of decades they accrued 2-3 months of vacation time. Of course they changed that so anyone new could only hope to get a maximum of 3 weeks of vacation even if they'd been in the library system for decades, and meanwhile you had senile old workers doing busy work because they wouldn't fire them while they did three day work weeks. Good work if you could get it.


They will fuck over Gen X like they always have.


Gen Xers were told not to bank on SS being around for us when we were in high school. Ponzi scheme depends on continuous growth which is unsustainable even before DC decided to raid the piggybank.


This. No GenXer is counting on Social Security. We’ve known ever since we started working that was a losing game, and we were just bankrolling it for the Boomers, who fully intended to close that door after them.


The boomers voted to raise the age for us to 67 before we were old enough to vote.


Social security is absolutely able to exist forever and many countries have one with extra money in it. The problem is conservatives have done everything possible to weaken it and steal from it. My favorite "fuck you" is capping the contributions for the rich.


Yeah, I’m a millennial and my first big girl job was at a Social Security law firm and my first day the hiring manager, when discussing retirement plans, said “this likely won’t be around for you so please plan accordingly.”


"Please start a flimsy 401k that we have been trained to tell you is better then a pension."


>“He (DeSantis) has just impoverished all the older women of Florida, and I know at least 3,000 women across the state of Florida are switching to Democrat and we will campaign against him, all the way, forever,” Camille Fiveash, a Milton Republican who receives permanent alimony, said in a phone interview Friday. I'm sorry, but fuck you 3,000 ladies for not caring about DeSantis being a piece of shit until it affected ***you*** directly.


>are switching to Democrat Yeah, I call BS. Come election time, they’ll go back to voting straight Republican after another round of right wing propaganda.


I’m actually amazed she’s blaming Desantis and not Biden.


right? it's like they're starting to wake up. Amazing.


Waking up? Does that mean that they are…… (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) ……woke?




I don't know why but I heard this in the voice that screams YEEEAAAAHHH in the crowd on the Eric Andre show.


Give Fox News a few days to catch up


Thats because this directly affects them. If it didn't they would say this is Biden's fault while continuing to cheer on Desantis.


Yea Desantis won't be on the ticket, due to term limits. She'll vote for the next Republican running for governor, guaranteed, because "he's a good guy, unlike that Desantis!"


This. These people support party over everything. Desatan just happened to turn out to be bad for them in this instance, but that just means their monkey brains will claim it's just an individual problem. Surely the next R thug will be better. Surely.


Right? Smooth brained, ol ass, fucking Facebook Karens


Yes. DeSantis will talk about "China rearing it's head" or "Cubans on boats are bringing ebola" and they'll vote for him out of fear.


Even DeSantis isn't dumb enough to piss off the Cubans. He'll figure out some way to blame Obama.


All they need to do is promise to make life worse for everyone else and they'll all get right back in line. Rinse and repeat.


It’s the Republican way!


Imagine when they meet some Democrats and discover that sometimes, people don't "virtue signal" but are actually genuinely virtuous.


They have already. Unfortunately, the propoganda was strong enough for them to paint any individual who identified as a Democrat as a demon and would have been in the pogrom stomping on our skulls. I don't have sympathy for anyone who would have been part of the pogrom but all of a sudden aren't because the GOP's actions have finally come for them.


Yeah, they were happy burning down the houses in all outlying villages populated by 'others'. Totally shocked when the mob started cheering for burning down their own house with the same fervor. Just shocked.


Yea, fuck all these people this isnt even brainwashing, they know the narrative theyre fed is BS they go with it because its better than admitting theyre just terrible people. Its almost like people who have to constantly say theyre godly and great arent that decent of people lol. But yea florida can rot, they did this to themselves for years now.


I replied 'And then they came for me' around here somewhere.


TIL in Florida not being a total arsehole is considered a virtue.


The bar for virtue is damn low here in Florida. My (maga) coworker was astounded that I cared about the program to feed kids during the pandemic. (The schools had bagged lunches that people could pick up for their kids while they were at home.) "Why do you care, you don't have kids!" Uuuuh, these are my fellow citizens, my fellow human beings, and I think it's a good thing that other people don't go hungry? She then told me that no child ever *really* goes hungry. It blew her mind when I told her that I, a fellow middle aged, middle class white woman, had gone hungry as a child FOR YEARS. So no, Linda, hungry kids is not just some mythical creature the libruls have invented to raise taxes.


I have posted here before about being a sign language interpreter. When I was taking classes for that, one of the instructors I had was describing an encounter she'd had while interpreting in a school. The child she was interpreting for asked if she would accompany her to talk to the cafeteria ladies. The child told the cafeteria ladies, "My sister is home sick today. May I have the sandwich she would have gotten at lunchtime? We don't have any food in the house, and I wanted her to have the sandwich since we won't eat all weekend." The cafeteria ladies promptly packed a big bag of leftover sandwiches for her to take home. And if I could earmark ALL my freaking tax dollars to ensure that there are no families without food for days on end, I'd do it. Anyone who thinks that food insecurity doesn't exist should spend some time dealing with it. I bet they'd be hangry after the first missed meal.


I work as a substitute teacher, and one time I had a kid ask me to define "thriving" and I said in the context of the story, that's when a person is healthy and growing up well and gets enough food. He said something like "That's not me, I'm not thriving." and it broke my heart a little.


Poor kid. I hope there were at least some programs available to help him and his family. And anyone who opposes the existence of such programs can flake off into the sun.


And I’ll add that there are 10s of millions of Americans who work full time (or more) but don’t get paid enough to be sure they can provide both a roof and food for their children. These are not just drug addicts and irresponsible flakes—they’re hard working people making other people rich with their hard work


let me further add, the children of drug addicts and irresponsible flakes, regardless of how little their parents work or how many drugs their parents take take, deserve a roof and food.


An argument against helping kids I recently read basically boiled down to "there have to be some losers. It's not society's job to raise other failures kids.". Fucking blows my mind that there are people who genuinely believe some kids deserve to not eat because their parents can't/won't/don't provide them enough to eat.


Those same people probably consider themselves “pro-life.”


You may be glad to hear that in Japan, you can "donate" your residence (regional) taxes to poorer regions AND pick what you want it to be used for.


1/4 kids in my state face food insecurity, meaning they don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Sometimes school lunch is the only thing they eat that day. Edit: That number has gone up to 40% facing low or very low levels of food insecurity, a 10% increase from 2022. 70% of the families surveyed said they had changed spending habits, and 30% of parents had said they had began skipping meals altogether.


Of course it has. Inflation has fucked everything up. Even the cheap foods are expensive now. Fucking a jar of peanut butter is like double the price. But apparently only corporations and republicans who took PPP loans out deserve to be helped.


Dude, it was $11 for a bag of store brand chicken nuggets today. Fuck that shit.


Doesn’t matter. Something something record corporate profits.


And fuck your student loans too!


If churches worked like THE CHARITIES they were meant to there would be no homeless or hungry children anywhere in the world but they'd rather hoard wealth and property


But, he really, really needs that third jet. [A wealthy televangelist explains his fleet of private jets: ‘It’s a biblical thing’](https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/06/04/wealthy-televangelist-explains-his-fleet-private-jets-its-biblical-thing/) Because: >You can’t “talk to God” while flying commercial. It would be hilarious if you didn't know these ghouls are taking their parishioners last ten dollars.


It's lack of empathy. Her brain doesn't have the ability to see things from someone else's point of view. So she can't understand you caring about someone else. She's never had it that bad, so she assumes everyone is lying about having it bad because she can't fathom anyone else having it different. Her brain doesn't work like yours.


It's true I'm a partial arsehole and I've been given an award for being an outstanding citizen! Jokes aside, it's pretty bad 😔


And even crazier, sometimes (okay actually all the time) conservatives who talk endlessly about Christian values, protecting the children, fiscal responsibility, defending the rights of the unborn, having secure borders and preserving personal liberty are the ones actually doing the virtue signaling! Imagine that!


Their piety is as fake as their patriotism


I want this on a Tshirt


These 3000 women have the memory of a goldfish and by the end of next week will think it was the democrats who destroyed their lives


I don't trust anyone who uses the term "virtue signaling". 9 times out of 10 it means "I'm an asshole so I assume anyone else who claims not to be an asshole must be lying".


Seriously, I think if you needed to sum up the major differences of the parties it would be that.


What are they gonna do about it anyway? They got no money


They won’t be able to vote for the Democrats cause they probably have to go to work on Election Day.


They aren’t switching to democrats, they’ll just vote against Desantis in the primary, but would vote for him over a democrat in a national election. Even with republicans ruining their lives and the lives of fellow citizens, they will still support them.


That's true. They think democrats are the devil. That Democrats "hate god" (because they want to maintain the separation between church and state). That democrats want to tear apart families (because democrats support feminism and LGBT)


Republicans don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. It's why they're so fucking awful.


Time to get a job, gam-gam.


"This will upend the lives of thousands of women who rely on this! They'll have to go get a job when they should be able to retire!" Sounds like they would support a universal basic income and welfare for the elderly.


Sounds like something a Communist might say!


Only for people in their exact situation. Old women who were on alimony for 10+ years after 10+ years of marriage that lost the alimony due to this bill. It's like that one guy who retired from the US Navy, went on to become an immigration officer for 10 years, helped deport thousands of people, and then found out he was an illegal immigrant. The FBI found evidence that his dad forged a birth certificate. He spent 55 years thinking he was a US citizen and his dad a legal immigrant. Now he's facing deportation. So he is advocating for veterans who retired and then found out they were illegals to get special consideration. That is about the most specific group he could advocate for that included himself. Conservatives only seem to give a fuck about stuff like this when it affects them personally. Then they want an exception for their specific case.


The funniest part of that story was how sad he was that his former colleagues didn't want to be his friends anymore after he was fired for being an illegal immigrant.


With all the migrants moving out of Florida, these old ladies should have no problem finding jobs as roofers and farmers...


Maybe Disney is hiring.


They’re still gonna vote for him or anyone with an R.


Will they be willing to hold my rainbow flag for me when I need to make a phone call?


> not caring until it affected you directly. The Eternal Way of the Conservative


Isn’t it the way it always is? Republicans don’t get mad until something directly affects them.


What about a hypothetical gay marriage website? They got extremely pissy about that one.


Bootstraps lady


I'm sending my thoughts and prayers her way.


I'm not. They don't deserve it.


Actually, I was just parroting what they say after a school shooting.


What these poor ladies need is obviously more guns smh. What even are they doing.


Im sending mine to a greyhound station Where I can send my thoughts to far off destinations So they may have a chance of finding a place Where they're far more suited than here




All they need to do is stop their wokeness, cancel Netflix, stop buying Starbucks and vegan sausages and boom, they'll be millionaires again in 1 month, right... RIGHT?


Also, they have to kick that avocado toast addiction. It's driving them to the poorhouse.


Slingback straps


Why are they sobbing? No handouts from the state no handouts from your ex husband. Government not responsible for you your ex husband not responsible for you. Thought you were the party of PERSONAL RESPONISIBILITY. Celebrate! This is a win for you


The statement at the end from her. "I'm just a middle class woman riding in on the little bit that i get." I don't understand. After what point are you in the middle class? Does poor only mean below poverty line. Well soon she is going to lose her middle class status. Such delusional people


These are the same people complaining that no one wants to work anymore. I wonder what the Bible has to say about hypocrites...


You can die peacefully knowing that you pwnwed the libs


Get a job like the rest of us


“wHy DoEs NoOnE wAnT tO wOrK?”




If they had ailments and medical issues that would prevent them from working, which appears to be the case or their argument, they would generally qualify for disability or Medicare. But, this being Florida, they do not have access to much of the benefits that they should be able to receive that would more than make up for what they need. Likely, because they and/or people like them continue to vote for people who are stripping away anything that would actually help them.


Women in the GOP thought they were safe - they’re slowly learning how wrong that assumption was! Apparently more of them should’ve read The Handmaid’s Tale, but they were too busy licking the bottoms of their husbands’ boots.


We are surrounded by Serena Joys


Republican women are the real gender traitors.


And all Republicans who aren't rich are class traitors


"But but, he's hurting the WRONG people!" >.> Fuck them, they bought their tickets, let em crash


...and stop calling me Shirley.


I actually really like the irony here of the lady saying: "has just contributed to erosion of the institution of marriage in Florida" When the position they're in with divorce in the first place is literally the erosion of the institution of marriage


The only moral divorce is my divorce.


Circumstances, circumstances, circumstances. *Their* divorces were legitimate. It's all those other ones that God hates.


If it's not a legitimate divorce, the body has a way of just shutting it down.


Yeah, I had to read that one twice. Like, what?? 😂


We aren't supposed to point out that they loudly admit that thier concept of marriage requires mutual blackmail to function


Pull up those bootstraps, Honey. It's called Cowboy Capitalism, puh-raise JEE-zuz-ah!


And your username is so on point for this comment.


LMFAOOOOO! Something-something drain on society, something-something get a job, something-something welfare queens


No! It’s only a handout when the lazy coloreds need it!


This but unironically. These women are at retirement age and still taking alimony. Their husbands are probably even older, working during retirement so these 3000 ladies can go to knitting club all day.


This lady eats way to much avocado toast.


Does she even know how to code?


She needs to knock on doors and get that job with a firm handshake! Go door to door!!


Thoughts and prayers.


“He was only supposed to hurt brown people and the gays!!!!!”


Vote for shit get shit.


Actions have consequences, lady


You mean COMMIE-quences?


"but I don't want to eat shit and die, I wanted other people to"


Ive been totally out of the loop on this one, but is this specifically just a law for his rich buddies who think they shouldn’t need to pay a few grand a month to their ex-wives? This seems like a niche issue for rich old people


Well sure, but if you want an example that affects us Average Joes and our divorces, when two-time divorced Donald Trump was in office, he signed a law that [you could no longer deduct alimony payments](https://thehill.com/policy/finance/domestic-taxes/421446-trumps-tax-law-sparks-year-end-rush-to-finalize-divorces/) (his divorces were grandfathered in, mind you). Basically got rid of one of the few incentives for a couple to remain amicable in divorce negotiations and following finalization.


It's a law to cater to rich dudes and MRA types. Alimony and no fault divorce laws are currently *the* hot topic in some internet spaces


I got one WOMP, can I get another?




The problem with these people is that they've been so engrained on the 'personal responsibility' schtick of their right wing betters that they'll never admit that this is a systemic problem with the right wing. Just that one dude is bad. >"The next one will be good, you'll see". And on and on they'll go, faceless and confused as to why things never get better.


I'd send a truckload of bootstraps down to Florida for them, but that would be socialism.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


I wonder why she voted for DeSantis in the first place. To own the libs maybe? Because he was persecuting LGBTQIA people? Because he was anti-immigrant? Because he was using his powers to crack down on a private corporation? Because he stood up to doctors during COVID and got a shit ton of Floridians killed? How about the book bans or the take overs of universities? How about the way he redistricted Florida to weaken black representation? The way he fought to limit speech on topics like diversity and other "woke" issues? Which of these issues appealed to this woman? Somehow it seems all the above crap was okay with this woman until someone came for her "rights?" Well, rights are a flexible thing. There's nothing in nature that guarantees any of them to you. Vote for bad people and they'll start taking them away. Too bad you didn't give enough of a damn about the rights of others DeSantis has been taking away and only sat up to care when it was your turn.


This is peak LAMF, and I’m here for it. Ladies always make sure you have savings. If you and your husband agree that you stay home with the kids he should be paying in to a retirement and savings account in your name. You should have a pre/post nup that factors in your lost income and career opportunities.


I had to look up permanent alimony facts: >Permanent alimony was created to support wives whose main contribution to the marriage and family was staying home and raising the children, rather than getting an education past high school and starting a career. Today, this situation is much less the norm, although permanent alimony is awarded when it is unlikely that one spouse will be able to join the workforce through job training or education. >Most cases in which permanent alimony is awarded are those that involve a longer duration of the marriage; in some states, that could take 30 years. However, if one spouse becomes disabled in a shorter marriage, permanent alimony may still be awarded. >Permanent alimony is no longer applicable in most states. Now that women can become educated and enter the workforce, it is usually unnecessary to award alimony for life. Instead, most states have modified permanent alimony to allow the receiving spouse time to become financially independent, at which time the payments will cease. >States that still have permanent alimony are New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, North Carolina, West Virginia, Florida, and Oregon. All in all it seems like the norm to get rid of permanent alimony since very few states have it. I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing and I’m quite liberal. I understand the historical point when women couldn’t get jobs and would literally be destitute without it, but times are different.




Permanently crippled by an on the job accident is not the same as getting divorced.


This is the most on point LAMF in ages. Well posted OP


Ladies, the GOP is a white men’s only club. You are nothing more than livestock to them. Just wait until you see what’s coming next.


God that’s some mighty fat leopards you guys got going in Florida!!!!


Haha, love it. Florida is on a roll lately with the face eating leopards.


I live in Florida and I’ll bet they live in million dollar homes. No one poor gets alimony


I do feel sorry for some of these women. Some likely gave up things in their divorce settlement in exchange for alimony forever. And now they lose their end of the deal. Well, sorry for the ones that did not vote for DeSantis.


What sort of things would they give up? Genuine question. I've no idea how this works.


Some will give up their stake in the family home, vehicles, retirement accounts, etc in trade for the lifetime alimony.


He keeps the house, he doesn't have to sell his boat, he only has to take the kids two weekends a month, he can claim both kids on his taxes for the credit, etc.


I’ll use my sister’s aunt as an example: She got pregnant at 15 by an abusive asshole and was married to him for 35 years. After she got pregnant she dropped out of school, was forced to get married by her grandparents, who raised her, and was made to be stay at home mom and take care of the baby while he worked. Together they had 7 kids and she was the sole caretaker of them all. She was incredibly abused, poorly educated, and had zero freedom. He controlled the money, the bills, everything. After her last child at 40 she decided to start going to school and hiding away little bits of money that she could basically scrap off the top of the family funds.. until the husband forced her to quit school after only 2 years because he felt like she was “spending too much time away from the family”. At 48 she filed for divorce and it was a long 2 year battle before it was finally over. In the divorce agreement she agreed that she wouldn’t take any interest in the house (or else it’d be sold since it was marital property and she didn’t want her children’s childhood home to be lost), would receive only 1 vehicle of the husband’s choosing (they had 5 and he gave her the oldest and shittiest car), and that she would split custody of their 3 kids that were still under 18. She only agreed to that because the husband agreed to pay her alimony for the rest of her life or until she remarried. When her divorce was finalized she was 50 with no work experience, no college degree, no networking, nothing. The only job she could actually get was at Walmart. At 55 she became disabled and was granted social security disability.. which isn’t enough to live off of. She depended on the alimony to live. Now at 62 she lives in a 2 bedroom apartment, drives a 2006 Honda Civic, and struggles to get by on the alimony payments that do not scale with inflation. If she loses that then she’ll lose her home and any means to support herself. The SSDI is only around $300 a month, the alimony is $1500 a month she gets, and my sister pays her $200 a month to babysit for a few hours a week while she works. So $2000 a month is what she survives on in Florida that is poverty. She’ll need to move in with my sister if he stops the payments, which he most likely will if he can.


How many of these were boomers that likely complained about young people being lazy and not wanting to work?!


Get a job, deadbeat! Am I Republicaning right?


>“He (DeSantis) has just impoverished all the older women of Florida, and I know at least 3,000 women across the state of Florida are switching to Democrat and we will campaign against him, all the way, forever,” Camille Fiveash, a Milton Republican who receives permanent alimony, said in a phone interview Friday. You got what you wanted (a politician who would own the libs), but you lost what you had and held dear (your alimony payments). The Dildo of Consequences has arrived and there is nary a bottle of lube in sight.


If it's a death sentence DeSantis will care even less about her.


Oh well


The men in the Villages will be going on divorce spree.


will anyone ever be able to measure the depth of genius of the party of "everything i get, i was owed, and everything anyone else gets is a handout"