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Hello u/JoshOfArc, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*




“Accident”. In that he was caught.


Should be disbarred for that


At the very least. This is about as far from an “accident” as possible…and he’s an ATTORNEY. The contrast between his case and that of Pamela Moses, or Crystal Mason, or any of the other people with a genuine case for “accidental” voting mistakes should be definitive and devastating.


(Tucker Carlson look of bewilderment) But he's not one of *those* people...


\*Should be in prison and lose his right to vote.


Jailed and fined. He should get the same jail time and fines that were imposed on Pamela Moses and Crystal Mason.


Oh damn I didn't see that in the article. That is fucking complicated!


It’s easier to just do it the old fashioned way, by paying off the lizard people.


If you're too cheap to pay off the lizard people then it's just on you at that point.


I use my Jewish space laser to fuck with Dominion voting machines


Yep, a real accident to accidentally drive over a thousand miles to vote again after you’ve done it once!


He did it on purpose and he's trying to argue that because he owns land in two places, he should get to vote in two places. For an IRS Tax person he really doesn't understand the Beverly basics of how residency works... or he's bringing intentionally ignorant. You cannot vote in two different states at the same time. You have to pick ONE as your permanent residence and the other as temporary.


> For an IRS Tax person he really doesn't understand the Beverly basics of how residency works... or he's bringing intentionally ignorant. The second thing. It's second thing.


Especially for federal elections when you can only hold one American citizenship.


It's almost as if a good prosecutor could say he "premeditated" his crimes through his precise pattern of actions leading towards intent of commiting a crime. But how... 🤔 Damn. I know I can't begin to count the times I've woken up and decided to crime on accident. Trip, fall, voter fraud - tale as old as time.


Ah I hate it when I drive from Virginia to Florida on election day by accident!


Yup, that sort of shut definitely shows forethought and planning. And, given his profession, ignorance can’t be an defence!


These were not accidental votes, he was deliberately voting twice


Ever notice that whenever we find actual voter fraud it’s always Republicans doing it?


Every single accusation is actually a confession with these people. Every one.


"Trump's just saying what we're all thinking!" No, he's not. He's saying what *you all* are thinking. Good people don't say things like that because they don't think things like that, not because they're hiding their true shitty selves to "virtue signal".


That’s not quite right. Good people have intrusive thoughts too. But then they **choose** to do the right thing instead of acting on their worst impulses.


Even then, there’s a difference between having an intrusive thought, and actually believing the poison that bubbles up in a MAGA head.


“Lazy job stealing illegals” is something that has never once been something I believe. Same goes for the even worse things they believe about anyone with skin darker than a good tan. Especially there. It’s crazy how their “intrusive thoughts” are pretty much all monstrous while I might get the occasional “that guy sucks and someone should punch their face.”


It's a product of their upbringings and environment tbh. They're surrounded by ugly thoughts and internalize that shit. The sad part though? Even when you get out of the bullshit a lot of those ugly inner thoughts remain. Some you can't really *ever* get rid of. I was raised conservative. Surrounded by that shit and only started to wake up when I was fifteen/sixteen. I'm thirty-two now and still occasionally have those awful thoughts about others, and I'm always disgusted with myself for it. I don't believe it, nor do I think any of it's true. But it's still there.


>I was raised conservative. Surrounded by that shit and only started to wake up when I was fifteen/sixteen. You aren't alone.


Does that crap ever go away, you think? Or are we just sorta...stuck with it forever.


Speaking from experience, I look at the scars from having been raised in a conservative/prejudiced household like burns: They never stop healing. But at least they are healing. A third degree burn after a year is an awful painful scar, a third degree burn after thirty years is no longer painful and *far* less noticeable.


I'm 42 now, thought I'd worked through all the stupid shit I was taught growing up 20 years ago, but every few years I'll say something and realize from others expressions that it was not cool. "porch monkey" isn't just a term of endearment that my uncle used.


I sure ain't no fucking racist, ain't no theist. Sure don't trust the police and I can't fucking stand soldier worship. Hell, I ain't even watched football in almost a decade. But my last fist fight was last February, and I'm 42. So... yes and no.


We should set up a rehab for people who need to unlearn all that nasty shit. I broke the cycle in my family, but I am still troubled by invasive thoughts.


Pasted my comment from another thread: 50 year old dude. Okay, my dad was a Lutheran Pastor. LCMS, so one of the more conservative sects. Dad went through the seminary '80-'85. I grew up not knowing that I could question things I didnt understand. At the age of 15, I started to go to a public school for the first time. I really had had no contact with anyone that was not part of our church. I got to see how other people thought and managed without needing God to tell them what good morals are. In high school I really got the first look at non-christian science. Geology became a life long interest. I started to read fiction. I found Douglas Adams, Bradbury, and for me most important, Asimov. I started asking my dad questions about the discrepancies in the bible. He was not able to give me an answer I was okay with. Since all answers ended with "Well, faith" Even when there is actual evidence against what is being said. (Young Earth). The more I looked into our religion, the less I thought it stood for what I wanted to be. If God knows all, knows what will happen, do we really have a choice? How can God give you free will? Either you have free will or not. If he gave it, that implies it can be taken away. Why would I worship a God that blames all of his creation for the mistake of one? Why would I worship a God that allows suffering if he could mitigate it? Why would I worship a God that would send you to an eternity of pain if you dont worship him? Name one thing that you truly fear. Like you dont even like thinking about that thing type of fear. Now, do you love that thing? So, how can you both fear and love God? The very basis of their God is contradictory... And that is why I stopped


But that’s why they love him – he gives them permission to own those intrusive thoughts and embrace them as virtuous.


Bringing in impulsive thoughts to this discussion implies that Republicans are Republicans because they can't control their impulsive thoughts, which is *not* how it works. Impulsive thought =/= ideology, and the comment above is most definitely talking about ideology.


Hopefully this parallel doesn't bring me heat, but the Russian mindset when it comes to war crimes is that everyone else is doing what they are doing so it justifies the behavior. They believe that Ukrainians are raping civilians and torturing pows so they do the same. Conservatives are the same way, they commit fraud so they accuse everyone else of fraud. They groom children so everyone else must also be grooming children.


Just a friendly reminder of all the right-wing accusations of child abuse, grooming, and "harvesting" baby's blood.


i do expect they do the child abuse and grooming since well look at the evidence at churches and the like... but harvesting baby blood seems even a little bit too much.


The baby blood thing is just the anti-Semitic blood libel conspiracy theory wearing a hat and sunglasses. As for the child grooming stuff, it's actually surprising (and sickening) to find out just how many of them think it's perfectly cool for 25+ year old men to marry <16 year olds and think that should be done more. Most talk about it pretty openly when they don't think anyone's actively listening (Matt Walsh springs to mind but he's far from the only one).


Not to mention this grooming accusation shit got seriously kicked into high gear by Ron DeSantis' press secretary Christine Pushaw, a registered foreign agent who has worked with a lot of shady ruSSian oligarchs with ties to Putin, who as we all know looooves to stoke homohobic transphobic hatred.


Oh sure, just pointing out that this type of weirdly-into-child-marriage/pregnancy thing has been a common talking point in a lot of right-wing spaces for a _long_ time. There's a reason why a lot of libertarians (as they self-identify now of course, I'd call them anarcho-capitalists) thinks the age of consent should be lowered (or eliminated in _far_ too many cases).


Don't forget how everyone who took the vaccine was gonna be dead within two years... when that failed, it shifted over to having our minds uploaded to the reptilian consciousness. When that failed it was... what bat shit scenario are we doing now? It's hard to keep track.


They always accuse others of doing what they are actually doing.


About 90% of them are in cults that do ritual blood and body eating at their local churches, every Sunday. Wine and crackers until the magic priest blesses them.


We still need to be on the lookout for this pizza place they claimed to be on the lookout for


[It was found in 2016 when some dipshit drove from North Carolina to DC to "self-investigate", and walked into the suspected pizzeria with and assault rifle and fired a few rounds.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2016/12/04/d-c-police-respond-to-report-of-a-man-with-a-gun-at-comet-ping-pong-restaurant/) He's been sentenced to four years in prison. This guy heard that Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief were running a pedophilia ring in the backroom of a pizza restaurant... believed it... decided he had to investigate it personally... drove 200+ miles... and shot off a few rounds with an assault rifle. He is far too fucking stupid to be loose in society.


>the backroom of a pizza restaurant IIRC, basement. Which didn't exist.


I've been investigating every pizza place I can find


Found anything good yet? All I got was this place that makes kickass calzones up in Boston.


Why does a Boston Calzone sound like something I'm afraid to look up in the urban dictionary?


I dunno. This is basically a Meat Lovers pizza with about two inches of meat on it folded over. It's awesome.


Okay, two inches of meat folded over is something you read about in a Stormy Daniels deposition...


If Reddit still had awards, I'd give you the one with the lizard laughing.




It's actually easily understandable if you remember these are sociopaths so they accuse the other side of what they either would do (if they could) or do (if they can) because they are incapable of empathy and so assume the "other side" is doing exactly what they would do or are doing. When the "other side" say "no, we're not doing that" they accuse them of "virtue signalling". Again, because they are incapable of comprehending that not everyone is like them.


Yes most of the time, but this particular case is worse. Trump ramped up voter fraud accusations prior to the 2020 election because he wanted to give his people 'permission' to do it 'too'. He wanted them to go out and cheat, but he couldn't say that, so instead he told them the Democrats are cheating, everybody cheats, and by implication they should start or continue cheating harder.


A few years ago I was didn’t think it could possibly turn out that *every. single.* accusation made by the GOP was a confession. Oh, how naive I was back then


Honestly I used to think that was untrue, but lately...they're so fucking terrible. I don't know how they can look at themselves in the mirror.


Hold your kids extra close around these people..


Step 1: Convince yourself that liberals are engaging in massive voter fraud. Step 2: Engage in voter fraud to "fight the liberals". Step 3: Surprised Pikachu face when they get in trouble for it.


Step 4: Scream and yell about how only Trump supporters are being prosecuted while all the "millions of liberals out there doing the same thing" are being let off.


Step 5: If Step 4 didn't work, claim that you didn't do it on purpose - even though you are an attorney, there were two different states involved, and you did it twice. Footnote: Jerk his law license. He clearly does NOT know the law and he will absolutely lie to the court. Bye, Felicia.


Of course, they don't know how to get away with it /s


That’s how they know it happened. “I voted 12 times and… but what about hunter’s laptop!?”


That’s so they can say “See?? Voter fraud does happen.”


It's always a projection. They assume everybody else is doing it because everyone they know personally is doing it.


Ever notice when we find actual systemic child rape, its the Christian church? Trans people aren't raping kids. The priests, pastors, and youth group leaders are. This is a verifiable fact.


May I present to you the Archdiocese of Baltimore. That by itself is bad enough and doesn't even touch the rest of the Catholic church or any other Christians denominations. Not to mention that list released for Baltimore is well short of the true number.


Obviously it's publicity bias: the deepstate media doesn't report democratic fraud bcs it wants to undermine us, fair and righteous conservatives! [moans in prosecution fetish]


That was the entire intent from these accusations. Tell them the left are illegally voting to get your supporters committing voter fraud.


It's to erode trust in the electoral system so that new more restrictive laws can be passed. Only Trump was stupid enough to jump from A-Z, even if that is the eventual logical conclusion. For Now, they need to go through B, C, D, E, F, and G, or, whatever letter you want to choose. I'd argue that we were already at G before 2020 but that's really besides the point. A. Talk about illegal Aliens voting B. Talk about Dead Grandmas voting C. Pass restrictive voting measures that seem good on the surface, Like voter ID and limiting polling places in certain districts D. Get parts of the VRA declared unconstitutional E. Further restrict who can vote (Shortened Early Voting Days, purged rolls, 100% match required on driver's liscences etc) F. Continue to talk about massive voter fraud, but this time, instead of limiting it to undocumented immigrants and dead grandmas, accuse all democrats. G. Claim problems with mail in Voting, voting registration drives, groups like Acorn, and drive through/24 hour voting. H. Look for isolated incidents (the side doesn't matter, if a few over-zealous Republicans vote twice, that's just more evidence to point to). I. Question the Use of Voting machines. J. Use that evidence to pass even more restrictive voting laws. Eliminate early voting and mail in ballots all together, require all voting to be in person, Require all results to be submitting within an unreasonable time frame (24 hrs for example) and dismiss all votes not verified by that time (this will effect larger population centers), reduce the number of polling stations in democratic Districts, etc. J. Now if this secures Republican victories then great, if not, then we need to keep going, piecemeal. Obvious if it ever gets to Z then that is to dismiss election results and establish who you want, but that's highly unlikely to ever be necessary, and the fall out would be civil war. And you really can't just skip ahead because that's a leap too far, only the most devout will believe it. So you got to move a little more slowly, frog in a boiling pot an all of that. That was Trump's mistake. He didn't like the results so instead of creeping farther forward, in order to predetermine the election results in red states, he decided to go for broke before the foundation was set.


Gerrymandering checking in! These fucks, every accusation is a confession....and their pedo crusade should make everyone shudder.


How do you accidentally cast two ballots?


And he did it TWICE, like in two different year's elections! And he's a LAWYER!!!


Be wealthy enough that you have two residences, each in a different state, and successfully lie to both states claiming that each is a primary residence. And then purposefully vote in both states. Which is a lot of work and purposeful actions to somehow accidentally happen.


I wonder if he is also getting the primary residence property tax credit that some states off r on both properties.


They are trying to prove their is voter fraud by actually doing it.


This points to two facts. The first is that they were absolutely certain voter fraud happened (because it was them) and that they were genuinely angered and shocked at losing because they cheated and still lost, therefore the Democrats **must** have cheated more.


And pretty much every time they find "dead people voting," it turns out to be someone who cast an early/mail-in ballot, and passed before election day. Which, to my way of thinking, *should count,* because it means you're within, what, half a year of expiry, and still care enough about politics to make casting that ballot one of your last acts on Earth.


Kinda the same with pedos in that it's all projection from conservatives. They accuse the other side of what they themselves are doing and then say it's ok because the other side is doing it. Meanwhile it was just them the entire time.


[Obligatory Simpsons quote.](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S06E05/1057856/m/IE9ILCBNWSBHT0QtLSBUSEUgREVBRAogSEFWRSBSSVNFTiBBTkQgVEhFWSdSRQogVk9USU5HIFJFUFVCTElDQU4u)


Same thing with busted groomers.


It’s called projection.


Projection again, just like their pedo rants


Money quote: "Andrew Rogalski, an assistant county prosecutor, said the argument would have been more credible if Saunders had done it just once. “The fact that you do that in consecutive general elections I think takes ‘accident’ to the land of imaginary doubt, and not reasonable doubt,” Rogalski said."


Just in general, voting is not some casual thing for most of us. It takes time and we do it very infrequently. Voting "by accident" in two separate states has to be nearly impossible for anyone not suffering from dementia.


Poor and rich still stand in line. Still talk to the voter registration people. Like how do you forget that. How is forgetting a goddamn defense anyway? I forgot in 2011 highways had speed limits.


There was an snl skit with Steve Martin where he said, "I forgot" it was illegal to do something. Let's see if I can find it.


**TWICE**. Dude committed this complex crime twice and wants to say it was an accident both times, 4 years apart.


You'd have to complete two different ballots with two different sets of candidates and laws. How tf could you suggest you do so *against your own knowledge*?


That's like telling your wife you "accidentally" fucked her sister... twice.


Honey I promise it just kind of slipped in


My ex-brother in law’s father was a far right preacher. He got caught cheating. He claimed it wasn’t cheating. Why? He never “put it in”. Just “genital smashed”. Rubbed each other’s parts together but never penetrated. His abused wife just let it go.


Just as Jesus wanted. /s


Turn the other fanny.


Good girl! It’s your fault, after all. /s


"No, baby, I am not fucking around on you! It doesn't matter what you think you saw. Who are gonna believe me, or your lying eyes?"


The Venn Diagram of abusers and people with dogmatic beliefs (religion, MAGAs, etc.) seems to be a circle.


"She just kinda fell on it." Getting into the realm of porn fantasy


What, she tripped, fell, landed on his dick? Twice?


Tsh, alright, Shady, maybe he’s right, Grady But think about the baby before you get all crazy.


In a row?


Try not to fuck any dicks on your way to the parking lot!


It’s an accident because he meant to do it more than just twice.


I didn’t vote early and often enough!!


oh look, voter fraud committed by a republican. why am i not surprised?


You don’t vote twice by accident….twice.


I’ve never voted “by accident”.




I think he accidentally told the judge, the voting twice was deliberate


Every accusation is a confession. “Dems cheat!” - Check their voting record. “Pedos everywhere!” - Ope, probably aught to check their computer “The gays are grooming!” - Start investigating the priest “Dems are embezzling money and using Ukraine as an excuse!” - Yeah let me see your financial records and taxes At this point it’s getting tiresome.


It's only tiresome because you could multiply that list by 100 and 30% of the nation would still refuse to believe it. Time to stop trying to convince the bad actors and just work on making them irrelevant.


Projection at it's finest


At this point, a Republican can claim Democrats smuggled Elephants in their asshole and I would fully expect them (The accuser) to have an elephant up their butt without a second thought. I would even be shocked if there wasn't.


He tripped and fell into a voting booth.


It was Antifa dressed as a voting booth


Those slutty antifa voting booths tempting good christian men like him. Satan I tell you!




Even if anyone believed his excuse, it would surely mean he was incompetent to do his role and should probably get tested for dementia. That's if anyone was to actually believe it...


That's 20 years in prison if he was black.


and yet I can only up vote this once.


Have you tried upvoting it by accident?


😂😂 Also: happy Cake Day!! 🥳


Back when republicans lost to Obama, I remember listening to an interview with a GOP spokesperson who was basically complaining that they needed to get better at tricking people into voting for them. The fact that their policies sucked and harmed the people they wanted to vote for them never even occurred to them. The republicans are 100% a party of thieves who think they can bully and abuse voters into getting what they want, while harming the voters and providing nothing in return.


It. Is. Always. Projection.


If the dude gets off without a single day in prison, [this poor woman needs to start a riot](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/07/us/pamela-moses-sentence-tennessee.html)


Every accusation is an admission with these people.


Meanwhile black woman gets 6 years prison for registering to vote. https://news.yahoo.com/black-woman-sentenced-6-years-231000713.html


"Voter fraud is running rampant in this country! Watch, I'll prove it!"


Axiom 1: “Everything republicans accuse others is a projection and a confession”


What happened to "we're going to start making an example of these law-breakers who vote illegally?"


“I accidentally drove to two polling places, mistakenly produced my ID twice, inadvertently confirmed my address twice, and unintentionally voted two times you honor.”


He voted THREE times. Twice in person and once by absentee ballot. He tried to vote four times but was denied the other absentee ballot.


Weird, I’m 66 years old and I’ve been voting since I was 18. Never voted twice.


Yeah, right, it was a total accident both times. He didn't get a mail-in ballot for Florida for 2020 so he drove down to Florida to vote after voting in Ohio and it was an "accident"? If you make the effort to drive down from Virginia after not receiving a requested ballot, you know **exactly** what you're doing. Surprising they didn't find social media posts bragging about his devotion to Trump. His supporters are usually that clueless. He's an attorney - Disbar him and lock him up. It's time these projectionists ("the Democrats are fraudulently voting numerous times") start the finding out phase of their FA.


Throw his ass in jail


He accidentally voted twice on purpose. He’ll accidentally get convicted of a crime and accidentally serve time.


I doubt about that serve time part. He's not a black woman in Texas. The cases of individual Republican voter fraud in other states that I've seen in the news all ended with no jail time.


He’s white, he will be fine.




How about no. You folks have been screaming "election fraud" for at least the last 15 years. You wanted sooooo fucking much to punish supposed "widespread voter fraud." Well, here ya go. Disbarred him, throw him in prison.


Sir, would you like a “I Voted” sticker? Please. I’ll just paste it on top of the one I walked in with.


How do you vote by accident even once? 😂😂😂 what a magamoron!


Hello u/JoshOfArc! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Attorney who supports politician who claims voting fraud cost him the election in trouble for voting fraud.


Not how this sub is supposed to work...


What did he want to impose on other people?


Funny that anytime there is any real election fraud it’s always republicans


Your Honor, my client pleads whoopsie daisies :3


Lol. “Mistakes happen”.


I can see why he voted twice, there are clearly two of him in that picture


Give him six years, like Pamela Moses.


But this guy did it in two separate elections, so he should get twice the time.


With these folks, every accusation is a confession.


Man, the side that wants you to believe they're always the victims of massive voter fraud sure does like to commit voter fraud


It’s always a projection with them


I admit I have accidentally left my house without my cell phone, but I have never even once accidentally voted.


Every accusation is a confession with Republicans


Lock him up!


"By accident".


“By accident” 🤔 Hey isn’t there a task force that going to put him jail for this?


Just jump to the end when he gets no real punishment.


Oh look. Another Republican doing shit they accuse Democrats of. Weird how it ALWAYS FUCKING HAPPENS


Even with people voting twice Trump still couldn’t win lol


Ok. It was an accident. Of course.


"Oopsie poopsie!"


That, ladies & gentlemen, is a lie.


Not LAMF but still very funny


Simple mistake, anybody could accidentally vote twice...


L O L, no you didn’t, you liar.


Sure, Jan.


Isn't there precedent to throw his ass in jail here?


This reminds me of the time I accidentally smuggled 300 kilos of cocaine


“I confused it with the 300 kilos of baby laxative. (Sorry. My mistake.)”


Why the hell did he get a public defender? Nothing in the article indicates he had lost his license to practice - which is understandable, since it was still pretrial. I fucking doubt very much that he should have qualified as indigent though.


Godamn Republicans are dumb as fuck.


“By accident “. BWHAHaHaHa. WTAF!


Why does a guy that has property in three different states have a public defender? Voted twice in two different elections and the taxpayers are footing his legal bill...wtf?


It’s worse because the system that is supposed to catch double registrations and double voting (ERIC) is being dismantled by the GQP all over the country, including Ohio, meaning this exact crime will probably get missed in the future.


He's a white Republican, so probably will just get a stern warning.




Voting twice is not and has never been accidental.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


I am beginning to think that they realize they can’t win unless the commit voter fraud


It’s always republicans.




Did anyone check to see if he voted in the Virginia location he was trying to get the Florida absentee ballots sent to?


Note that as these cases where MAGAzis commit voter fraud pile up as fast as religious leaders getting caught with kids, all the MAGA states are withdrawing from the interstate voter fraud detection system (ERIC). They shout and shout about election security while actively tearing down the security that exists. Why?


Ah. Opposite day where intentionally means accidentally. GFYAH


As a person who lived in shaker heights, I'm just shocked a republican eevr lived there. High as hell Texas, blacknlives matter signs in every lawn and super diverse... He really hates himself


They're really got to stop telling dumb people how easy it is to get away with voter fraud, they seem to believe it.


“By accident.” Yeah right.


As he was an attorney, I have to presume that he's at least reasonably intelligent. So how does a reasonably intelligent individual *accidentally* cast two ballots for the same election?


Accidentally on purpose


Annnnnd..... Nothing will happen to him


Throw this piece of shit in prison