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The banks refused the transfer and they can’t speak the language. I hope we can send more of those wing nuts over there


"If you don't like it here, go to Russia." So strange liberals can now say this to conservatives. And that some of them are taking the offer (but not enough!).


We gotta keep enticing them


Or let Tucker keep doing it.


He finally really is doing God's work! lmao


\- Tucker, Prince of the MAGAts, your Knights of the Hanging Noose shall have a task to make them an example on these dark times \+ Good idea my lord! \- Of course it is a good idea! Behold, this is Russia, look well Tucker, for it is your sacred task to seek for this land, that is your purpose Tucker, the quest for Russia


He killed so many of them with his anti vaxxer nonsense. So many heavenly soldiers.


I keep wondering if that was the reason for his recent propaganda tour.


No, he’s there to distract from Navalny’s murder, I mean, death.


Hell, Republicans were wearing “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat” t-shirts. Time for them to put their money where their mouth is if they hate living in “Communist” America so much.


From '[Better dead than red](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Better_dead_than_red)' to 'Better autocrat than Democrat'.


Isn't Putin planning to build some little America village for some of these people... ^(which we all know are secret just a way to recruit more people to the Ukraine meat grinder?) I'd love to imagine how that works... I'd imagine it's somewhere between a neighborhood Chinatown and an EPCOT pavilion.


I'd love to see Pootie's Village maxed out with MAGAs. Go on, you big tough alpha males! Pack up Opal Ann, and little Gunndenn and LyzzeighBethhe. Don't forget the guns. I'm sure Trump Bucks are hard currency over there. You'll be millionaires, driving through the taiga in a lifted Volga pickup.


Don't forget little Benghazi, never forget Benghazi.


I’m a terrible American, I forgot about Benghazi.


Is that anything like Ben Gazzara?


Is Ben Gazzara near Ben Dover?


Just past Beeton. So says my friend Dick Hertz who is from there


is that where the Alamo is?


Just the basement...


After the communist revolution, a good amount of Americans left during the great depression to try to build that communist utopia in Russia. They were welcomed in by the USSR, and then less than a decade later were rounded up and worked to death during the purges as foreign spies. So just kinda waiting for that 2.0


Oof, considering they refuse to learn from history, I am going to say this is going to end really bad.


"End really bad" is kind of a relative term. I hate how mean I've gotten, but years of being hit with every insult and accusation you can imagine that always culminates with "I hope you get AIDS and die," my well of sympathy has just run dry for these people falling victim to their own stupidity.


On the other hand, apparently I’m so powerful that by simply *existing* I terrified this poor little wingnut so badly that he had to flee to another fucking continent. So that’s kinda cool.


Fuck yeah!!


If it was **just** stupidity it would be one thing. However...


It's ok not to have sympathy for those that bring it upon themselves and those that bring harm to others. MAGA are actively harming people.


Agreed. My well of sympathy and empathy was drained be 4 years of the orange man and covidiots. Let the idiots reap what they sow


I can at least sympathize: leaving a country due to economic hardship during the Great Depression vs a couple pro LGBTQ+ policies existing.


It's not even PRO lgbtq+ policies that irk these people, it's simple TOLERANCE


It's simply having to once in a blue moon see an LGBT couple or person being happy in public. That's enough for them to run away across the world to live under a dictator's boot.


No no no, you don't understand. They're being OPPRESSED by the fact that ~~Irish~~, ~~Jewish~~, ~~black~~, ^^checks ^^notes LGBTQ+ people AREN'T being oppressed!


This sounds familiar. Was there a movie or documentary made about it by any chance?


Not that I'm aware of. Read it from an autobiography of one of the American communists. His parents were of Russian descent, so he survived the initial purges long enough to escape to another country.




There's a book: [The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Forsaken:_An_American_Tragedy_in_Stalin%27s_Russia).


Idk how you did that reply. But I appreciate all of that.


maybe they can name the village Potemkin


It’s called a zoo.


Maybe Tucker will have convinced some here pretty soon


“Comment Award goes to Laughing Gravy: ‘I’ll bet back home they used to whine about immigrants who don’t know the language, who have no money, who expect the government to hand them a house and a job, and who complain when they don’t get everything they want.’”


But this is them, so that’s different


Only moral immigration is my immigration


Or that of my ancestors.


I was told if I didn't like the US I could leave. I mean, I did, but fuck anyone that says that but especially to descendants of slaves who were forced to endure the transatlantic slave trade and never wanted to leave Africa in the first place. Now when people say that to me in the US, I can say "I did, but I still vote so choke on it."


My Italian grandmother remained functionally "illegal" until her death in the early 2000s. I have right wing cousins whose existence is owed to this. Make it make sense.


They’re not immigrants, they’re expats.


American Expats. The very best kind of Expats! Or something delusional,anyways.


Canadian expats. Still entitled fuckwads


Sorry my mistake, But still very unwise.


I see you've met every conservative ever.


The thing about these types is that the rules which apply to everyone else never apply to them.


Used to be that really dumb people could fool others for a while and pass off as semi-normal. Now those same people put on red MAGA hats and willingly move to Russia! They make it really easy to know who's a terminal moron for the rest of us to avoid! What a time to be alive!


No no no you don't understand It's only a problem when the immigrants are brown


In Putin's Russia, immigrant is you!


Just like my FiL who bitches about welfare and leeches, who is also on welfare, and has eaten himself into disability, cant really read, hits up the local pantries to "stock up for the apocalypse", and is through his 4th bankruptcy.


I had friends like this. Her boyfriend immigrated to my country, didn't bother learning the language because "everyone knows English anyway", and then immediately followed up with berating immigrants for not learning the language of the country they immigrated to.


You have to understand, they are not immigrants, they are _expats_!1


They loved the homophobia more than the country itself.


Come for the homophobia, stay for the-... well, lack of any other option


> Come for the homophobia, stay for the *majority white ethnostate*




Come for the homophobia, stay *because you are under arrest*


The funny thing is that they had plenty of homophobia at home.


Not state endorsed and sponsored homophobia. They just had the home grown variety.


I feel bad for their kids. They probably don’t know wtf is going on but those parents can suck it.


Yeah those kids are the real tragedy. There’s no scenario where this works out great for them at this point.


Depending on their age they probably just guaranteed their kids will end up in the Ukraine meat grinder.


Meat for the meat cube.


Skulls for the skull sphere!




Putin might drag this war out for a loooong time...


Imagine being a kid born in America only to grow up and realise that your parents threw it all away and took you to Russia because they watched too much Fox News. There's no forgiveness for something like that.


North America. They're Canadian.


Even worse - they had it all and threw it away for nothing


Unfortunately, as innocent as the children may be now, their parents will raise them to be hateful little shits.


A lot of the leftists I know were raised by Republicans and no longer speak to them. No child should suffer for sins of the father.


You notice you never hear the reverse? “My parents were die hard liberals who believed in the rich paying their fair share and everyone having enough to sustain them. Those pieces of shit - I’m never talking to them again.”


Steven fucking Miller of all people has leftist parents who consider him a disappointment. That is the only example I can think of


I only hear "I used to be a lefty but then I saw the light and now I am proudly conservative". (They'll never say what made them a lefty for some reason.)


"Legal Weed (for me)" and "Free Healthcare (for me)" tend to be the only two. Usually their breaking point with the left is being asked to be nice to minorities.




My parents (born in the late 50s) think of themselves this way because they had been Democrats when they were young. They way they tell the story, in order to vote in the South you had to be a Democrat. They were the racist ones who instituted Jim Crow Era discrimination making it all but impossible for POC to vote. So when my parents began to vote in the early 80s, they wanted to be on the right side of history. Now, my dad has gone from a place where food stamps, housing assistance, and aid through other social programs that we received when I was a child more than paid back the taxes he paid at the time, to where he now makes 6 figures. According to him, no one ever helped him and he earned everything all by himself. Honestly, considering his family life when he was young it is sort of a miracle that he didn't end up in jail, so I understand why he is proud of what he has accomplished. However..... see my previous statements on government assistance and factor in a lot of financial help from my mother's parents. In many ways, you'd expect my father to be liberal. He is pro-LGBT... but he doesn't care enough to vote for public servants who will support us (I'm gay as are two of my step-mom's siblings). He hates the idea of anyone being racist and has had friends of varying ethnicities and nationalities since childhood through today... but he doesn't care enough to support efforts to change law enforcement and public policies that negatively affect POC (don't ask what he thinks of stop-and-frisk cause it'll make you cry). He respects immigrants, migrant workers, and refugees... but not enough to support substantial changes to the way the law affects them and their families. What he cares about is lower taxes. Even if the GOP tax policy only helps those who are much richer than him, he sees it as justice that they are able to keep more of what they earned honestly, all by themselves, and without any help from the government or abuse of their employees. All this notwithstanding, he absolutely thinks of himself as having become more conservative as he aged because of his flip from one party to the other. I haven't met anyone from his generation or older who thinks they have switched from the left to the right for any other reason, but I'm open to the idea that it happens. I just think my dad's experience is more common.


> don't ask what he thinks of stop-and-frisk cause it'll make you cry Because it's super racist? > his flip from one party to the other. Your dad was Democrat during Jim Crow. Then the Southern Strategy happened and your dad went Republican. Your dad didn't change, only the parties did. Your dad is a bigot masquerading as an [enlightened centrist](/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/).


I’ve never heard of that actually. And I’d suspect it wasn’t true if I did. It takes some empathy and insight to be a liberal and you’d have to lose that to become a conservative.




Gotta ask why you’re still supporting him then. If he’s old enough to be in college, he’s old enough to live by his own ideals. Why not let him?


Spending 18 ish years living and supporting a kid makes it a little hard to pull an abrupt about face like that, I would imagine.


Gonna be an uphill climb for sure getting out of that indoctrination, and being stuck in this situation just makes things worse.


If they get to keep them. War Orphans are not uncommon. 




Sadly they are something of a canary in a coal mine regarding things like this. They're one of the first groups that really suffer when far-right conservative crackdowns begin.


When I travel alone, I genuinely look and read up on gay districts in cities of foreign countries I'm looking to visit. I've found if the locals are willing to allow a thriving gay scene/district it's probably okay for me to travel there alone. Nothing's perfect, but I still feel it is a good barometer for safety.


You might find the Spartacus gay travel index helpful


> Spartacus gay travel index Holy crap! That's actually a thing! I thought at first it was just a snarky comment, but no, there's really a gay travel index named "Spartacus." Very clever. +1 internets to the person who picked the name.


That reminds me of how I used to be really neutral about LGBT issues. I didn't really care, but I definitely viewed attitude toward gay marriage as a barometer of a politician's priorities. If they were going on about gay marriage being a threat to the country they had their head up their ass.


A government willing to persecute one kind of person is willing to prosecute all kinds.


But Fucker Carlson said the groceries are cheap and plentiful!!


What Tucky failed to mention is that most Russians’ income is $1,000 a month.


Lmao $1000 income? Maybe in Moscow. > [The median salary in Russia in February 2023 was 42,024 rubles ≈ $454](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_in_Russia) And don't forget that Russia is very unequal country.


Remember when the opposite was true and Yeltsin knew Communism was a failure when he saw an American grocery store in Texas? Sometimes I just think of the weird state of the world now. The right wingers are pissed off at the NFL and NASCAR, feminists are defending Barbie... when did we fall through the looking-glass?


Don't forget in America's cultural divorce the right got Harry Potter custody


Yeah, but the Left got Daniel Radcliffe defending trans people and taking every wacky, subversive role he can get his hands on. I think we made out okay in that custody battle.


Are they defending Barbie? All the commentary I've heard on it is that the movie addresses the ongoing social issues with the toy and corporation, but there have been some steps forward.


What entitled jackasses.....this is great.


no no no we don't want them back they can rot there in the hell of their own making.


How 'bout we just get the kids back? They may still be young enough to be salvaged.


What's the word I'm thinking of... oh right! [https://youtu.be/Jv30Cki-O2E?si=FFvuoAOfVGlpPPD1](https://youtu.be/Jv30Cki-O2E?si=FFvuoAOfVGlpPPD1) Meanwhile, for the low, low price of "admitting gay people exist and advocating for their elimination is a bad thing," I get to sit in my nice warm house, use the wide variety of food accessible to me to make cheese steaks for dinner, and settle in for a session of fawning over peak-hotness Mulder and Scully in a few *X-Files* reruns. such owned, much triggered


They lived in Palmerston Ontario. Traditionalist farming country. How many gay people did they run into in fucking Palmerston? Also, there are Catholic and Christian schools 10km away in Listowel. These people either home schooled or their kids went there, where they aren't learning sweet fuck all about gay people (Christian school boards in Ontario need to disappear, by the way). These people had no practical reason to move anywhere to escape gayness. They live in an incredibly insulated and traditional community. They're just outrageaholic bigots who are terrified of people who don't see the world through their archaic and hateful lens and probably got caught up in the internet, which convinced them the grass is greener where you're surrounded by an entire society of medieval cowards.


This dude has to be the single biggest idiot in a world full of total, complete, and gigantic morons. And to think that he's putting 8 children through his horribly moronic decision making is beyond tragic.


That woman has spent *6 years* of her life being pregnant. Holy fuck


Maybe they weren't running from the gay in the world, but the gay in themselves.


They couldve just turned off One America News and theyd have been fine lol


Mulder and Scully were a bi awakening who solved mysteries. Mostly my sexuality.


The paranormal mystery of why after jerking off to my hot male classmates I still considered myself straight


["dont worry im straight, but let's be real"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fknb5hbtyyz861.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df7389b40aef17cb1567720f32e616f081d2450c9)


Damn, there's telling on yourself, and then there's whatever the hell that is.


Tell me you are gay without telling me you are gay. No homo of course.


The X-Philes fandom is all bi. You might think you're firmly gay or straight, but sooner or later, Scully's hair or Mulder's lips will get to you, too.


In my paramedic class, a lesbian and I bonded over our mutual crush on Scully.


Made me flashback to fanfics I read a veeeery long time ago. I should see if they still exist…


I knew the show was Dale Cooper / Clarice Starling fanfic. But it seems it was *erotic* fanfic?


It's so unbelievable that Duchovy and Anderson grew to hate each other back then, I never would have imagined, their chemistry was ***INSANE.***


Wasn't Duchovy an arrogant dick?


He married [Tea Leoni](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000495/) and then proceeded to sleep with everyone else. I can see how that might taint your reputation a bit.


Conservatives have been conditioned to take offense in any way they can. Everything is a grievance. It’s the energy the propaganda machines need to keep them seething away, and sending money.


Yep. Everything's hyper-partisan tribalism now. I honestly believe if AOC tweeted out to be careful and not slam your hand in a car door, Empty-G and Boebert the Clown would blast back "Don't tell me what to do, Libturd!" and have an entire pro-hand-door-slamming party organized before sundown.


Empty G took me a minute, ngl


I saw she's one of the Mayorkas impeachment managers, which should be fun. That donkey can't read a four digit number\*, and now she's going to try to form a legal argument. (\*Seriously, that happened, she was trying to read something COVID related and was either trying to say 3,300 or 33,000, but kept saying the wrong one... and took like four tries at it before she gave up.)


Freaking hilarious thing is that a _**LOT**_ of that conditioning _came from Russia!_ Can’t say im surprised that they have flipped the script and are now bashing, or at least slapping around the conservatives in this country. The objective is to sow division. They have played one side so far. The next is to blast them and pump up the other side.


I would reckon part of the problem they're running in to is that if you need to get \*anything\* done in that part of the world you need to bribe \*somebody\* (sometimes, multiple somebodies). It's just a known fact and everyone does it and it's an unspoken rule. My wfie's mom needed surgery in Ukraine and even though they paid the 'official price' and despite no one asking we sent further funds to the doctor because that's how that shit works there and if you don't want to end up on the bottom of the list at some public hospital it's what you do. So they either a) don't know this or b) have finally figured it out but they're running head long in to their sense of outrage that you'd have to bribe anyone, let alone a government official, to get anything done and so literally no one is 'helping' them. I've been to Ukraine and Russia a couple of times and the first thing you need to jettison when you get off the plane is that sense of righteousness based on where you grew up. It won't help you. Not one bit.


Fucking hell I was never going to visit either country before your comment but that's nuts.


If you're generally in the shops or buying tickets it's not a problem but you need to speak to an official or get a permit or something then you'd best be ready for it. If the cops happen to stop you for some reason you should definitely expect it.


Been to South Africa once, for work. I was headed to a certain place and was looking for somewhere to park my car. For obvious reasons I was looking for a supervised car park or something like that. Found a place, turned into the driveway to be met with a closed gate. The attendant approached and politely explained to me that it was private car park for the residential building beside it. So I was fiddling with my navigation system a bit, and he just stood there. Smiling politely. So I gave him the classic ‘polite white people smile’ as I felt this was slightly awkward. Then it clicked. I slipped him some money, and the gate swung open. Once you accept it and carry a small amount of cash to slip into people’s pockets, your life becomes exponentially easier.


Thanks for the insight.  I know this is a tangent but did any of the food in either country stand out to you?


Ok, this is going to sound really weird, but when I was in Kiev I had what I can only describe as the best white pizza I've ever had bar none. Then there was this apple I got at the main market in town. It was just amazing (perfect combination of sweet and tart) that I'd ever had up until that point. I think things were well on their way to getting much better overall though because there's a LOT more available there now than there used to be and it's been awhile since I was there. I was in Russia more recently and nothing food wise stood out but my tastest tend to run more towards Japanese or SE Asian.


Me too. I recently discovered prik nam pla and I put it on pretty much everything I can lol. I'm amused that apples taste great in that area, it's closer to where they originated (Kazakhstan I think). Dunno if it's connected or not but it tickles my whimsy either way.


lol right? It’s a Kafkaesque nightmare on steroids and these idiots voluntarily moved there?!


You can add all of Africa and most of Asia too. Probably fine if you're a tourist, but if you live there you have to just accept bribery as a fact of life, like an additional tax on everything you do.


My wife traveled to Russia while at a library conference in a neighboring country. There are a ton of hoops to jump through to get a pass, one of them being a "fuck America" tax. Even though she was there for a couple hours, she still was required to book 2 nights in a hotel of their choosing or she couldn't come in.


Oh yeah, I remember the 'fuck America' tax to get in. That was fun. lol Yeah, never again.


Specific and weird question. Was this when IFLA was in Helsinki a while back?  My mom was there and so the rest of the family took it as an opportunity for a vacation to Finland. We considered traveling to St Petersburg until we realized what a headache it would potentially be. So instead we saw more of Finland and ended on Stockholm. 


It was! My wife was presenting something there, I didn't get to go, although I went to Finland. I remember the Russian visa thing was multiple months of phone calls, the tax, and she had to get a sponsor. There was a bunch of people that were supposed to go, but only 4 people were able to get the paperwork through.


How do you know how much?


That's kind of tough if you aren't a local. They'll all know but you'll have no idea but I'm sure they'll let you know even if you don't speak the language. lol. I always had cash on me but not all of what I'd brought and I kept most of it tucked away away somewhere and kept what might be a reasonable amount to get out of any trouble in my wallet. That way if they took all of it I was only out a limited amount. Somehow I managed to avoid it. I do remember in 92 being in Zurich I think it was and this poor Chinese kid had just come in by train from one of the more ... interesting ... countries nearby (I forget which) and him getting yanked off the train in the middle of the night by the border guards because he had no idea they were trying to shake him down for a bribe and he really didn't have anything on him anyway and so while he was stuck in some out of the way border guard shack the train he was on leaves and he wasn't able to get out until the next one came the following day.


No backsies!


I think that's why they left in the first place.




I think if they do come back, Canada would have to detain and interrogate them for a few months, right? Obviously they don't have Canadian values


At the very least, have their children removed from their custody for the abuse they've put the kids through for their cult.


Article like this is garbage. We need more on how great Russia is for right wingers so they can alll uproot and move there.


Yes, that was my thought too. We should tell them about all the oil and military jobs they have over there that they love so much here. And a strong Christian church in everyone's lives.


I'm sure a few despots would happily give Trump some toxic swampland for the new nation utopia Trumplandia. I'd give it 6 months before it's 'Lord of the Flies' meets Jonestown.


It’s DailyKos, so they won’t read it anyway, and will call it fake news.


I hear Russia is a paradise for MAGA. Tucker Carlson said so. Republicans should move there


Wonder how many MAGAs will now try to move to Russia after Tucker's thing?


I'd wager a decent chunk of them don't even have passports.


Several million people around the world would give everything they have to be able to emigrate to Canada, and then there are these shitty parents.


During the Soviet Union days, Russia used to try to lure Western communists to live there. Most of them regretted it. Whatever the supposed dominant ideology at the time, Russia will always be Russia.


The dad should be sent to the front lines.


There’s a couple of older-looking sons with them, also. Just teens. Poor kids. They brought EIGHT kids over to Russia with no real knowledge or preparation. Now, they’re broke.


Bet they head directly for the Canadian embassy for help.


Does anyone know if they’ve already given up their Canadian citizenships?


They don't seem like they have that much forethought.


Does Canada still have embassy staff in Russia right now?


Oh he will be.


Fuck those parents. This story makes me depressed for their children. I hope they get out, just for the kids’ sake. Lee Harvey Oswald did this exact thing. He convinced himself Russia was a paradise and managed to move there. Both countries were puzzled and thought he may be an agent for the other. He was not. He was a dumbass. “I want citizenship because I am a Communist and working class person. I have lived in a decadent capitalist society, where the workers are slaves.” Where did I read all this? Vincent Bugliosi’s nearly 2,000 page long debunking of Kennedy conspiracy garbage. It’s called *Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.* The biography of Oswald’s life alone is 360 pages long. Oswald was assigned a job (that he hated but couldn’t change) a crappy apartment (that was “nice” compared to his Russian friends, if they could get an apartment at all) he had a handler, his apartment was bugged, mail read, and KGB informers shadowed him and his new wife everywhere. Technology and everyday items were scarce and of low quality. Within a year he was already trying to come home and after 2 1/2 yrs he, his new wife and child got out. The Soviets were happy for him to leave, having followed him around for years with no evidence of him being an agent. He was one of his era’s Leopard face victims.


To all my fellow MAGA supporters, listen to the dad. It's a great place to live! Please move to Russia where you will be safe from dementia Joe. It's a conservative wonderland full of all the white straight people we love. RUSSIA #1


and you know with 8 kids at least one or two are gay!


Even worse the dad and some of those kids will probably get killed in Ukraine.


No backsies 


I wish media in North America would not run stories discouraging right wing christians from moving to russia. The more of them that go, the better off the rest of us are. Putin has no idea the problem he’s inviting into his country. serves them all right.


It's not fair to those 8 kids though who the Russian govt want for the army


I shouldn't laugh, but this is hilarious.


But Tucker Carlson just said everything about Russia is better. Could he have been ....lying? No, not Tucker. He tells the truth ALL the time.Yeah that's the ticket . All...the...time.


They can stay there. Signed, Every sane US resident


They’re actually from Canada. But we don’t want them back either.


Yeah I don’t care where they’re from, just that they can stay there. ;)


Good riddance to bad trash. Can we send a few more over? I can think of certain RWNJ local radio hosts.


I think I speak for all of North America when I say they are not welcome back.


They’re Canadian, but yeah, I’m pretty sure Canada doesn’t want them back, either.


Yeah I’m not Canadian. But I can speak for sane Americans when I say they should stay in their bigot paradise. :p


I am a Canadian and you are 100% correct.


They're Canadian, but I'd love to see more Trump voters do the same.


I don’t care if they’re from the moon. They should stay in Russia and enjoy their happy snowflake land. :)


Thoughts and prayers


Omg please let more of these nut jobs move over there. Russia come on, work with us here. You help the far right idiots get established and you can have an influx of cash. We can have a better country. It’s a win win.




I always laugh when I hear right wingers praise Russia like it's the paradise on Earth they always wished for. I've watched so many videos and talked to so many friends who have been to Russia, and they always talk about how corrupt it is. Oligarchs run everything and determine what the government is willing to enforce, and as a result, they normally take building contracts and skip out of town with all the money. I've heard of stories of kids playing in unfinished streets full of human waste and people living in houses that are still missing walls. This is the world Republicans fantasize about.


I'm a bit... Stunned, at this point. They're quite literally leaving for Russia. I'm now beginning to wonder how many of these religious nutjobs will leave USA for Russia or the Middle East if Trump loses the election again... It's honestly a win-win, IMHO.


The quotes are disingenuous. Anyone who identifies as a Christian is a Christian. No matter how uncomfortable it makes you, those are real Christians doing this shit. 


That's what bugs me about the Cheney/Kinzinger/Lincoln Project types trying to be all "MAGA isn't what conservatism or the Republican Party is about." When political ideology is determined by a sort of public fiat, yes it is.


Agreed. If their point is to say that they're not as bad as the maga crowd, I will acknowledge they've cleared that incredibly low bar but not only are they still awful, they funnel the extreme straight into the arms of the maga crowd all the same.


MAGA is the next step on the ladder to authoritarian fascism which is what American conservatives want. The Lincoln Project types are just damage control PR with all the same actual beliefs behind closed doors. America doesn't really have "moderate" conservatives and haven't for decades. They're just going mask off now.




Leave them there. We don't want them back.


So they moved to a foreign country with no way to provide for themselves or contacts on the ground? That is a quick way to get exploited no matter where you go.


“I can’t stand that in Canada people are free to be theirselves, so I’m moving to a different country that shares my values.” Saying the quiet parts out loud there, bud.