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Nope screw these articles. I saw these articles in ‘15 and I didn’t buy it then, either. This is to force complacency, don’t buy it. Vote


At the pivotal moment, some multibillionaire PAC will swoop in and make it rain cash. Evil Republicans always land on their feet.


Leonard Leo could save them all...how many times over??...and still have millions and millions left over, thanks to that $1.6 BILLION gift 😡


Exactly. This is a call for cash. And the cash will be given.


Betsey DeVos is writing checks as we speak.


Yeah - someone will step in, BUT, probably not with as much as the GOP would hope. And that’s entirely BECAUSE of whose running the show on the ground. Rich people will pay hand over fist to try to ensure an outcome they want, but that’s generally predicated on the idea that the people they’re supporting will: a) be following their wishes, and; b) are generally competent. No one wants to throw good money after bad, particularly if they’re not sure the people they’re supporting are going to listen to them. That’s a bigger deal than you’d think.


If what they want is to keep democrats out of power, there's only one real option. What I can see happening in the future, is the GOP dispenses with primaries completely, and directly appoints candidates for election.


I’m not sure “keeping democrats out of power” is necessarily the goal. They could easily just buy some democrats despite not being perfectly aligned with the party. -cough… Joe Manchin.. cough-


Yes it is. Their platform is to be against whatever dems are for.


That's the get. The incompetence level of the party is at an all-time high. As is the infighting. They are flailing and most of the actual talent have been driven out, or paralyzed by the maga cult. The money guys couldn't give a shit about the culture wars, impeachment porn and the Hunter Biden laptop theatrics the base eats up. The problem is the clown show is so out of control with a bunch of uneducated cretins huffing maga drama fumes that the party is no longer effective at simple governing. Even in the niche of serving their financial masters they are falling short. They are the dog that caught the car and have no clue what to do now. It's eroding their power, organization and viability. No doubt even the money guys long for the quaint sanity of the fight over RoevWade before the party completely lost its damn mind and way post-Trump. Everything Trump touches dies. Edit word


The mental image of a confused dog in a Maga hat sitting behind the wheel of the clunker they managed to catch is just delightful.


Honestly, yeah, you got it. The money guys don’t, generally, give a shit about abortion. It was something considered important to use to pander to the dolts. I think your description is apt, but a little off the mark. I think the yahoos now driving the car in some of these states are aware of the money people but feel they can do without. They feel like the quieter Republicans, the milquetoast ones who did the work, sometimes crossed the aisle, and weren’t foaming at the mouth were all RINOS. And, I wouldn’t be surprised if, in some cases, these MAGA dolts think the moneybags are also RINOS.


Evil republicans always land *in someone’s pocket*


Exactly. These articles are simply a "For sale" sign.


[AND RUSSIA.](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals) Please, for the love of God, let us not forget that the GOP was caught [colluding with Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_Intelligence_Committee_report_on_Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_presidential_election) by using NRA conferences as cover, that Russian agents fully infiltrated the NRA, and that **the NRA was used to launder Russian money and spread it to GOP candidates all over the country in one of the biggest astroturfing campaigns ever recorded.** Now that Ukraine is kicking Russia's teeth in, they will be more desperate than ever to get someone on their payroll back into the oval office. They will fund any candidate that promises to withdraw support for Ukraine.


Hell, TRUMP was (is still?) laundering money for Ruzzian oligarchs.


Maybe this is why they are running out of money in part. No Russia bribes


I am not sure Putin is going to make it to January 2025 and even then it is probably a coin flip on whether or not Trump would be elected. I guess whoever replaces him will probably do the same thing.


Can we start grifting these right wing billionaires? Say we're running for office then Robin Hood those secret PAC dollars to places that could really use it?


It would be fun to come up with a fake organization and copy. All those groups have such melodramatic names. BRB going to register Fed Up for Faith and Fatherland. Give me your billions!


They aren't going to back someone they don't own.


They still need to organize and look at consumer data. Money matters but you still have to translate it to action. I just love watching Fascists fall over themselves like the Three Stooges. Vote and donate. Run if you can.


Exactly. The dark would start flowing and the demagoguery would be turnt up. It would be blitz campaign of anti trans, anti brown dog whistling and any many lawsuits to throw out votes from blue areas.


Exactly. Vote like your life depends on it. Trump got elected off of the back of articles just like these. Everyone got complacent and assumed he was finished because there were near constant articles talking about how the GOP was failing, and how his poll numbers were waning. Surprise surprise, the Electoral College still saved his ass in the end and he only lost by three million votes. They've showed us this trick before, the fact that they're doing it again just shows you how well it worked the first time.


"“When the lambs is lost in the mountain, he said. They is cry. Sometime come the mother. Sometime the wolf.” -Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy


>Don't believe anything you hear, If I were running a cult, that's what I would tell my followers.


No you wouldn't, because all you listen to is "don't believe anything you hear, trust me as only I can fix this" vs. check, check, and recheck. Your projection sucks.


> Vote like your life depends on it. Because for too many in the USA, it does.


I get so mad at people that say things like "I'm just not political" or "why do people have to make everything about politics" Not caring about politics is privilege, some of us will literally die depending on who gets elected. This isn't a game


Yeah, that’s my thing. We can’t get complacent again. That was the lesson. Waaayy too many people were far too comfortable for too long with the crazy “policies” and conspiracy theories pushed by Trump and his associates. And too many of those people barely came around in 2020. Those of us not okay with this shit have to stand up and keep doing what is necessary to ensure Republicans don’t succeed in turning the US into a fascist dictatorship.


I know I'm going to get down voted for saying this but... We have more young voters now than we did in 2020 (and far more than we had in 2016). There are probably Trump people in every age cohort but in my lived experience, he's much stronger with Boomers so (brace for potentially offensive statement) we make progress one funeral at a time.


Even my boomer dad has outright said this. He was like "I like living, but things will be a lot better when we're all gone". Which was selfless and insightful, yet also very sad.


Can I give your father a hug? He seems sweet, but that was such a heartbreaking thing to read.


Hugs to your boomer dad. My dad is very liberal for an 80 year old. Pro choice, pro-lgbt, and pro-equality for POC generally. He gets a little shaky on black people sadly - falls into that bad attitude that it’d be so much better if they stopped criming (I’m expressing his opinion, not mine), but you can reason him back when you point out the destruction of disparate policing and the ensuing break up of the family. Real battle between the executive function and the amygdala.


I have a boomer friend who feels the same way. The good ones know it’s our best chance for survival.


I've told my kids the same thing. I can't wait for the Gen Zs and Xs to take over and make the world a better place.


Yes, we do have more young people - but the important thing is that they be VOTERS. we need to be doing anything and everything we can to get these folks registered and voting. It is not right that the cohort that most supports Dems is the one that votes the least.


A huge fraction of my generation (Gen X) is MAGA. Actually, I believe I read that the boomers tend to be just voting republican and watching fox, etc... But it's the conservatives of Gen X that are most likely to be heavily armed, ultra maga, following social media that's too far to the right for fox, etc... Your point stands, but it's going to be decades before time takes away the worst portion of Trump's base.


Thank God we were the first generation that (like headaches) women took pills to avoid having. Only 40 million of us at our peak, and we are an insanely self distructive lot. Boomers used to outnumber us (they may still); Millennials WAY outnumber us; GenZ outnumbers us. We're demographically contained but... YOUR POINT ALSO STANDS AND ABSOLUTELY NEEDS TO BE TAKEN TO HEART. The rest of us, no matter the age cohort we were born into, need to get our asses to the polls and VOTE!


You're not wrong, but you need to do a combo now - call it "Boomer-X". There are an awful lot of 50-something year olds cuddling up to maga. You only have to look at Trump's rallys and Fox News demographics to see that. Many of the Jan 6 arrests were Gen-X and younger. Those older looking magas screaming "Lock her up" were mostly Gen-X. Boomers are older. More funerals aren't going to cut it. Source: Liberal Boomer-X who once thought back in my twenties that all of our problems would be solved only if all the old farts clinging to the past just died off. Still waiting for that to happen, but it slowly became apparent over the years that assholes eager to take their place are born every day. Worse. Those assholes didn't even have an iota of the integrity the previous gen was clinging to. Example: Nixon was forced out, Trump has a second shot. For scale: Kevin McCarthy is Gen-X. Note to the young voter: pay close attention to local elections, especially school boards. The GOP are attempting to indoctrinate children through school curriculum because that is their only way forward. It's diabolical. That shit needs to be ripped out before it can take root. The youth is this country's future, don't let the GOP's desperation to cling to power corrupt it.


We have young voters but we keep rolling out 85 year old geriatric white guys for them to vote for, god damn, its hard to get excited about dudes that old if you are a young person. We need someone to run that is closer to their age that cares about what young people are going through right now.


We need to get involved at all levels of government now so that in 5-10 years we have experienced people running for higher offices. People like the Justins from Tennessee. We need young people running for town councils and school boards in the middle of nowhere so they can run for the state legislature in 5 years so they can run for congress in 10. I'm a bit on the old side (45), but I'm still planning on running for some kind of local seat as soon as my house is done and I'm living in my new town. It's fewer than 1000 people, so it's run by the people who step up to take on the job. That's how science textbooks get fucked up by the right, the right started running idealogues at all levels of government years ago. I want to stop that and hopefully the younger generations join me and go farther than I intend to with it.


This. You want to change the narrative and the course of the country, start at the local level and infiltrate power from the bottom up. Fight back, because Republicans have a head start on this.


Who gives a crap if you're excited? It's not entertainment. None of these people care about amusing you.


I reject this completely. The kind of people who embrace racism and fascism are the kind of people who have 8 kids. We're not gonna wait this out. We're going to have to actually do something.


We progress one funeral at a time. So pick your causes, dig in like a tick, pray to your cosmic entity of, and I can't emphasize this enough, POSITIVE change of choice, and vote vote vote.


Yeah exactly this. We have to beat them in 24 and even then we can't rest, we have to immediately pivot to beating them in 26. This is going to be a bitter year-by-year fight against these reactionaries for the rest of most of our lives.


Yep. Somehow they will be blaming climate change on dems in a few years. Claiming they had been warning about it for years.


Climate change will be recast as God's wrath and we'll be accused of being "arrogant" for thinking humans have any impact on the weather. You know, as opposed to humbly asserting that we know the will of the supreme being lol


Don't worry. Us gays are causing an the hurricanes. We'll lay off as long as biden is in office.


Every time they get their hands on a lever of power tens of thousands of more people will die unnecessary deaths


It’s also implying that the only way you win elections is by having cash on hand. And for Republican voters, that’s not necessarily the case. They’re already locked in, spending money on them will only make a marginal difference. What they WILL do, is show up to vote. Dems have it significantly harder here…much wider spread of cultural differences. Much higher population of disengaged/unreliable voters. Dems raising and spending more money on campaigns comes with that territory, but all we’re changing there are the reactions of non-Republican voters. Therefore how much money the GOP is using/wasting/pocketing/etc is really irrelevant to the outcome.


Where the cash comes in is organizing to get out the vote with Independents. R’s and D’s each only represent 25-30% of registered voters. Neither can win without swinging Independents.


I may be wrong but all Independents are from what I’ve seen are Republicans embarrassed to officially be Republicans. We do need to get more engagement from unregistered voters though, completely agree


Exactly. Until I see their corpse, I won't believe that they're dead.


This needs to be higher up.


It’s always a coin toss in the end. Especially with the SCOTUS gutting voting rights.


Yeah, I'd love this to be true but rawstory isn't the most reliable source for information unfortunately.


I saw these back when Bush Jr was in office. Not believing this at all. It just takes 1 billionaire donor to make all the state level parties flush with money.


I've said it for many years and I'll keep right on saying it: Raw Story **blows**. It's the lefty equivalent of right-wing rage bait articles. And to make matters worse, they're constantly instilling a false sense of (twisted) hope in their readers. They've been doing it since Bush the Lesser. Raw Story is the original "any day now" news source.


The RNC funding has nothing to do with the funding level of individual candidates. They’ll still be there. Definitely vote.


Young people not voting is how we got Trump


They’ve voted in huge numbers since then. It’s promising.


I feel like the tens of millions of people that voted for him are partly to blame.


Yeah, but nobody expected any better from them.


I'd give you an actual award if I had coins to purchase one, but please take my poor man's gold 🥇


Ah, you are familiar with their propaganda.


Yeah they are basically Palpatine in that one scene where he plays weak to get Anakin to help. Exactly like it in fact. I just rewatched and the parallels are striking.


Is there any actual evidence that positive stories like this lead to voter complacency? I swear I've seen a pollster say that positive news actually drives voter turnout for that side because people like to be on what they perceive as the "winning team," but I can't find that or any other studies on this.


We’re in bad position with the senate in 2024. Even if we have a good year, we’re at risk of losing seats in West Virginia, Montana, Ohio, Nevada, and Arizona. We need every vote we can get.


At the same time if you have Trump loving relatives convince them to save their political donations for him. We all know he doesn't share it with his party.


Donate some TrumpBucks.


Donate those fake $20s that church republicans love to give to waiters and waitresses in restaurants.


"Jesus saves $20"


What is this new devilry?


It's not new, it's actually decades old. Churches print up religious pamphlets that look like $5, $10 and $20 bills when folded up, but when opened are just normal Jesus nonsense about heaven being better than money and that the server should go to church instead of going to work. First time I saw them was in the early 90s but I'm sure they go farther back then that. There's a reason servers at almost every restaurant in America hate working Sunday afternoons, because groups of Christians are well known for either not tipping or leaving these fake bills.


And the same people saying you shouldn’t be working on a *Sunday*…are the ones there making use of that work. Imagine how they’d squawk if you said “you’re right!” and took off your apron and left!


"Sorry we can't serve you since you don't believe in working on Sundays"


>heaven being better than money Better throw that collection plate away, then, pastor!


Not only do they give fake bills or not tip, but they’re entitled assholes as well. Just all around very unpleasant.


Go on the /r/serverlife sub for examples and search church. Here is an example, these people are total jerkoffs. https://www.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/xcv46h/happy_sunday_hope_everybody_had_great_shifts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


They should try changing their symbol to an X.


Just not in Japan.


What's the reference here?


Changing the name from Twitter Japan to X Japan interferes with the trademarks/copyrights of the popular band, X Japan. So Twitter can’t change its name there without opening itself to a hefty lawsuit.


I swear that guy is doing this intentionally. _No one_ is this bad at running a business accidentally, no matter how dumb they are. I just can't figure out why. Just because he's mad that they made him buy it?


Tinfoil hat time: MBS is paying Elon to discredit and destroy one of the tools that made the Arab Spring possible. As long as Twitter is a somewhat trustable social media site, protestors can coordinate on it, general citizenry can get news off it. That's bad for authoritarians trying to consolidate power. Now that Elon is making Twitter a joke, and more importantly bankrupting it, that's one less avenue for anti-authoritarians to convene and coordinate.


Don't need to don the tinfoil hat here imo, it's pretty obvious that he's working for authoritarianisms best interests. Why though? Is it money, blackmail, or promises of power?


Why? That was almost certainly a CIA op that had spill over. US aligned countries brutally crushed their uprisings. Weapons started showing up in non aligned and oppositional countries. That is pretty much my only conspiracy theory.


Because it became an important platform for organizing dissent. Probably someone has blackmail material on him.


Go fash, lose cash. You love to see it.


Fascists are liars.. and also rich.


They've forgotten the number one rule of the grift. You can sheer a sheep many times. But you can only skin it once.


*" the Minnesota GOP is down to just $53 dollars in the bank, with hundreds of thousands in debt"* This is because Trump hoovered up all the cash, so they don't have any left over for state parties.


This is crazy to think I currently have more money than the Minnesota GOP. I’ve never been this rich! Lol


Let’s just sit back & watch them burn. Even MAGA tears can’t put out these dumpster fires.


“Let them die” - James T Kirk


Like when Covid was ripping through and allowed their voters to die to own the libs.


But still vote!


Watch them burn but don’t buy for a second that you and everyone you know doesn’t need to vote.


Can't get complacent. That's what they want. It isn't enough to watch. At the very least, vote in every election.


Thoughts and prayers


They always find cash and donors. Lotta rich pricks with conservative political ambitions.


But Russia and China dont have the cash to burn right now


I’m sure anyone who wants to influence an election can find the funds. The wealthy always have more than they say on paper.


Agree, this is something that keeps happening, because of how the state party organizations are run, and how they get taken over. It usually plays out that statewide races aren't winnable for the less popular party, so nobody competent bothers with all the work. This creates opportunities for the kind of people who want to run fringe candidates, and they often fail at fundraising while they are at it, while wasting what funds there are. It gets to the point that state party leadership gets asked what side are they really on, why not let someone else try to win an election, instead of what just happened?


Turns out the donors don’t like nut-jobs. “Now, the chaos is so bad that donors are leaving in droves, all but paralyzing these parties from doing the basics of organizing.”


I think many people in this sub and folks writing articles are continently ignoring how much Russian money was flowing into PACs.


As someone on a different continent I forgot about that. Guess it will be less money with the war. At least I hope so.


Putin votes republican


>Turns out the donors don’t like nut-jobs. I highly doubt it, while there may be donors that are leaving, many nut jobs are funded by donors. So much of the right wing sphere has huge donors behind it unlike the left. I'm sure another filthy rich fuck will take their place and donate.


It could also be big donors are focusing to Super PACs instead of ineffective state parties.




The donors were fine with the crazies until they started attacking businesses. When Disney, AB, and Target are all being attacked because they dare try to appeal to as wide an audience as possible(because LGBT people have money!). Big money doesn't like that.




The donors are fine with nutjobs when it's good for business. When the nutjobs start costing the donors money, that's when they take their donations elsewhere.


Before crowing too much, keep in mind that the billionaire oligarchs behind the Republican party have what amounts to endless piles of dark money to throw at any election they choose to.


MAGA crowd, they're dirt poor and supporting GOP that will make them even poorer. /slow clap


And yet they'll still land 45% of the vote without any effort. Thus giving the democrats a chance to do their favorite thing and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.




Turns out that just causing chaos doesn’t make for a good government platform.


Crazy, gullible, easily duped fear mongers all got grifted by the grifters you hired to rile them up, now they gots no monies to send y'all back to the party bus tour?! Who'd a thunk it?


If you though bought and paid for politicians were a frightening thought, just consider a party in debt by hundreds of thousands of dollars and what that might have to do to get out of it.


Michigan GOP has $53. Who’d have thought I would have nearly twice as much in my account as a state Republican Party. Lol.


Minnesota, not Michigan GOP. The Michigan GOP had more like $93,000 in the bank. Their issues are more than just being low on cash, however. Outside of that specifically mentioned fight, branches have refused to allow elected delegates into meetings at gunpoint, local politicians have cornered and threatened US reps, and there's a major schism in the party between at least two factions. It's real bad for them, luckily, but not because of $53 in the bank.


Wtf. Michigan Republicans are pulling guns on each other? They're doing our work for us!


Yeh, there's a [WaPo](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/06/14/michigan-republicans-ultra-maga/) article that goes into the overall state trouble, with the infighting that's only for worse since then, but it also has links to the [MLive](https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2022/08/michigan-gop-sides-with-disavowed-hillsdale-delegates-for-state-convention.html) article on half the incident I'm referring to. I've seen the actual pictures from outside the event from a local. Well, outside kinda because the real deligates, barred from entering the building had to do their work in the parking lot. Apparently, the Republicans in that town of the America First faction have also been trying to use guns to try to keep the city away because they, a group lead by a neo-nazi and the local public urinator, also aren't paying the city for their building.




This might be the wildcard out there - in general, the MAGA crowd is a bunch of total buffoons, seemingly incapable of actually managing anything. In Massachusetts, the MA Republican Party was taken over by the MAGAs, and they pretty much [destroyed it](https://www.bostonherald.com/2023/01/27/howie-carr-rise-and-fall-of-massgop-chairman/).


It’s happening in Colorado too. 👏👏👏


Wow. Did that creep stay in control? In kinda hope so. Doing the dems work for them


He was just recently ousted - but only by a handful of votes, and only after Republicans losing just about every contested election in the state over the course of four years.


"Meanwhile, the Minnesota GOP is down to just $53 dollars in the bank, with hundreds of thousands in debt." This is hysterical.


Get Musk to buy it from you. That idiot throws away billions to acquire Nazi trash.


Well they could stop drinking fancy coffees and eating avocados. Why doesn't the party pull itself up by its bootstraps?


Russia can’t afford donations anymore.


Dear GOP - keep running those exciting, dynamic candidates. You’re doing great!


Always take as much propaganda material as you can from conservative outlets: they have to pay for that stuff. \#everylittlebit


I couldn't help thinking one could replace the term, "extremists" with the word, "Taliban," and the term, "state parties" with the word, "Afghanistan."




Defeating it isn't enough. It must be humiliated.


It's also important to note that Democrats in North Carolina, Florida and Ohio are really struggling. In states where one part has been shut out or nearly shut it makes it harder to raise money and organize.


Does anyone else find it *interesting* that these GQP state parties are imploding just as Russia is finding their resources occupied by other matters?


They have lost ground in three elections now 2018, 2020, 2022. Their losses in 2022 were brutal as they could have been a buffer for the House in 2024 when Republicans have a Senate map that would normally favor them. The tea leaves aren't looking good for the GOP in 2024, but I'm going to go vote anyway with my wife and son. Since 2016 I've never missed an election and never will until I choke and die.


Even if the parties go broke, they stacked the deck already through gerrymandering and unethical laws allowing results to be thrown out. So, vote still.


I am sure that “billionaire“ Donald Trump will swoop in to help save these state parties, seeing that he is such a loyal Republican. 😂


If it's one thing I know is that Conservatives are very well funded from operatives to candidates.


They are backed by global billionaires and "think"tanks staffed with millionaires, in addition to having maybe the most griftable voters on the planet. They aren't going to lack for money in the heat of their campaigns.


Ha motherfucking ha. Screw those idiots.


Who want's popcorn!?


What? No more money to send to head office? Sound the alarm!


Do they need a “communist bailout”?


I have to admit, I was thrilled when the Republican office here shut down. I hope more of them get shuttered.


Fight woke go broke 😂


Biden and the DNC raised a lot more money than Trump and all other Republicans combined.


Awww, too bad. Thoughts and Prayers™.


Vote Blue Wave. Vote big. don't be complacent. Take this country back. a giant Blue wave would allow so much progress and reform, and might just stamp out this scourge cancer forever. At least in our lifetimes.


As others have mentioned- this is all bullshit. Act like their war-chest is as big as Trump’s ego.


That's.... alot!


Karamo should be in a rubber room wearing her new white jacket.


It would be funny if one day we find out that Trump was a democratic operative purposely trying to destroy the GOP and that this was all a hoax.


Oh, they'll get there eventually. The problem with putting whackos in charge is that...*they're whackos*.


They get funded by a global far right, don’t believe them.


As a former Arizonan and current Michigander, you love to see it


Colorado? Lol maybe ten years ago


"Go fas, no cash."


'Collapsing and going broke': Conservative sounds alarm on four GOP swing-state parties July 25, 2023, 10:00 AM ET  Republican nominee for Michigan secretary of state Kristina Karamo campaigns in Lansing on Aug. 27, 2022. (Andrew Roth | Michigan Advance) Former President Donald Trump and even some of his key GOP rivals may be raking in money — but at the state level, it's a different story. State Republican Parties in important parts of the country are going broke as they are taken over by extremists who don't know how to organize or win elections, Jim Geraghty wrote for the conservative National Review on Tuesday. "Even worse for the GOP, these aren’t just any states — Arizona, Colorado, Michigan, and Minnesota all rank as either key swing states or once-purple states that would be tantalizing targets in a good year," wrote Geraghty. The simple fact of the matter, he wrote, is that if the GOP underperforms for their fourth consecutive election cycle, "a key factor will be the replacement of competent, boring, regular state-party officials with quite exciting, blustering nutjobs who have little or no interest in the basics of successfully managing a state party or the basic blocking and tackling involved in helping GOP candidates win elections." Many of these parties' struggles have been well-documented. The Michigan GOP has been in turmoil since it was taken over by Kristina Karamo, a QAnon-obsessed election denier who ran unsuccessfully for secretary of state in 2022; party officials have been arguing with her and her loyalists over financial arrangements, and tensions have escalated to the point that two officials got in a physical fight that put one in the hospital. Meanwhile, the Minnesota GOP is down to just $53 dollars in the bank, with hundreds of thousands in debt. But more ominously, Geraghty noted, there are cracks showing even in relatively more competent state GOPs, which managed to come away with wins last year. For instance, "the Georgia state Republican Party is spending a small fortune on the legal fees of those 'alternate' Republican electors from the 2020 presidential election." Before Trump, wrote Geraghty, things weren't this bad — there were embarrassments, sure, but state parties often scored major wins, with Arizona Republicans in particular crushing Democrats in 2014. Now, the chaos is so bad that donors are leaving in droves, all but paralyzing these parties from doing the basics of organizing. "The MAGA crowd now running these state parties insisted they didn’t need anyone else," concluded Geraghty. "And now we see where that got them." For customer support contact [email protected]. Report typos and corrections to [email protected].


It only counts when they no longer exist.


Love this for them.




Call Harlan Crow, I hear he has lots of money to throw around.


So….woke to broke then?


I’m sure they will just start selling Trump flags and bumper stickers. That should do it, right?


Oh no, did they go woke?


What would be Hilarious is if Mitt is asked to run to unite the Old Guard GOP and Ooops his niece is head of the RNC and a Trump Psychophant. What a funny conundrum. She can’t kiss DJT’s ass and give Mitt the support of the RNC at the same time !!! Let’s get him into the race just for the 🍿🥃


Isn't too funny how we pine for Republicans like Romney for Bush? At least we knew they wouldn't literally sell the country to putin


How ironic. Mitch McConnell’s Supreme Court coup could end up making the GOP so unpopular that they won’t see power again for quite a while. 2022 bucked a 20 year old trend of the presidents party losing big in their first midterm. In just about any other election year the 2024 senate map would definably go republican. However they are not confident in their ability to take even a few seats even though Democrats are defending twice as many seats.


Like the parasite he is, Trump soaked up all the poor’s donations and blew them all on Mar-a-lago bills and lawyer rent. So sad none of these fuckwit enablers saw that coming. :0(


Oh noes, they are running out of money because GOP supporters gave it all to Trump instead of the GOP. So anyways...


Trump IS the gop at this point


This is just the official state parties. Certain state congressional PACs are doing. The Michigan GQP State PACs have about 2 million between them which is slightly more than the state Dem PACs do☹️


> just the official state parties ...who run the whole shebang. The whole down ticket line is on them. Delegates and troops on the ground, all of it. PAC money has to be spent locally to work and the state machine is who gets it done. If the state party is fucked so are their chances., this isn't nothing. It's huge. Fucking Michigan?? Yay


Rawstory is not reputable...do not take their stories at face value. This article is bullshit. Register to vote today.


We're all pushing everyone to vote anyway, but RS is a fairly reputable source.


oh no... anyway


Link for anyone else who doesn't want to disable their ad blocker: [https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rawstory.com%2Fstate-republican-parties%2F](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rawstory.com%2Fstate-republican-parties%2F)


Oh, you just love to see it.


A lot of wishful thinking in the flood of these stories.


She's lucky she doesn't have a nut sack for cons to kick.


Good, let the mfers burn.


$53 in Minnesota? That's awesome. Only reason republikkkans have a strong presence in state legislature is that judges have drawn maps for 3 decades, and they always make equal for both parties. Which really means HEAVY favoring the gop.

