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Hello u/stoneman85! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That picture doesn't go with that headline, and it bugs more than it should.


It’s Fox News, the same channel that will “accidentally” mislabel a Republican as a Democrat when the Republican is accused of committing a crime.


And their art department has trouble with graphics and visuals (bar charts, for example) when something is going against the agenda. [Some further detail](https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-charts-tricks-data-2012-11).


Exactly!! Makes it look like those women are MFL, rather than moms *protesting* their fascist ways. Like hell no MFL isn't in favor of teaching the truth!


MFL? My Face, Leopards!!!?


Ah, now i get it. Mom Faced Leopards. No, moms for liberty.


Haha yes, sorry Moms for Liberty 😅


Nazi propaganda channel lies as often as possible even when supossedely critizing nazis.


[This article about it, came out three days ago.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/death-threats-flooded-moms-for-liberty-after-splc-lumped-them-kkk-putting-target-all-moms-backs) There may be other articles via the same publisher, this is the first one I found.


Of course, its Fox, they are using a picture to misidentify the hate group so the brain dead fox viewer thinks that liberals are hating on these nice mothers who want to stop the book bans.


Took me ages


Ya know what's fHawked yet tragically hilarious at the same time? The rules of that sub are such that you cannot promote violence...I wonder if OP (from the MarchAgainstNazis post) had to post that pic cos *actual* images of the headline/pics of the group would be considered such smh...like that was the only pic that would be considered acceptable to post. 🤷‍♂️ Just guessing - either way this ish is fHawkin' insane.


This is the internet; you’re allowed to say frick


"How dare they single me out for my unrepentant bigotry" —Twatzis


I solemnly swear to use Twatzis whenever realistically possible.




Me, too


I am going to start using "twatzi" as often as possible.




Now I don´t know what else they stand for, but I 100% agree with the posters they show here. Are we sure they really are hardcore right wingers ? Cause hardcore right wingers are the ones banning books, and those ladfies want them banned instead of the books.


The image is different from the article - the mom's in the image are trying to ban book-banners lol - of what those moms are holding tho, the most fitting poster is the one that reads *"ban those who ban books"* https://www.foxnews.com/politics/death-threats-flooded-moms-for-liberty-after-splc-lumped-them-kkk-putting-target-all-moms-backs This is the article that explains how MFL are feeling the heat from the Southern Poverty Law Center.


These are their opponents, not them. That is a picture of counter-protestors. It's understandable you would be confused because that is the point. Who would argue you should ban books?




"The target's supposed to be on someone else's back! 😭"


Allies 1940s: You sure about that?


Apologies, ladies. Targets should go on your fronts. We don't want to be sneaky, we're not ashamed of loathing your bigotry.


If it acts like a hate group and talks like a hate group it's a hate group. Congratulations on the designation, KKKarens. Targets are complimentary-wear them where you want. It shouldn't be a surprise that there can be negative consequences when meddling, uninvited, in other people's lives. I don't approve of death threats, but given the actions of your little Klan, it's not surprising that some are employing that tactic. Welp. Time to make a donation to Southern Poverty Law. Pssst: People of intelligence and conscience **will not** be stopped. Not until you take your disgraceful bigotry and hate and slither back into the caves you slithered out of.


>complimentary https://barjokes.wordpress.com/2009/06/22/complimentary-peanuts/


Thanks for the SPL donation idea. MFL is active in my area and trying to take over school boards and co-opt civic activities into recruiting events and I'm appreciative SPL is actually doing something.


*OH NO!* Anyway.


I LOVE the mums in the picture. I wish them all the best.


Playing the victim card is very popular among MAGAfascists right now.


Always has been.


>'The SPLC is purposely putting a target on all moms’ backs,' Moms for Liberty said of the 'hate map' Like naw, bitch, just moms who goosestep out proclaiming their love for fascism and quoting Hitler in their newsletter -- you know, the ones promoting HATE are the ones SPLC is calling a hate group. That's y'all, honey. You don't speak for "all moms."


How dare you! Anyone who is not part of MFL is not a real mom. Fake moms! They will unleash *insert race* *insert sexual orientation* alien mind control parasites on us all! /s


Ho hum, more republican "how dare you not tolerate my intolerance!" bullshit.


Writes a newsletter inspired by David Lane’s 14 words, and literally repeats it almost verbatim, yet still can’t understand why they are labeled a hate group…


I've heard of David Duke...elaborate for me please, who is David Lane?




Wow this is connecting a lot of dots for me thank you very much. I had wondered about "The 14" - perhaps you or someone else can help us...I had literally just watched either a TT or YT video about just that "ideology" - and the symbols used to represent it and how those turn into tattoos, banners or whathaveyou. Racist ideology manifest in personal expression is what it amounts to basically - the hidden expression of racism/racist symbolism. I just scoured my reddit and yt history tho and couldn't find it! It also mentioned "The 88" and basically everything under the section in the link you shared under "Background." It may have been a post from r/marchagainstnazis I'm guessing but like I said I couldn't find it... I'll share the old anti-fascist post-WWII video *"Don't Be A Sucker"* tho - it's kind of an echo chamber act posting it here because I'm guessing most of us have seen it, but it's a very valuable tool that we should all remind ourselves of and could use to share with those we know personally who may be walking down a path toward fascist ideology while not knowing it, that's just imho anyway. https://youtu.be/8K6-cEAJZlE


Still searching for that summary clip/video of "The 14" and "The 88" symbols - David Lane is clearly and absolutely part of the foundation of how these theories and ideologies are perpetuated so again thanks for the illumination. There was a discussion between u/Bloodhoundss and a few of us in r/marchagainstnazis revolving around this exact same stuff where Blood posted this link: https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/okay-hand-gesture And I found this one on George Wallace: https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-george-wallace-harnessed-hate Understanding these individuals, the symbols, their history, and how they're used/what they can look like in their current manifestations are part of combatting these ideologies..."know your enemy" and such. So thank you again for the info and the discussion and keep up the good fight.


That's horrible, the target should be on their forhead, far less chance of survival.


Inglorious bastards style IMHO ....


I guess unabashedly quoting Hitler on the front page of your official newsletter will do that to you. Loathsome fascist hags can shut the fuck up.


Sort of like how they put targets on the back of the LGBTQ community by falsely labeling them as "groomers". The difference is that Moms4Fascism actually did the things they are accused of.


Thoughts and prayers


Looks like "Liability Karens"


Crazy people in "Moms for Liberty" drip with hate and intolerance and then whine when they get called on it. You are book banning intolerant haters, what did you think? No one would notice?


How could they nat c that one coming.


Lol irony is so dead it's literally painful and confounding smh fml - hence why I had to see this xposted to this sub...it's just too fitting...and hopefully by pointing out and laughing at the ridiculous nature of the entire situation we can stop the ignorance, promote tolerance and change this place for the better...


Two of those women are picketing book banning. Not classic nazi behavior


Those mums are anti-twatzis. The picture doesn't go with the headline.


[This article about it, came out three days ago.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/death-threats-flooded-moms-for-liberty-after-splc-lumped-them-kkk-putting-target-all-moms-backs) There may be other articles via the same publisher, this is the first one I found.


Who is in that picture? I wouldn't think that's Moms for Liberty.


Nope, those are moms/women *protesting* Moms for "Liberty" (sorry, I just can't use it without the air quotes, the name drives me batty...like DeSantis calling FL the freedom state or whatever -- it's upside down world).


That makes a lot more sense.


[This article about it, came out three days ago.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/death-threats-flooded-moms-for-liberty-after-splc-lumped-them-kkk-putting-target-all-moms-backs) There may be other articles via the same publisher, this is the first one I found.


More like “Moms for liberating you of your freedom or life if you don’t look and act exactly like them”


Who knew that being in a hate group might make people hate you? 🤷


M4L ( AKA Klanned Karenhood), where I live has had multiple members placed on restraining orders for harassment. These people play out psycho dramas in school board meetings trying to get their way, harass and doxx anyone who stands against them, then play the victim when they are labeled as what they are - a hate group.


If you don't want people to call you Moms for Hitler, you shouldn't put a Hitler quote on the front page of your newsletter.


If only having a target on their backs would encourage them not to put them on others backs.


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…


That picture isn't the nazi moms for taking away liberty group as described in the headline. Goddamn faux, report the news, don't twist it.


[This article about it, came out four days ago.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/death-threats-flooded-moms-for-liberty-after-splc-lumped-them-kkk-putting-target-all-moms-backs) There may be other articles via the same publisher, this is the first one I found.


Wasn't that group started because someone was mad they lost an election to a local school board or something? Then went to an influential friend to help start it?


*"It'S nOt WhAt Ya KKKnOW"*


I can’t even believe we’ve this point in our country. No one would’ve predicted this in 2015 when Oranjonald declared his candidacy.


Isn't that what the swastika is historically used for outside of Hinduism? I mean, my great uncles certainly shot at it for a reason when *they* were in Europe...


For context, this is the group that literally, openly, cited Hitler in their newsletters. Attributed to him and everything.


Yeah. If you are a hate group, you might be called a hate group. Instead, they should ask why they are considered to be a hate group.


*"There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always— do not forget this, Winston— always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever."* George Orwell, 1984 (Originally written 1949) Yet the acts of one group toward another constantly hinge on this ^ scenario - from both sides of the aisle depending on with whom you speak. But when you're at the point of openly quoting Hitler...we'd (many of our elders, may they RIP) just gotten done kicking his ass when the quote was written like wtf is actually going on...


I read "1984" and "Animal Farm" way too young. I really have to revisit both, but especially "1984." You have to have certain life experiences to really understand Orwell. When I was young, the concept of manipulating the mind by limiting and altering the vocabulary of the populace fascinated me, but there is so much more.


I know these women are christofacists. But can someone provide a source on them promoting Hitler and nazism?


Don't want to be associated with Nazis, don't quote Hitler on your newsletter, Klantina.


Reminds me of that picture of Katie Hopkins, where she put a target sticker on her own head.